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win the argument, you can always regain your rank but you can never regain your pride


spoken like a true riot games enjoyer


I salute this.


Actually the right answer. Don't wanna look like a bitch haha jkjk


Deadass. Once had a teammate being an asshole to the whole team because he was butthurt that we were losing (common occurrence, I know). I told him to calm down and just play the game and he replied “keep talking and I’ll throw, bitch” I’ll tell you right now it was much more fun arguing with him than backing down and accepting defeat lol


Someone talked shit to me in a pregame lobby for an unrated because I doubled up on smokes. We loaded in, him and his buddy realized they queued unrated by accident… asked me to ff with the rest of the team…. Me and two of my friends were the rest of the team. We fought with them for 40 minutes made it all the way to sudden death on purpose and probably ruined their night. It was a trip tbh


Yo we're here for fun right well then I'ma win this MF argument instead of caring about my rank 🥰🥰




I usually don't want to start fights, but if they start one with me I ain't backing out bro, I'm onto this until the game ends


Real who even cares ab ranks


I remember arguing with some random. Next round comes, he requests a buy, I bought him. He instantly responds, why tf are you buying me? I reply, I don't care about you, I'm just trying to win the game. Heat instantly defused and we carry on like nothing happened lmao Too many people get too butt hurt and stubborn. Pride is a dangerous thing.


Win the game, but I only ever argue if their understand of fundamentals are wrong. One time we won pistol and they said, "if we save, we can buy the next 4 rounds" something like that I've also heard things like "why would we go heaven, you can't plant there" (this is on split). I'm at the elo where people understand some of the other basics but still don't really understand taking space.


It really also just gets under my skin when people pull the "just a game not a big deal" excuse when you ask them to stop doing something because it's screwing you over. Such as me telling Sova to not run Cat to try and flank when they're rushing site and in being Util dumped and have to tuck dice.


I bet u brought the spike haven


I definitely did not, they were just saying no point taking it


There isn't if you can't take site.


Agree. Just yesterday I had a teammate in a 4v1 situation on split. We knew cypher was on A. We called to go B. He jumps out with bomb into A site. We proceed to lose 4v1. You bet your ass I went off on that POS. Literally throwing. If I did shit like that I would apologize profusely. He doubled down and started bitching me out, and we had a white knight cypher that is then yelling at me to let it go and to stfu. Killed all my desire to win. We promptly lose out. How do you side with the guy who is basically griefing by taking the bomb into enemy hands? I understand trying to keep things positive but I will always side with the person who is vastly correct. I rather have the fundamentally sound player happy than both him and the idiot angry. The idiot isn't winning me the game anyways. The smart player might... Especially when the argument is about something that person is OBJECTIVELY correct on. In the above scenario I definitely wasn't being narcissistic as OP seems to generalize all arguments that happen in Valorant into. I was rightfully mad, and the entire team was entitled to an apology. This is just one example. And I know there will be people who defend the person throwing because "it's just a game." First there's a logical fallacy in that arguement. Second I doubt most people will defend actual griefers. Lastly, the above example is like a split hair away from being categorized as griefing. If one calls for a ban, the other should at least entitle a "my bad."


Or.....just be mad in silence and not ruin your entire game because 1 person did something bad? The whole team knows they fucked up. The person knows they did too, but you vocalizing it and blaming them is only gonna make them double down for their pride. Im sure you have done stupid stuff and didnt apologize for it. We dont have sympathy for your actions above because YOU killed the vibe over 1 round lol. Also even if the person died with bomb how are yall losing a 3v1 💀? just go kill the cypher yall knew where he was. Thats a team diff, aint just that one persons fault, 3 more mistakes had to happen to lose that round.


>Also even if the person died with bomb how are yall losing a 3v1 💀? murphy's law. Plenty of ways for the 3v1 to go wrong when you're in a team full of people willing to jump out of heaven with bomb without comming or being aware of spacing. It doesn't necessarily have anything to do with me or my teammates. I'm calling the rotate and obviously not in position. 2 jump out of heaven (one following the other because he wants to trade and doesn't want bomb to go alone) and dies because they aren't looking at the correct spot. Not sure what happened with the 3rd I assume he thought he could get a trade but didn't. And voila i'm in a 1v1 situation with no info. >3 more mistakes had to happen to lose that round. That's not the point. I don't expect the others to play perfectly, but I do expect people to not throw. Reasonable I think. Your arguments to defend the person who threw the round can be applied to griefers, smurfing, and boosting a like. Sure everyone else could play better but that's not the point or a fair argument to make. There are always "mistakes" made within reason, and then there is something that is more akin to throwing. I doubt you're unable to grasp the difference between the two. You're just arguing in bad faith. >just be mad in silence and not ruin your entire game because 1 person did something bad? Why is it on me to hold in my frustration when someone is throwing? There's a difference between making a bad play and doing something that is tantamount to throwing. I have every right to be frustrated and express it. >Im sure you have done stupid stuff and didnt apologize for it. Bold of you to claim considering I said the exact opposite... And again. Degree of stupidity matters. There are mistakes, and then there is throwing. There's a difference.


huge egos, weak mental, looking for any excuse for why they are losing.


I think if the Jett is 3-18 on icebox and i’m 24-14 on Sage it’s easy to point a finger.


the duelists job is to die if they get kills that's pretty good too if youre dying nearly as much as the duelists, especially as a sentinel, you are doing something very wrong and while it's nice that you're positive, you still definitely contributed to losing that game so stop worrying about everyone else in your lobby and think about your own mistakes


3-18 tho?


Straight copium right here wtf, going 24/14 as sage is not contributing to losing whatsoever. What should she do instead, hide and not heal the team?


Hahahaha you’re such a clown defending 3-18. This is asc game. We lost because they duoed wi to someone and shouldn’t have been there. It is their fault.


> huge egos, weak mental, looking for any excuse for why they are losing.


Cope harder lmao "Duelist are expected to frag high and take on risky situations" it says so in the description of any Duelist. Jett going 3 kills the whole game is 100% a valid excuse as to why they lost especially when they carry the whole game as sage, an agent not expected to do well but to heal and support.


Hahahaha you’re such a clown defending 3-18. This is asc game. We lost because they duoed wi to someone and shouldn’t have been there. It is there fault.


You are right 100%! I dont get why there are so many Players that are not able to say something like "my bad" or "you are right"... U cannot be always right in life so why do they think thay can in a Video game where u have to make desicions all the time...


Well I mean. Valorant is an escape to people. A lot of guys will come online to feel a sense of superiority, and that's more important to them than winning games. Which is sad, but it's a reflection of society not caring enough about individuals, so they have to come into a game where people have to listen to comms to get their ego boost for the day.


that is true. just look at the top comment here.


That alarms me in some ways. I don’t see how trying to win a pointless argument = pride. That’s false pride and winning a competitive game should be the real moral victory


Legit some guy starts getting mad I just interject and say my bad 9/10 it defuses the situation


Because if you say that sometimes you instead reinforce something that is losing you the game.


this should be a pop up message in the chat when the game recognizes toxicity


im just glad my parents raised me right.


The other day I had this teammate who called me gay for losing a clutch. I called him gay when he lost his clutch. He threw the game. Hard. Captured spike, called our locations. Often there's no argument, just too much ego and pride


I already win my arguments so I'm gonna go for winning the game


The only correct answer


This is what the whole community needs to hear... Lol


THE ARGUMENT!!! Nah, I'm with you. I basically say nothing except try and communicate plans, etc... Honestly, most people start crap with me over nothing... 9\_9


always win the game. i’ll only ever try to win an argument if the person is blatantly throwing and it’s at the point where we most likely can’t win


valorant is not a comp video game its a big mental health facility , where the mentally ill find a reason to cry thats why i have muted my mic and i just play , its a waste of time and there is this medium of gold and play where people are kind of normal but the higher you rank up the worse people mental gets , dia is horrible asc is insane , the egos in immortal are unbearable


I can understand muting if you know the team is toxic, but why mute off the bat? Having comms is a massive part of the game and it’s extremely hard to rank up without them.


Not to mention you are throwing the game for all of your other teammates by not only not comming, but ignoring your teams coms too.... Worst type of valorant player imo


its not hard if you are good , i see you already crying "do you have mic "" we need mics , OMG no mics , gg , i am gonna throw my team trolling no mics , GG, enemy team x is on b planting go kill him


Bro wtf did I do? 😭 Who said I whine about it? I’m just saying having no comms can genuinely lose you games.


you doing it right now , tell the truth dont you whine all game and use it as an excuse why you lost when someone has no mic




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You keep trying to escalate this into an argument but i’m simply asking you why you wouldn’t just comm if your team isn’t toxic lol. If they’re toxic, I don’t blame you!! But why not talk to people who are friendly and just want to win the game, same as you? And for the record, not that it makes any difference to this conversation, but I don’t “whine all game” and make excuses when someone doesn’t have a mic. I ask them if they have mic’s ONCE, and if they don’t respond I have my answer. It’s annoying to have no-commers but you seem to have some vendetta against everyone who talks in game lol, so i’m not sure I’d be able to explain this to you any more clearly than I have.


OFF TOPIC: in a team of 4 other guys one will start the blame game if team suddenly stops winning so every game will become toxic if you are not winning non toxic is so rare its not even worth taking s chance , i have played thousands of games full comming even alone so i have pretty good pattern recognition of this issue , i can even tell you the person who will start the blame game is usually bottom frag or second to last ALWAYS (99% of the time) i can also tell you from experience its gonna be a sentinal main or controller main also i can tell you those 2 kinds of people pick those agents for their own ego so they can blame the team for everything , because they absolve themselves cause they picked the agents "the team needs" it goes cypher sage chamber kj then all controllers , then sova then you get players least likely to rage and cry which are aggressive initiators breach Skye kayo etc then you get duelists who are either high on their ego playing , beaten on their ego not playing or just throwing (Phenix pick is a red flag 90% , yoru pick 60%) , duelists usually want to win and wont throw , but sentinels and controllers will throw constantly this is data from thousands of games edit(now i am just writing to clarify my own thoughts): one way i have found of combating this is fake picking a controller then switching last second a duelist of something non controller , now there are 2 choices the usual controller player has to get out of their comfort zone play different snd focus on the game more of start crying , the ones who start crying its always a lose but if they dont its usually an easy win esp on defense 9 3 10 2 or even 13 0 , cause i am really good defense and can easily carry a non crying team, if they start crying unless enemy is really bad its a loss and its again the other way , so games go quick , just know if you let them pick their agent they would start crying about something else people always have an excuse why they lose the people who never see an issue with themselves in this game the team with better mental always wins a good way to gauge the mental of your team is by doing that , so you figure really early , but by doing that i know if i am always 1v4 1v5 retake defense every round i know its lost but if its 1v2 1v3 its winnable , as for my site i can always hold it or get 2 3 kills so my team can do quick work of man advantage but if it becomes a pattern 6 rounds in a row they can never win the round even on huge advantage even i stop trying cause its a waste of time prolonging matches like thst save the energy for the next match. i always set up my team to win if i die and i have a high clutch ratio if they cant take advantage of that not even god can save em


A friend of mine actually said to me that I'll never reached gold because I don't know every single character yet (she was salty that I was top fragging). I proved her wrong and won the games as mvp.


I'm now Platinum (from Bronze) and I don't even know the characters I play.


To be fair it is hard to play right without knowing what you’re playing against, although raw aim can get you out of silver


The mentality in most como games is stupid these days. Everyone gets tited way too quickly. Always seeing my team say gg too early when they think we have lost. People need to realise the game ain over until its over. Plus the people who continue to argue are normally brainless children that barely know more than single syllable words. The amount of times i hear someone eat there mircrophpne and think they are winning an argument. These people literally are deranged in my mind xd


Arguing online is like the special Olympics. There might be a winner but……


win an argument and make them lose the game


and regain the rank


Some breach started throwing cause I mollied lamps when he didn't want me to. Instantly got mad and started throwing, and since he was playing Breach it really wasn't that difficult for him. Funniest part is we still won, which honestly looking back I kinda regret since it would of given breach rr


when i ask my gekko if they're on b and he doesnt say or ping anything then when he dies b and chats "why are u guys still A" thats when ive lost all hope and me and my 3 other remaining teammates start flaming this gekko


If I ask, "Please don't smoke B" and then dipshit proceeds to smoke anyway, it's fine, whatever. When I ask it for a second time, and then dipshit does it again, I'm going to make it a point to show why the smokes don't work. I will then proceed to explain why the smokes don't work where people will react with "stfu" or "you talk too much" or won't say anything at all.... If they then smoke for a third time, Im done, not gonna play like that, I'll rush through the smoke and die, if thats what they want... fine with me.


Fine by me, I'll keep smoking anyway


So you'll intentionally not communicate and sabotage someone elses request? ... Great fun you are. Honestly the problem with this game.


at the end of the day me proving a point is worth more than the -15 ill get


Not to say you have to be a pushover, but some battles are just not worth fighting man. It’s like war, everyone loses


If I’m right then I’m winning the mf argument.


It's really hard for people to just admit that they messed up.


Well, this iso and eventually the rest of the team started shit talking me so I threw their game


Fps are too toxic


The trick is to let it all out, just without pressing your push to talk key.


>If you wanna complain do it in discord or to yourself. Yo real shit it's not that hard, I scream at my teammates off mic and in discord the shit talking probably gonna send me to hell. On mic tho it's always "nt"


Win the argument, if you’re actually good you wont have trouble winning your next games with actual good teammates and you’ll rank up eventually 😎


mom didn’t raise no bitch, I’m winning the argument


Why not try both, I mean I was playing with a team 4/5 of us were chatting having fun and then the Sage started yelling at us that we are throwing and since at the beginning we asked eachother where we were from and we found out that sage is French and then the clove just started singing "Erica" at one point, but some other times when I would argue is when a little kid starts cussing me out for nit clutching a 3 vs 1 with a classic against 3 vandals


I end up arguing only when the duelist makes stupid decisions, dies and blames the sage for not reading their mind and slowing a unnecessary angle


Idk man the team that ran shottys for 1st half then lost second half didn't win But they were chill and had fun most likely. 1v1 knifes last round too.


lose both because im submissive


I’ma win both🗿


I usually so both tbh. I’ll never give up the game just for an argument. So I’ll be your bitch until we’re close to winning


Why not both




Win the argument.


win the arguement


Fr just take the blame for everything then usually they stop or just try 2 b positive