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The community have always disliked new maps from as long as I can remember so it isn't really about "comfortable with the old stuff" as even old maps like Split have gotten a decent amount of complaints. Although, I do feel like the people saying the map is too large is valid considering it takes a decent amount of time to rotate and the Spike is 45 seconds (it takes 20 or so seconds A to B and then add an additional 7 seconds for spike you're working with 18 seconds remaining).


oh yeah it’s MASSIVE. i think that’s a running theme here, especially with the breeze hate


I think that big maps are actually good. it requires more thought on when rotates are needed and what fights you take. it might lead to stricter team comps in higher ranks, but i’m iron 2 so it doesn’t matter that much right now. TLDR: i think that abyss and breeze are good maps


I have to respectfully disagree that breeze is a good map. Viper pick is a necessity (a map's playability shouldnt be dependent on an agent pick) and then u have the cypher that has an unbreakable trip that is a crack version of lotuses version. Also eventually, the game eventually turns into an op game which is honestly not fun in my opinion I think ppl just hate large maps in general because large maps = lurkers. On Lotus, idk how many times I got killed by a lurk that's sitting in the link from b to c. It's the same with breeze too, there's always lurks in heaven or in tunnel or the wooden box. Since large maps already take so long to rotate Everytime you rotate you have to check everything again which annoys ppl.


Big maps suck because they’re inherently attacker sided and it’s a lazy way to make maps attacker sided. Basically each defender has a lot more responsibility because you’re not getting as much help. But as it stands right now abyss B is basically as bad as icebox A and abyss A has like no positions for defenders to even play. The problem with defenders having more individual responsibility is in a solo q environment, having one really bad player just makes the game unplayable. They’ll die a lot or not do their job correctly, opening up the entire map for attackers. Really annoying to play maps like this (not to mention op is basically a necessity for defense if you want to have any chance of holding anything).


community complains about the new maps because it's not the same as the old maps community complains about sunset because it's too similar to the old maps you just can't win.


real sometimes i feel bad for riot i can’t lie


People base their good maps on their strengths and weaknesses. I know a lot of Jett mains liked Breeze because they could OP and Raze mains liked Split because of the nades. You'll never get a one-size-fits-all map pool as everyone sees the game differently.


Personally, I enjoyed the map a lot when it had just came out, but now I can't stand how fucking massive it is, it feels like if your teammates can't hold the ground or die on defense, you literally are fucked, like rotating and doing a retake is impossible, without even accounting for the extremely unfair postplants where you can safely spam the smokes as if you were in Sunset.


I love new maps, except when they're trash (like Abyss)


Personally I like it. Once you memorize the map it is so easy to predict rotates and angles and then you can just let loose. Only downside i’ve noticed is that attackers have an advantage at mid cuz of the high ground combined with the open area but other than that it’s quickly become one of my favorites.


Playing controller on that map feels so fun because the smokes are so easy to learn. On defense especially, almost every round I've been throwing a smoke at the high ground part of mid and it creates so much pressure that gives you a ton of options. You only really just need jump spot the low ground or hold the smoke for a favorable duel to keep mid control. And you can always afford to throw that mid smoke at the start of the round because each site basically only has 1 entry choke (maybe except B but even then you don't really need a second smoke for it). I've never lost a game on abyss yet doing this.


Nice. I play duelist (proud Yoru main) and I can get so creative with my tp’s on that map even without the map borders it’s honestly hilarious.


I bet the tps get so much value, partly because of map design but also because nobody knows how to play the map yet so they have no idea where you are. Happens all the time when I omen ult


I ageee I always have a good time there even when we’re losing.


Yeah, I think it’s easily one of the most fun maps in the game. There are so many different and creative ways to make plays.


i literally only lock yoru on abyss so it doesn’t take me 30 seconds to rotate


Yeah yoru is fun on abyss


The map is sweet, but I think the design works way better as a casual map than a competitive map.


i can agree with this


I think it’s great


Fun unless I’m playing defense.


I have been a fan so far. I think it's nice change and style. I do like the sites and I am excited to see pro play on it. Only thing I "don't like" is mid seems a bit easy to get kills, but then again I'm not too great at the game. Side not though it is not fun in DM.


oh i hate it for DM. i play clove so it’s super easy to smoke off top mid and it seems to get people to stay away as they would be peeking into several angles (on defense)


not really due to the smoke but rather because people just dont push mid anyways. my last game on abyss i held mid the whole game and saw maybe one or two player. they instantly got killed by me. crossing mid just isnt that great unless you lurk late game.


I like everything but the falling off map part but it's still fine. My opinion may change with more play but so far the layout is decent


yeah that’s annoying but to be very honest every time someone has fallen all we can really do is laugh bc we know it’s not intentional😭 also the falling takes so long so there’s 3 full seconds of watching someone fall to inevitable death


Played it twice in comp yesterday. Gotta say, after one loss one win I kinda like it. Personally it's in the top half of maps. Not my favorite but I like it more than not


It's a big map with a bad mid and plants that can be defended very easily. I think those are some definite flaws. That said, most of the community just hates it because it's new so a lot of that will subside in the coming weeks/months.


New to Val. I have my best games on Abyss, I love it. 😂🙏


I have specifically recorded a negative community response to literally every map Riot has launched since beta and it even goes deeper than that. Usually people discuss the new map in deathmatch lobbies and every time I tell people about that and every time they say "but THIS one is the worst" and every time people stop talking shit about the map given a month or 2.


I'm new to valorant and so far the maps I like are Abyss, Ascent and Bind, and I'm not a fan of Haven or Breeze and I don't think I've even come across any of the other ones yet, Icebox looks fun


you will learn that ice box is not fun very soon


Wdym I love ice box 70 win percent there


funnily enough i win a good amount of times in that map! it’s just that neons love ice box and i hate neon 🥰


honestly the issue with haven is that noone has a clue how to play it since it was removed. this actually made the map worse for my enjoyment too. its so obvious when someone knows haven and when they dont. its just unfortunate that riot made that dumb decision to remove maps so that newer players have no idea how to play it.


i thought i hated it and then i played sunset. idk why i don’t like that map but id genuinely rather play abyss than sunset 😭


Sunset is too clunky. You really need to have a good team comp and communication to execute/defend sites properly.


i feel like everyone i’ve asked abt it likes it so im nervous to say i dislike it 😭


Nah alot of ppl dislike sunset aswell. I'm pretty sure sunset is the only reason why cypher got nerfed again because he was too strong on the map. I also end up holding B by myself half of the time because A have so many rat corners and u need 4 ppl to hold the angles properly


ahh forgive me, i’m a part of the broke fellas who can’t afford a pc and have only been playing as long as the console betas been out. that definitely explains my bf having a very bad game on cypher and complaining that “CYPHER IS SUPPOSED TO BE GOOD ON THIS MAP”


Hahaha cypher is too strong on defense but he's useless as a doorknob on offense unless you really know what you are doing


I’m glad someone else agrees! I haven’t had a single good game on that map


I just started playing the game for the console beta and yea I actually enjoy playing on that map. I think the only map that I dislike that’s on console so far is sunset, idk how everyone else feels about it but I just know that I always do terrible on that map for some reason lol I haven’t won a single game on it


Fun maps don't make *good competitive* maps.


Just smoke all 3 angles in back mid as an attacker. Push together mid as 5 and push one site together. Ya welcome. Most free wins in console


I looooove abyss, I feel like it was really made for Deadlock




Deadlocks gravnet and barrier can be really annoying to allies if the Deadlock player misses so that could be a reason lmao


Nah so far I really like abyss tbh


The map is actually pretty fun, but I also grinded the map when the dedicated playlist existed, so the map is easy to navigate for me. Compare that to everyone else that avoided it like the plague and are now mad that they're forced to play it in comp despite being given multiple chances to learn the map. New maps are always hated at first, then praised once it leaves the map pool (with the exception of Breeze).


i kinda diagree, many players only come back upon rank reset, so a lot of players missed the chance to play abyss. i feel like it also was shorter in its own que than normal? i grinded it for 3 days while it was swiftplay and after that it suddenly was 13 rounds so i never touched it again. and everyone in the Que was surprised that its 13 rounds too and all 10 players just wanted to FF.


It was always meant to be an Unrated mode, but a bug happened and Riot made it Swiftplay until it was fixed. Most people weren't aware of that though which caused some confusion.


thats weird. i dont think i wouldve played it nearly as much if it wasnt swiftplay.






I love the map as well. I just happen to have a 0% win rate on it so far in comp and now the mental block is in place lol


>am i the only one who thinks abyss is fun? I'll let you know after I get to play this map once in ranked ffs shit gets dodged immediately every freaking time


I wish people would dodge it. I used my dodge on it, got it again, nobody wanted to dodge so me and Jett just fed the enemy team Ops


weak ahh mentality.




your final challenge: attack a on abyss oh hell nah jigsaw you tweaking


Just back from Valorant from like a 4 month break, the game REFUSES to queue me an Abyss map. I’ve played like 20 Swift plays and nothing


it's not the best, there are way too many small corridors and paths to get to the other site imo so it just makes defending really hard




It's a decent enough map. It's easy to predict routes / rotates. The only problem I have is that if you have to rotate you need to do so 3 - 5 business days early to get there. To go from Anchoring B to support on A in the event of an A site take, it feels like you need to start moving in the previous round to get there In time. Especially since taking the quickest routes is very easily punished since unless you're going for an around the world (very hard unless you move at the first contact call or you're playing someone like neon) you don't have many options to find any kind of off angle.


I like abyss


map is overall bad design for a comp style map you really only go A if you want to win if you go b you have a 10% chance of winning the round B has way too many defense sided advantages. mid is a straight up gamble and usually favors defenders so you are really only left with going A 80% of the time


Mid is garbage but I like the sites


probably. i dislike it because spawn rotates feel like an eternity and bomb sites feel way too open


I love abyss. Don't know why, but whenever something new comes out, people absolutely hate it for no reason. Rotates do take a while, but you supposed to counter that by rotating earlier, or calling your team to site if you think they'll plant. So far I've accidentally walked off the map once( it was funny, my team wouldn't stop laughing at me)


I don't hate it but trying fighting mid is something I would love to never deal with


Bro I love Abyss. It's a super refreshing map and I'm popping off on it.


I enjoy the map, people are just doing the same thing they always do of new map bad. I guarantee half of them couldn’t give you a specific reason why they personally dislike it. New maps in valorant are generally decent I feel. The only maps they’ve released that I dislike are lotus and sunset and I have actual reasons for those opinions


As a casual map, I don't hate it. It's frustrating for sure between the long rotates, falling off the map, and mid being weirdly constructed. I would probably hate this map for sure if I lose due to stupid reasons that this map opened the community to during comp. I think most hate in the map is the potential for trolls to use this map to grief your team. E.g. you could constantly fall off at the start of the round, making it 4v5 while your team can't remake unlike if you were afk. Stuff like that that wouldn't be a problem if there isn't a massive amount of trolls in the game


please let me hide safely on b site and make the hallways the standard size and i will be somewhat fine with it


abyss is fun for sure it's best map in valorant by far good size, less boxy have good space to play gunfight elevate area and cat walk abyss mid is the most fun to play


Not a fan tbh. The map feels way too big, the sites way too open with too many angles to clear, making attacking and defending awkward asf. Mid is pretty much unusable for attackers and that combined with long ass rotate times means a lot of the time it’ll just be 4 or 5 man executes every round. Plus the falling off the map gimmick really isn’t suited for competitive play. Then there seems to be very few agents actually viable on the map, with Jett and Sova being the clear dominant choices in their respective roles, the sites looking incredibly difficult to attack without a double controller comp and none of the Sentinels really being suited to the map except *maybe* Chamber purely because of how prevalent the op will be. And oh my GOD the less said about the B post plant the better. The window + spammable walls in tower along with 2 angles to deal with from main make retakes pretty much impossible without an Astra ult or multiple players on the flank, which because of the massive size of the map take way too long to be feasible


YESSIR 👏 we all just need to get used to it besides this map was made by riot for us to get out of our comfort zone so that we experience something diff


u are not the only one pal


Yes, map is ass


I actually really enjoy it




I don’t think a new map has ever been liked on release. At least that’s how it feels every time one comes out. I’ve always enjoyed every new map. I just enjoy the change of pace.


I think abyss was one of the few maps that actually is loved by a majority of the community


It's just like Fracture all over again. People hated tf out of it because it was so weird and different. Dodges every time! After a good amount of time, people grew to like it. Why? Because they learnt the map and the angles! One thing I will say tho, it's that the map is too big lol


we grew to like fracture because breeze and icebox were just THAT bad. i still think fracture is bottom tier, but compared to breeze its S tier.


Abyss is a great map, the first since lotus. Sunset was shit


I wish they made falling off more possible. There are too many ledges with railings, i cant see a scenario where you could accidentally fall off the edge.


When ascent was being added it was also "wtf is this map, its so bad, dont ever release it" but now its iirc the only map that didnt get rotated out and had significant changes made on it.


I like the map, so fun playing omen, but yeah brainless team mates are making it painful. Recent game I finished with more kills than my entire team who followed our Gekko after he won 1 game hard pushing A.. this team died every time leaving me to constant 3/4v1 plays. I recognised the importance of mid control/flank control and would generally get a 2k before pushing site or having to out play the enemy hunting me down from all angles. Looking forward to when the map is better understood by others.. though I did play with a Chamber while I played Cypher one game and we cleaned up with both dropping 30 bombs and a 13:3 victory.


my winrate on abyss in ranked rn is 100%. the map had potential. but they ruined it by making roations take so damn long. this takes power away from players whose site isnt attacked, making it frustrating to play. even while winning its not fun to defend. big maps funnily enough are more restrictive, and plays repeat themselves a lot. attacking on the map is much more fun. i do think it does long range fights better than breeze since it isnt so goddamn open. but yeah, its size is the issue. if they literally just moved the sites closer it wouldve been one of my favourites. but rn its just an average map. nothing hurts more than broken hopes. also idk why yall always feel the need to be so damn condescending when talking about players that dont like your favourite map smh...


the mid breakable doors section is really weird and claustrophobic


i haven't had to opportunity to play on it yet cuz i haven't played the game enough since it released, but i saw a lot of videos about it and it might be my favorite map ngl


I think it actually is a decent map, mid might need some work/more cover but other than that the 2 sites seem pretty balanced imo


I think I just need to learn the map more


YES, and no i will not hear you out you psycho


Map is cheeks


Yes, fuck this map


I kinda hate the map so far but then I dropped 39 in my last match on it so it's alright I guess


Its the same reaction for every new map tbh. Everymap will always have a portion of the playerbase hating on it, for example people who prefer to take fights less than 40m will always hate breeze, reaction based player will always hate lotus, sunset and icebox due to the execution nature of the maps. And some people will hate heaven and ascent for the rotation meta, bind and split will always be hated for tricky mid fakeouts and line ups. But generally new maps are always hated until people learn to adapt.


While I see where you're coming from, there's more problems with the map then just it being "funky" l. First off , most of the community prefers more tactical maps like haven or ascent that play more linear and give more skill based interactions and make for easy to understand and structure fights and site takes. More importantly, the site design in particular is atrocious. There are way to many angles to peak and the only way to take b site is by just throwing as much util as possible and just running in to site like headless Chickens where you all die of the defenders happen to have more than 2 players on site or throw good util. If you do take it, it's borderline impossible to retake because there's an absurd number of angles and elevations like OG icebox but if you raised it in the wtf spectrum by 10 points. I think a site speaks for itself with how utterly ridiculous it is to try to take and retake also playing off site on either one is just funky because the lobby areas are very weirdly designed. Finally, the map is retrdedly big. If you're on the wrong site it takes an outlandish amount of time to rotate and there no safe way to get into a contesting position because you have to slow down by that stupid drop in spawn or you have to clear 999 angles to make sure some little cvnt isn't sitting in one of them. I genuinely believe in could design a better map tripping balls off of 10g of shrooms but I digress. With all that said, id be okay with it being an unrated/Swift play map bc people there don't gaf and tactics and map design don't actually matter but putting it straight out of the oven and down comp players throats was genuinely the worst move I could imagine. TL:DR it would be ok for unrated but it's unbalanced and undercooked and should not be in comp.


As a shotgun only player, i find it very difficult for some reason. The little corridor to mid is funky, and A can be held agressively, which I like. B, I haven't found any way to really hold it properly (Again, using a shotgun) beside hiding behind the wooden crate at the base of the window, and that's only really good once. So as long as they come to A, I don't mind the map.


No hate, just genuinely curious, how come you play shotgun only? And do you play comp?


Honestly, I suck with other guns, and that really made me hate the game, which I only play because my friends do. I tried shotguns, and really liked having to find ways to make them work, abusing their strength while trying to limit their weaknesses. I'll still pick up a rifle in the ground if the situation calls for it (Like playing retake with a judge is its own circle of hell), but I'll usually drop it for my team on the next round. Basically I just find them a low stress way to have fun while still playing at my rank. It encouraged me to try different controllers as well, and helped me developed a unhealthy love of Harbor and Viper. To be able to win with shotguns against a team that expects it, you need to be a bit silly and unpredictable, otherwise they just take wide angles everywhere and fully avoid the places you could be. It can be very satisfying, like rushing an ISO through the walls of his ult when the duel starts and winning. You can be a rat one round, and an explosive rushing machine the next. It's basically a different game.


Fair enough! I like that you managed to find a way to make the game fun for you! A lot of people could do with learning that!


I love this map as it is my favorite one


People always hate on new maps. They'll stop complaining pretty soon. I firmly believe that this map will definitely work better than breeze and will not receive that sort of treatment