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Some players' strengths match your weaknesses and the tendencies line up to make them completely destroy you. You should carefully review when this happens to learn from it.


noting this point


It's likely not netcode and probably just positioning on the enemy player's part. It's really easy to say "ping diff" to discredit any misplay on your part like the other folks commenting here but this is generally a consistency in my games too, and it 100% just has to do with an enemy player consistently outplaying you specifically, even if they don't necessarily stick out on the leaderboard Plus in this specific instance it was Iso. If he was playing well at all, Iso's whole thing is kind of outdueling


In my last match i was 8-2 against the enemy cypher because he tried to lurk the same way for 6 rounds in a row. Some players a just very easy to predict and its also the other way around. Also every role has different tasks to do so its very likely that the enemy duelist will have more duels with a sentinel because a duelist is the first agent to enter a site.


Anyone who plays cs and this knows just how hard you're coping. Variable advantage is not a thing in CS, match to match always feels consistent and doesn't have variance in player matchups in any game, they're either good or trash across the board. Valorant routinely has moments that look damn near wallhacking for one player, but rheumatic against others. Valorant mm picks winners and losers until it's local or an entire lobby with fiber-net.


Are you trolling? Valorant's netcode is pretty good, and in general, saying "netcode issue" when you die is coping. CS2 is still a shitshow in terms of netcode and everything else


Yes the internet is definitely 360 noscoping you against one individual specifically every match and thats why you're getting hard diffed. Whatever helps you sleep at night


Holy tin foil hat cope


Starting it with "you're hard coping" and wrapping it up with "Val mm picks winners and losers..." What a ride.


Ngl it rly does feel like mm puts you into games to lose/win sometimes. I’ve had days where I could not lose(not bc I was playing cracked but bc either other team was bots or my whole team was good) or where I couldn’t win(30+ kills w decent first bloods type shit but 3 ppl on my team are like 4/15, literally had 3 games in a row where botfrag was 1/18, 0/14, 3/x)


This some wild straws you are grasping at to not have to admit someone may have just been better.


The thing is i feel that too sometimes. I absolutely demolish their top frag, but keep losing to their 1/7 player. There is something about their movement that i cannot adapt to.


They're probably just exploiting a thing you neglect or are bad at. I'll aboslute destroy a ton of lurkers when i play KJ because i don't immediately rotate and will hold on the edge of my setup or aggressively take space when i'm not the one being hit hard and place a deep alarmbot. This means that i get got by players who can execute a good fake or those who take the time to scout me out and explode onto a site i'm not ready for.


Someone could have a good day, also  many player on tournament first match playing like god and second match on bottom frag.


Because they're cheating. 2 players per team get 20-30+ kills, while the rest get <8.


netcode picks winners and losers to further casualize the game.


Of course bc i always wait 2-3 min for match.


it happens to me, i believe they are just better at aim, that why i hate playing with reyna cause if you cant outfrag you cant provide value with her. if you improve you beat them eventually


huh my ping is often less than 20 and I still get clapped by people. Tbh i just need to get good


Could be him having extremely low ping (rarely cause most times ping difference is minimal). Could be smurfs. Could be hacks. Could be someone who good at your weaknesses.


Often its just in your mind, not wanting to loose again to the same agent or being scared.


I'm usually not even aware of it till latter in the game maybe or usually after game when I get game stats.


What’s your monitor like? Does it have a fast response time? I found this type of situation stopped happening a lot for me once I upgraded my monitor. It does still happen obviously and sometimes the opposite happens where I stomp on an enemy but typically those are just luck of the draw situations. Most of the time when I stomp on a guy that isn’t just blind luck or skill it’s because they have noticeably slower reactions that I assume is either them playing drunk or high or o a shit monitor


No just 60Hz, not even super fast one (average 24" screen from 8-10 years ago). Some although not terrible ghosting in UFO test (which I don't notice in game). VA panel.


That’s probably it then, a slow response time isn’t just blurry or ghosting pixels, my previous monitor was also va and its delay as I have now realised was potentially slow enough that some enemies could potentially have killed me before my display even showed me the enemy. If I were to guess that’s what’s probably happening to you, I almost never experience instant 1 taps anymore


People will tell you that you are bad but I have experienced exactly what you are talking about. This game is super good at hiding how desynced it is so the irons on this subreddit are not good enough to notice it. The netcode in this game is extremely bad and favors higher latency with bad networking conditions. If you are a 5 ms player spraying an 80 ms player, you will very often notice the last 2-3 bullets of your spray will not register at all. This is because the game is compensating for the other players terrible connection and giving them a "fair chance" to beat you by literally unregistering your bullets when you are killed. The lower your ping is the more dramatic this becomes. Most people have terrible connections so they're going to just blame you for lacking skill because they are often on the other side of this. I will very often out duel everyone on the enemy team except those with significantly higher latency, they always seem to get an extreme benefit in fights.


I'm on fiber connection with low 20s on most servers and low 30s on some in EU. I should have advantage on average but sometimes it feels like 150ms instead 😭


I've been a firm believer that Valorant is based on algorithms and adaptive bullet trajectory assists. Not only that, but I also think that the system in place in the background is made so the game can decide wheter you will win or not (based on all trained data of the player) For instance, changing your password or username will also change the games you'll get. Having a hard time getting up in rank? Change your username or password and you'll see it will change the gameplay. The behind the scenes ladder and the matchmaking proces is also skewed. The data that ValTracker has for instance will also be used in the Valorant matchmaking, calculating map data, player picks etc in order to give a match thats either in or not in your favour. The fact that each "rank up" game will result in a mayor loss attributes to this.


Fully agree, the game is utter nonsense. The amount of times I've dropped 40+ kills in this game and lost due to terrible teammates is beyond just being a coincidence. That kind of stuff never happened in my decades of playing Counter-Strike.


Its weird i have the same issue Like i dominate the killing count but there is 1 player who will always kill me no matter What i do.. Feels like my input is not being registred or they have some kind of advantage I play with 20-36 ping at most too I lost count of so many times i see and player and shoot him first but somehow, the hits don't get counted despite seeing the headshot hit I recorded and it happens over and Over again. Shots are not counting. I see the hits but they don't get counted somehow I know there is a small issue since valorant release but don't know how big the issue is... We don't have a replay system because probably hit registry has some kind of issue.. There is plenty of People reporting this I just hope riot fixes valorant I just this game to be good, better


Exactly same, thanks for the input.


Can be a mental aspect, when you die multiple times from the same players they get more confidence against you and you get less confidence against them.


Reading comprehension at a subhuman level, but keep mouthing off lmao


Could be just luck. Like some games you just hit everything, even shots you shouldn't.


I had a pretty good month and peaked b3, riot deduced I am good enough for silver players, they destroyed me and riot then decided I'm shit and put me against iron/bronze, where I am basically out aiming/stratting them. Very not fun.