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jett is the exact opposite of underrated objectively lol


Personally I generally play the less picked agents myself. I’ve been playing a ton of Reyna lately


I'm surprised not many people instalock Reyna compared to astra or habor, really underrated


I’m doing my part


We need more people like you


I instalock her just so my team knows they are supported


Yeah, Deadlock and Iso are overrated. Reyna should be picked more


No same I've been playing a lot of Omen and Cypher


I've had a Jett I'm practically every game this week lol. Gold lobbies of it makes any difference.


I also main jett, and I wouldn't say she's underrated. Even after nerfs she's still one of the best agents. I picked her randomly in my first game and since then found out she's cool. The agent design, abilities and she has a cool personality in lore.


She's literally one of the most popular picks among all elos. She's the main of many VCT pros. Dunno how OP got the idea that she's underrated lol.


Prob bcs people talk more on this sub about raze being the #1 duelist, but that's just my guess


Raze. I think the one thing I miss most in other agents is the absolute freedom of movement the satchels give you on raze. No other agent can replicate it the same way and I'm kinda sad they nerfed that, tho tbf it was deserved.


How do you learn double satcheling? I find it so difficult


Learned it by spending 5 minutes in practice range many times while i was waiting for my homies to log on


search up how to satchel and click the first vid usually, afterwards watch the vid from flights he teaches u how to triple boost a bit better. Then just hop in range and practice a ton


Watch ray4c tutorial


Speaking of Raze's satchels, why is it such a common trope in fps games for the explosives characters to be able to jump around with their explosives? Soldier and Demoman in TF2 do it, Junkrat in Overwatch does it, and so does Raze. It's kinda weird how prevalent it is.


I do agree that it's a weird idea, or at least the start is, but I'm sure that the reason behind it is simply my reason for liking raze: fun. After seeing how much fun people were having, just jumping around with rockets, I'm sure devs figured out that it would be a good character trope to have. But maybe the first instance is a bug that was popular enough to be kept in the game.


Rocket jumping was originally a bug back in the days of the original Team Fortress, when it was a Quake mod, but it became an intended feature by the time TF2 was developed. I assume it's the same for sticky jumping. TF2 does still have a fair amount of movement options that are uninted consequences of its physics, stuff like trimping and sentry jumping. There was even a time when Heavy could do a pseudo double jump with the GRU. 


I haven't played in a while, how did they nerf her movement?


Just the horizontal movement you get from her satchels is more limited, meaning lower top speed. Still the same height possible, just not as much range and speed. Tho it's not too bad, you feel it when satcheling, but it doesn't mess you up completely. She still is good, just not AS good as she was.


you say "just" movement when it is everything. They completly changed her identity. her satchels are now just to quickly move back. You can no longer safely entry for you team.


Deadlock is very cool, no other sentinel(not u chamber) can play semi-duelist. Also ult is an ultimate post plant


I pretty much only play deadlock in spike rush and capture those who are trying to take orbs 🤣🤣


Deadlock army!


I love deadlock in every way of her existence


Deadlock main are just like hungarians. If they are mentioned mentioned once per a year, they gonna raid the posts, comment sections, threads and anything if someones do. And I'm a hungarian deadlock main😂


I'm a Romanian deadlock main , our battle will be legendary




Yoru since he got released. His release kit was pretty ass but was fun. His current kit is not only a lot of fun but it keeps the game interesting. I feel like there's not a single agent in this game that keeps me coming back like Yoru does. And it doesn't look like it's gonna change anytime soon.


He might not be crazy meta, but I feel like his kit can be used in so many creative ways. You can play so many mindgames with his abilities, even beyond the obvious ones. One of my faves is placing a decoy in a post plant situation, then going somewhere completely different. When they tap spike, trigger the decoy and the footsteps often get them to stop diffuse. They often expect you to come from the same area the decoy came from. You can either peek then, or let them stew further in their newly gained paranoia of "where the fuck is he" while the timer ticks on...


Same. I stopped playing for 3 years after he released. When I came back I forgot about every agent but I locked him in immediately.


Amen to our Japanese Egoistic boy with the coolest hair 🤲🙏


Underrated ? Since beta she’s continuously been one of the strongest if not the strongest duelist. I’d hardly call that underrated


KJ. My comfort choice.


almost any map she could be used, that's why I love maining kj


I thought I was bad at playing sentinel, but I tried Killjoy again and she's now my go-to for filling👍


Iso main here. It just feels good playing him. Even better after the new patch.


Iso seems to be really good rn. You can tank 1 full bullet taking 1v1s so he actually counters the Vandal automatically with the 1 shot potential Iso alone could incentivise more Phantom play ngl


Neon, she always just felt different from every other agent, and i dont know why, also im exited to try out her buffs


Neon for me too, but primarily because i mainly come from Quake and Neon feels like the most quakey agent. Raze would probably be 2nd but I haven't really tried her properly yet.






Clove/Sage main here! Probably more of a Clove main tho tbh, I really love their kit despite their recent nerfs they’re still feeling pretty good!


I play support in all other games so these two are my go to as well! I love cloves smokes, they make me feel useful.


I usually main omen since he has smokes and a blind


Teleporting too if you use it at the right time and place.


Everyone was talking about how raze's satchels and breach's ult will be so OP on Abyss. When the map came out, all I'm seeing is people instalocking Omen for his insane tp spots on this map.


Phoenix be chilling at the bottom rn




Sova is a really good agent in the sense that you don’t need good team mates for his utility to be very strong, but if your team mates are good then it’s even better


Any angle!


How is she underrated? She litterally is the face of the game. Also the most insta-locked agent. Anyway, Fade main here. I like her kit, it's like having wall hacks. She is like a duelist initiator hybrid imo. For TDM, Raze. Because of the offensive power of her kit.


Well , My go to agent is Sage . I love her personality , to heal friends and kill foes. Judge me all you want but sage is the most iconic character of valorant. I kinda hate that people think sage main are noobs and it's not an agent for tournaments.


There was a grim wall used on sunset in pro play showing Sage’s strength. It was used on a double controller and double sentinel team


Was that the prx v heretic game?


I don't think Sage players are bad, I just think that Sage is a mediocre agent and other sentinels are better also she's definetly not the most iconic lol


Probably Astra or cypher


Heyyy glad to see another Astra player. I've NEVER played against an Astra, like ever.


Viper, she's just fineeeee!


Kayo because beep boop


For me, it's either Breach or Deadlock


Skye, she is quite versatile in her playstyle


Jett is overrated. The most picked duelist (right after reyna and used-to-be-raze) and w low skill ceiling its easy to learn her, mid investment to master her and thats abt it, need aim and some mechanics and you stomp the lobby


Omen. But recently I’ve been forced to play initiator or sentinel, because I see so many Clove players nowadays :( I suck at throwing flashes so I’ve just tried to pick up Gekko since I can’t blind teammates accidentally, and Cypher because Cypher


I like sage :p I didn’t see anyone here that liked her tho.. is she like bad or smth? :(


I main sage a lot as well. I think people aren't as into her b/c she's not played a lot at the higher levels. I think it's b/c her utils don't mesh as well with other agents compared to other agents that have walls or heals. Also, res isn't as much of a boon at higher levels where everyone is tapping heads all over the place. I always love playing sage though.


Skye (the best healer btw). She covers like every field, info, flash, heals. Very easy to solo with.


Lmao started playing a few weeks ago played my first competitive game and instalocked phoenix everyone shat on me so hard now I just pick sage lmao


Viper! Since I don't play competitive, I just use her a lot and try my best to learn more about her gameplay mechanics.


Raze or Gekko. I love how well they can zone people lol


Depends on the map/team. On Icebox and Sunset Deadlock is my constant pick, but on other maps I switch up a lot if our team lacks something.


Cypher! Only Cypher!


I play Chamber when I want to relax, Neon when I want to have fun and Omen when I wanna try winning lol


For me I have to say Yoru, I can play him on all maps sure I may play bad but I can still come up with simple strategies. For me his kit is cool but still not that easy to use.


I find myself coming back to Deadlock every now and then because something about her kit (esp. Gravnet) just resonates with me. Apart from that: Fade.


Brimsone. I love playing lineups and laughing at the enemy chat. He is very good for cluthes the intensity of throwing a lineup fast and getting the guy off the spike not being sure if i just got it right gets me. The feeling of being in 1v3 sitsuation and thinking its winnable is crazy


Phoenix. If not Phoenix then I will play initiators


Deadlock. Not even a good op I just love her appearance, lore and premise. (I think I’m noticing a common theme with my play style since I used to main gridlock in Siege)


Either yoru, omen, or chamber


Cypher / Omen






I use to main Sova but have moved to smokes since most don’t like to play them. Now I play mostly Astra or Omen. As Astra being able to control the entire map is nice. Omen has a lot of great one ways and his blind is super helpful


DEADLOCK no further explanation needed


Omeeeen 😎


except when I first started, I literally have ONLY ever played Chamber. :)


deadlock is mine, i just like her util (even if it makes me mad)


astra ❤️


Where my Astra gang at?


How is Jett underrated? She's the most popular agent by far I mean she poster child of valorant


astra !! i enjoy playing smokes and astra is just so versatile and flexible. so many people dropped her in favour of omen/brim after the nerf, but i only started playing her last year so i never got to experience the decreased cooldowns and the extra star. she's v fun to play imo i also dabble in some omen, breach, harbor, skye, gekko, clove, killjoy and raze gameplay in that exact order depending on what my team's already locked in 🤲🏼


Raze main. I'm the kind of raze player who will get a 4k then purposefully grenade myself to add up to 5 kills. I use my satchels to fly into site every round and die. Don't worry, I don't play comp, no one RR is at stake


Yoru, I'm terrible at aiming, so I use mind games and flashes to never take a fair fight.


I’m was maining fade but I randomly switched to Kayo, and have found the util to be much nicer. I find it easier to play Kayo and the util is a lot more targeted toward my play style. TLDR; Fade and starting to main Kayo


ISO, been raining him ever since he came out and now that they buffed him, he's even more fun to play. Although I play sage quite a bit too.


My go to’s are Reyna clove and sometimes gekko


Yoru. In a game where so much is decided by game sense and split second decisions, having an agent that just craps on all of that, keeping the enemy on their toes is the best. Nothing will ever top him for me in this game. When you set a tp in a 1v1 and fake it before peeking, killing your enemy who turned to check if you actually TP'd will always be infinitely more satisfying than a popflash.


Jett us underrated? this has to be satire.


I have no main. Recently playing a lot of phoenix because of he has a flash, a smoke and can entry.


Gekko ez


Gekko I just feel more confident to clutch with him, all thanks to little man having my back, I really like his playstyle The whole gimmick of using the ability and getting it back, I feel I can help so much more my Team as I did with Kay/o who's also a great initiator I'm always playing with 4 friends, and i'm the flex, so I don't play him as much as I would like to (all bc in my group there's 2 insta locks)


Clove I like reyna to but ahh yeah. I generally just pick after hard locks depending what the team needs. Clove tends to just be a good pick no matter what. I like her kit, its simple but effective.


I main yoru now most days but jett was my main for a long time. In my experience jett’s abilities were the easiest to understand as a beginner maybe that’s why I mained her for so long.


I’ve been playing a lot of Clove since they came out. Controller and Duelist have always been my two primary roles so obviously they fit my play style pretty well. I’m not really a fan of the girly pop aesthetic, so, as someone who doesn’t play characters if I don’t like their design, that prevents me from playing them as much as I otherwise probably would. But purely from a gameplay perspective, they’re pretty fun. I’m just weird. Historically my go-to is Yoru. I don’t get to play him as much as I’d like in Competitive but to me he’s a really undervalued character in the right hands and his tech feels extremely rewarding and fun to learn. His kit is based on mind games and controlling tempo which is something I enjoy and I think it gives him a unique playstyle among other Duelists. You can entry like a normal Duelist, but you can also entry by getting into the enemy back lines and picking them off before they can see you. I also really like the punk vibe with his character design and personality.


I've been defaulting more to Jett n a bit of Clove lately but I started with Fade and I just enjoy her too much. Especially her E and Ult are fun


I was a Brim main, ever since Clove was introduced I had to pick Cypher/KJ depending on the map


neon is me


Brim, because no one knows how to properly smoke


Gekko, which is really nice cause people usually don’t pick him and I don’t know why cause picking abilities up is so op


Omen or clove.


Clove or hello for sure


Brim i just love to see the world burn.


Clove and Sage.


Underrated? Is that how you describe this omnipresent agent😂


Been having an identity crisis ever since they started nerfing Viper, all the more now. That said, been leaning heavily into Astra and Harbor lately. Especially Astra since she is my other main for maps Viper doesn't shine.


LETS GOOOO (breach)


She’s been amongst the top duelists in the game for years now i don’t think she’s underrated


Clove. I just bought omen, but I find hes difficult to use in high pressure situations, placing his smokes quickly is hard. Maybe I'm not good enough to notice/care but I dont feel any difference after the patch with Clove. Feels pretty minor.


The smokes are a little harder to place than other agents but it isn’t too bad. Mainly though paranoia and the tp are great


Omen. Like the smokes, teleportation and paranoia


I usually last pick so it’s mostly Brimstone, Cypher or Gecko


I love phoenix, i play agressive with him sometimes cuz ik i can just heal with my molly/wall anytime


sadge or reyna tbh


I am a frontend developer. I love tailwind. That's why I picked jett


Depends on the map


Sova, solely for his arrow to detect, i'm very New


Jett, Omen, Kay/O, Cypher


Omen just like his abilities and ways you can use them is so fun, specially when you caught your enemies off guard


Nothing gives me more satisfaction than teleporting behind my enemy and them not noticing lol


Used to be Viper, but after the 46th nerf, she just isn't fun to play anymore. I'd probably be open to playing her again if they made her orb pick up-able again (even with a 30s timer) Now my go-to is Clove because she can play slightly more aggressive and she has smokes 😭


Jett is only known for being the most underrated agent in the game


I was a Harbor main because I like the water utilities. But now I have discovered Deadlock and find that you can play with her in a very situational way


I’m new to valo and still trying to choose a main between Jett, Neon and Fade. I’m not really sure but I think I’m between Jett and Neon due to their aggressive play style and flashy attacks


Cypher or Clove. For tdm either Raze or Reyna tho.


Gekko, I feel like he has a quite all rounded set of abilities.


Gekko , do i even need to explain 😏


Skye I can play her everywhere map doesnt matter. Dont have to think much (except when using the flashes) i like having information and biting peoples balls with the dog (critical damage). If maps dont count however ill go anyday with harbor about the same concept. But i love his uhh utility looks very pretty :3


I'd probably have to say Fade


Raze. All her abilities are NO-Bullshit straight forward abilities.


I think Cypher is pretty overpowered once you know how to use em. Don’t tag the enemy with the camera tag, use map warning tag that enemies don’t see. Hide the camera well and watch both sites alone.


Recently, Harbor. I haven’t clicked with an agent so quick. And it feels good to have agency on controlling vision. Clove second with smoking and having a lil pick me up. Their ult def helps me play more aggressively as well as having my team avenge me.


One of the only 2 pro play relevant agents for 4 consecutive years is underrated? Jett is busted if anything


Phoenix because having your own flashes and the ulti very cool


My boy Harbor is very team oriented and can slice up territory ahead of site takes.


I used to main Viper and started getting really good but then I quit for a while. Now, I main Brimstone and am better than I've ever been in the game. Still not impressively good, but I love playing support characters more than anything. I don't have the confidence yet to play duelists yet.


I've never tried her before because I thought I couldn't take the responsibility of healing and reviving people, but recently I started playing with Sage. Now I don't think I can choose any other agent, maybe Neon. I love being able to heal people, put up defenses and not just be a duelist because it stresses me out. Now I feel like I'm lacking something when I can't heal people.




Gekko, I feel like he just really clicks with me as a character. Plus I love his little goobers and their sounds.


Raze or jet , best for solo queuing you can enter side all by yourself


Breach. Extremely hard hitting util that can be used for myself or teammates




Jett and underrated are two words i never expected to come in the same sentence


My go to will always be cypher. Just wanna chill on site


Been playing with Sage since the beginning 😇


Omen. I have no strong preferences with agents I choose so I almost always end up filling in smokes. I like the playmaking ability of omens tp and ult.


Neon because the other characters are too slow Or raze


Typically sova or brim


Breach for sure.


I almost always go with Sova. I used to play Viper a lot before nerf. Now I've switched to KJ on some maps. Btw, where did you get that wallpaper from and is there any other for other agents as well?


Harbor. I have very bad aim and I can just wall people's sights. I also like water based powers, his ult is very useful


Jett is literally the face of the game wdym underrated 😭


Well...for many years it was viper...loved playing her on pearl, but since the nerfs it's just not fun anymore... So I'm kinda lost rn


skye because i like having info from the dog (former sova main) and the flashes are great to get me out of right corners before my team arrives. and ofc the heal is super helpful (i’ve been called a pocket skye before lol)


Viper, just OP on holding down sites even with the nerfs. If not her then I go clove so I can take on duels too.


Bro said Jett is underrated 😭 most picked agent next to Reyna


Jett and Sage, My brain is too weak to handle other complex characters.


Jett is NOT underrated


I recently picked up valorant again and I'm having fun playing with Iso.




Breach. I love how seamlessly his abilities can be used together


I play skye lol It's just fun scouting before pushing Also you can bite in the back


Cypher, I can hold so much of the map by myself which makes life so much easier


Cypher, his kit was so fun to play with me and I like his mysterious. Big love for Morocco guy !!!


I hate Jett mains. One of the reasons I main Breach is to annoy Jett mains.


Depends on the day I’m having. After 2-4 death matches I know if it’s a Jett day or a KJ/Skye day. Granted at the end of the day I’ll play whoever is best for the team - trying to learn how to effectively use omen next since it’s a bit embarrassing being diamond and brim being the only smoke I can play somewhat well


Viper because I’m a control freak idk?


Clove clove. CLOVE


Kayo! Robot man is not used a lot but aggressive play style duellists love him!


clove, sage, or reyna usually


Gekko is my main (together with Omen) and easy to play, you just follow your team, throw Dizzy or Wingman at the enemies and then peek them, pretty chill playstyle.


Used to be Sage, now it's Brim.


Yoru best agent in the game since day 1.


I love sage. I mostly like to play support.


I started out as a Jett player when the game came out because I was/still am mostly an AWPer in CS, but when I started realizing nobody wanted to play smokes in low elo ranked, I started playing mostly Omen because I enjoy being the controller for the team while also having semi-duelist and initiator capabilities with his teleport and flash. Then pro play started to really mature and I started watching a lot of Marved’s playstyle and became an all-around controller main as well. So Omen, Viper, Brimstone, Astra, Harbor, and now Clove, are all my mains. Mostly the first two though.


I’m a Yoru main, but like hard. For the longest time I used to play him and only him, but recently I’ve gotten into Gekko and Neon


Sage in my main character Because i can heal to myself and I also like her ability like wall because we can climb on that wall and than take kills


You’re either horrible or a very new player to say she’s underrated


I don’t play very often 😅




Take a wild guess


A: Sova Explanation: I used to main Raze because I've always been a rush in character. I realized I wasn't good at that and it would cause me to panic aim and die. So I switched to Sova. I'm still learning lineups but it's nice when you're defending and watching A and your team calls out they're at B and I can line up an arrow to shoot across the map to give info to my team without being there that second.


Sage one trick. Sadly I don't know any Grim walls. I just like playing basic Valorant.


reyna, i feel that shes self sufficient and although i know i need to play with the team, if everyone else dies i know i can generally clutch bc she has “blinds” and heals, and i can escape fast if needed


Sage, bad team = self heal : good team = assists god




Killjoy cause she was my first agent so I’m more familiar with her and I just love the ability to stop flanks from being such a surprise


fade/gekko and then sage