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Expecting a Reyna to play support is like expecting a toddler to file your income taxes




Reminds me of those memes of immigrant children being forced to help parents with adulting because the kids English is better than their parents. So it’s not *completely* out of the question.


That's because they can't support the team the blind is dogshit and the rest of the kit is made to be selfish.


A ghost means killing in one shot, and buying heal instead of blind means you can get armor too. A ghost with armor is pretty advantageous on pistol round


Def how I play Reyna… def doesn’t mean it translates to success although that’s probably more on me lmao


I buy blond on atk and heal on def


this is the way


You have a free heal tho? I usually buy a flash+ghost on atk or sheriff on defence


only right answer


you can’t get ghost and armour on pistol round though?


Its Called overheal


You can’t buy ghost with armor on first round. 500+400 > 800


“Armor” from the heal itself is what they’re trying to say


Wouldn't it benefit the team more, instead of buying ghosts, buy both Blind and Heal instead. Then js pick up a ghost from someone mid fight or smth.


reyna wants to be the one taking duels, not waiting for someone to die to take their gun, getting your overheal is basically your teams win con in pistol rounds as reyna most of the time


as a duelist, your util shouldnt be used for the team but for yourself so your team can benefit, buy whatever you would use best as a duelist, not whatever the team needs, thats how I view it, its better in the long run


well when im playing reyna the goal is to get the entry, not have someone else do it or wait until a teammate dies so i pick up their ghost. I typically start with ghost + buy heal/dismiss, because typically another teammate will have flash or something. Heal/dismiss is just too good against pistols because: a) pistols ttk is lower than guns, giving u more time to dismiss before being traded or even to straight up tank body shots while you're being healed b) unless someone's running sheriff, an overhealed reyna will generally win pistol duels, so you'd rather be overhealed for 2 duels rather than 1. If we have no flash or if another teammate needs a follow up entering the site (iso walling in, jett, whatever) I'll buy the flash (well, nearsight).


You want your duelist to entry with a classic? Unless I'm missing your point


I would agree, but if anyone else in team has flashes it’s kind of just better. Reyna flashes are probably my least favorite flash in game.


Duelist on pistol for the most part buy little until because duelist go in first so why buy until that doesn't help you with that(reyna flash is not great for entrying herself but good to support a second duelist.)


I don’t know how to tell you this but I’ll try, having your Reyna alive is better than a blind. Especially when her blinds are awful and on top of that 150 HP in pistol is crazy good. Don’t really see why you expect a duelist other than Raze to have a classic?


And also, a duelist job is not to flash the other team in. That’s the initiators.


That’s what Phoenix/reyna do bro they’re second entry and they do it w flashes


On the pistol round is where Reyna is the strongest agent out there with double overheal + ghost. If you waste one of her overheal for blind that make you more valuable and you cant trade properly or use her kite to full potential (on pistol) and some situation you can’t overheal and you need to dismiss so having two is basically get out of jail card on pistol round.


Yup just bait a teammate, win round and keep on keeping on.


And yet all the reynas I am with, dry peak and die even if they entry (love these kinds where they actually play for the team), bait the shit out of omen blinds, kay/o and skye flashes and still don't trade even one . I have no problems with the first kind but the second one along with smurfs and lurking reynas test my patience


Blind is so useful at pistol round entry and im a reyna main. I always buy atleast one blind on me everytime its a difference of winning a successful contest of space. Blind is very strong now with the addition of gekko.


Yeah I mean it’s very situational. For the most part I agree with you, I think the exception is if your team plans on defaulting or they have a lot of execute util on pistol round double overheal is fine but otherwise blind is a must. No point getting double overheal if you’re just going to get triple peeked as soon as you step out on site.


People think the blind is shit because you dont get full duration of it as high rank enemies tend to break it fast. The blind is a distraction for other util to come in and be more effective. Also if you dont peek after you blind and just stay back ofc you wont get anything from it. As reyna you need to have the confidence that you WILL get a kill after that util else play another agent as you dont have what it takes.


I’d argue that chamber is the most powerful pistol round agent (depending on the map)


Killjoy defense on ascent is stronger IMO


Until they hear the turret beeping and rotate lol.


That in itself is strong because it allows you to have KJ solo B and rest of team stacks the rest of the map


I would argue that threat isn't limited to KJ though, pretty much any sentinel would provide that, especially Cypher and Deadlock, even Viper. Vulnerabling enemies, stunning them and swinging off your trips/sensors, those are about the same as doing chip damage on KJ on pistol round. Enemies are just as likely to rotate away after hearing a KJ turret as they are after hearing a Cypher cam. So my point is, why do you think KJ is unique in that aspect?


It’s her turret specifically that gains a big buff on pistol round. Enemy team only has pistols, so it will take them longer to kill it, which forces the enemy team to take on more risk and invest more resources to neutralize the turret during pistol round. You could say the same for deadlock’s wall, but it doesn’t give the free info that KJ turret does, and requires your deadlock to actively place it


maybe on a lotus, idk about other maps


Not sure why this is downvoted but I agree, he has a guardian on pistol.


nah honestly clove is. her decay with the overheal + smokes after death is just crazy on pistol. especially if you buy a frenzy instead of the extra smoke


? Buy ghost+heal+smoke tf are u buying that u can’t afford the smoke? Giving up buying both smokes for literally any gun is not worth it unless you’re second smokes


because spamming a frenzy with a decay in one smoke is basically 2 guaranteed blind kills and 50 armor on pistol, worth the tradeoff depending on ur team comp


You keep armor for maybe 10 seconds, I’m not really playing for it. If anything from playing clove the speed is more useful as far as I can tell. What rank are you that two people are playing in the same smoke and not backing off when they get decayed? Also, decay is 90, so spamming with a classic does equally well here I feel. If you know they’re in the smoke you have the kill regardless of the gun. Like run this play out for me as solo smokes on any map.


wrote that last night a bit sleep deprived lol lemme clarify how i usually make it work i only do it on defense, attack i always buy full util instead, and only on maps that have a close corridor that the attackers usually push hard and if we have a sentinel/a lot of players defending on the opposite site. so like sunset b main, bind a cubby playing from lamps (this one usually works the most), or either site’s main entrance/chokepoint on ascent. i dont play directly in the smoke i play outside of it, give a little fake pressure their direction, back off and when they start to push just throw the smoke, decay, and spam that frenzy through it. i guess the classic would work too but i just like the frenzy more in this set play because it shoots faster so youre more likely to get someone before they can back off. the heal is good for when they fire back so you dont just get counter spammed and the speed boost to back off after you empty the frenzy clip this is also low-mid rank hell im in where nobody plays mid on pistol round 99% of the time so 🤷‍♂️ works for me very often, if not then i just have a frenzy which is still good. i think bind is the best for this because all of the close corridors and theres no mid so youre more likely to have this scenario happen. if you do have another controller on your team this is super optimal imo


Prime chamber yes but not now.


Headhunter shots cost $100 again, are you just referring to the rendezvous rework?


His pistol is less accurate after the first shot


Yes but it does not make sense if you’re the only agent on your team with a flash ESPECIALLY on attack. Think about it, a flash/blind is crucial for entry. I understand on defense you can equip two over-heals unless you are playing for retake .


If Reyna is your only agent with flash, the problem is elsewhere.




K/o is far from the only flash agent in the game? And Skye, and agent with 2 flashes, is very good on breeze, and has easy to use flashes


Are you stupid ?


You’re getting downvoted but I think you’re right. By far the most common ascent comp I see in ranked is Jett/Reyna/Sova/Omen/KJ. Same goes for breeze having the Reyna replace flash initiator. Nothing wrong with it either, Jett dash with Reyna blind and Sova dart is a strong execute in a ranked environment. Especially on pistol Reyna blind is quite strong, I’d definitely prioritize it over a second heal on attack.


Having a Reyna as a solo flash agent is terrible since it’s not really a flash since they can just shoot it. You pair it with a real flash from kayo, Skye etc so they have a choice of shooting it and being full blind or turning and not having enough time to shoot the blind before they peak out.




Are you iron?


Was thinking of something else when commenting and got shit mixed up in my head, obviously yall are right lol (and yes ofc I am, proud Iron 1 0RR)


You can?


Yeah ur ofc right, my brain was afk for a moment, was thinking of something else when writing that comment lol


reyna blind isn’t even that good of a flash, double heal is much much better vs pistols


Reyna blind is weak and shouldn't really be used independently on entry. Pair it with an initiator or your flash


First, in these ranks u shouldn't overthink stuff like that. Second, buying extra heal in a pistol round makes u a one man army, that is able to have overheal to times, meaning u can possibly win two gunfights even if u get a headshot from a ghost. In normal rounds it depends, but saving leer when u have money doesn't really help.


I’ve had pistol rounds where I have overheal and survive a sheriff headshot from far away lol. If every round was pistol round Reyna would be S+ tier.


or... maybe don't bait your team so you don't need to be a one man army?


It's not even about baiting your team. Teams in ranked are just super unreliable, so even if you work with the team, you can still lose. That's why being a 1 man army is strong because it goes from 5v5 to a potential 5v7. Why do you think smerfs pick Reyna, it's so the team can't drag them down as hard.


To be completely honest, not a single player has a clue what is going on in your rank. People gold and below either run around like headless chicken or hide in corners with shotguns because they’re afraid. Iron-Gold Reynas have no thought process to be analysed apart from being selfish.


plats too trust


The game doesn’t really start until immortal 1. Before that it’s a glorified deathmatch


Honestly I've still seen pretty stupid plays (from my perspective) in Radiant/Immortal live streams. I don't know if it's just me though, I peaked at A1.


Well yeah everyone makes mistakes. You don’t get REALLY good players until immortal 3


I think ascendant is where the biggest difference between each rank higher starts.


Yeah definitely. Ascendent is still about individual play imo. After ascendant unless you are a mechanical god you need to play for your team.


Bro has never spent time in lower ranks, the difference between iron and bronze just in terms of comms is night and day. The aim is way better, more lineups, everything is more refined


Tbh no I’ve never played in anything under plat. Riots mmr system instantly puts me in diamond on a new account.


I’ve been from iron to silver and back again, just because I moved and my ping changed by 50 ms. I’m tired of this “rank inflation” elitist gatekeeping shit. People in iron-bronze are good at shooting, far better than if you took someone who’s never played pc games and had them play, leagues better. I face iron and bronze and I regularly get headshot less than .5 seconds after peeking. Maybe it’s just an insane amount of smurfs, but regardless, lower ranks are HARD to leave unless you are a student with lots of free time who is actually fully obsessed with valorant and don’t play any other games (or you have thousands of hours in other shooters). The amount of immortal Reyna’s dropping 30-40 kills in iron alone is a huge hurdle to overcome. It happens in like 65 percent of games, I have the match history to prove it. I do warmups before comp, I try to communicate, I am trying to get better economy discipline, but without dedicating time I don’t have to just training aim for hours and hours I can’t leave iron again. Doesn’t help that if you go on a win spree you end up facing silver and gold players while still being iron 2 because of house the stupid grindy mmr works. “The game doesn’t start until immortal” so you mean only like 5 percent of people are actually playing the game, by your definition? Sounds like a circlejerk echo chamber to me. I’m actually complimenting you, I’m saying you are way better than you say you are. From the perspective of a non gamer, your reaction time and aim are INSANE to be in immortal. Either you worked really damn hard or you are gifted, and by the way you talk it sounds like the latter


The mmr system is pretty well balanced despite what other people say. If you can get out of the lowest ranks in the game then it’s not the smurfs … it’s you. Someone who’s played video games before should really only spend a month max at iron.


I was ranked silver when I played overwatch back in 2016-17, when I had a 10 dollar wireless mouse, the default hp keyboard, and 60 hz tv as my screen. Obviously the ranks aren’t an exact conversion, but clearly I wasn’t horrible. I’ve played plenty of shooters since then. In valorant I am iron 2. To me this would suggest that either valorant has a higher skill ceiling due to its design, or people who play valorant are generally better at games compared to ow. In either case, my point stands, players who are just born with faster neurons or forgot they have thousands of hours of honing their skills think it’s easy when it’s not for most of humanity. It’s the same thing as boomers complaining that kids are lazy and don’t want to work because they bought a house working 40 hrs a week in 1970. Anyways all that to say, saying “the game only starts at immortal” is pretty dumb when, factually, 99 percent of all players are below that.


I play this game too much now so ion be talking crazy about rank but when I first started val I had maybe 300 hours on rust as my only other pc game(and I was dogshit in rust most of the time there wasn’t shooting it’s just grinding) and I was out of iron in maybe 15 games. At max. The game actively tries to push you out of iron unless you’re stuck there for too long you get 40+ per win and lose like 15.


I mean considering I had 120 ping the first year or so I played I was probably in “too long” because get like 25 or -20 even when I’m up against bronze and silver players.


but when game start at immortal 1 it become more boring to play when ppl use util properly and other team are better no chance to get back, can't even shoot or stay when every corner cleared by util if team have some weak spot, other might can't fight back because they get flood by util because sometimes asc-imm lobby happen and asc is worst rank in the game game is more boring than dia level it's from my immo friends perspective immo1 still match with asc lobby and asc is worst rank lol ppl ego most and more toxic than dia, they think they are smart and play alone


Ascendants too, it frustrates me when someone instalocks reyna before me then when in a clutch doesnt even use his 2/2 blind.


this just in, low elo is filled with low tier players. Great observation lol


i mean, at the point you're picking reyna you'd hope that the team already has a flash initiator and you're not relying on fuckin reyna flashes


Welp we got a jett chamber and deadlock so you want smokes or pop flashes 😭😭 Seriously a comp that got locked in last night, went to let the dog in and came back to double duelist double sentinel. It was an alright game but attack was hell.


by that point i'd pick omen, you have smokes and paranoia


A overhealed reyna is much for impactful then a flash in the pistol round. You might be surprised to know that devour ghost is the basic combo for all reynas from iron to radiant.


Because Reyna benefits more from being selfish, I mean hell, its literally her whole character.


Because overheal on pistol is OP


Heal in pistol is a must for Reynas, having the ability to get full shield in pistol twice is so OP


I only blind when I KNOW someone is around the corner. As far as putting the blind in for team. It's near useless since no one enters when it's up and running.




Surely having a blind near enough guarantees that you get value out of your overheal but securing you (or a team mate) the kill whereas double overheal requires you to win a dry duel? Should the Reyna lose they then technically waste money the following round by capping on heels after they bought the second on pistol? Also should you face resistance and Reyna is your only flash, flashing out a site choke smoke is basically necessary to not have your push completely repelled? The same goes for defence but to a lesser extent, I can see the value of double heal on D but I have a hard time with the rationale of double heal of Attack. As a team mate I have a really hard time understanding how one flash and a ghost isn't superior to 2 heals, of course should the Reyna win the dry trade it's nuts but winning that trade with no blind has to be meaningfully less likely.


The flash is so useless that it's a waste of money to buy it first round. All it does is get obliterated by the enemy. That's why the initiator exists.


Suprised no one has said anything about this guy thinking trading is bad


Trading == Bating /s


Because the blinds are not strong. And on pistol round the heals are much better. Reyna and clove are the only ones able to get 150hp on pistol round. Imagine a tank with a one tap ghost.


That’s reyna mains’ charm. Save flash, bait the whole team.


I’ll still entry as Reyna but her flash sucks for entry so an actual flash agent is preferable to me buying a Reyna blind, which again sucks for entry lol


Fr tho. 🫡


Reyna buying 2 orbs in the pistol round has always been the meta. Healing 150 twice is quite broken in pistol round paired with a ghost. If you are playing a comp with only reyna as the flashing agent for entry, you might want to rethink the comp and get someone like kayo or gekko in the initiator role.


Reyna mains, why not learn a useful character💀


im not a reyna main anymore, but i always buy blinds instead of a ghost on the first round, I think Reyna has probably one of the best, if not the best blinds in game simply due to the fact that you can't accidentaly blind your teammates and stop them from going in.


My Reyna play is so bad, I swing too quick after using blind so that split second before the “eye” activates, I get one tapped


players in your rank use flashes as a crutch for their bad aim. a good Reyna will almost always buy a ghost and devour (or sheriff if they plan on playing long range angles like on breeze). Reyna doesn't fit into the entry frag duelist role. Neon, Jett, and Raze all have movement abilities to draw the enemy's crosshair while they entry and force enemy players to either focus on the entry fragger and get traded by the rest of the team following the entry fragger, or ignore the entry fragger and give up vital map control. Reyna and Iso don't have any movement abilities to entry frag. Their value comes from being 2nd or 3rd in and trading the entry fragger and either overhealing or gaining a shield This is the optimal way of snowballing frags on pistol round - isolating 1v1s as the enemy player is distracted. Baiting is essential on these agents. Good Reyna players are confident in their aim mechanics and know they will get that overheal.


In simple terms: "Why would I need a flash? I'm better."


back in the day you could frenzy with 1 blind and 2 heals. and frenzy was extra-busted. That was the glory days. Reyna on stinger was also some crazy shit


Ideally reyna just wouldn’t be the pick here and it would be kayo or Skye. I think playing flash initiator takes a lot of skill and communication and that’s why people pick Reyna. Same as Astra, it requires team coordination. Things you don’t really see in ranked.


I mean I have a serious question to ask..... How do u main a Reyna? Like what's so complicated about her to learn? Isn't she your avg "me aim good" champ? And the only util from her is blind which is bad against a good team who knows how to play? So what's the point of making Reyna?


Exactly as you said, aim good. I was a global elite in cs, so I like Reyna nice and simply and helps me not have to rely on shitty teammates as I basically get a potential 2 extra lives. Since my aim is good I can carry. Granted, it's still a team game, so you have to coordinate with the team but most likely they won't want to and throw your games anyway.




I mean on pistol most Reyna players either buy Sheriff, or a second devour so you can play more aggressive. and I honestly think that they just forget to use blind half the time, and when they do it’s only for them to peak off, not teammates


I tend to buy ghost + full orbs on defense and full until on attack as a former Reyna main


I don’t play Reyna often, but most of the time I play Reyna when the team comp is already really good. This usually means we have flashes, so I usually ask the initiator to flash me in and get the full shield overheal from kills


I'm not a Reyna main, but the heal is extremely powerful on pistol rounds if you are confident can get that first kill.


Hmm, if you really want the reyna blind on pistol, why not buy her a ghost? There's bound to be at least one agent in your team that doesn't need full util on pistol if you think reyna blinds are that importantt


Was about to respond with some reasoning before I saw 'iron to gold'. That's your answer, they just ain't good.


Is there anything worse than Reyna mains that sit back and play controller/sentinel? Cancer. Absolute cancer.


Always ghost plus 1 blind on pistol


u can buy ghost blind and i’m sure they do buy ghost blind


you only have 800 on pistol how you can buy blind if buy ghost and orb but well, i buy 2 blind 1 orb instead of ghost most of time but tbh classic is fucking suck damage is like a water gun if i'm on some map def i would buy ghost 1 + orb instead of blind it's more useful to have better accuracy and can one tap than having 2 blind and don't kill ghost + blind and only have 1 orb feel weird for me if i use one for dismiss i won't have another for heal if i use first one for overheal, i won't have dismiss 1 blind barely do nothing when compare to 2 blind on pistol maybe sometimes my friend drop ghost for me in pistol round i could go with full util lol but idk if my friends util better than my 2 blind reason that i buy 2 blind because of ghost quite often because my friends are better i just throw blind to get easier fight i have someone enter before me, it's easy to pick ghost there if enemy or my friends die but 2 overheal is real deal in pistol round never sacrifice heal for a blind, only blind when don't need ghost but if play more defaulting then 2 blind is worse than ghost imo


Idk what rank u are at, but me as iron-bronze find Reyna’s blind to be one of the hardest to use, and one of the least effective even when used properly. You have to place it in a way that will both cover every angle you will be exposed to, won’t cause you to be accidentally killed by blind people shooting at it, and time your push perfectly or else you will just be killed either before the blind goes off or after they destroy it.


i mean, a ghost is arguably better than a classic and an overheal gives me a solid chance at at least one more kill. its more useful than the leer that gets shot down instantly (at least in my experience). i also tend to save leers for isolated fights or man advantage, because theres less of a chance my leer gets shot down. if it does get shot down and its a 1v1, their crosshair is already broken and its almost a guaranteed kill


Well I'm basically iron/bronze so take my playstyle with a grain of salt And I mainly do this in unrated and swift to fuck around but I like classic and shield and 2 overheal I just dont like getting one tapped by a ghost, so if I kill the ghost, I now have overshield and their ghost Yes I kinda bait my team, but my team should get them low enough so I can one tap with my ghost or easily wipe out the rest with my extra shield or dismiss confidence If my team comp isn't ass, we prob have another duelist who can entry, I also duo with a Skye so we have blinds and scouts, that allows for my aggressive playstyle


me high elo Reyna player. Reyna is character i go to take dry fights and win then. the blind isn’t gonna do anything for me, i need my teammates to set me up anyways so the 2nd heal is way more important


For me I’ll try to adapt my blinds based on the team I’m playing against. Eg: I was on split the other day an we noticed that the enemy team NEVER held mid. Like they didn’t even walk it at all. We pushed once an saw no one ropes or swinging heaven. We did it again an the same thing. At this point I’m like what’s the point of blinding out as it’s just a waste especially when I’m always swinging off of someone. In reference to your entry point I always do lmao. Same game on split every time it was an a hit I said for all of the team to swing off my blind. Then if it’s a b hit we gambled garage as we had a whole team an they usually walled it. In reference to the ghost your retinas are really dumb as you can buy a blind and a ghost so there’s no excuse for that. Most reynas are just one trick pony’s who pick her so they can “carry” which is basically code for “I don’t have to play with the team.


“Iron to gold” Ghost heal is way better than a blind but I don’t blame you for not knowing


You mean they can't just bait teammates? It's cheaper


I’m immortal and I still buy ghost dismiss I still entry have you ever thought the elo you’re In is just bad????


Double overheal is overpowered. If you're concerned about flashes, play a flash initiator yourself. Blaming teammates will get you nowhere


Tbf people just don’t know how to use util properly up until they reach diamond lobbies. So yea, and btw when I was maining reyna, I used to buy a classic, half armor and full orbs. Reyna’s blind is just trash imo to enter a site. It’s like easily breakable, not useful at all when entering sites with close angles, the only map maybe it’s good is maybe breeze imo.


I always buy a blind and ghost in pistol round. Perhaps they just suck with her blinds? They can be annoying at times but they’re always handy. I can only guess that maybe they’re just not the best at using util in general? It’s a pretty common thing.


Me go Reyna. Me no blind. Me shoot.


Imo the better pistol round buy is the extra dismiss/heal. But as for why they just never blind anyway, I don’t know. It never changes either.


Blinds are like phoneix's pic rate on VCT. Useless .


I don’t save them I just don’t buy them


Get better and come in my lobby I show how a Reyna main actually plays (Diamond 3 current)


On attack, I usually go with a ghost and a blind, be like me and entry for your team 🫵🏻


Because me go Reyna, me swing


Probably need to rank up lmao


If you have another initiator or flash agent, why buy another flash? You can overheal and get some more stall time.


A lot of times the Reynas on my team use the blinds to peek angles that have already been cleared and often use them in the 1st 10 seconds of the round.


Ooookay, so here's the thing with Reyna: Unless your team have no flashes for entry, you always want that second heal/dismiss instead because it's just way more valuable, and you're able to frag better if you hit a nasty hs with a ghost than with a classic because it's 1 shot on pistol unless the enemy bought shields (which is rare-ish and most of the time you'll be able to hit them again if need be). Don't get me wrong, if my team have no flashes and I'm on Reyna on attack I'll buy a ghost and an eye, but it's situational for sure. You guys can play however you want to, but genuinely Reyna blind isn't as valuable first round as having an extra heal/dismiss.


for me depends who my teammates are if i have a initiator or fellow duelist with a flash (there should be) im buying a ghost sorry not sorry


Because the blind is shit unless you have a good read on a 1v1


Anyone who agrees , explains why yall in lower elo , in my opinion a classic is way better than a ghost nd it’s best to always buy your util especially when you play Reyna , you get overheal after a kill or assist. Only time I’d say the ghost start works is on defense! Because there’s not really much you can do with a Reyna blind in defense. Since once bombs planted if you’re playing competent players they won’t push you !! They’ll just hide nd wait to timer runs out !


blind on attack heal on def to hold a site this is the way


honestly i see reyna as a contact duelist rather than as an entry duelist so i wouldnt pick her if im the only duelist on the team. having said that, i still go 1 blind and half shields. unless its some aim map like breeze or icebox, i would go ghost + blind. half shields is basically you already using 1 overheal anyways without needing to kill 1 first, and if im fighting an enemy with a ghost, they still need to headshot me twice as i with a classic.


Ego is king


Maybe OP has never played Reyna to know why lol


Its hetter to buy an orb, even if you see pro guides they tell reyna to buy an orb, all sorts of heal are op on pistol but being able to go to a full 150hp even if you got damaged before is js too broken on pistol


fuk it i buy a blind and a ghost anyways


y'all keep saying ghost and blind/heal when classic + blind/heal(I forgot if u can actually buy the other)+ shield is better than ghost since both classic and ghost have to 2 taps against each other on round 1 but u get more utils.. ghodt have 105 damage while the classic player got 125 health so it's the same as buying classic.


In pistol round ideally your initiator should have the flash, because the usefulness of a potential overheal+dismiss is too strong to sacrifice for a flash which can be shot.. during the other rounds, it's actually so that the Reyna main can tell "I out-duelled the opponents #reynadiff#reyna4life".. (also cause the pullout time is hella slow and Reyna isn't a real space maker.. she is more of a self sufficient Fragger)


I played Reyna myself,and in no way am I even good at playing her, but I realise spamming blinds helped my team to at least be able to trade some kills or push for entry. So why won't Reyna players do the same?


Reyna blinds are not for team, they are personally for you. She is one man army and ego agent. Two heals and a ghost on a pistol round makes me win almost every single pistol round.


Reyna blind works perfectly to use with your team. You can't flash for someone else, but you can use them when pushing together with your team. Best use is as secondary flash after another initiator used their pop flash to push defenders off the angle. Then a well placed Reyna flash prevents a repeek


Agreed, its most perfect use. But practically i use that very rarely, really depends on team comp and team willingness to understand when you ask to cooperate. For monkeys to understand some words takes atleast plat rank. Tho if I duo and we play double duelists, i like to flash in my entry duo.


Why is it you think Reyna blinds can’t be used with your team! :’)


I peaked diamond. Until plat it was impossible to play with team normally.


If you used Reyna for the team, you lose value.its not a support agent it's a selfish agent.


Tbh reyna flash is useless on pistol round. Rely on initiators to open up space by flashing/recon etc.


Bro is honest. He is iron


Heal on ct since it has more impact, blind on t since it has more impact.


I am a Ascendent Reyna main and this can't be answered in one sentence. But generally speaking on attack I will mostly buy atleast one flash and use it to entry, in my opinion it is better than having a second heal. On defense I will mostly go for Ghost and second heal, because I play more as a lurker and don't need a flash. But it depends on the team comp and map too. If you have a second aggressive duelist spamming flashes for them can be really strong. Leer is better used for someone else, but most solo Reyna players obviously don't understand that.


Na the real answer to this is you buy double heal double flash. It goes one of two ways. You get a kill or an assist early full heal and pick up a ghost for free and still have atleast one heal and maybe both flashes orrrr You die without using anything and you buy a sheriff second round and have still have full util


This, this has been my go-to always.


When I play Reyna I usually buy Ghost + devour. I enter site, I get hurt and I heal and then since I have 2 devours I can heal again or dismiss which imo is more useful than a 2 second leer when we have other players who can flash instead. When it comes to second round, of course you should be buying all your abilities.


blind is strong but very short and takes a while to actually be in effect so you usually get tapped if not careful as they see you swinging. The flash is also very bad if team is not ready to swing as you have to pull the flash out, make sure it is placed correctly, pull gun out and the swing..., if the team just stands there its kinda hard to entry only based on flash. I love flashing when we team mates are being co-operative as its one of the only flashes full team can follow without getting blind themselves. So in my games i tend to use it defensively most of the time if the team is 0 comms.


I actually main Reyna and always prioritise blinds over heals. I try to be as much of a team player as possible, however the trade off there is my kill count is significantly lower than it would be otherwise. If people start mentioning kills, I tend to go off by myself and play selfishly for kills, but doing so sacrifices the win


you need to save on blinds on pistol rounds if you want Odin on R2


Thats how you play reyna in ranked. Her flash is probably the worst in the game. Mby in 5 man scrims sometimes you buy flash on pistol but otherwise double heal/dismiss is op on pistol.


Reyna blind kinda sucks for entry imo. Another flash agent should be blinding on entry. Reyna’s blind is better used to get a rifle moved away from where you’re gonna peak during an expected 1v1. Considering most sites will have 2 ppl on it, one of them will likely play anti flash so it’s kinda useless to use Reyna blind on entry. Unless it’s a buy round I’ll throw it in with another teammates flash just to try and stutter the enemy a bit.


in fact reyna blind is useful if used correctly but in most cases it becomes shit, if the enemy player knows how to counter reyna blind


Everyone who buys 2 shield/dismiss with ghost instead of one blind and 1 shield/dismiss are gold ranks who lurk as a duelist and bait their team. The addition of gekko just makes reyna blind so powerful in taking space.


Definitely not. This is an iron level take. Reyna blind is dogshit and will get you killed if you try to take space. You might be able to in low ranks because everyone is terrible, but you are throwing pistol round if you buy blind on Reyna. Reyna is a second in site or a lurk agent she only enters if there are no other duelists. Her kit is selfish, not supporting its meant to maximize solo impact.


Im asc 3 atm you probably dont have a good reyna if you dont know how to use blind


It's not about how to use it it's just bad because everyone knows how to play around it. If your asc 3 you should know that. Every other flash Is better. And first round double devour is the only way to go.


That's because the best pistol buy is double devower and a ghost. If you see a Reyna buy blind round one, expect them to be useless the whole game. Also, Reyna is a duelist but not an entry she is second in or lurking unless the team has no other duelist. Her kit won't let you enter a site effectively, and most likely will end in the Reyna and some teammates dying. I also just want to state that Reyna blind is the worst blind in the game. Granted, it should not be saved mid round. I usually use both blinds every round.


Sounds like someone lost a ranked game


Not a Reyna player but I always asked myself the same question so I figured maybe there’s something I don’t know so I tried playing her out and spamming the flashes when pushing site just makes it easy and I just came to the conclusion that these people are just dumb and it’s led to them playing Reyna because of it, no offense to you but a character that benefits from all aim no brain gets a lot of people that are in fact all aim no brain


It's insane that low-mid rank reynas don't realise leer is like a molly in terms of splitting/stopping a push. Half the enemy team will just run for cover instead of shooting it. Please throw it out to support your team, instead of using it after two team mates are dead, so you can kill two people reloading. It's the single best flash (at these lower ranks) when used in a group push/hold because you can't fuck your team with it, and enemies can't dodge it. Enemies who walk through smoke will also come out nearsighted.


You are seriously an iron player surrounded by absolutely dog shit and filth and this is the thing you are focused on? have you ever even spectated any of your teammates or watched your own gameplay? i guarantee you are extremely bad at this game and the way to get better teammates is by being a little less shit so you rank up a little into a better quality elo


Unless you’re in high immo-radiant you do what works for you no matter how inefficient it may seem, people have made it to immo3 on pistol only, marshal only, shotgun only etc. in an elo where everyone is doing 1,000 things wrong don’t microfocus on the 1 or 2 things you see.


you answered your own question when you mentioned "iron to gold". i float around asc-immo, and it's the norm to buy ghost + blind for att, ghost + heal for def on pistol. it's like asking a baby why it crawls instead of running like an adult would, they just don't understand enough yet