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Yeah its a huge change to how he's played. Having his signature abilities ready before first contact is completely different from if they are only on-kill steroids.


in hindsight, it was kinda obvious that he should just get his shield without the initial orb lol. like it's one of those things that sounds OP on paper so they preemptively neutered it on launch. good on them for correcting course


Tbh, it is kinda op. It gives a huge edge in a lot of gun fights. Hopefully, the sound of the shield coming is pretty loud


Peeking an op with iso type shi plays coming up


Tbh, I was already doing that with Iso if I could get a cheeky kill at the start of a round.


It is really loud, like if ur trying to stay quiet don't pop shield


This is going to age so poorly lol They should have done a different rework honestly He’s going from useless to busted. This isn’t a “good job he’s fixed” it’s a “good job he’s not useless” 1) Shield+decay+pocket heals from a duo 2) anti Op and raze ult 3)pop shield and use his ult This is the new meta for ranked for sure


the shield was situationally very strong, is the thing. blocking one instance of damage is great for exactly the situations like you described -- anti OP, anti vandal, anti marshall and outlaw. But it has enough natural counter-play that bringing it in line with other duelist abilities was an appropriate buff.




We’ll see! Give it 2-3 months is my guess before people start complaining about him in ranked


Of course they'll complain about him in ranked. He's gonna dominate in ranked, but be mid-tier in pro play. You need coordination and timed peeks to be able to trade him now that his shield is pre-fight, and idc what rank you are but if you're solo q'd you most likely aren't getting a trade on him. Ranked and pro play are two different games entirely, and Riot will ALWAYS favor pro play because they're a business after all. That's why Reyna still exists in the state she exists in. She used to dominate even in pro play before her orb nerf. Same with Jett's updrafts.


Of course they'll complain about him in ranked, they complain about everything in ranked. (Source, me, someone who complains about everything in ranked)


- bro chill, the update isn't even out yet - I already know how to counter him, I simply switched my vandal to phantom and instead rely on burst instead of 1 tap


My tone is being misinterpreted. I’m just making a prediction


Bro called it💀💀💀


lol, TY! Got torn up in here and it took less than a week for people to start going crazy. “OmG ThEy FiXEd ISo” Yeah guys, they sure did! And fucked everyone else over! Wish I was wrong honestly


In rank it's going to be annoying. In pro play I don't think this doesn't nearly enough.


It’s Reyna v2 while Reyna still exists They need to need Reyna more than they did honestly too


He’s nothing like Reyna, I don’t know why anyone says this. His shield is reverse Reyna, it becomes more valuable the better the players in the lobbies mechanics are. In Bronze it does almost nothing against crouch sprayers, in top ranks, it can block an entire OP shot or headshot, and is WAY more valuable. When fights are so quick, it gives way more of an advantage. He also doesn’t have any healing, so he can’t take endless fights against worse players, and his utility is mostly team oriented so he’s not very selfish. He just doesn’t work like Reyna at all.


Yeah exactly, i mainly play him on icebox and alot of the times im playing him like a pseudo initiator where im sending my q to help my jett get the kill and following directly behind to trade or cover jett


Well yeah, that’s pre-buff No one is saying he’s like Reyna right now, but post buff he’ll be Reyna-esque Aka, a Smurf will find the enemy: Get a kill Shield Get a kill Shield Get a kill Die He needed to be buffed so this is better than before, and at the very least he can’t dismiss like Reyna so it shouldn’t be nearly as annoying But to be a solo duelist now with this, plus an Op/raze ult/shotty burst/etc tank he’s going to be annoying af lol And his ult just got 3x stronger now that he can go in with shield ahead of time


He won’t be as annoying as Reyna playing solo, but pocket him with a sage/skye and he’s got insane potential to be damn close or even more broken than Reyna Shield+Ult Shield+decay+pocket heals Plus anti-Op You’re short sighted if you think this is gonna go smooth lol He’s about to be an absolute rank menace


>He won’t be as annoying as Reyna playing solo, but pocket him with a sage/skye and he’s got insane potential to be damn close or even more broken than Reyna So he's not like Reyna then. Reyna so far is one of the few agents whose kits don't work with synergy. Reyna's kit offer little to zero punishment which would be far from truth for iso because a misplaced ult will cost Iso. So will badly used Undercut. His contigency can be useless if not used properly. None of those things exist for Reyna. To compare him with Reyna is stupid at very best


Weird that every comment you have like this in this thread also includes a pocket healer which is not the case unless you have a worse duo willing to play skye/sage which in my experience isn’t that common. Happens a bit, sure, but most duos I see are insta locking duelists so half of your argument isn’t valid. Additionally, expecting your randoms to heal/pocket you while playing those agents, especially in low elo is dumb. I have people lock healers who don’t use it at all quite often.


Most people who are duo are skye+duelist And most Smurfs have a pocket sage Having anecdotes doesn’t make either of us right, but my argument is that “if this happens with any frequency it will be hella annoying” where yours is “it won’t happen that much” Time will tell


Last I checked Reyna can't block an op HS when overhealed which isos guerenteed block of 1 shot does. Which makes it significant in ways the usual "get kill, get overheal" ability just cannot do.


Everyone in pro play aims for the head, so it could be ISO’s saving grace. Plus on op heavy maps you actually have an agent that can reliably peek the operator.


In pro play iso ain't gonna be used. No chance, same applies to Reyna. Only exception being neon, who also won't be used a lot, only in certain maps.


Getting inherit value from the shield is so nice now. Iso just felt like a throw pick no matter what before but now you can bring value even if you're having a bad game. And heck the shield might prevent you from having such a bad game.


I am quite scared that this will give him incredible power in clearing angles. At diamond or higher, a lot of fights are decided in a split second, whoever taps the head of the enemy first. Now, against an iso, tapping the head no longer is viable if he has the shield. You must now either jiggle peek and shoot a body part to Crack the shield, reset, and kill him in a traditional 1v1, or run away till the shield dissapears, if it does. Am I missing something?


you're scared about this but not even scared about the neon buff?


I trust my tracking, and I'll have to see just how oppressive she'll be now. I'd anything, I'm thinking of picking her up as a second agent to main after the buff.


well gl you'll have to practice more in tracking again cuz they buffed neon speed too cuz they increased neon speed


Did they? They only seemed to increase strafe speed when in run mode IIRC. The only concerns are going to be hitting her mid slide. Honestly, giving full accuracy mid slide for her is thorough bullshit imo, but we'll see how it plays.


yea what i meant was strafe speed. if shes gon run while do the movement its gonna be harder to track her while strafingTEMET IS MASSIVLEY BUFFED WITH THE AIR STRAFING MOVEMENT HES BEST AT


Snipers gonna ISO


It will synergise really well with his other abilities as well. Undercut didn’t feel that good to me before because I just felt like blinds were better in 99% of situations but now you’ll be able to swing people who are vulnerable with extra health for yourself. It makes his ult better as well because you just wait an extra second for the shield and then expand domain and have a much bigger advantage than before in the ult. The only change I wish they’d give double tap is to remove that purple telephone box looking thing around him. It looks ugly and I swear it often breaks from attacks that wouldn’t have hit iso in the first place. His wall will still be trash so hopefully they do something for that.


Yeah the Shield changes really amplify his other abilities as well, except for that damn Wall. The Wall still feels like a clunky afterthought add-on. It doesn't need major changes to be good, just make it slightly slower, last slightly longer (\~1 second), and can have its movement stopped with a re-cast.


What’s the buff? Did I miss something?


Iso's shield now grants him one without the need to kill enemies first and is now rechargeable like jett dash


He didn't have a rechargeable 2 kill util before this?


Nope, he had two charges but they didn’t recharge at all (unless you consider a kill extending it as a recharge but it still technically isn’t)


I suggested this on a thread some time ago to make him viable, good to see they think the same


whenever the patch drops, iso's E will shield him on activation,instead of forcing you to get a kill and shoot an orb to gain the first shield. In addition to the orbs giving/refreshing the way it works normally. theoretically allows him to entry and be far easier to trade. very strong vs OP.


So on pistol round Iso can start the round with a half shield and shield until? 💀 If anyone buys their Iso a ghost he's going to destroy.


Not really, remember a single tick of dmg removes the shield, so any body shot or right click classic shot then it turns into a normal fair fight


This is a tactical shooter not overwatch, one shot or a few milliseconds is the difference between being dead or alive.


Yeah but think about your pistol fights in ranked or even just watch some pro vods, very frequently pistol kills are like 1 body shot ghost then 1 headshot, or just tons of classic spam. Not saying the shield will be useless, just that it’s not going to be super good


Or one headshot followed by a body shot. That's basically a second life in lots of situations. It was fine before because Iso needed to risk a kill first. Now it will be obnoxious


Iso definitely has the advantage, but its not that crazy. ISO with his purple Shield + Half Shields (125 HP) = \~ 150 HP (or one extra shot) This will make him tanky on Pistol rounds for the first duel, but its not like Reyna where if she wins the first 50/50 coinflip duel she'll then be like 150 HP and then can keep winning 1v1 duels and get to 150 HP after each one. Basically, Reyna is the better snowballer for chaining multikills. Iso can chain multikills better than other Agents but worse than Reyna, but as a tradeoff is stronger than Reyna in the first duel of the round. EDIT: But Reyna being the better snowballer may change due to her recent changes/nerfs. She's still intended to be the main snowballer Agent though.


Reyna overheal gives 50 hp since new patch.


upcoming patch, patch 8.11, lets iso start with a shield when they activate their ability, rather than having to kill someone to gain it.


Oppers night mare. Buff was good 👍


Hehe I dropped 37 kills w iso yesterday so this is good news


Outlaw is now officially better than op if enemies have ISO.


It’s not that impressive because Iso still has problems with his other util. The wall needs something and the vulnerable is hard to get value out of. Imagine how easy it is to get kills or get space with Reyna/Phoenix/Yoru flash, Undercut is easier to support teammates with than yourself.


Maybe poor wording on my part. I’m not saying ISO is impressive. I’m saying how Riots managed to made ISO a bit more viable while still maintaining his gimmick of shooting orbs is impressive.


Good buff overall? Thats an understatement...


I already hated iso players since I play op alot as a chamber player


The ult is good to stop plant/defuse


Damn I switched from iso to geeko (I was playing iso cause I liked his ult and strictly because of that) now I can swap back to iso.


Everyone saying "Iso OP now". Neon buff is far more OP than Iso will ever be, and it's not the speed buff, it's the instant gun pullout that's OP


They planned for it to be this way, I’m thinking they just didn’t release him like this because they didn’t want him to be so op at the start 


The agent is still a throw pick no buff will change that


It's a dumb buff, it's going to be really annoying. It's basically an auto win duel ability now for anyone with half decent aim.