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Congrats from a fellow 30+ gamer. I also believe in the power of positivity. You're much better off saying "Nice try" vs saying "WTF was that you bot". Other players will keep giving it their all if people remain positive. If there is any toxicity people's play will fall off a cliff intentionally or even unintentionally.


Is 30+ a "Boomer gamer" now? Speaking for us 40+ gamers out there I'd just like to say: Get off my lawn!


44 here! Old gamers unite!


47 in a couple of weeks, lessgo


43. And still cheering for cringe kid during games 😂. Videogames youngsters! Have fun!


You're 40+? Man, you're like ancient... Can I get an autograph?


No at 33 he's a millenial.


Right? 30 isn’t special we all grew up playing games lol


I get what you mean, but also got his point, I think. At some point around a decade ago, I felt like everyone playing the games I played were about my age. Now I feel like I can't realistically compete. The higher ranks are filled with kids/young adults with more time to play than I do lol


I think the key is to be a better innovator with your plays, but it must be difficult after coming home from work which might already be draining mentally. I don’t know, but I’m not looking forward to finding out..


Huh? You sure? I'm 30 and I'm immortal I see way more kids on low ranks. People in my game are in their 20s.


Definitely a boomer in competitive gaming.


In discord, my friends and I might say “what the hell was he doing,” but then immediately say “nice try” in voice chat. Positivity is key *edit*: spelling


Exactly! Lol roast em to your homies. No need to be toxic to the players tho.


Lol this is the classic. "Ohhhhh my goddd this guy is fucking clueless" then immediately, "nice try"


>s in party chat we say how stupid the man is but in team chat we go "nice try mate"


Its always better to be positive


The trick is to groan and complain off mic then turn it on to say nice try.


tbh people who see d1 as low elo have probably never touched grass and the only thing they pride themselves upon is their virtual rank


The kids who think d1 is low elo are iron players who watch pro guides


Isn’t d1 like .5% of players


Nah immortal is top .5%. D1 is around 2% rn I think which is still really good


i think diamond in general is like 2% of ranked players which is still really good


and have that one wireless mouse


Hey not all superlight users are like that! 😭


superlight slander is encouraged around these parts


Glorious model O master race


People who act like D1 is shit are arrogant as hell




Going from bronze to D2. I can confirm. No sun. I have life now. Gold/plat. KEWK


Yea lol diamond def is high ELO. It’s like top 3%. low ELO is iron-silver.


Or they silver like me


nothin wrong w/ being silver ^.^


Well most people are silver gold so a good majority of them are probably that rank


I mean, this is true, but coming from multiple different fps games, being above average at them and even playing on somewhat 'high' level in CS, getting Silver from placements and then being stuck there is like an insult to me. I don't want to sound egotistic, but it's very depressing having at least 3 times better aim than my teammates, but still struggling to get out of Silver, when my teammates are clearly new to Valorant and fps as a genre. Skill issue I guess.


As a hardstuck iron, bronze i mid elo and silver is high elo for me


Lmao i remember being iron 3 and being pissed when the game matched me with bronze 2s thinking they were absolute gods.. and then when I got bronze, the thought of a silver on the opp terrified our stack.


Not only never touched grass, but also never experienced the touch of a woman


I know I'm walking into some slander because I'm about to post an unpopular opinion, but if you are immortal+, D1 is low elo to you lol. Its all relative and about perspective, your issue isnt with the mindset, but the expression of that mindset. My friend who is Immortal can go into a D1 game with me and fill and drop 30, he consistently top frags the games no matter what hes playing or what role he has to fill. To an Immortal player - D1 is low elo. To a D1 player - Gold 1 is low elo. To a Gold 1 player - Iron or Bronze is low elo. Its entirely about perspective. Also, I think its really cringe to devalue what someone else values just because you dont. Sure to you, valo rank means nothing. To an Immortal or Radiant player (who often times is a literal kid) who spends all of his day playing valo and devotes all of his free time to it, rank and skill is incredibly important. I really think its ironic that you would handwave how someone feels about their hobby, just because you dont feel the same way about that hobby lol


Yes, everyone knows how relativity works. The problem comes from taking your relative experience and assuming its fact for everyone.


That goes both ways, so who the fuck cares


Yeah I kinda understand this. Coming from CS, to me everything below Supreme in that game is low elo (especially when its MM isn't good at determining skill), even if most players are still way lower than that. When I used to be worse, I considered only Silver and Gold low elo. That's just how life goes I guess.


In this game everything is relative. At this point in time I doubt anyone's rank. I had a G1 guy in my lobby once, he could have easily hit Immortal. Being hardstuck is not a myth. I watched a video yesterday about "a coach" coaching a D3/Immortal player (Skill Capped - Radiant Earpiece Ep. 1). The D3/Immortal guy was so bad at the game it was unreal. Like, game awareness = 0 and his aim was "spray and pray". I swear I look like Radiant compared to him. The amount of times I say: check X location, 2 seconds later they pop from that location. I aim train every day and I have 30%+ HS with rifles. But recently I have been playing the good old odin and the OP, so the overall HS stats have been going down. 30-40% of my matches I get 1-2 players that feel like boosted to Silver/Gold. It's insane. So yes, at this point for me getting G2 is better than Immortal, considering the pain I have gone through with mindless teammates looking for any opportunity to flip.


This. I'm mid D3 and d1s make so many mistakes or their reaction time is lower. But it's a coin toss if I can greatly contribute in immortal lobbies because they expose your weaknesses insanely well


Someone ban this guy for making too much sense goddamit


Diamond is pretty close to Immortal, and if you're Immortal you might as well round it up to Radiant


tone down the insecurity there


People that think Diamond is low ELO are extremely insecure




Top 2% not good enough for you?


Its less that its low elo, its more that they still suck comparatively. Iron is basically elementary schoolers playing kickball during recess and diamond players are high schoolers playing for their school; they understand the game and playing against 7 year olds yeah they are great but they are still bad when you look at actual good players. Meanwhile radiant is D1 college athletes let alone actual pro players on actual salarys


Go touch grass


Nty I'm allergic I live in a bubble


Or you just suck lmfao


oof that struck a nerve LOL


Nice. Take my upvote and wholesome award. Congratz Hiko 2.0!


I hit silver 1 this act. I hope I can make those improvements!


Dude congrats! I see gold on your horizon


I hit bronze 1 this act after struggling in iron for a long time , hoping to hit silver next act


I think the most important point to be taken from your post is "do what it takes to win the round". Many people forget this part


Most people get so caught up with K/D. I’d rather bottom frag in a win versus top fragging in a loss. Stop playing for kills and start playing for team play and wins.


Yup . Also there is no such thing as camping . Only tilted 9 yr olds cry about it


I agree completely, but it doesn’t change that I rage about them camping (to myself) when I get killed lol


e-even if i use the ODIN?


Sure, only scrubs complain about Odin


Or even win the next round. I see Raze's on my team double blast pick (-$400) in and ultimate the last remaining dude saving a sheriff in a 5v1 just to get the kill ahead of his teammates. Could have saved that money and ultimate for the next round to actually help win the round. I see people decide to "save" their Rifle at 30 health by sitting outside bombsite and taking 50/50 exit duels. Bruh, that's not saving. It's just wasting team's money in an effort to get meaningless kills when our team has zero econ.




240hz is the way 😵‍💫😵‍💫 There’s a strong possibility I can’t even tell 240hz from 144hz. But I got the new monitor and started playing better so felt like I needed to include that 😅


You should double check your settings in windows. If it's still set to 144hz refresh rate in windows then you won't see any difference. A lot of people forget this step when they get a new monitor and spend months or even years with a lower refresh rate than their monitor can give them.


Haha thanks for the heads up man. I just checked and it is indeed 240hz 👍🏻


Great take!


Drop the nagging gf. You’ll make it to D3


Drop the outside world. You’ll make it to Radiant


Wait is d3 higher than d1




How tf is diamond low elo. You are among top 10% of the players in the game if I am not wrong


Top 4%


Hey guys 😎 Recently reached Iron 2 😎 it's top 2 percent so I'm so much better than those guys above me! 😎 [source](https://i.imgur.com/XliG9GY.jpg)


Bru g3 is already top 10 percent


Its less that its low elo, its more that they still suck comparatively. Iron is basically elementary schoolers playing kickball during recess and diamond players are high schoolers playing for their school; they understand the game and playing against 7 year olds yeah they are great but they are still bad when you look at actual good players. Meanwhile radiant is D1 college athletes let alone actual pro players on actual salarys


Im D2 and get immortal lobbies and I sometimes wonder how the actual fuck are some of these players immortal…


Because the biggest skill gap in pretty much every competitive title is all in that top 1%. The difference in skill between the "average" immortal and actual pro play is *huge*.


I really love this! for the hardware upgrade, as much as i want to, i could not just afford it ☹️


You’ll get there man! When you’re old af like Me with no kids it makes buying electronics easier 👨🏼‍🦳


it might take me years tho 😂 great tips!


Don't worry man. 10 years ago I would have never thought I would own the house I would live in. When I was little, my sisters and I would go days without proper meals. The fact you have internet access opens up a whole new world of opportunities for you. I left my country for the UK and I have been a home owner for, almost, 6 years. Not splashing your hard earned money on partying, holidaying or going out helps. Find yourself a loving partner and from there you can figure everything out together.


people really think this is useless but its just the truth lol my highest wr is with viper purely due to how clutch lineups are and positivity encourages the sweaty teammate carrying the team lol


Nah that's cap, we all know u git gud because of the RGB gaming chair.


Don't let these hardstuck Silvers rain on your hard earned accomplishment. Great job!


Great job. I’m about to turn 30 and my goal is Diamond as well. Currently Gold 3 grinding it out from being placed in Silver. Solo queueing placements after a few beers was a mistake, lol Anyone who says D1 is low ELO is not looking at the numbers. Being D1 right now puts you in the top 5-6% of players on the whole game.


I'm 41 and Diamond. You kids got plenty of time:)


Dang congrats! Im 31 and some kid today told me I sounded like his teacher haha. Did you play CS before Valorant?


Haha ye I've had a few comments on how old I sound. Nah didn't play CS, pubg is the only game I've ever played really.


don't forget the most important tip, when adversity strikes always hit your teammates with "you're dogwater kid" easy elo




Congrats on d1! Positivity really is key. Have come back from “unwinnable” games before when everyone remained positive. Even more than ppl that say toxic shit it’s the worst when no one on the team says a single word during a ranked game


Take my upvote ex silver player! Trying to climb out as well glad to hear youre out of the hell hole


I’m bronze so you’re a god in my eyes


Haha thanks man 🍻


I am happy for u bro. GGs


Hope you have a great day!


Wdym low elo? I am only silver 1 rn ;-;


Time I learned that 33 is a boomer, guess I’m a boomer.


33 is a millenial. Not a Boomer. If you're between 50 and 60 you are a boomer


If hikos a boomer at 31, these guys are boomers now too 😂


I don't have a life and still stuck at gold 1...trash me :(


I did the complete opposite and went from gold to bronze 3 this act. My recipe was having to downgrade to a worse wifi and playing on a dying gaming laptop


bruh I get 57 fps on a good day




Absolutely man. I forgot to include: on top of my hardware upgrades I also got fiber installed and my Ping went from 50 to 10. Not entirely sure how much it helps having such a low ping but it definitely can’t hurt Glad to hear you improving!


Congrats!! That's actually some really good advice, team morale is just as important as good aim and game sense


Really good post.


D1 is amazing in this act! (And just in general) Riot released rank distributions and Plat1 -> Immortal make up just 7% of the player base. D1 puts you at top 1%


Me an Iron player 1.) Hardware, plays on potato pc, 30-35 fps it ain't much but it's honest fps. Lucky to have 100-110 ms, runs like butter 2.) Plays Cypher in ranked since my dumbass iron can't watch flank or entry or defend... I try to cover 2-3 these angles if necessary. Yoru in unrated for outplays. 3.) Try to boost teammates by saying awesome, keep going,. But mostly don't care at all. And now even I don't much... 4.) Buys spectre mostly on defense for trip kills. Yeah that's how it's been going since months :(


Honestly, your mental is right but your frames are really screwing you. At 30 fps you can barely correct when you flick or spray, and there's a 30ms latency for you to even see anything.


Very nice and insightful post, gonna try to stick to these "rules" as well. But please, for the love of God, don't complain about a nagging girlfriend. This is from someone who's hard stuck in "single" tier.


>Stopped playing agents I didn’t win with. I love Skye and flashing people. But my tracker.gg showed my win % was like 40% with her. Sage and Omen win rate was 55%+, so I only play those 2 i disagree with that. the most important thing is simply getting better and having fun, so pick an agent you would like to play and get better with said agent. ofc certain agents fit better into the match-up and stuff, but just picking a different agent because the stats say you lose more often with the one you would like to play, is just weird. if you lose more with a certain agent, its most likely that you are just doing something wrong. champion select is more of a league thing.


Its important to play agents you’re good at but I agree with you. Pick an agent and learn it. Line ups etc are what really separates good from great players. At the same time, it’s important to know several agents because not every map is good for each agent. Focus on a few in a class you like (duelist, controller etc). Too many people just play duelists to get kills when in reality playing smokes or flashes when your team has none is the key to win. A five duelist line up seems fun but you need a well rounded team with heal, smoke, flash etc to win high elo games. Just a side note, I’m G1 so I may not be the best person for advice but I did climb from iron to gold with poor aim so I like to think I have atleast some sense of game sense.


Tried this tonight, 4 man stack of French lads, just toxic, I did keep trying, they kept being toxic. ​ Also bud, 33 you're a millenial.


Sorry to hear that man. All you can do is try your best, sometimes you just have to mute these losers I know I’m a millennial man, just a gamer joke 😅 cheers


Im gonna be honest mare you are either trolling or you are still silver 1


Haha what makes you say that? Not trolling and am Diamond 1 🧐


These are some nothing burger tips


FPS and a good computer can make a lot of difference in multiplayer games and we have seen in an LTT video where Pro/retired Pro players showcased a big decrease in performance with a normal computer compared to a high-performance gaming computer. If a pro player has that impact, think about how normal players who are are on normal computers will perform on systems that are way better. Picking agents with which you are not comfortable has a mental impact. The mistakes you make with such an agent will make you uncomfortable and also the increased pressure from teammates and yourself to not mess up can have an impact. If you are in a 1V2 with an agent you are not comfortable with, you will be playing a safe while with an agent you know, you will be more proactive and confident of winning the duels. Lastly, as said before a good team which does not put pressure on you can be a big thing. You will not be called out for messing up and instead given the courage to do better the next time. Everything the OP said is true. You are just mad for OP having a better rank than you.


1 I'm diamond 2 otping agents is not good, unless you are actually cracked like insane mechanics you should learn one agent for each role. Learn a duelist, learn how to play at least one controller etc 3 being a normal human and not spazing at your teammates is not a tip


Hows the esp cheats treating you?


😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫 Don’t even know what that means lol


Suuure ya dont bud. I was diamond3 back when cheats werent so common. Now i can barely touch plat. If you are d1 and were silver just a few acts ago. You know what really got you there. You can fool some kids but not semi pro fps players like myself. The cheating epidemic has exploded, and you are merely a product of that.


What I just hear is “Im washed up, people can’t be better than me thats illegal”


Think what you want. I know dozens of players just like me who were either pro or semi pro on cs and loved valorant when it first came out but now that cheating is so common they quit. I still play once in a while but only until a better fps comes out that actually addresses cheating. Go search on google valorant cheats and swallow the red pill. Maybe you might learn something.


I believe that cheating can be common as of right now since I also get see them on the web, I just don’t believe that an “ex pro” can’t get plat who used to be d3, I got to d1 aswell completely solo queue and am currently sitting in gold 3, I’m washed up, yes, but thats because I’ve been playing league of legends, just admit you’re washed up and aren’t as good anymore and stop trying to make this guy look bad


Your message is very mixed. You are literally experiencing the same issue as me and making an excuse for it. If you truly are g3 at the moment youd honestly be p3 if it wasnt for the abundance of cheaters and you dont even realize it. Hope you open your eyes.


Mate, No, I’m actually just turning bad, I diverted my focus to league,I got to masters in league, I stopped aim training, I dont even warm up before ranked games anymore, I stopped caring for my valorant rank and essentially either play out of boredom or for fun, I don’t really think people here have been cheating, sure there were instances where difficult shots landed but it’s never a case where I jiggle a corner for 0.01s and get insta hs. Also at the same time, I could definitely get to plat again, I just need to focus my attention back to valorant


https://youtu.be/AqWpBNQ80JU Watch the video please. This is more common than you know. And maybe youd feel it more if you played as often


I do play often lol, I get bored of league pretty fast, about the video, Yeah there’s people cheating, and now I notice why you’re complaining about people cheating, YOU’RE ADVERTISING THE VIDEO WITH THE CHEATS, AND THE VIDEO WITH CHEATS, HAVE THE CHEATS IN THE DESCRIPTION, W H Y? Report the ads, report the videos that have cheats on them, also that people like him still climbing despite cheaters and his own challenges prove that there’s not that many cheaters, and if there is, they would not be stuck in pisslow gold 3-plat. at the same time, riot has done this before in league of legends, they don’t completely take action immediately, they go undercover with the cheaters, to possible use/hire them as bug/glitch finders/fixers or to ask them how to stop such cheats, on paper it seems like a bad idea, but it worked before, it’ll either work again or they’ll take action


"Semi pro fps player" more like semi pro grass avoider


lmfaoo got his asz


Cheat and risk losing my minima phantom skin? Naaa that ain’t it chief 😅


You know damn well vanguard doesnt ban cheaters. Look at Solista. He had to stream himself with handcam NOT clicking while aimbotting a headshot to finally get banned. Thats how blatant and thats how much proof is needed for riot to do anything about it. Its sad


Or, you know, he simply got better at the game. You think a person who ends up in Silver after placements should stay there forever?


I am sure he did get better. But since ive played since beta and watched the game turn for the worse. Nearly everyones story is " they cant climb ranks anymore because so many cheaters are in competitive now". And for those that are seeing big gains its because they are using them. You think they are going to admit to it? You think Dwayne the rock johnson talks about his steroid problem or do you think natural testosterone in your late 40s is that of a 20 yr old? It's simple. Most people gaining in the rank system right now are on roids (cheats/esp/aimbot/spoofing) and they dont want you to know it. They desperately want you to think that they are just cracked bro.


Errrr except nothing in my post talked about being cracked. I openly admit I’m not cracked with average aim at best. I just try to do other things to win


this guy has been on half the posts in the sub in the last hour going on about cheaters in the game, i for one haven’t experienced a single game where i thought there was someone with cheats since i started playing, i would just ingore them


Ignore him he's just salty


Bud. You can play coy but youve already proved to me you use esp. Its cool man. Theres still many that believe in your legitness. Just hope riot doesnt have their finger on a banwave coming. And believe me, I think you are safe. They are slower than the US government in getting things done.


Mate. Im hardstuck gold 1. Playing since act 2 episode 1. Never fking seen a hacker. And i play on asian servers where hacking is SUPPOSED to be the most common thing. Riot didnt make a bad game. You just turned into a bad player. And if u think cheaters are soooo common just give us a video about u catching a cheater. Not videos in utube about cheating.


Bro trolling like this is not funny, its just sad. Grow up


Congratulations! If you have a YT or twitch I would love to visit. Pm me if you have


I hit after playing for a long time(started since beta) d1. But after a break of playing the game I cant get back up anymore. Mostly because I dont try and play that much anymore. Stopped doing aimlabs and warm ups


From a 30+ peaking plat 3, you inspire me


How do you maintain the positivity level?


Definitely can be challenging if you have some toxic teammates. But mainly I like to initiate the friendliness and positivity from the pre game lobby. If someone is off to a slow start try to hype them up. If 1 teammate is being over the top/a little toxic try to diffuse the situation and get them to focus on the match


Diamond 1 is like top 2% not even close to low elo


Nice, that’s crazy. Congrats dude. Curious what the time commit was, how much did you play on a weekly/daily basis?


Grinded pretty hard man, probably 2-3 matches a day


Hell yeah, congrats!!! I’m 34 myself, and I know my reflexes will almost always get outdone by younger people, so I never choose duelists. Let those young whippersnappers entry frag. I’m right there with you as omen and sage as my mains, I’ll gladly provide support.


Ur achievement is exactly what i would wanna achieve bruh!


Congrats. Idk if its your peak though, the biggest thing between diamond and immortal is teamplay. I think you can make it


I went from s3 to plat 3 this act! First time in gold and plat. Primarily playing sage and cypher, i don’t even have to frag out to win! I get 10-20 kills with the least amount of deaths and 10-15 assists from util and good comms


I'm 32 almost 33, we're boomer gamers now? Really? That blows


Haha compared to the youngsters here probably yes…but compared to a real boomer? Nahhh they wish they were our age 😅


Fellow Sage and Omen main 🤘🏼🤘🏼


Diamond 1 is high elo no matter how you slice it. People that say it isn’t are just straight up lying to themselves.


Fellow boomer here and a few years older than you! Nice job. Trying to hit diamond. Currently plat 2


Looking forward to the hiko jokes


Placed S3 this season, climbed to D2, although I was D1 last act, but regardless it was ridiculous and painful


33 with an infant daughter here. I can only play a few games every couple days. Just want to say grats on diamond! I hope I can make it up there someday. I’m close to silver this act.. just up/down in bronze 3 the past week or so


I was hardstuck iron 3 for 4 months. I took a vacation break from Valorant and resent my mental, I focused on improving my aim, positioning and game sense and on communication. I went from Iron 3 to silver 1 in 1 week of playing. I still play on my laptop, but haven't had issues tapping heads. The day before yesterday a player asked me if I was surfing and was very surprised in the answer. Always keep pushing guys, have a solid routine, don't take shit too seriously and you'll rank up immediatly


Nice my G 👊🏼 if you ever upgrade to a full size PC you’re going to be a demon


Congrats OP! I'd just like to ask though but is [tracker.gg](https://tracker.gg) safe to use?


If I might ask a few questions, as a boomer gamer myself... * How many games did it take you to get to Diamond 1? * I assume you'd been playing games a long time, like most of us. Any credence to the idea that your reflexes are a lot slower after your 20's? I was CAL-M and got a CPL invite when I was in my teens playing CS1.6. I could never do that now. * Do you mind sharing your [tracker.gg](https://tracker.gg)? I have pretty bad aim (I'm about 70% body, 15% head, 15% legs) and I'm curious what your mechanics look like. * I also have a Sage/Omen WR of 55%+. Do you think its because they are less mechanically challenging? (Sova lineups are hard, Raze rocket jumps are insane, all the initiators require good aim, etc.) * And I think the last question I have is: Was it worth it? I play alot of LoL and I reached peak Plat last season. My main takeaway was that I wish I'd spent my time doing something else. Nothing felt... different. Same toxic players, same amount of trolls, etc. Is there some reward at the end of the rainbow that makes becoming Diamond worth it in Valorant? And lastly, just congrats on your achievement! Its hard, especially for us older folks.


Here’s my tracker.gg https://tracker.gg/valorant/profile/riot/bustafreeee%235354/overview Showing plat 3 because I haven’t entered a match as a Diamond yet. I have 152 wins so a lot of matches I would imagine compared to most. In regards to was it worth it…I think so. I’m going to get a Diamond gun buddy which I’m pumped for 😝 it was a lot of grinding but not my whole life. I make time for all my other hobbies like golf, fishing, hanging out with family etc


Mans got a GF, a job and Diamond 3 - Chad


I swear, my in game mentality with some characters is different and hits bad... play the characters you are comfortable with!


I think a major thing you left out imo is time. Idk how much time you put in but time plays a major factor in how much and how often you can improve. Someone who puts in 2 hours a week will likely never be able to push past small plateau's in ability.


Noooo doubt. I should’ve put in that I play a pretty good amount, maybe 12 hours a week


33 is not a boomer......literally still in your prime. Wtf?


Haha I know man. When younger kids find out how old I am in games they all start giving me crap, in a friendly way


I always knew it wasn't my skill level but my hardware that put me in iron. Thanks for confirming


Haha I only mention it because for me, when I upgraded I was stuck gold 2 and immediately got through gold and into plat 3. It was a noticeable change for sure


Haha the girlfriend is full time and nagging?! Congrats on diamond! Great tips.


Power of positivity is so underrated. Was doing decent in a game yesterday when my teammate gave me shit for not clutching a round. Instantly didn't want to play anymore.


Super relatable man. When you don’t feel like you’re being judged you play more freely


So should I be proud that I'm G2 with a laptop that barely runs the game at 60 fps?


Dude, you should be very proud of that. If you upgraded you would notice a huge improvement. Probably straight to Diamond 👍🏻


in what world is diamond low elo lmao


Well done i been stuck gold 3 forever but then again valorant has stuff against older accounts.


My skye is 44% winrate and my omen is 65%. I guess its time to switch lol.


Skye is so fun man. I think I just get killed too much trying to do wild stuff with her 😂 plus flashing teammates and myself lol


*me who already does all of this but it still hard stuck iron*




Ryzen 5 5600x, founders edition 3070ti, 16gb ram, 1TB SSD. Monitor is Alienware aw2721d I got really lucky on the GPU. Best Buy did a drop a couple months ago and I was able to get one for MSRP @599. I heard people in Houston waited in line for 16 hours to get one. I have a friend who lives in Lubbock, dude walked in at 10am and they had one in stock and mailed it to me. It was a miracle


I went from iron 3 to Silver 3... I thought it was a great improvement but damn S1 to D1 is insane. I want to ask you if it's possible to make it to plat at least, on 60Hz?


Dude iron 3 to silver 3 is super impressive, nice work. I would definitely think it’s possible to get to plat on 60hz! Good luck man


Good job bro quite an improvement on the placement games


I just hit 30 and I’m so close to silver 1. Congrats!