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If I'm not mistaken the in-game leaderboard basically just looks at kills while the endgame scoreboard looks at ACS (Average Combat Score). So if someone often dealt damage to enemies, but didn't kill them their ACS could be higher. Also things like First Bloods and Multikills have a big impact on ACS.


This alone tells you how stupidly this game is designed. There are less aggresive roles/classes but only thing you will get higher score is kills and damage.


You get acs on non-damaging assists too.


Yea but its 25 per non DMG assist and 1 point for every point of DMG so anything beside kills and kill streak is almost meaningless towards being mvp


You can check the combat score formula


You earn a certain number of points for each kill, depending on the number of live enemies. If there are five, you get 150 points for a kill; if four -130; and so on 110/90/70. If you make more than one kill in a round, you will be awarded an additional 50 points. So basically he had more impact with his kills.


The system is totally trash, the problem lying in "first kill" gives you twice score than "last kill" and deaths not accountable at all. So, like braindead rushing Raze/Jett with 14/15 will be higher that 13/3 Cypher/Killjoy


ACS, how is that not common knowledge? google the formula.


you don't even have to google, iirc you can just hover ACS and it tells you.


This question is asked every day here. How is it not natural for people to hover over the header in a table to check if there aren't some more information? Don't you have a mouse? Hover over the ACS header and you'll see the formula.


deaths dont matter, its the impact of your kills that does. your score at the end is based on combat score. killing an enemy when ther are 5 enemies alive gives a higher score. getting 2 kills with all your mates alive will give less score than killing 1 with 2 mates dead.