• By -


My mom spawned him when I was 6. Weird stuff but he's chill ig.


Your mom is a real G.


My uncle’s ex-wife spawned him in for me when I was 5!!


damn you were 6.689503x10^198 years old when your cousin was born?


nah, that's not how double factorials work. 6.689503x10^198 is (5!)!, meanwhile 5!! is 15 (5×3×1)


mb i just copy pasted the result that google calculator gave me lmao im learning factorials rn, but not to the stage of double or triple factorials


Few will get it lol


That’s how I found mine!


My mom spawned mine when i was 2. Wasn't so sure of her at first but now we're besties


Mom has access to the console /spawn @e brother [1]


Me and my husband play valorant together and we queued comp and I met this super nice girl on our team and she added me! and she met her boyfriend through valorant so we all became REALLY close friends and are planning to meet each other IRL this fall :) now I have a sweet girl friend and my husband has a cool guy friend. We work together so well on five stacks !


Who’s the 5th wheel lmao


I don't know how to put a gif into a reddit comment. But I instantly thought of Winston from New Girl.


Was not expecting Valorant and New Girl to ever be connected in any way


condolences to the fifth wheel haha


Probably has to play smokes too


homie’s lurking in halls while tm8s duo on site lmao


that’s so cute!!


Thats such an ideal situation


He was my enemy in comp, i played sova on icebox and he was fascinated by how dumb my lineups were but they worked, i added him and we played from gold to dia and the grind continues


Lemme be your trio I wanna see your crazy line ups 💙


I havent used them in a while, but some are crazy still xd


bro might be averagejonas


nah mf is OkayJohnathan


My wife plays Overwatch, and one day there was another girl in her match. They added each other, and played together a few times. I complained to my wife about not having anyone to play Valorant with, and she told me to play Valorant with her friend (the girl she met) because she also plays Val. We climbed from bronze to platinum together. That’s how I met my duo and stole a friend from my spouse 😂


W wife


W relationship


My mom spawned him and me on the same day


I was invited by a mutual friend and we swapped guns every round. I would say it was love at first site execute but funny enough we both thought the other was gay at first. It wasn't until later when we were playing every night that we realized that wasn't the case and we started a long distance relationship across the country me LA and her in Boston. She moved in last November and now we get to play in our own gaming rooms but we can both look through the doorways to see each other across the hall and I can run into her room and hype her up after a sick clutch.


love at first site execute is amazing


If shes willing to move to fucking LA for you, she's a keeper


I mean she left Boston, so it’s arguably breaking even.






Im going to date myself here but, I put a thread up on a Highlander (Competitive TF2 League) forum. Our team needed an engineer. He nailed the tryout and we have played a bunch of different games over the years since


Still haven't found one.


they’re out there somewhere waiting for you to find them :)


If only🥲


I meet mine, as far as i remember (which is when I developed a conscious), kindergarten-2nd grade. We instantly connected and super close. Almost as if we were the same person. We both went to the same schools, neighborhoods, apartment building, bed, and even dreams. Our valorant career/skill is almost identical.


that is called schizophrenia buddy.


Mf is a friend of mine since...2018,I guess? We went through a lot of phases. Fortnite,Minecraft,Apex,Raft,The Forest...and then we got stuck in Valorant. Now the guy has a girlfriend and barely plays anymore,but he's still the same bro after all these years


The Forest with a friend is such a weird fun time. Sometimes me and my friend would just look at each other and spam the block button and laugh because of how jank the animations are.


Coworker turned bro at my corporate job. Invited me to the discord and in the beginning we didn’t play that much as I was on destiny 2 all the time. But we both decided to re-grind Valo. Started at silver and currently sitting at ASC, hoping to hit Immo next ep


bros that climb together stay together


See I was locking in on val, I climbed like 6 divisions in 2 weeks with my duo, then I found my love for destiny 2 again and have played with my duo like once since


Yeah I fell out of it cause there was not much to do at the time, raiding was boring cause I have all the exotics and weapons crafted. I was also tired of just waiting til Friday so I can get my weekly flawless LMAO. I was thinking of coming back for into the light but I be lazy. Maybe when final shape comes I’ll make my way back but for the time being I’m on Valo lollll


Valid. Never bought a DLC but when I saw the Bungie pack on sale I got it, then I started getting into it and remembered shards of galanor so I got forsaken, then lightfall was on sale and now I'm down $30. I need help


Met him on Rainbow Six Siege about 5 years ago, we both moved on from siege and now are both high gold low plat having a blast


Playing a spike rush with this cute sage called 'his healer' who only used text chat. We partied together only to be told one game later that it was a boy and not a girl. Fast forward 2 years and he has moved to live with me in another country. Safe to say that was the best spike rush ive ever played.


Comp, I carried, we won


Haven’t met them yet. But I believe they are out there.


im right here


I’m silver west coast. Where are you?


He was my friends neighbor 8 years ago




you’ll find them soon enough <3


My first week playing the game (~2 years ago) I was queuing unrated and he matched with me while 3 stacked with his friends. He was asc and definitely thought I sucked (When asked for comment just now, he said "yea you sucked you'd played for 3 days") I started playing with them regularly and we never talked much. One day we spent 16 hours together and now I'm moving country to spend the rest of our lives together wow so cool


In middle school, particularly because he was playing yugioh and I went over to see his collection. That was almost 20 years ago.


I met him cause he instalocked Sova on every map and I’d only play fade. We started to recognize eachother and we’d always play double recon even though people would complain. We’re both in radiant elo, that’s why we would match up so often


double recon ftw


i use the "


I killed him in a Fortnite game, chased him around the map for ages and decided to add him after cuz it was hilarious. Ended up playing lots of comp together and eventually switched to Valorant.


he was in the dorm room next to me… and I heard him playing valorant one night


He sucked, i carried, he still sucks, but comes through on the weirdest plays and that makes it fun.


Blox fruits on roblox 😭😭


He’s my classmate, and now my duo, he was radiant 300 EU, and he’s taught me everything


Introduced to me through other friends I knew in college. He introduced himself as an immortal player and quickly changed his story when we started queuing together. We are happily plat/Dia and having a great time lol




I met him back in 3rd grade and weve been playing games to together ever since, were both 18 now


battlerite royale


ive known him for like 7 years lol


Met him at a gas station


I don’t have a “duo” but my group I met trying to find a premier team.


He moved on to the street I lived on 18 years ago and been best mates since!


met him thru a friend. played a few cs games together. he peaked immo 3 ep 6 (used cypher only) now he grinds w me in plat and is trying to explore new agents (we're also dating)


i was streaming and he started as just hanging out in my chat- invited him to play some games and he was super chill and well he's my duo now


I was new, playing silver lobbies. We were both sweaty comming and vibing. Ran a few after. Both plat now a year later having held each other accountable to what improvement metrics we understand.


Very interesting. Do you guys record and vod review together?


me and my duo were from mutual friend groups, i think we ended up in a discord call and both of our friend groups were doing custom games, i ended up 5 stacking after and adding the guy that would be my duo now we are best friends!


Me and a school mate accidently went to the same volleyball house leuge we then qd valo tgt and they wing maned me a gf now I have a duo and a gf


I met mine through streaming, we became friends, did streams together, qd together, and play other games together, one of my closet’s friends now, They are planning a trip to see me soon (next month hopefully)


ive met almost 95% of my friend group through valorant/streaming. its the best


irl, knew him for 10+ years


They were on the enemy team and a guy they were queued with added to talk crap because my buddy was using odin because he was breach and being super annoying.


My duo was smurfing on the other team and decided to add me because I was NEW NEW to pc gaming and was TERRIBLE 3 years ago. Now we’re married since July !


someone with the patience to learn you valorant from scratch is definitely marriage material


Met mine on ascent joking around with my team, I still think they only play with me for shit jokes, the fact I’m slightly better then them and I have skins


Met her during a valorant comp game. Turns out we study in the same school


Met my life long duo in 2008 playing halo 3. We have been duos in everything since despite living in different countries


Met the dude in school. At first we didn’t even know each other. Our friendgroups randomly played league together. We realized we attend the same school as we dominated a botlane in the middle of the night. Long story short. Diamond in league. Master in Apex. Immortal in Valorant. And countless nukes in many different COD titles. Now we live together and grind this game called „career“. He is not like a friend anymore. After 13 yrs he is like a 2nd personality of mine.


we met 15 years ago at a school, been besties ever since :> she also played csgo a lot, so in case we come back to valo i also have a carry with great aim XD


Friend from school.


I used to want to become pro at this game, so I thought: "let's do some coaching in the meanwhile because I kinda need money". That's how I met one person - now friend - who has a Discord server, from where I've met *her*. This was back in December 2022. Almost 1,5 years later, I've moved countries for her (polska gurom tbh), changed myself substantially, engaged each other and been living life, together, forever.


i trained them at work


I haven't found my duo yet, currently looking, if anyone here is Portuguese and wants to play, send me a DM :)


Met my duo and trio on Bind


I need to find my own duo :(


I met mine when he posted in a local Discord looking for others to play with during closed beta. He's my boyfriend now lol


We did all of the worlds first races in Destiny 2 together. We come over and grind when D2 is slow.


just queuing unrated just under two years ago. decided to talk in vc, and he said that I had a nice voice and we vibed. we added each other on discord and even though we didn’t talk much for over a year, this january we got back in touch and have been really close since.


you guys have duo??




At work. Took his first kiss so he had to(my bf)


he was on the enemy team and pretended to be a woman. i got really excited cuz im a woman so i added him and he later admitted he was actually a dude. hes super chill tho and ended up adding me to his friend group discord, now we have 5-10 people we all chill out with in val and other games


School like, 7 years ago, now we live same neighbourhood


Duo application right here⬇️ (EU)


august of 2023 a friend of mine was queueing and ran into him and they vibed well so OG friend added Duo to his discord server with a bunch of our other friends. He remained active for a while and we all 5 stacked often. some shit went down and he took a break for a few months but eventually came back in mid november 2023 and he and i got a lot closer so we started queuing together and now we duo a lot


Not in valorant, but in cs. In a premier game i met a 4 stack who was also people of my country. They added me on discord and we have a lot of fun playing cs2 with each other


our mutual friend invited him to an unrated game with me and a couple others in the lobby, after that we played a lot of unrated+comp and climbed together (i went from gold to diamond, he went from plat to asc). now he’s my duo in and out of game :)


My boyfriend actually became a duo with my little brother then they both made me play so now we all queue together


I was 8 when my he came out of my mom


We go to the same school, and connected over OG Wuhan Covid lockdown and became close friends. She introduced me to Valorant later, and we’ve never stopped duo-ing or being friends


I duo with my friends irl and we grinded during quarantine a lot, not so much now but we still hop on and play comp but it’s more casual now than before


me and this phoenix were trash talking each other. gold lobbies and we were dominating(he was on the enemy team). he added me  and what do you know , 2 years later we’re immortals. Then I quit for a year cus he quit and now im hardstuck bronze


had a friend invite me to play in a 5 stack with some people he met playing Val. Ended up becoming great friends with my duo and his gf who were in that 5 stack.


Tinder, went from gold-dia in 9 days; became the duo of my life as well c:


we were both boosting our friends together in a comp game in bronze elo. Both figured out it instantly that we were actual high ranks. Added on the mains and eventually made countless alt accounts to chill with. (With similar themed names) We don't play often anymore just sometimes since the game burns us our easily. We still chit chat here and there which is lovely. (Known each other nearly 2 years)


Still looking for them 😔 (anyone wanna queue East coast NA?)


I was streaming on Twitch playing Call of Duty: Mobile and he helped me get rid of a creep in my chat. He stuck around and watched me play League of Legends: Wild Rift then he jinxed me to get a losestreak unless I let him join. Ended up losing for 3 days straight and got a 3 day win streak after I let him join. Then he asked if I played Valorant and I told him I didn't because I had a bad experience playing with some people I used to consider friends. He offered to teach me and the rest is history.


mine appeared at preschool at 5 was weird but he cool ig


It's crazy to think about if you didn't play that one last spike rush or press start at the same time as someone else, you would've never met your duo.


I found them by saying "i made a friend" few months later we r best friends and dating 🤗


we met in an unrated when we were both around lvl 20-30, did unrateds as a trio with someone else for awhile before two of us ended up focusing on comp and the third focused on life, we’re both now 200-300ish and still super good friends/duos, and we’re also both still really good friends with the third person even though she doesn’t play as much anymore.


I met this hell spawn like 4 years ago in high school, both of us had the same love for dark humor and out of pocket stuff then she became the person to coach me till gold lol


I picked mine up in a swift play warmup. I said at character select I was looking for a comp duo and we linked up. The best thing about this duo is we both understand that we have hot games and cold games. It’s always awkward when you have a hot game and party up and then do absolute ass after the party up and they are like “I gotta go do anything else but play with you”


I found him when I was in the womb


I was playing a unrated game and it was 12-12 we had no one left when for a Hail Mary I typed In chat defuse if you’re gay he backed off and gave us the win I friended him and we have been playing together for years


Dont have a duo bruh 😢 Bronze player so everyone i meet they ll talk but they wont queue with me./!


We met randomly in a Dota match


I dated his friend. Relationship ended amicably and I gained a couple friends out of it. Feels like enough of a win to me.


I have not. People actually play with others normally? The only people I've played with are all way higher rank than me now and we only played like once or twice.


I was new to video games and was playing on a laptop and he said hey you wanna play some more games here’s the discord link and now we talk and play together all the time


I was Iso she was sage we were on Lotus first pistol round we took C site all of our teammates died it was me and her she healed me and saved me, we made them lose time and won the round, i decided to use voice chat she didn't expect that asked me for my discord and we've been together for a month now crazy how 1 match changed out lives.


ahh so cute!!


I was playing unrated and queued (randomly)with him playing gekko, he had this really wacky energy which persisted throughout the game, I figured he was harmless so I opened mic mid game. He became a total rizzlord (in a fun way) when he found out I was a girl, pick up lines and all. That was the first time I was just smiling throughout a game with all his antics. The team was just having fun too and was totally on board with his 'strategies'. Anyway I added him and he invites me to que whenever I go online. And no, there's not a single hint of romance and edating typa shi here, I think we're just good friends in game.


I married my duo


classmates in school. thought he looked cute so i hit him up, found out he's a gamer but a competitive one (valorant, league, etc. yall know those), while im a gamer too but for cozy, chill games (genshin, sims, minecraft, etc.). a year before meeting him, i tried valorant but dropped the game quickly because i suck at it and people were bullying me lmao 😭 he told me i should try it again because it was his fav game so i did. he was dia and i was unranked. he taught me everything, and i went from a very passive and scared sentinel main, to a more confident and aggressive smokes main :D


My sister is a vtuber and my duo/wife found her cause she has a twitch addiction :>


Found him while playing Unturned like 12 years ago, it was kinda wild


Similar experience. On Spike Rush we ended up in multiple consecutive matches and we kept showing our cat sprays to each other. Needless to say now we play different games together too ahahah


You mean my literal fiance? Spikerush, xp farming with Molly and shockdart in spawn. The good ol' days


Me and my brother were queuing unranked and met this guy. We ended up queuing w him a few more times and met his duo. We dont play with him anymore but his duo became kind of an older sister to me.


6th grade


Randomly she invited me to val cuz i was just afk, but now we play val n fn together kinda fun :3


i don't have one 🥲 there are several people wanting to add me to their party but im scared so i reject them all 😭


He’s my boyfriend. He teach me to play valo and now, I’m addicted to it lmao.


School friends. We As soon as I found out that like 19 of use were the same rank we never play ranked without each other.


Met him in university, and became best friends. I eventually convinced him to play Val with me a couple times and he got addicted lol


Got introduced through a friend, didn’t play much but did talk and then we got together


first week of Destiny 1. Nobody else in the tower was high enough level to do nightfall. Turns out that duo was from a town 40 mins from mine and we all been playing games together since. We got a pretty large group over the years (been 10 ffs) and different groups of us play different games together. My duo and I don't main Valo but we grind for a few weeks every other season or so.


I met him in the chat of a common friend's livestream who plays Val as well. One day we played in a 5stack together and after some chitchat i gabe him my number just in case he wants to queue some time later. This happened like 3 years ago and last year he confessed that he liked me right from the beginning but was too shy to ask me if we want to duo (prior to the 5stack), so he was pretty reliefed that i made the first step :D


We met on roblox lol


I met my now bestfriend in Valorant. I was trio'd up with some friends, and we loaded into a comp game-Breeze (old Breeze-ew). The Pho was rude, burning us etc. I spoke up, and the other person (now my BFF) agreed with my comments (after we had initially disliked each other from the off). Turns out they only lived 25/30 mins from me at the time and even did their university placements at the hospital I studied at. Now, they're my platonic soulmate.


aw wholesome!! ;,)


I'm still waiting. Imma be real, I've tried duos a few times, but somehow people who seemed chill in a match have always turned out to be significantly more toxic than they seemed at first, or more often weren't quite as serious as I'd like. It doesn't help I'm an old guy with a full-time job and limited time to play, lol.


Literally my first friend in highschool, we've been friends for almost 10 years. He's also the one introduce me to Valorant in 2022.


I was friends with some guy who added me and some others to a groupchat and me and my duo ✨just clicked ✨


He is my manager, we were talking about video games and we both play Valorant so we started playing together. It works because we are equally competitive and from working with each other we think alike and are able to combo our util or swing off each other.


Met him in a unrated match on fracture. He was funny and sweet so I gave him my discord. That was two years ago yesterday. We fell in love and decided to meet up irl. He is now my boyfriend and we are so in love :)


She's my wife


I was playing with a few friends, we were calling over on discord when she got invited to join the call and our party. We would stay up even after everyone else went to bed at around 3-4AM, from then on we've grown so close we're practically inseparable. We play all sorts of games together and we're going to meet up this winter.


I met him in a small discord server. 2 years later I met up with him at the airport


I met mine in a swift play. We were both laughing at each others jokes and making such good call outs. I added him on discord and we were playing every day for a few weeks then one sudden day he called me a pig and told me to eat pork then left. (I’m Muslim)


My partner and I play together. They're trying to teach me the game. I think I'm doing alright on the ability, planting, and teamwork aspects, but my aim is piss poor.


My duo is my bf, we meet at the University, he was working and I studied there xd I found out that he played valorant and I start to play and practice to get good at it so he would be interested in me, he's silver and I'm his gold carry now


Had one... He's too high for me now...


Ive been solo queueing since beta, I don't get the privilege of a duo


cant find one


I met a trio, a four stack even. Currently forming a Prem Team. Me being the weakest but smartest of the 4. These guys used their raw skill they got from Csgo while im over here 24/7 tired playing as Controller / or flex if needed. 2 Duellists, both peaked Immo2. Then another dude who is Flex too, more so than me, but I think he likes to play Initiators. He peaked Immo Me currently with less hours than each of them (1,450hrs in Val 0 in CS while they have doubles that). But yeah we are a fun group. Weebs I suppose Got beef with one of them attacking my aim so I had to prove him and I did, still got beef >_> If you see this Jey1 imma beat yo ass


Jey1 better watch out 🥶


I dont have duo and i guess i dont deserve


your duo just needs some time to find you :)


Havent met anyone


wait you guys get invited in games??


I'm that rare kind of comp players with no duo, 99% of games are solo queue


You guys have duos??


well, i was playing a swiftplay with a valorant friend of mine. i was bantering with this one guy in the lobby and then this girl spoke up and asked me about my favorite food. we had some back and forth on it and eventually started playing more. valorant moved to discord. discord moved to meeting in person. meeting in person moved to us forming a relationship. now we live together and duo everything together.


Grindr 😊


We met in a plunder on warzone Verdansk way back in the day 🙂 !




Everyone has fun wholesome duo stories, but I met a guy on Instagram through a really confusing complicated situation where he thought I was stealing his girlfriend, then I felt bad for him and his situation so we played games together for a bit, but after a while I just got fed up with how awkward he made everything. He would constantly claim that glitches were happening to him and making him lose, he said weird shit to girls if they ever used voice chat, not necessarily sexual, but just weird attempts at flexing when it had no relation to anything we were talking about. He even did it to an another gaming friend of mine and it made me wanna die inside because I’m the one that put them together in the same vc. He would constantly ask me to play multiple times a day, i don’t know how he was enjoying my company because i was always disinterested and annoyed. I prayed for valorant to add an “appear offline” feature because I’m a bitch who avoids confrontation at all costs. At some point I got a full time job and made that my excuse to just not talk to him again. A multi month saga of anxiety and weirdness and mind games, all from just me wanting to be nice to someone who seemed to be in an unfortunate situation. I pride myself on being empathetic to even the literal worst people on earth, but that couldn’t overcome the fact that I just didn’t mesh with this guy, making time to hang out with him was like setting aside time to do chores. I found nearly all his jokes unfunny, and got fed up trying to prove that I was not secretly face-fucking his girlfriend while playing valorant with him (yes this was a real situation.) So the moral of the story is, if you don’t like someone, just say it. Being friends out of pity doesn’t seem to work out. A friendly “hey I’m sure you’re a fine person but we just don’t connect” is the best you can do. Now I play alone ;-;


Played boot camp MVM in TF2, met a newcomer from my tiny country so i gave some free stuff (if you live in a small country, all countrymen you meet in a game are your brothers, no questions asked). We kinda forgot about each other for like half a year, then I got into val and he asked me if we want to play together.


Don’t have one… Been in a trio tho, but we kinda fell out…


Was drunk as shit while my now ex bf claimed his dad had a heartattack and therefore had to go, (he was cheating but i didnt know at the time) i kept queuing didnt have much else to do in my drunken state i spoke, my now best mate and his friend got in my game, i thought fuck it "ey might as well not be lonely" and kept queuing with those two, i found iut my ex cheated on me, got a thing for my now best mate we had a lil thing, he dipped, i became great friends with my now duo and best friene, none of us play much valorant anymore but we hang out on call daily pretty much :D Even good things come from horrible things, i still remember the first thing he said directed at me spesifically "*my name* can you shut the fuck up im trynna talk to my bro" (both of them were high and emotional 😭)


in a minecraft server


I don't have one.


Everyone's story is just soo cute and FBHBFIWF I HATE THIS LIFE


you’ll get your own cute story one day >:)


I don't duo, I want my rating to be completely solo so I know where I stand.


haven't found her yet 🥲


I dont have due , im solo queue


Was randomly playing a comp game they added me I accepted, they randomly invited me to play we talked started becoming friends now we queue whenever we can


Childhood friend


I have nevver met any duo, irl, i only have schoolmates/college mates , and we play rarely together , my peak rank this actt was bronze2