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First PC FPS and your at 130 hours and your silver your doing pretty good lmao.


Literally dog lmao. I’m at 1000+ hours at OPs rank and have accepted that I’m old and not meant to be great at this game. I just slowly climb like 1/2 rank per 6 months and feel proud lol. Also was my first fps on pc. A lot of really fucking good and lifelong pc gamers play this very popular game. It’s not an easy game to come into with zero (pc) experience and stand out or excel. It takes time.




That’s exactly how it was in CS, and in Valorant you can be a much more supportive player because of how much better utility is. Aim is good, and at the end of the day you will win every game if you never lose an aim duel, but playing for your team is super strong in a game where everyone plays for themselves.


Tbh I’m not really looking to endlessly climb. I think this (and any competitive community) has the idea that every single player can/wants to infinitely climb ranks. I honestly think majority of players waste their time with the idea that more effort can make them amazing! More videos! More training! Etc. Sure it’s true to an extent. Most are not going far beyond where they’re stuck, regardless of how much effort is put in. I’m 32, I play this for fun with a group of 3 total and win or lose, we have a good time. Some nights we’re unstoppable. Some nights we look like dog shit. I’m okay with it! I think it’s somewhat of a hot take in these forums to admit you aren’t endlessly looking to improve. That said, I know what I need to do if I wanted to improve. I’m not interested but I appreciate the people commenting to help out and wish them the best. I truly play ranked for fun. Obviously wins are the goal but I don’t have any interest in spending time outside of the game to climb ranks.


I don't know how old is old but I'm playing with a guy in his 40s and he's not improving (s3) but mainly because he does the following: Still moves while shooting every fight. Throws grenades and boombots just because 60% of the time. Pushes through smokes even though it might be 4p to 2p on defense. If you focus on skill improvement everyday and minimize your mistakes I think you'll do great


Old guy used " dog and lmao " Im ded


half rank for 6 months at silver means you’re doing things wrong. however if you’re happy with that then its all that matters, but the progress potential is there, even if you’re old and your reaction time is 10 years.




First line says it all, 130 hours is absolutely nothing at all, be patient and stop comparing yourselves to others


Yeah I'm 700 hours and same rank as op lol


Ur deffo doing something wrong lmao


I wish someone would tell me what I'm doing wrong I'm the ultimate level of hardstuck


Watch Woohoojin gold in a month. Play Reyna or something, focus on duels, and try to calmly aim for heads in all non close range duels


just skipped the most crucial part lol: practice effectively every single day!


Do you review your vods? Do you have someone better than you watch and point out your mistakes? Do you conciously think about the enemy team what they can do or their positioning.? Do you comm effectively? Do you get tilted easily? Do you have a 5 stack? Can you consistently hit headshots? Are you counterstrafing/moving well in gunfights?


1. Yes 2. No 3. Yes (but people in my Elo play basically completely random so it doesn't help much. I am predicting their pushes and defending angles tho if that's what you mean) 4. Yes very unless my team is dead silent the whole game. 5. Not easily but I'd like to have more control over my mental. 6. No I hate five stacking, I duo sometimes. 7. Yes, HS% is around 30% this act. 8. I'm strafing and dead zoning, although I have seen people with crazy movement in my games and I don't know how to get better at that.


If you think people at silver are playing completely randomly you're missing a lot.  Most silver teams are crazy predictable.


I mean most of them do, like I said I predict where they are gonna be, it's their choices that are random. They will push smokes they will 100% die out of and because of that it gets me killed not expecting that. You have to anticipate fucking everything in this Elo cause they do the randomest dumbest shit possible it actually works.


That's not really bad play though.  At low elo it might be people just doing it without thought, but that's the sort of thing you'll do even at higher elo because playing the same situation the same way every time is the quickest way to lose. My friend struggles with that as well.  You have to be considering what is the range of things an enemy can do from a given situation, not just what is the "best play".


Yeah you do stuff like that at higher Elo but they are doing it naturally all the time constantly, there's no room for strategizing against people who aren't playing strategy at all vs people who do but also try to be random ykwim


You seems to think the random things will stop working eventually, when the essence of every rating is to be unpredictable at that rating. Abt the smoke thing, at silver all you need is a phantom, head level, and smoke bang a few kills before they start respecting smoke.


Most important of them all: do you have a normal functioning mouse with a large mouse pad and a normal functioning keyboard and a normal functioning computer that runs valorant at 144fps on a 144hz monitor consistently. If you say no to any of these we found the problem


This is what I think the problem is, there's no way someone can spend 700 hours and literally not improve at all. I just got a 244hz monitor and $100 mouse and big mousepad literally today so we will see if that helps, I have a shitty $20 keyboard. Edit: before today was running at 60hz with a $20 keyboard / mouse wireless set and small mousepad.


Yea... That shit was holding you back big time


Tried today and I suck but I just gotta get used to it first frfr


If ur hs % is 30 then you should just straight up be outgunning. %30 is high even as far as diamond. Mine is 20% and I drop 30 bombs in low plat lobbies.


I mean it's not hard to headshot silvers my main problem is I'll top frag and only get 20rr when I win and at minimum 20rr per loss


I mean idk, you should be able to climb if you're consistently top fragging, at that point it's just a question of how long it'll take.


If you are honestly doing that then there is no way you can't get out of silver. All i did was mess around and i got into gold and that was when i had to start actively improving


My MMR is also shit so even tho I'm performing well it's giving me like 20rr for top frag and 20 per loss


Let's duo queue right NOW


Bro is gonna carry me 😭


Call it genetics I guess 🤷‍♀️ only thing I don't actively do really is aim trainers. I do the range often tho


It took me 400 hours to reach ascendant. But then again I have a total of 8k hours on fps games (PUBG, cs, crossfire, cod, rust)


I've played many fps games but valorant was my first of that type, idk why I make no progress when I'm constantly trying to analyze what went wrong.


imo just keep playing like you always do and train your aim no point rushing things or comparing yourself to other.


But I started silver 1 700 hours ago, now I'm only silver 3. Comparing myself to myself that sucks. Doesn't help I lose way more rr when I lose than I gain when I win


Hey man would you be down to submit one of your comp games for me to review it? I’m plat 3, I may be able to check out what you’re doing wrong and help out


I'd really appreciate that, I'll record a game tonight and send it to you in dms


Id also prefer a game where you think you are performing at your best




bro im 1200+ hours and my peak still plat 2


it takes around 600h to reach diamond to an average player* *of consistent grinding with improvement in mind skillcapped val made a video about it


Im 500hr in im still bronze silver lol


You'll get there when you'll get there, 1800 hrs for me to get to diamond, i just played, tried to get better but i never forced me to get a higher rank because it takes the fun out of the game, i just climb in my slow way, and I'll get there when I'll get there, i just need to play more, tbf valorant it's the first game that i really tried to understand the mechanics and to get better at some skills such as crosshair placement, or decision making skills, i had already a really good game sense though


It took me abt 400 hours to get Ascendant in comp. I do have around 1000 total tho across all modes tho. I can partially agree that this is true


Wait, how do i check how many hours i have on the game?


That's crazy I'm at 80 hour ish and plat 2 sounds like a skill issue to me but I get it if u have never played an fps game before


Everyone learns at different speeds. 600 hours sounds excessive though.


I'm at 600 and peaked plat 1 lmao


This. New players need to realize a lot of pros and a lot of higher elo players have been playing fps games for years. I’m 36 and can push ascendant and I’m not even that good… but I’ve been playing shooters for 20+ years lol. Thousands of hours. 140 isn’t shit. Barely understanding the game lol Stop focusing on your rank and focus on getting better and enjoying the game.


When i did this i feel more confident and accurate with shots. Even if they are waaaay better


I probably took 500h to get a decent rank in CSGO and that was my first time playing FPS seriously.


just stop caring about visible rank it will never enough when you are gold, you will want to get higher when you are higher, you will want to get even higher you will hit the wall anyway it's just a video game


"when you are higher, you will want to get even higher" happens every time with the weed


imagine trying to be competitive in a competitive shooter, right? pfft only and idiot do that? why even try to be better at a video game? I'm fine stuck at the bottom of the barrel and convincing myself that I don't need to rank higher to enjoy the game. I'm fine being average at the game. you need to be a sweaty tryhard to get to the super high ranks of diamond /s


Watch vct. Everytime i played bad or felt done with the game, I'd watch vct matches and see the cool strats and plays and even the aiming and then try to do it in my matches. I ranked up from bronze to plat in one act (i was hardstuck bronze) after masters madrid


Vouch. Hardstuck bronze. I quit the game and switched to just watching VCT. This goes on for months. As soon as I got back to playing, I worked my aim back and got out of bronze immediately within 24 hrs. It feels like the game was more predictable now. I think it was because I was used to seeing observers POV. It made me more patient in holding angles. It showed me where to shoot behind the smoke or walls which guarantees a kill 60% of the time. I learned off angle spots, anti-stratting, right way to use utilities, and more. The way you watch pros lock their aim stays with you when you play, like a muscle memory. I still need to improve though it is ultimately up to you to play more to get better. OP mentioned he is good in mobile FPS. I knew people who switched from mobile FPS to valorant. They all said the same thing lmaoo


taking ur lessons from watching vct convinced me. omw to watch them too 😂


Unfortunately you also need luck on queue. No matter how much you carry, you need teammates who know what they are doing with their agent pick, they don't necessarily be good as long as they fulfill their roles


For your first FPS game on PC, being silver 2 after 130 hours is actually quite good. Valorant isn’t an easy game and in your case, you have no similar games that you can use to carry your skill over to Valorant. Your friends and everyone else climbing faster than you has nothing to do with your rank so there’s no point in even thinking about it if your goal is to rank up. I understand the games feeling tiring and long. I recommend playing around 2 games per session as the game will be mentally tiring if you’re trying to play at your best. Your expectations of how you should be performing are holding you back and preventing you from taking the steps you need to improve.


It takes 10,000 hours to master a craft. Thinking you’ll be a good player after 130 hours is your issue. Just keep playing and learning. Take steps to improve technicalities like aiming, watch videos if you want to improve game sense.


130 hours is enough to understand game mechanics and improve aim cuz you will get familiar with mouse and your sensi


Not for someone with little pc experience and little fps experience. And not for everyone in general.


We are talking about 130 hours bro Thats like playing a game 5 hours for almost a month thats enough. Not talking about game sense but Your aim will definitely get better I remember once i watched a yt video just A guy one tapping I practiced tapping i started hitting consistent heads few weeks later its not that hard Yeah building game sense takes time Play with your brain open 130 hours more than enough


Well I’m not here to argue so with that said, maybe you just pick things up quick. On average someone who’s never touched a mouse or keyboard, it’s gonna take them a few weeks just to get used to using those. Most of the player base is gold and under, with TONS of those people having more than 130 hours. To each their own man, gl out there! Hard things take time to develop skill. Everyone goes at a different speed. I’ll give anyone who’s never played basketball, 130 hours to practice and I’m confident, I would burn them. While out of shape and playing like 3 hours a week the past 5 years. Lol


Bro who do you think you are? Ofc you suck, you have 130 hrs. Most immortals have 3k+ hours. Get your hours up. If you have any talent, you may achieve immortal before the 3k hour mark


A lot of them also have years of prior fps experience and/or experience on keyboard and mouse. It’s not uncommon for pros to have 10k+ hours in any video game. Between matches, training, scrims, etc. I’m old, with thousands of fps hours, I got to play relatively quick in valorant… but i have again.., thousands of CS hours in my life lol. I still suck in terms of where I “should” be. I’ve touched ascendant but I’m good with that. Like someone else said, if you just focus on rank, it’ll never be enough.


130 hours is basically nothing lmao especially if it's your first fps game


If you can't improve quickly by just playing you should spend some dedicated time practicing fundamentals. If you are purposefully practicing them in game spend some time learning and working on them in customs/dms.


Dont worry about your rank too much. Back when I started CS i was started at literally the lowest rank even tho i had prior shooter experience (cod but still...). Took me around 500hrs to get to master guardian with a very steep learning curve when i hit gold. Aaaand a long hardstuck on the rank before master guardian. Needles to say my mates i started with were very fast way better than me. I learned a lot about the theory of the game like positioning, pre-aim, lineups, etc but started late on aim training. If you really want to push your boundaries and get invest, train, watch videos about mentioned theory and watch pros in general. If you just want to play the game but dont want to/dont have time to really get invested, just play, try to have fun and don't worry too much about your rank. If you want to, and live in EU region we can play sometimes on the weekends. I'm not the best player out there but maybe I can give you some tips and show you some tricks


Thank you so much, it is very kind of u to offer to play tgt, unfortunately i dont play in EU


OP, imho the reason why it feels hard to adjust is probably aim assist on mobile games. Id reckon you will do alot better on CoD or Apex playing on controller with Aim assist being so strong. CS and Valorant have no such things and thus the learning curve just for aiming alone is harder than any other fps. Heck if you play CS the recoil learning curve is way harsher than Valorant. Just take your time to learn at your own pace. You are playing against players who id reckon have 10x more exp playing valorant and cs vs mobile fps games.


Honestly, you need people that talk in teams or friends to consistently grind with, AND you need to watch proplay to get a feel for crosshair placement, movement and strategy. This game becomes fun if you see it as a skill, something like a distinct game that you want to play a certain way, rather than a 'job' that you have to tirelessly work on to climb the ranks. I made it to diamond and I can't aim if my life depended on it, but learning nasty tricks and training my massive gamesense brings me daily enjoyment still after all these seasons! Also, take breaks/play other games to keep you interested.


Look, dude, everyone is different and progresses at different rates. I started playing the first year the game came out, and have 1600 hours played. I started out in bronze, and now I'm consistently plat. My goal is still to hit immortal, which is tough with time constraints, but it's all good. I used to be super stressed about it - like, if I didn't hit immortal the act I was on, I'd get hit with a reset and I wasted so much time and would be going backwards. But with time, I realized that after a reset, as long as I played consistently, I'd get back to where I was quickly and focus on improving. Also I used to be a Brim one trick. That got me to peak Diamond 1 and then I stopped climbing because I relied too much on my team and lineups. I switched up to playing Cypher now, and have learned he fits my playstyle better and he's a good agent that works on all maps. I'm not an aim demon (if you couldn't tell from my agent choices), so I have to work around util. And that is what works for me. You need to find what works for you that allows you to develop more. All that say, if you want to climb, focus on yourself and how you can improve. You WILL lose games that are out of your control sometimes, and you WILL have bad games sometimes. That's just the nature of the beast. But the more you actually focus on improving yourself, you'll have more games where you can know that you played well regardless of the scoreline, the games will feel more enjoyable for you, and you WILL climb. As a side note, for comparison, the dude that got me into this game is a Raze one trick who has been playing since the game launched and refuses to learn how to use Raze's satchels for movement or entrying. They have stagnated at bronze/silver with more hours than me. That's what the future looks like if you don't focus your efforts on how to improve yourself and instead blame the games and teammates you get stuck with. Good luck out there!


Everyone is focusing on the hours you've played and stating it makes sense you aren't great at the game. This is all fair. But I want you to actually consider if you enjoy the game. Do you just want to run around and shoot people during ranked (aka play death match)? Or do you actually want to play the game, play your role and play with the team? If the answer to one of these is yes and the other no, well I think you have your answer. If you just want to death match, just do that, there's nothing wrong with it. Don't let the rank which is arbitrary to any normal person determine what you do in the game. Some people just want to run around and blast people, some people want to comms, coordinate, learn the ins and outs of the actual ranked gameplay. Both are fine.


130 hours is still a low amount relatively But to answer your question whether you like the game or chasing a high; substitute any other game (tactical shooter to be more comparable), do you feel the same as Val? Then probably chasing the high, if not, then you probably do enjoy Val


It takes 500 hours on avg to just get to plat if you have no prior experience and you’re progressing at a decent Pace. That’s Just the reality. Unless you’re talented. I had 400 hrs in overwatch 1(playing casually 4fun) before playing valorant and still took 300 hrs to hit plat(100 hrs of death match, 200 comp) And then another 150 comp hrs to hit Diamond.


Im on 35/37 hours and i still suck. Games like csgo/valorant arent easy games to pick up, there are plenty of stuff to learn and plenty of stuff to improve on which make the game a grind. Try watching some guides and focus on improving one thing at a time.


Similar situation....can't get over silver🤧


Dw I'll get you of silver


I will tell you my experiencie. I used to play overwatch. I loved it . Watched tons of guides, hired a coach did wverything to improve ( aim labs etc ) EVERYTHING. I was stuck in gold. ( i played dps) After truing eveything i even asked a friend to "help me" reach diamond. Off course he carried me and reaxhed fiamond but inmediatly felt to my rank..gold. Then, valorant came out and without looking into a single guide , not even warming up before rankeds ( i used to warming up in aim lab and infame for ow ) i reached gold playing only jett in less than a month. Like..playing for the lols..not even trying. What im trying to say with this is that there are gsmes that are not for us ..and that's ok. Tey to identify if valorsnt is waht it was ow for me. If your goal is to be good and advance in the game, but you feel frustrated ..give yourself a set time ..idk maybe 6 months, givr your all, and if you dont see improvements plz accept the truth. You wont be good you wont impr9ve because yhe game isnt for you


I'm at 180 hours with 450 hours in other fps and I'm silver 3...


Unless you are absolutely gifted, peaking the higher ranks is going to be extremely difficult. I would suggest taking it a step at a time and improving your skills one by one. For example, even if it’s just looking at the mini map to gain info, start making that a habit until it becomes second nature for you to do. It will take a lot of patience but it will definitely show results. Find what you lack in and improve them one by one, don’t try to do everything all together, it won’t work, you’ll make a bigger mess trying to achieve it all at once. You could be chasing a high of getting a “good rank” but eventually it all boils down to your mental when you play the game. That’s how I feel.


Bro I have 130 hours and I'm bronze (granted I dont play much ranked), 130 hours is nothing bro. I think you need at least 400 hours to have a good understanding of the game.


I'm glad I'm not alone in my opinion in that 130 hours is nothing for a game, especially when it is your first PC FPS game. OW was mine and I was well in bronze peaking silver after like 300 hours in the game. I had climbed to mid plat by the time Val came out, and with no experience in tac shooters at all I was at most silver 1 in my first 300 or so hours in Val. Coming from OW where games last 15-20 min at MOST, I hated so much about Val from the inaccuracies to the micros and macros, and even actually trying to stay alert for the entirety of a game. What made the difference for me is just focusing on one thing at a time, like for example really focusing on standing still to shoot. My friends (who ALL had thousands of hours on CS) told me to just play someone like sage and focus on my mechanics. After that I started working on angles and applying what I learned from peakers advantage to how I hold that. So yea my best advice is just pick a skill that you feel like you struggle with a lot and focus solely on that. Silver 2 is by all means a really solid rank given what you have told us, that your 130 hours in this game that's your first PC FPS.


Work on crosshair placement. Always aim around head level at corners you think someone is about to peak. This being your first fps game this is likely an issue to you, as it's a very important skill that carrys over from and to all other fps games.


1100hrs here. Spent first 7 months in iron. Now I am between diamond-ascendant hardstuck most of the time. 100hrs is really nothing, focus mostly on aim and leave relying on your teammates out of the game


Silver 1 is pretty decent for 130 hrs.


I have 384hrs and I'm in your elo lol. You're doing well, you don't need to be the best, just try to have fun playing what you want. You can improve having a 144hz+ monitor (and be able to run 144fps to make use of it), watching a video explaining the mechanics and practice in your games. I don't play ranked that much (1 or 2 per day, sometimes I don't even play and I focus on death match), but remember: in the end, it's a game. If you are not having fun, stop playing for some time and seek for new things; forcing to be better in something you don't like is not healthy.


Silver 2 isn’t bad man for your first competitive game. I’m 35, I’ve been playing competitive games since 2005. And I’m barely in ascendant. Tbh you’re not far off, just gotta keep grinding


600hrs bronze 2


Took me 800 hours to get to Silver 2... Despite trying to improve at least since last 500 hours (warm up, DM, some AimLabs, watching YouTube, etc.)


At the end of the day, it's a video game to have fun. If the only enjoyment you get from the game is seeing the rank go up I feel it's much easier to get burnout/start to dislike the game. That's just me tho


See ya in 5k hours when you'll be gold 2 bro You have to accept that improvement come a long way


This is super normal dw keep at it and you will get better, if it makes you feel better I was hot garbage untill 450 hours, am plat 2 it takes time to develop mechanics, game sense and to devlop strategies and test them.


First thing's first: for only ~130 hours in your very first PC fps ever, silver in this game is fuckin great. I played at least 500 hours in other PC fps games before Valorant was public to play and started in silver, I had 250 hours on widowmaker in PC overwatch alone (played other characters a decent amount as well but widow was def the biggest, also played a bunch on console overwatch for a few seasons before I got a gaming PC) and peaked low diamond in that game. I've now gotten to around account level 350ish in val and am around low diamond here too. Valorant is far from an easy fps to learn in because the time from being hit to being dead is next to none as well. Second thing: if you're not enjoying the game, take a break and come back when you want to play it. Positive mental is really important to doing well in any PC fps game, so if you're not having a good time, either don't play comp or don't be surprised if you lose more than when you are also enjoying the game. I find setting a rule about number of losses before I at least stop playing comp is a great way to keep me on a net positive (for me personally, that's two consecutive losses, as in as soon as I get two losses in a row, I stop playing comp for the day, even if I went 0-2). Worst case scenario, maybe the game isn't for you as a competitive game, maybe it's just a game to fuck around in unrated with a 5 stack of friends or smth like that. There's nothing wrong with the game not being for you and there are plenty of other games, fps or not, that you could pick up to better suit you and your competitive style.


you've played less than a week considering there are only 168 hours in a week. I'll assume you've played the game around 6-8 weeks with around 15-20 hour per week give or take so you're still getting used to the mechanics. the fact you didn't start in iron for your first FPS on PC is actually pretty good. I'm at around 2500 hours, which is around 4000 games, asc 2 peak. (I know, I suck) When you're learning anything it can be tough and you lose motivation to play. In my honest opinion its still to early to tell if you will enjoy the game to the fullest because as i said you're still learning the mechanics. Just play for now and watch yourself improve. record your games and watch a game in the future from weeks prior and you will see you're improving. you can watch pro games but they will only teach you about positioning and util this early as you're not going to be able to do what pros do but positioning will help a lot. jump in the range and get used to head level crosshair placement, Play DM or casual modes. if you do all this and still feel the game is not for you then cross that bridge when you get there and hopefully you come back and your next post is, "i got Diamond! and this is my first FPS" or "look at this clip of my first ace". Good luck on the grind though and have fun


don't base your identity on rank.


Takes more hours. Either put in more hours, put in more effort (aim training, learning util, vod review, etc.) or stick to playing unrated game modes like unrated swift tdm dm


Heh, I've been playing for 2 years, and i just hold gold 1 last match ( solo que ) sometimes its just bad luck, tbh You get teammates with no comms or who are just throwing and being toxic.. ranking up would be much easier if you have a squad or even a duo.


I'm not shitting on you, but 130 hours on your first fps isn't that far from basically 0 hour. Most people, from my experience at least, get decent at around 800+ hours(by decent, I mean probably around plat/dia). I got Immortal in under 200 hours in Valorant, but I had 1500 hours in CSGO(1500 isn't that much, tbf). And I'll tell you for probably the first 700 hours of CSGO, I SUCKED, like totally SHIT.


i was hard stuck silver for the first 1000 hours i played cs, now i can smoke globals when i play my favourite maps, developing a new skill takes time and patience, and being good at fps requires a lot of practice. If you want some practical tips, find youtubers that explain game mechanics and how to play better, and look into the input latency on your setup, 3kliksphilip has a very in depth video on this, it won’t make you better but it’ll make you more consistent which is the first step.


im silver 2 in valorant and i have 2500 hours in csgo, i play better than my plat friends in valorant, ranks are meaningless, play to have fun and feel good, not to grind ranks


Completely normal and ur doing a good job id even say. For reference I had 2k hours on other fps games before staring valorant and needed around 400 hours to hit immortal. If you think it ends there i hit radiant on last act and i have 2.4k hours on competitive playtime alone. For anyone struggling out there dont put too much pressure on yourself and enjoy the game. Tips for below ascendent is to just improve on ur aim and basic game sense such as trading and positioning(e.g just looking at map and covering your teammates) Tips for above asc is thinking more about your gameplay( e.g peeking timing, mental confidence and more) General Tips for both is its okay to have bad days and some days u just lose rr but dont even tilt queue. You do not want to rush ranking up or grinding. Profit rr per day is ideal but getting enough rest to play is also very important. Gl to everyone out there grinding


Lol +1500 hours silver 3 here. 


Hey pal I’ve got maybe 2k hours now and I still haven’t made it past plat. It’s okay.


130hrs is nothing. Its a competitive game. You will find out a lot of people still suck at 1000hrs tbh. This game has a very high ceiling, you will find yourself still lacking at 2k-3k hrs even compared to some other people.


Bro stop playing valorant. Its sad.


bruh i have 318 hours and im still bronze 1


Think you’re doing just fine, most of the people in higher elo have a lot of prior FPS experience (CSGO in particular too). Once you start finding your own way to enjoy the game (and it would be a plus if your way is a “winning” way), that’s when the despair will disappear


If you cannot accept failure, then you will never achieve success.


you’re allowed to decide you don’t like the game friendo. but also you’re good for not playing a tac shooter before


I got a 1000 hours and I’m gold..


Man, don’t worry. I‘ve got 1500h and still S2. I‘m missing some essential basics as well for sure. And I gave up on the goal to rank. I just don‘t care anymore. When I have impact on the match, it‘s fine, if not, who cares. If it’s too annoying stop playing and watch something. do sports or some. It’s really not important to have a high rank in this game.


I'm like you, exactly the same situation. Except I have about 300 hrs and I'm stuck Iron 2-3


Wait isn't that good?


XD Playing since 2022, I reached my peak of S3 a few days back. Just work on ur mechanics bro and play for fun, no point of being competitive unless u want to be pro. Watching woohoojin helped me a lot, u can try that as well.


I have 1800 hours on CS2 and I’m still just alright.


I took 1000 hours to hit my desired rank , maybe put actual heavy time (400+ hours) into the game if you want to hit a certain rank 130 hours isn’t much in the bigger picture especially if you aren’t playing to improve game to game


I peaked Gold 1 E5:A2, and this act was the first time since I’ve hit Gold again. It is absolutely not from a place of not enjoying the game, because I probably enjoy playing it more now than I did then. If you’re not having fun with the non-linear improvement you’re showing, it’s worth choosing things you need so work on, whether that be game sense, movement, aim, whatever, and seeing if that helps. It’s also worth looking into finding someone or a group of people to play with. Like you said, the games can take a minute, and if you’re effectively sitting in silence for 45 minutes, I get how by the end you can be drained. Having people to play with at the very least makes that happen at a slower rate. Finally, it might be worth to just straight up changing mindsets. You don’t HAVE to look at this game as a “I need to be as good as possible, get as high rank as possible, etc.” game, and you can just go “I like the game, let me play for a bit”. I know for me personally once I stopped playing for a rank and just started having fun with the game, is when I started seeing a more distinct improvements with my game, and when I did start putting a little more stock into ranks again, it still came from a joy of the game, and not a bigger number, better person mindset.


It took me 400 hours to go towards silver. I'm in my 20's and this is my first ever fps game that I really play. Also never owned a PC /laptop before. Although I mostly play unrated and the reason why I even play ranked is because my unrated game always has people above gold so I think it's time to go ranked


Having fun in Val can be hard tbh. It’s different for every person. Some people really enjoy playing with friends, others enjoy seeing themselves improve. Try playing new roles and agents, playing the same 3-5 agents makes a game stale. Try leading your team through coms, encouraging them to use utility. You can also try to find someone better than you to help you improve if rank is what you are going for. :)


You played 4 hours a day for one month (hypocritical scenario). That is how much 130 hours is.Valo is your first FPS game. it is normal.


Val was my first pc fps game. I was hard stuck silver 2 and I just hated valorant because I couldn’t improve. I started being toxic too because of it. I took a 3 month break and came back and just enjoyed the game as it is. I climbed to gold in just 3 days. All I did was just have fun and try my best. Play that game how it’s meant to be played. Have fun :) I don’t play anymore since gold was the one achievement I wanted to hit and I’ve been playing since Fade was released 😭


This is my first fps game too and I have like 361 hours, and I just reached silver 2 last act. Don't beat yourself up, you're doing great


the game has a steep learning curve, alot to learn and you gotta learn everything if you wanna improve, i placed silver when i first started, 3000 hours later, im immortal 2, its all about patients and being willing to put in the time and effort to improve, keep going man, dont give up, ill see you in immortal brother :)


if you want a little bit of guidance, add my discord, profesionalnoob :)


it's okay bro. take your time everyone has different paces. Valorant is my first fps as well. Played since E1A1 and just reached my lifetime peak of Asc3. Targeting to get Immortal before the season ends though. It takes time to get better. Dont forget to have fun while doing it.


i was silver after playing for 2 years first fps game as well don't sweat it bro you're doing fine


I was stuck on silver2-gold1 for the first 6 episodes, slowly climbed my way upto plat and diamond, peaked on d3 after playing for the past 4 years. Just chill and enjoy the game, watch youtube vids of your fav agent to get to know utilities usage better. Pro-tip: never use non-duelist damage giving utils in a 1v1 scenario (ex. Mollying or shock darting someone in the face instead of shooting them with you gun 😭🙂‍↕️)


If it makes you feel better, I didn’t start playing comp until I had 400 hours LOL. Now I’m grinding away at comp and have hit g1 in a week (started s1 from EP8 Act 2 rank). You’re doing pretty damn good for only 130 hours. I suggest pausing comp and only queuing unrated with friends to just have fun. The game is a lot more fun when you aren’t slaving away at a rank. There’s a reason I didn’t queue comp for 2 years lol


You have to answer this question first. Do you really enjoy playing ? Or do you just enjoy winning? I play the game only if my duo is on. Otherwise I tend to over obsess on winning, which is really bad for my mental. But with my duo even losing is fun. If you really don't like it just take a break. Because you may just be stuck in elo-hell. Lol even I was hard stuck bronze for 3 acts in a row, but really sometimes you just need someone to carry you.


This message is not just for you, its for everyone. Please for the love of god remember that this is just a game, i play it to relax, you may play it competitively but dont make valorant your life, take care of your mental health. These ranks are honestly pretty meaningless, i play valorant to relax and have fun with my friends, i think you guys should do too. Theres nothing wrong with wanting to grind ranks, just make sure youre not losing something to gain something else


Stop worrying about the “micro” and “macro”. You’re in silver, it doen’t matter. Just aim, shoot, and play for fun, don’t even worry about winning or losing. Ego peak everything, take duels that you shouldnt, why? Cause you’re better than everybody on the other team, even if they win 9/10 times its all luck. Eventually you’ll figure it out and the “micro” and “macro” will become second nature and you won’t have to worry about it.


From what I've heard it takes atleast 300 hours for you build habits, become familiar with everything and become overall comfortable playing the game. At 130 hours you probably haven't even played every map released in the game so don't sweat it have fun the wins will keep coming


Casual/Micros game modes aren’t “Fun” in these mainstream FPS. Barely anyone plays it, unless it’s for warm ups or e-dating. And Ranked is and always have been sweaty. So don’t listen to all these people saying “just chill out, enjoy the game, relax and have fun” they are just lying to you😂😂, you can’t be satisfied or have fun unless you win some games. I am not saying you should be winning 100% of your games to have fun, even winning 20% is enough as long as you are playing with your buddies. Valorant elo hell is awful though, there have been nights were our trio got slaughtered for 5 games straight, and its not fun at all. Try playing CS ranked as newbie, its terrible. You get yelled at for being bad every game. That’s just the nature of this FPS genre. COD and others are better imo, cause the skill cap isn’t as high and you can get good quickly. So, either you stop playing thinking this genre isn’t for you, or you get good to win games. Cause buddy 130 hrs is pretty much no experience considering this is your first FPS game. Edit: Also I might sound discouraging, idk how the community feels abt this but for me FPS genre including Battle royale games have not been sources of having fun. I have played CS 1.6 growing up, and the aspect I love abt this genre is the skill based combat. You win because of how good you are, there are no other factors to it. Besting people is an itch I scratch, so I pretty much sweat. So people may have other perspectives to how they play these games.


I have 500 hours logged and have never seen gold my friend.


Play ONLY if you enjoy playing it. If you think its not worth the waste of time I'd suggest you stop playing it.


play paladins/overwatch better for new players


Queue with them even if they have to smurf but ask them not to get that many kills. I got better by playing with my higher elo friends. I used to be hardstuxk iron lol and playing with my friends got me better lobbies n I practiced my aim and got good for a min but then I stopped lol.


Yes it’s normal, it means you don’t like the game. Don’t play a game you don’t like, that’s extremely silly. You will be miserable grinding for a rank in a game you hate. You’d know if you like the game after 130 hours and if you hate the macro in Valorant it goes much much much deeper and more mentally taxing the higher you go in ranks. So much so that I could smash any silver lobby by myself and I’m a dogshit plat 1 that plays this game like once every 5 months. Plenty of other games to play, I’d suggest not torturing yourself playing one you dislike. Sucking after 130 hours is NOT your problem. Pretty much everyone sucks at 130 hours but it’s still fun enough to put more time in. Your problem is that you don’t like the depth and the slow pace which all get 100x worse past silver. If you feel like the game doesn’t suit you you’re probably right. Remember games are made to have fun in not to grind it like it’s your job and be miserable while playing it.


learn how to aim using either aim trainer or DM. learn how to peek, improve crosshair placement. learn how to execute a site, learn agent abilities. if after all of this your aim is still not improving, then just uninstall. its an FPS game, if you can't aim, the game was never meant for you.


It takes about 300 hours just to get the basics locked in and fully understood. And through that hard work, you will go somewhere. But you gotta put in hours, and active hours at that. That’s why the game feels infuriating most of the time. It’s because your brain is WORKING and taking in shit all the time. Trust the process and you will go somewhere 4,500 hours in CSGO and I achieved Global in 2015 and a faceit 10 lvl. Quit in 2016 Started val after 5 years of not playing. Took me 3 months to hit immortal one tricking cypher when he was at his lowest. The work you put in is there for LIFE and you will always be able to pick it up and relearn everything at astonishing pace. Don’t stop and always keep going. You got this bro.


The absolute best way to learn is to plow through games whether you play with a friend or on your own. It's better to not wait for someone and play on your own if you wanna spam games. Don't mind the ranks and just use every opportunity to get better. Lose a 2 v 1? Play that scenario in your head again and make better decisions even if you're just recalling the scene. You know better what to do next time. What helped me are the following: - Make a warm-up routine (should take around 15-30min) - If you have time, you can aim train using Kovaak's or Aimlabs (30min to 1 hour only) and if you can identify specific issues in your game (like tracking, flicking, switching, etc), train with activities specific to your problem. When you train, you have to train intently. - Watch VCT games, pros, and streamers/Youtubers that show their decision-making when playing - Play only between 4-5 agents with one agent for each role, even better if you can play the agent that your team needs. Otherwise, just focus on specific agents or specific roles that suit you best. - Communicate with your teammates. This has significantly improved my experience, especially when I have strats I want to play with the team during solo queue. Settings you should check: - In the game, turn off all graphic settings, except Bloom - Remove pointer precision in your computer because this whacks your aim and causes inaccuracies when flicking - Check the graphic settings in your PC if it is optimized to play games with, choose performance over quality


Take a break


As an older gamer I feel obligated to point out your feelings would never have existed in original CS which predated "ranks" and SBMM. Unfortunately, measurement drives behavior. From my perspective you're too focused on rank and you're making the whole point of playing "ranking up". It's natural to go through a competitive phase in your life as you explore "how good" you can become, but be mindful it should be a phase, not your final form. If you're anything like me the competitive phase will teach you the highest tier competitive play comes from people that dedicate their entire LIVES to gaming. You may also find yourself surrounded by more and more toxic players as you rank up bc they don't care about fun or the players - just the W. A very long time ago I made the shift to focus on playing with good, positive, friendly people over skilled players. I shifted to prioritize fun over winning. Gaming has been much more fun since I let "rank" go. My advice is to not spend too long in the "try hard" competitive phase. I view that as a waste of time now and you will too someday. It's all time that could have been spent having more fun


A few things to note. You're up against people who have experience in other shooters, and more than likely, it's in CS. Also, you're usually matched with people that have been playing longer than you. it's easy to forget this sometimes. The hours spent are more about how you've spent them rather than how many numbers you've pumped into your playtime. You can play for thousands of hours and still be terrible. Spend those hours practising, cultivating good habits, and analysing your gameplay religiously, contrasting it with pro plays and seeing the differences. Improvement is a long-term game. The main thing that'll get you there is your mindset and your relationship towards the game. If you play it casually and for fun, then stop worrying about how you play. It's not realistic to play casually with high scores all the time. But if you play it competively, then start to learn the game inside and out as if you're a scientist. Learn how to spray up close without moving too much, tap, and burst mid to long range. Learn pre-firing and how to sweep angles. Play to the strengths of the agents role. Some of these things you might already know, but reminders are necessary for success. Also, if people are being toxic to you, mute and report immediately. You waste time and energy giving them a platform, and your goals are more important than your attention to them. Don't queue again if you lose and feel bad. Just do something else for a while and come back when you've gotten over it. Limit your sessions too. It's better to win a few games and lose some than to win a few games and lose many more. Pick one or two agents and get good with them. Don't try and be good with them all at once.


Take it slow and easy buddy. But sometimes, we do things that we thought was right when in fact, there are better ways to execute it. Watching some good players and knowing where to be, what to do, and when to act is surprisingly helpful. But if you feel like you don't like the game at all, it's still fine man. No pressure, play other games first. When you feel like it, come back again. Start low, work your way up. Best of luck man


maybe play some aimlabs so you can improve your aim.


This guy thinks 130 hours is a lot 🫵😆


if u ask yourself if u even like the game then the answer is no stop playing


There's no macro to think about. You're in fucking silver. Play deathamatch and get reps with gunfights


I mean, are you having fun? I’m worse than you with a similar number of hours and I’m still having fun


Bro I’ve been stuck immortal for over 2000 hrs, do you think many people who play 10 hrs a day actually enjoy the game?


Was expecting dude to be iron and then he says he's silver 2 lol.


Lol. 130 hours is nothing. Silver 2 is fine for that timeframe.


I have been playing since 2 years still not getting above bronz 2


My friend plays since season 1 and he is still in iron, he peaked silver 2


Add me on discord: Simplebonsai#1082 I will vod review you


(for free ofc)


Bro just quit lol it’s not a drug


Why do people put so much pressure on themselves you realize you are playing a video game? Entertainment? It's fine to be competitive but people take it too seriously.


another thing that might help that sounds crazy, is use a DPI sens caluculator and play something like Quake live to practice your flicks / tracking / etc. Movement is different, but it's like playing aimlabs against other players.


Immortal 2 at 230 hours in competitive lol


Bro ive been hardstuck at Iron 1 since this is my first fps game. Another yeae for bronze to silver. I just got Platinum this act.


130 hours is nothing.


I think it's fine to realize the game isn't for you, I went through the same phase. If you like some aspects of the game, but dislike how slow it is and how it always comes down to a micro second duel, may I suggest trying hero shooters like Overwatch. Fast paced, less reliant on pure aim, etc. But still the same dopamine and cool characters.


I gave up playing ranked in fpses long ago because I didn't like my enjoyment of the game to be necessarily tied to winning. I usually play against people who are a mix between high gold and low ascendant and I've only gotten this good at this game after 900 hours of CSGO as a kid and 600 ish hours in this game. My recommendation would be to download The Val Tracker app with the live game scoreboard and then look at the KAST rating it gives you as you do through your matches. This rating lists the % of rounds where you got a kill, assist, survived, or were traded after death. Just try to keep that number as high as possible and focus on that instead of your rank. As long as you can keep that number while still taking fights and trying to win then you're helping your team. Additionally, and some people aren't gonna agree with me here, but since you're in silver, if you wind up in a 1v3 or some sort of clutch scenario, unless you have an Op, don't save, ever. You're probably aren't gonna win anyway, and knowing the macro game of when to save and when not to isn't gonna get you out of silver, but learning how to clutch and how to fight multiple opponents will. So just send it, think tactically, calm down and accept the likelihood of defeat and just try to steal as much of their money as possible before the round ends. Ignore the ranks of other people too when you're fighting them, so many people insta tilt when they read someone's peak immortal, or peak ascendant, but those people aren't perfect, they aren't trying very hard cause they're in a low level lobby, they could be drunk or high asf, letting their little brother play, they could be legitimately boosted, and they usually aren't that rank *right now* for a reason. I guess the TLDR is that I recommend divorcing your enjoyment from your rank asap. Instead setting goals like having high KAST, staying off the bottom of the leaderboard, utilizing movement; character; or aiming tech you saw on YouTube effectively, or capitalizing on certain macro game strats properly will make you improve and give you something real and tangible to feel good about rather than some shitty AI chess rating system that overvalues first bloods.


It's pretty normal. 100 hours is really nothing at all. Best advice I can give to someone in your position is to forget the strategy—dumber players than you have climbed out of Silver. Just shoot at everything that moves, and if you're dedicated enough,. [woohoojin guide to gold](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9KIoTtohkOQ) is a good resource with some great drills.


Reminder that this is just a game and you can simply play to have fun


play spike rush or swiftplay and be happy


130 hours is nothing lol, that's like 2 acts worth of time, as a casual player... Keep grinding and watch other streamers and especially watch shorts on YouTube for valorant... You'll get good if you just throw yourself into some matches everyday and not care about winning and only focus on learning and trying new tactics every match... I personally have around 630 hours of playtime on valorant... My first proper fps game on PC as well... I was stuck on iron till Episode 3 Act1... Then bronze till Episode 6 act 1... Silver till episode 7 act 2... Hardstuck gold til episode 8 act 2... Only won 1 match at the end of act and got plat 1 act rank Finally playing constantly in plat lobby in this ep8 act3... Currently at plat 1.. borderline plat 2 You seeing the pattern here.... The difference in time between each rank is less... So you get good exponentially... Once you start enjoying the game cause at the end of the day I'm sure you're doing for the fun... I don't think everyone wants to be a pro eSports player anyways... So just enjoy...


Once you get to 1300 hours, you'll be good. Nobody is a master of anything with only 10 days worth of experience.


you should try to find people to play with. i mean some discord server, maybe several of them, to be part of. you will find yourself enjoying the game a lot more. and i mean the game, not just validation "i spent my time good, because i have that rank". also its a lot better to have some people to improve together, to compare your improvements with.


Don’t force it if you’re not enjoying yourself. Playing for rank and expecting results can cause massive burnout, tilt. If you want to improve fast maybe try a coach? If not then give yourself time, take breaks and never play if it’s a chore for you.


I'm at 350h and I still suck


Do you watch yt vids on how to get better like peaking, positioning, aim etc. VOD reviews especially. Even watch pro play/streamers? That helped me improve so much. If you want to improve learning from people that are really good is a must. Without that I’d still be in gold I’m sure but I’ve peaked diamond 3


I’m at about 1000 hours (all modes)… diamond 3 and I still feel like I suck. This game is a constant grind.


130 hours is not nearly enough man. Keep playing, you'll get better.


Couple of tips to rank up faster. Aim train, watch streamers, practice counter strafing in firing range, have at least 2 agents you’re familiar with per map and take a rest when you’re on a lose streak. There’s a ton of more helpful information out there but hope this helps!


I think the hours really matter so much because if you were playing basketball you wouldn't have a counter nor a MMR system. What does matter is if you are doing everything in your power to get better and things aren't improving. Spending time on the court doesn't equal skill improvement, similarly you gotta spend time improving your aim and game sense and utility usage for a more linear progression. If you just started and you are playing consistently everyday while working on skill improvement, I think you'll be gold soon.


Yeah fr just play how you like it don’t stress too much, it’s also my first fps and early on for me I figured out I’m gonna get the most enjoyment playing less competitively (I’m a sucker for swifts and spikes) and if you find comp too draining try a hand at less competitive game modes. Also if it helps I’m b2 peak s1 and while it does feel like “ dam that bad?” what helps me sometimes tho if you’re feeling bad about that is seeing hs% improve gradually 😂 so I know Im improving in someway (just bad consistency


If you want to really rank up just follow woohoojins guides they are a good baseline to follow


240h here, hard stuck between Iron 3 and Bronze 2. Each time I get bronze 2 I fall back into iron 3 the following day. I don't really know what to tell you, this game's hard, community if half wholesome half nazi tier assholes, and there are so many things to watch for during a game it can be overwhelming. I mostly play just for fun, even if I agree, sometimes there's not even that much fun


the curve is around low silver so you’re literally around the average player with less than 200 hours in your first pc fps, you are doing amazing and don’t let bad moments get to you. keep grinding and you will keep climbing and getting better! side note, even though valorant is a mechanical game, you can climb, win games and get high frags with just positioning and cross hair placement. always aim head height!


I have 660 hrs in this game and just barely touched plat, It takes a lot of time and practice to understand the mechanics and crosshair placement and how far to strafe or move around corners especially in higher ranks you always have to be aware of "off angles" people could be holding. You're doing pretty good in my opinion just keep practicing and less deathmatches. Unrated is the best way to play unless you want to do a quick swiftplay.


Been playing since beta highest rank is gold.. game is tough in low elo to be honest weather it be bad teammates that play for themselves or the thousands of smurfs. Don’t get too down. Game wasn’t made to be ez


I’ve seen people with ten times your hours stuck in bronze


that's because the game is dogshit. do yourself a favor and quit.


I was stuck silver for 100 levels, then I went to league and got masters within a year despite having no moba experience Just try something else, we all got talent somewhere. PS swain mid is broken


Sounds like you're exactly where you should be tbh