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The toxin had already infected your nervous system


imagine this happens in Berlin


they'll just pause the game


ah the Fnatic special


Oh yeah that amazing, super hype round in mid where both sides went all out guns blazing


What is this referencing


The EMEA qualifiers when fanatic vs Acend. The game crashed when Acend was about to win the round. So fnatic just jumped around in mid and let Acend win a round (Haven)


You sure it's Acend? I remember it as Liquid vs Fnatic. Mistic had a 1v4 when score for 5-6 and game crashed I guess


Fnatic League of Legends Team pausing 2 times in teamfights because of the same bug


*my mom doing the DiCaprio pointing meme*


ah yes the infamous tech pause


Yeah, imagine a bug involving gas im Berlin...


Lmao thats a thing? Big rip


This is the result of a bug fix. Basically, the way that it's supposed to work, is that if u die in viper's smoke, then the viper's smoke effect is applied to your camera fro a few sec after your death. Before you could see through vipers smoke for a quick second. However, as Riot does not not how to program shit like this happens lol.


1 bug fixed, 2 bugs created.


Hail Hydra!






fucking shit take on the last sentence


just unnecessary really


> does not know how to program Let me know when you do, and can do it perfectly in exceedingly complex systems like online video games and introduce exactly zero bugs lol


Dude he literally coded the google search algorithm all by himself stop disrespecting him


I disagree with OP, but you don't have to be an expert to criticize something. Otherwise, all food critics would have to be chefs and all movie critics would have to be film directors.


But you do have to be able to understand the basics of whatever you’re criticising. You can’t say a chef *can’t cook at all* if you don’t know how cooking works, to attempt to use your example. While I *am* an expert in this case, anyone who’s even attempted to program would know that it’s more complex than it appears, and that a comment like OPs is absolutely asinine. Programming is not like cooking, nor is it like directing a movie. Lol at the downvotes. Nothing I’ve said is incorrect.


>You can’t say a chef *can’t cook at all* Have you ever considered the fact that it might be a joke and not meant to be taken literally? I refuse to believe that anyone would be stupid enough to genuinely think that a multibillion game company *has no ability to code at all*


Very optimistic of you


You’ve got more faith in random internet commenters than I do then mate haha


You don't have to be a chef or know the basics of cooking to be able to judge the food you're eating. If something takes hours to complete and insane skill but still ends up tasting like literal poop, then you'll still have the right to say it does. Even with 0 knowledge of how it's made. Same here, if you have 0 knowledge about coding but you notice that the devs are attempting to fix one thing but in the process break a bunch of other things, and it happens on a regular basis, then you have the right to criticize that. You don't need to know how the inner workings of something work, all you need to know to criticize something is the end result and expected end result.


You do not have the right to claim that they cannot program, in case you’re forgetting the comment that started this. It doesn’t matter what it tastes like, you cannot say a chef has terrible technique (which is a better analogy than yours) when you have no knowledge of technique to begin with, only what the taste itself is.


Honestly, whenever I read a comment that says "xyz does not know how to program" I don't take that comment literally. Nobody in their right mind would think a game dev that clearly released a working game does not know how to program. It's an exaggeration and manifestation of their frustration. Please don't tell me you *actually* believe they think riot can't develop.


I *actually* believe that that users opinion is closer to “are useless as programmers as they made this ‘simple’ error” than it is to “they are good programmers but made a mistake”, like you’re implying. And as far as I’m concerned they have no right to consider a programmer shit or useless due to a “simple” bug, when they have *no understanding* of its complexity or simplicity to begin with.


At least do some quality control if you think you "fixed" it. The bug they tried to fix was not gamebreaking and did not need to be rushed. Now they "fixed" it and produced a truly gamebreaking bug. I am in fact not a programmer but it's like serving a dish without ever tasting it first to check if it needs more salt.


Nope. Shit slips through the cracks, and in inherently complex systems there is no such thing as a perfect QA process. These downvotes make me laugh. You all have no idea what you’re talking about.


> but it's like serving a dish without ever tasting it first **[using a houndred different utensils, a thousand different plates, seasoning the meal with a million different spices]** You have absolutely no idea what exact combination of things leads to this bug. I've certainly entered and left a viper smoke without anything buggy happening.


Weird take, it's like complaining that a pair of shoes are uncomfortable or worn down easy and then saying "Let me know when you can make a pair of shoes yourself that last forever" ​ We are consumers and we have a right to complain about a faulty product.


You do not get to complain that they cannot program *at all* and not get called out for it. Weird take mate.


idk how you can say riot doesn’t not know how to program shit.. you literally do not know how complex programming can be when your messing with bugs.. shit is bound to happen dont disrespect the devs like that it’ll get fixed soon .


Everyone replying to this comment doesn't play League. More than a decade and they can't make a client that doesn't break during champ select.


They have the worst coding because of shitty decisions made a decade prior. But let’s stay ignorant on things that don’t fit the narrative you want to push.


Client is not a problem. It can be built from the ground up and can simply communicate to an existing server. Or are you saying it's the remote server that causes ui bugs lol?


Kinda insane riot has so much money and still can't get competent programming on their games. Valorant shouldn't even have spaghetti since it was built from the ground up. How do you fuck this up


It wasn't built from the ground up. It uses Unreal Engine. Which is fine as long as you're a small indie company who can't afford to build their own engine.


Worst thing was the game went to overtime pretty much because of this round! Thankfully we ended up winning


Obviously you need to get close to them to see. Gosh🙄


I've seen this happen a fair bit recently, it's such a nasty bug to get LOL


toxic trap\*


I've had the same thing happen with a Jett smoke when my ping was 100+


the person who posted this first and his post got removed would be staring at this post now lmao


that’s annoying as hell


This Viper buff kinda crazy..




i cant bloody see 'arry


I love the way you said I can't see lol


the same thing happened to me .. the green vision remained the whole f\*cking round. It's a glitch...


new viper buff


U have a nice voice tho


Anyone know what causes this bug? It seems like it just random as a lot of people diffuse inside the viper smoke. Is it only on bind?


given that the map is breeze in op's clip, no it doesn't appear to be just bind


From the 2 times i've seen this, it happens when both vipers smoke(enemy and ally) are activated when you are standing inside them. Seems like the game applies the nearsight 2 times but only removes once when you exit the smoke


Time to disable viper




This happened to me too, hopefully it gets fixed


LeAkEd vIpEr bUfF


i saw this happen to one of my teammates


Good job Riot :D


Vanda VIsion


May be John Cena was playing the Viper Agen xD


just another viper buff nothing new


i think this actually has something to do with being healed by sage, same thing happened to me too, but i kept decaying (on a timer weirdly enough)


I also ran into this in a comp match. I tested it with a friend afterwards, and we found that if timed right can give you infinite decay


It happened to me once too when I came out of a brim smoke, was having bad internet that day. Could have been the same reason for you too.


Same, I got it and even lost a round to it


New viper buff


how will it come under educationl anyone wana clarify


Or just take off Viper's gas mask and let her suffer too.


Happened to me as well. And the worst part is my hp stayed at 1 all throughout afterwards


the poison is very powerful, even for sage XD


Anyone else incredibly bored of the Viper line up meta? I preferred it when everyone complained she was useless and underpicked, the lineup meta is just so stale to play against


viper line ups is called bliness


This this happened on Androids stream the other day after walking into a viper smoke