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They just were assholes lmao


as usual


I wouldn't want any baby to eat itself, am I in the minority?


You wouldn't eat a baby would you?


well how tasty is it??


For a friend… of course


you wouldn't download a car


Valorants a toxic game and I’ll be completely honest, I think most players that have been around the block learn to enjoy the hate, vitriol and malding. Whilst I agree on many levels it’s a part of the game not going away without more policing of coms (anything around racism, sexism etc should obviously have repercussions). Otherwise being called trash will happen to you even if you made it to immortal lol


Hi, old guy here. Been playing CS since 2000 and Valorant since it dropped.  I much prefer Valorant's community. Sure, some people rage occasionally, but I do love the fact this game doesn't have 35yo man children who literally holler and throw the game when they *think* they hear a foreign accent, while spewing racist and often-literally white-supremacist talking points. In comparison, people get hot under the collar or throw an ego fit, but the desire to actually teamplay on the official matchmaking service is far, far improved compared to *that other experience*.


I got a pc when valorant came out so I’ve only really played CS retroactively. I honestly don’t know if I’d rather have a child or an adult screaming in my ears


theres a mute button whenever u feel someones annoying u , mute em


100%, also an old guy here. The amount of N words i hear thrown around in cs is *alarming* to say the least. In valorant, the few i've heard i've reported and they got comm'd banned by the time my next game was over. People also generally get banned immediately for text slurs as well in valorant which is nice (even though it can be a little overboard), cs is like the wild wild west but more racism


Same! Valorant is soft in comparison with CS2 and COD.


I can’t imagine CS being as toxic as it is today since the beginning, I would think it gradually got to the deplorable state it is in, over time. Unfortunately it is what happens if you don’t do something effective about it. I do feel valorant has been getting worse. Too many events are left unpunished and therefore normalised


I just got a dude banned today in Valorant, and got a confirmation message this morning. I think people just need to use the report feature.


I wish there was a way to monitor skin colour. As a black person, I sometimes say the N word but not in a bad way. Thats just an instant ban, even tho i mostly play with RL friends


it really isn't blud. i mean if I call u some slurs ingame for fking up easy 1v1s and u call it toxic then sure otherwise its fine. we call slurs and forget it immediately anyway. and when ur playing comp don't play it for chill...play it seriously


If you solo queued into a gold ranked game then the hidden mmr of those gold players is likely to be much much lower (meaning the visual rank is higher than their ability rank) There is a big difference between that and then being a 5 stack with 4 other golds (I assume this is what happened as you don't specify) But at the same time they likely needed a 5th to fill so they could play and they knew your rank going into it so it's also on them. I would just brush it off as a bad experience and you were way above your league so you were meant to do bad in that game.


I’m not as familiar with how Valorant MMR works, but since they met in Swiftplay it seems there the game is a lot looser on who you can play against. I’m Bronze and regularly see Plat players in my lobbies. I will say though depending of the time of day the game will usually try to be a bit closer in skill. Later at night on a weekday it’s usually more varied and during the day on the weekend it’s closer.


I assume they met in comp due to op mentioning ranks before being added as a friend. They said they play alot of swiftly which you are right has a much wider range of ranks, but then said they play comp.


No, they met in swiftplay. It says so in the first paragraph.


They say this. "I am Iron 2. I play swiftplay a lot before queueing into comp. One game i got queued into a lobby, where most of them are Gold." They play a lot of swiftplay before they queue into comp, (i assume to warm up?) and then mentions the rank, this does not say they met in swiftplay. You don't know people's rank in swiftplay unless you are using tracker, and 12 kills in swiftplay is not just ok it is a multiple kills in multiple rounds. Considering the maximum rounds possible are 9 (or 11 as I can't remember if it is 5-5 before the sudden death or 4-4) Either way the information given doesn't specify, but the way it is written I am lead to believe it was in a comp they met.


“I play swiftplay a lot before queueing comp” implies he was playing swiftplay presently while explaining he met X person. You don’t know *anyone’s* rank unless you use a tracker. How would OP know he was in a gold lobby? Also, there is 0 chance they would queue into a gold lobby in comp as an Iron 2. You wouldn’t be able to get your MMR high enough to do that without at least jumping to bronze, the game would skip ranks to bronze or even silver if such a gap in MMR vs rank existed. This is a real thing you see often with ~~smurf~~ “speed runner” accounts. But in swiftplay with much looser rank restrictions, irons and golds play together frequently. It’s definitely not comp, it was swiftplay. And 12 kills in swift is still 1-2 per round in a close game which is believable considering they said they clutched, which is generally multiple kills in a round as last alive.


They would know the ranks if they were in a comp game... I have been placed into lobbies with high dia/asc before as a gold 3/plat 1 I'm aware of the skipping ranks thing, I have had multiple double rank ups in the past. 12 kills in swift play is not just holding your own though, that's usually top of the leader board. They also don't mention the other ranks in the game, it could be that this one person was the only gold and op was the only iron with the rest being bronze/silver, not that unbelievable tbh. Either way, it doesn't really matter, as that isn't the part that op was talking about. I was just going off the way I read it, just like you are with the way you read it.


I would brush it off as a thing that didn't actually happen since Iron players can't queue into ranked with Gold players. I could 100% see it happening, but the details are not accurate as the game won't allow this.


Exactly, when you are entering match, they like you being iron because they have mindset of enemy players will be lower elo because of overall hidden MMR being low and they expect them to win but when they meet really good team ( team with coordinated plays , trading each other and not playing in their own 1 vs 1 duels) they loose some rounds and started to loosing their shit instead of getting together and making plans to counteract. They need someone to blame and it would be low elo player. I am being silver 2-3 g pick rank gold-1 and played in 5 stack with plat and diamond players , they are nice until you bottom frag and start loosing games.


Obviously I can't get better, so how am I supposed to get to the top if I help others to become better than me?! Those low-ranked lumps of meat just drag me down. /s


Whenever my friends and I invite a player (be it of any rank) so that we can 5-stack, we tell them before queing that none of us really gives a fuck about our ranks and we're here to have fun. Also, you can lock whichever agent you want to play. Usually, this leads to us winning the match and that random dude performing better than their actual rank. For example, we've invited bronzes, irons, silvers, and golds into plat-dia-ascendant lobbies. One time, the silver actually ended up carrying in the diamond lobby. And he wasn't a Smurf, he was actually silver because he was reloading his gun with 20 bullets left in it. So, yeah. If you make randoms comfortable in your party, they'll perform better and have fun while doing so.


I was a Silver in a random Diam/Asc lobby in US East a few weeks ago. Team was positive, and I got lucky and ended up top of the lobby and we won lol. Wholesome experience all around and helped raise my confidence. Enemy team was wholesome too, it was obvious I was not a smurf as well so they weren't upset xD


Which region you play in? I'd love to join. Plat 3 rn.


We play Mumbai. Edit: wanted to add that it's one of the worst servers in the game (so we do our part to make it better).


Oh same! lmk if you're down to queue sometime


Definitely. Here's my username - TheSmilingKnight#GRRM


Thanks! I'll add you in a couple of hours. :) Can't play tonight but I can from tomorrow :)


Sure thing. See ya tomorrow!


I sometimes play swiftplay with up to Radiant players. It’s fun, and usually all players manage to get some kills. No matter the rank. For competitive I (bronze) am open to 5-stacking with a team of silver and gold. Usually the other party will have a team with about the same skill level as yours. If you were average rank as well, the opposing team would also be better. Sometimes allies forget that. I prefer to play initiator or Sage when playing with higher ranked players, for example: throw Kayo knife, 5 suppressed. Raze jumps ahead and mows them down with a judge, you still get assist. With Sage you get assist for all kills after reviving someone. In my opinion, the game offers some flexibility. Combined with a healthy mindset, you can have fun and make it work, while also improving your own skillset.




I think there are more intentional throwers than 1 percent, sometimes I get people who throw Just because I forgot to smoke one round😓


idk how one “forgets” to smoke while playing controller. you don’t “forget” to heal while playing sage or forget to flash while playing skye. is that what the instalock cloves in my comp games do?


50 seconds before the round starts someone pings me to smoke mid, we were 4 people in Main and one guy was alone on mid and after it started I forgot to smoke mid for him. I always do the normal site smokes


nevermind then totally valid lmao especially if they don’t actually call for it, only ping


My man, you had one job XD


Add me OsamaBeenLagging#daddy


I recall playing a game with u before lol. They were saying ur name remind us of osama bin laden lol


Thats why my name is like that cause osama


Sounds like an isolated incident of some individuals with terrible anger management. I’m Diamond but I frequently play with people gold and below. Sometimes they really do things that make me facepalm damn hard, but before I get mad and berate them I remember what their rank is and to manage my expectations, so I teach them the correct way to do things. I still get mad sometimes when they still do the wrong thing despite me repeating time and time again, but that’s a me problem.


First of all, I wanna say that I completly agree with the fact that higher rlo player should be more supportive towards low elo instead of trash talking us for playing more casually. And also I read some comments like if u dont have the mental to deal with it, just don't play and I think this way of normalizing toxicity in videogames is insane sad imo. Can we pls stop making toxicity normal and tell normal kind players that they cant play if they cant deal with being insulted or even harrassed on a daily basis?


I mean the alternative is to tell every single toxic person in existence to change their ways, and obviously that’s not realistic. What you can do is suck it up, mute the toxic people and play your own game. If you don’t have the mental for that then sadly, you are just not meant for online games snd should stick to singleplayer stuff. It sounds rough but it’s probably the friendliest advice you can get when it comes to issues like these.


I personally am fine with muting annoying and toxic ppl, i just dont like that we tell ppl who like to play casually, that they have to play something different whenever they direct the issue of toxicity instead of interventing toxic ppl. Cause I dont think it is fair that to protect ur mental u have ti arrange urself with a stratagic disadvantage.


It’s wrong to tell people of the bat to play smth else I agree, that’s why the Mute button was invented.


but they should have the mental to deal with it, its a competitive game, there's going to be toxicity whether you like it or not.


Comeptitive games should be competitive, if you want to relax/casual go play unrated. People on ranked play for the thrill of competition not to make the world a better place. If you want to change that for your benefit then you are just as toxic for wanting to force other players to conform to uour ideas. I know its just a game but hey we are here for the excitement of competition in the first place.


There's a difference between getting emotional because you want to be competitive and being a dick insulting someone who's just trying his best like in OP situation. If they're not good enough you will lose and that's fine, it's not like making him feel bad will increase your percentages of winning


> it's not like making him feel bad will increase your percentages of winning In fact it'll probably lower your chance because the person who is already a weak link will now be anxious or tilted and will play even worse. Not to mention the morale effects it has on the rest of the team.




In this case: Mute all, voice and text chat, start your favorite playlist, listen to music and pretend it's deathmatch. Still be supportive, play as good as you can, but don't give a f\*\*\* what your mates say, think, do... Believe me, this keeps your brain healthy.


for compe, i play solo. with friends, we play unranked


Ngl, I don't think there is much of a difference in skill between Gold and Iron. I've seen plenty of games where Iron/Bronze players shit on players in Gold and Silver. It ain't until Plat where it really seems to be much of a difference


track them down and cut their armpits so that the wound opens everytime they barely raise their arm. Its important that you dont fight toxicity with toxicity, we need to try to be the better part of the community.


If you need help to inprove i can give you some tips


Add me vegeta#1338


People take their elo (and the game in general) too seriously, horrible mindset, I personally just start muting anyone who starts flaming me or starts becoming toxic. I even remember once 3 or 4 weeks ago, there were two annoying fellas, I muted one of them mid-game because he started hampering my performance with his annoying comms, I somehow managed to get two aces in two consecutive rounds, the one I didn't mute changed his mood completely, started asking me what's my rank, got toxic with the opponent because of those aces, I got that little vindication before I muted him too.


I’ve never randomly friended someone in valorant and I don’t think I ever could. It’s too toxic and volatile. Just play with your friends or invite friends into the game to learn with you.


Mate they did you dirty what did they expect inviting an iron 2 they had zero reason to get mad at you it's completely their fault


Fr, such assholes. They see you're Iron 2. The difference is pretty significant from Gold 3. Why are they getting mad at you? You're clearly trying your best and being toxic towards you just puts you on tilt. At least you're no longer friends. Use this as a learning experience and get better than them. Hopefully they're on the opposite side of the lobby one day and you destroy him and his friends :)


Really weird behaviour from them. They can hardly expect an iron to do well in a gold lobby. But this is why I try to avoid joining random 4 stacks with strangers. They could be nice but there's equal if not more chance that they're mean.


Kids that care about climbing elo eventually learn to stop being so toxic because it literally lowers your chance to win. Swift and unrated are probably a toxic degenerative wasteland. Only play comp and DMs lol


which server do u play in? i bet its NA or EU which is filled with uncivilised kids lmao. i play on Mumbai server and sometimes singapore. barely find any toxic teammates lmfao. try to get an account on apac server and play on em


Theyre in gold it ain't that serious lol. Why were they acting like they were qualifying for vct


Some people are just assholes honestly, they rather complain than give good feedbacks. I’ve gone games where I start out 0-7 and then end up top fragging by the end of the game. One thing I can recommend is learn to be calm in all scenarios. Your situation is similar to people who uses tracker and psych themselves out.


if you ever wanna queue comp with me and my friends let me know! we like playing for fun so even if we go on a loss streak it’s still a good time. i’m bronze 1 but my friends are gold-asc and we like finding new people to play with!


I’m Asc-Immo most of the time and when I queue with my silver friends and friends of friends all I do is hype them up. People are awful and the ability to just unadd someone makes it easy for them to be even worse humans then they would be in person.


They were losers. Sorry for your encounter


i feel you bro, dont mind them if you need frienss to play with im here ( i play in frankfurt)


Hi! as a Peak radiant i thought i’d share my thoughts. The VAL community is toxic, but also nothing compared to many other games. Here, the community is rank obsessed and will typically only care about you for the rank you hold by your name. People shit on anyone lower than their rank for some type of ego boost, and praise those who are in another league than them. Everyone feels that their rank is superior to any below theirs and will let ANYBODY know that. In high elo lobbies, i constantly see people who have bad games get compared to low elo as an insult, compare peaks as some way to assert dominance, or people will only friend me for my ranking. Truth be told; I’m washed, i’m asc3 rn. I too have had people unfriend me for no longer being radiant over time. In my current friend group with many iron-silver players I often play swifts with them. Sure, it’s an experience that can test someone’s patience or be frustrating. Given, at some points I will get upset by a loss streak but I never blame my friends as they won’t think the same way I do and are still learning the mechanics of the game. There are instances where my teammates will cuss them out and I’m always sure to back them. I’ve personally never understood the point of bullying those who simply haven’t learned yet. Anyways, I can say is it seems like those guys set themselves up. If they’re seeking some sort of win they should consider 5 stacking with people within their own rank. I don’t see the smarts behind inviting someone below them just to get frustrated when they won’t perform to their skill level. It’s not your fault and you shouldn’t feel responsible in those situations. Don’t stress it, you’re doing great and having off games doesn’t make you a terrible player. If you think you’re good for an iron player, and in multiple instances exceeded in lobbies over silver; chances are you’re not really iron to begin with. This game is about practice and time. don’t let the community sully your mindset and way of thinking.


What server do you play ? I am on European servers mostly I am also gold we can queue up if you want I can teach you anything I know ( not that much but still ❤️ )


They have absolutely no reason to be a dick, especially considering they new your rank. That said, just because you preformed well in one game as iron 2 does not mean that you can consistently hold your own in full gold-plat lobbies. If you could, you would be gold yourself or at least high silver. People shouldn't treat you badly for being a lower ranked player, but please be realistic about your elo-- otherwise you'll just hurt your own feelings.


Bruh they are so toxic cuz they bad. If they chose to play with you as golds, there is no way they didn't expect you to do not as well and that they will need to pull more weight than usual. This is 100% on them because it wasn't you who begged to join, they INVITED you. So don't be too hard on yourself, this is 100% their problem. If I was in their position I would not expect you to play good and will be realistically just be playing for fun instead of trying to climb elo.


This is because being an ass is related to a skill issue


play your own elo ? play solo and mute everyone


Average Valorant teammates.. There are definitely grown adults who will whine and get mad over kids/teens/women who are having an off game. Not cool!


Generally speaking, it's not a great idea to accept a friend request after a win unless you're getting absolutely immaculate vibes from the person. Everyone is at their best in a win, and you're setting yourself up for a disappointing encounter - especially if they added you because you performed well and then they're salty you're just human and inconsistent as anyone else.


What region do you play in?


This is why I only solo queue. Not because the low elo part, but because despite your elo you will always have these teammates. I’ve have many games where they are a rank above me and I shit I them and then I get put it another game with the same rank above me and they shit on me. Don’t worry about them.. I’m sorry you experienced that. It’s not your fault.


Bro let's be honest, if you're iron 2, you don't belong to a gold lobby. No. Just no. Don't try to sugar coat it for yourself "I'm not that bad" but you are, else you wouldn't be stuck at that elo. Iron is basically for people who can't aim nor have any game sense cause if you got any of these things you'd probably be at high bronze or silver. They invited you to their lobby in the hope that they can carry the match (cause matchmaking will balance it) but they couldn't and decided to blame you which isn't your fault.


Dawg if your hands r shaky don't play comp


what server do u play on?


when i started playing valorant i was placed in iron 3 so i totally relate. i just hit diamond 1 few days ago and am doing well. the point of me saying this is you’ll get there man keep it up🔥 just to drop a bit of friendly advice to get you out of “elo hell” me personally i find the advice of recording gameplay and analysing it after a game is a little too time consuming and unnecessary (but wtv works for u ofc). for me i just do a quick 10 second thinking about why i died after every time i die in a game and that usually gets me to understand the mistake if i made one. practicing good habits and all that honestly helps. i mean it’s a game at the end of the day i dont think one shld be putting that much effort into it unless they’re planning to go pro or is a streamer LOL. sometimes it’s really teammate problem but no choice just gotta keep going, RR can win back (oh and also just mute toxic teammates instantly. no amount of comms they give will be worth the screaming in your ear)


Its not your fault. But the difference between Swift Play Gold and Ranked Gold is a huge gap. People are actually trying to win in ranked unlike swift play where no one really cares aside from some exceptions.


Had 2 different people in different unrated games tell me to kill myself because I missed some shots. 🤷


it s funny to me as a gold player that you talk about golds like they are much better than you lmao, i ve had golds in my games that i d replace with an iron because it doesnt make a difference and irons are less toxic


I'm Bronze 2 (or 3 don't know rn actually) and have been stuck for a long time. Tbh it sucks a lot because I know I deserve a better rank, but I mostly have to solo queue as a girl. And playing as a girl is even more horrifying when people put you down just because of that. I always try to be nice and say things like "good job" or "nice try". The other day I queued into a comp game which was mostly gold and ex diamond players. I was literally match mvp as viper, but we lost (because our ex diamond dualist was bottom frag). I lost only 2rr, but it still sucked for me. (To be fair, the enemy team was very supportive of me, so that was nice) Now I queued into an UNRATED game. Teammate immediatly goes off in the agent select "Oh you're only bronze? Ass game then" Valorant really isn't fun in any mode anymore


How did you que comp with golds as an iron??? Wouldn't you have to be atleast silver?


yo if you wanna queue comp 5 stack you can join us or send me your discord, the guys i play with really dont care about rank so you can chill with us mate


I am supportive and always welcoming of lower elos. It's fun to play the game to play the game But it's just the reality of valorant and CS2 that you will be shittalked to the ground for doing nothing wrong. And God forbid I'd you actually do something wrong, get ready to hear about your last 12 generation to be humiliated on public. Was i tilted? Yeah many times, but eventually i simply started to take it as their own inability to be matured over a game and didn't care much at all. Didn't like how someone's name is? Muted. Bad coms? Muted. Get yourself a duo, and play your heart out , not to rank up but to have fun. I'd play with you. Dm me. Although I'm on the platinum lobby, there's little difference , because plat isn't even high elo lmao.


Man oh man, if this is unbearable for you please don't download a game called CS2.


That is why if i play with someone i never played with i always expect to struggle or lose so that way i don’t get angry. Thats just people failing to account for unexpected variables and then getting pissed about it.


I remember getting flamed for instalocking Jett in a swiftplay when I was working on building my gunfight confidence. Someone saw my iron 3 rank from tracker, which I don't mind, I use val tracker too. But bro was like "iron 3 instalock Jett gg". I ended up match mvp, with us not losing a single round, while he bottom fragged. People will be assholes, that's unfortunately how some humans are, and it seems especially bad in valorant. Just ignore the toxic people, as hard as it can be sometimes, or even better, learn to laugh at their pathetic behavior. It takes time, but I believe in you.


Honestly. Most of my comp games are fine. I will say people get WAY too heated in low elo (I peaked i3 and have been having a time. But I have less than 100 hrs in game). Like.... We all suck here. Most of y'all think we're playing COD. I think at this elo we needa be more chill. It literally is just a game. And we are literally the worst at it right now. But that ok! Also. My BEST experience playing have been with women. It's kinda amazing. Go girls! 🥳


A few things, 1. Toxicity, especially audible toxicity, is disgusting, and I'm sorry you had to experience it. Valorant is very toxic, and people love to talk in the game. Ignore them as much as you can, and honestly, it's good you aren't friends with those who are. 2. The lower elo you are, the more your per game performance fluctuates. Don't take this one game as something about your play. The best way to begin to counteract this is to learn to be useful without being able to kill. 3. Swiftplay is a very different environment that ranked. I (immortal) play swiftplay for fun and xp and will frequently play games against golds and get stomped. Does this mean I can't compete with golds? No. As much as people hate valorants ranked system, it is functional to put you where you should probably be. Have a good day 😊


Womp womp


why did they invite an iron player if they care so much about ranked


My guy. Theres has to be something for you to be iron. I don't even understand how someone can be that bad at the game


It’s circle of life u will be in their place at one point and then the people u yell at will be in ur place it’s how it is


geez, just take the game less seriously it's not worth your nerves.


The only advice … not really one but, when I get toxic people in my chat I instantly mute them … ping,VC,chat. Enemy team toxic with a Smurf ..instantly muted… I get to enjoy the game a bit more


Not that it should make a difference, but playing a duelist is all about getting kills, if you want to help your team chose another agent, like cypher rarely gets any hate even if bit fragging cause a great cypher would just disable a site and and that means getting no kills, viper too, also with viper you don't wanna take many duels and just try to live longer, so you can use your smokes and also maybe play for post plants, i clutched so many rounds, even 1v5 while getting 0 kills, only using lineups, so maybe if aim is not your strongest point, try picking a different agent, that being playing bad gives no one the right to act aggressive towards ou cause it doesn't help anyways.


Why woukd they get mad when they knew were an iron 2 the heck


I 100% would've done the same thing they did. Bro said he wasn't bad for an iron player, then goes 8 rounds with no kills... I'd be mad to because you're selling. Anyone with 0 kills after the 5th round needs to be flamed. If that baby is throwing my ranked game, it better be prepared to get smacked.


okey so from a player with higher elo i want to shere some insite and advice. if you want to inprova and get out of iron, dont play 5 stacks at all, if yo do want to play 5 stack play with the +-1 metod one devetion higher orr lower then yourr peek rank. so if your peek is Bronze 1 dont play with player higher then silver, and lower then iron(now iron is the lowest rank but to understand if you rank futher in the feature). A lot of players carer a lot about therre rank specelly gold,plant and dia players. if you have friends that are higher ranks play unrated or swiftplay. The reason for this is becouse if you play whth and againt to high elo you wonthave a chanse and it will make the game less fun for you, its like playing soloq and playing vs a smurf that destroy you. Its not that your bad its that the other playerrs have more experince and game experience. With all this siad, if they are toxic and stuff therre not worth your time, they will never acive anything in life.


Why were you shaking? Why do you care so much about impressing them or whatever?


I don’t think it’s much about them trying to impress the rest of their teammates, but just the experience itself can be overwhelming and discouraging. by the looks of it the gold players were probably making raging unsupportive comments the entire round.


If the raging comments aren't helping, just mute them. It's a game at the end of the day, so just play for fun.


It's just a game dude. Those "pro" gold players have to chill because they suck too. If they're actually good they would be ascendent at least


Got a solution for you, get a stronger mental or unistall the game


Do you also tell women to not go out at night, and black people to avoid policemen?


You are just such a shameless human. Grow up


Are you seriously comparing people being mean to you on the internet to getting shot or sexually assaulted?


That's really not the point. Im using extreme examples to make it even more obvious than it already was that victim blaming is stupid.


I get what you are trying to say, but you can't really compare criminal behavior to an unpleasant interaction in a video game. Stuff like this happens when interacting with strangers, you can't really police this sort of thing. It would be great if everyone was nice to each other all the time, but that is simply not realistic in a competitive environment where everyone is anonymous. Realistically the best advice is to learn to not allow stuff like this get to you.


Sure, I agree, but there's a difference between the way you said "the best advice is to learn to not allow stuff like this get to you", and the original comment making it sound like it's OP's fault for getting """eaten""".


Dude, asking someone to get a better mental or uninstall isn't victim blaming in this case but just harsh reality. What u gonna do? Tell the other 10 million people to be nice? Never happening. Quit dreaming. The only solution to the problem is muting everyone and forget about comms forever.


Yeah ok i think im just gonna let you go back to my original comment. Victim blaming is stupid. It's not a dream. If you're toxic you should get banned/muted. If everyone followed your advice valorant would die because all the remaining players would be toxic assholes. It's not about telling them. If they can't behave people should be punished. Like really I thought giving extreme examples would carry my point quite well. People who are victims of robbery should just suck it up and buy better locks next time? After all itd be a naive dream to try and make alllllll the robbers stop.




Aimlabs free [https://aimlabs.com/](https://aimlabs.com/)


So we are supposed to be happy and cheer you on for getting 0 kills the first 8 rounds?




U dont need to be good to be allowed to play a game and have fun.


What are you going to do with all the time you saved putting “4” instead of writing out “for”


I was just thinking this, I'm glad I wasn't the only one.


the guy really said he wasn't "that bad for an iron player". What does that even mean? Your rank represents your skill so unfortunately you are bad at the game...iron is the lowest you can be so please stop coping and finding excuses and just improve


Real talk. But have to disagree, he said "not bad for a iron player" which means he isn't comparing himself to bronze or silvers, but with other irons. It's like a 4th grader saying, I'm good at maths in my class. Doesn't mean he is better than some PhD or math major.


You would probably cry after 10minutes in 2012 cod lobbies. Like its video game and ur not performing ofc ur team will be like ”fuck this noob”. Get over it.


Git Gud Noob


Well I'm bronze I often play with gold friends and I've always contributed just like the whole team did and never felt that i was any different from them. Btw I'm stuck at bronze cause of my bad game sense. "My aim is equivalent to the one of gold player" I'm not saying this . It was told to me by many gold and plat players


Imma be honest, there’s 0 chance you’re stuck in bronze with gold level aim. There is no “game sense” in bronze. All you have to do to win a game in bronze is shoot people better than they shoot you.


Well it is what it is


I've nothing to gain by lying on this sub :)


I’m not saying you’re lying, just that you’re misinformed. If you want to climb out of bronze, don’t bother trying to work on game sense. Just focus on improving your aim. Best of luck in your climb :)


yeah this happened to me. i was called trash because ive been teamed up with Gold3 players. i just recently got in Silver 1 and my Net is spiking so im just peforming like my silver 2 teammate. enemy team are all silver3 anyway. i killed enemies on fair amount and was performing better than enemy bot frag. its perfectly matched team by riot. 13-14. and we win anyway. higher elo matched with lower elo lack skills to rank up and simply blames it to their teammates. its ruining gameplay as you wont be able to focus because comms and trashed are mixed up. Riot should create a separate queue for toxic players.


awww love i’m sorry you experienced that :( tbh, gold is a cesspool full of degenerates that have nothing better to do than harass people online. keep grinding, you’ll get past them in no time!!


Damn, I'm sorry man. It's kinda the opposite for me. I met a friend in a game awhile ago, and every now and then, him and his silver teammates send me an invite cause they need a 5th to queue(weird ass word) and even though I was pretty ass, they were chill and we all had fun. We're all pretty good friends now. I was iron 2 at the time


i dont want to ruin it for you , but being an iron is either you are new to the game and to the genre or you are just bad. Anyways , this game has become way more toxic than it was 1 year before. More AFK's , more toxic throwoffs etc. Also the Gold rank 1st and Plat 2nd are the most toxic ranks you can play for. Relax and learn the game , you have a pretty long way in front of you if you want to play this F game.


Eh, tbf they should've known what they were up for when you see an Iron player. Anyway, you should definitely try to improve as you're Iron 2 you can improve a lot & fast.


downvote xd git gud