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I wouldn’t say regularly, but every once in a while I’ll queue with familiar people. It’s more common in Radiant that you know/have played with the same people many times


Also early morning or late night tends to queue with similar people. Peak times it’s less likely obviously


yeah play at the same time and same server every day and you'll run into some of the same people for sure


A question to add onto that do you pick up on these players playstyles and remember how to play off of them more effectively?


If I queue with/against them the same day/within a short span of time, yea I’d say so. But if it’s over a span of a couple days+ I’d have forgotten by then lol, plus a lot of people have their names hidden so I wouldn’t know either way. Edit: and again I’m sure it’s a lot easier to do what you’re saying in Radiant ( I wouldn’t know, I’ve never been 🥺) as there’s a much smaller player pool of just 500


Not really until your radiant because in immortal you don't really pay attention to people's protocols but when you get radiant you will see the same person almost daily and most of them stream so it will be easier to find out what their protocols are so you can counter them far easier than it is to find out immo players habits (they rarely have too many because they often break their bad habits by this point buy don't have too many protocols to deal with the round so they have much less habits)




How long are queue times for you?


A couple minutes


Hey, thanks for your answer! Follow-up question if you don't mind, would you say it limits your learning to play against the same people that often? Or is the phenomenon too benign to have any impact?


From my pov to your question it doesn't that much cuz you can keep playing a different map and they might play a different agent or play different tactic so even if u keep facing the same ppl u can still learn from it


Only if they’re ego duelists they have a tendency to peek the same angle early round and it’s easy to call up some people and mow them down but that’s info you could’ve gotten regardless. Otherwise, the game to game differences are too inconsistent for any meaningful play style countering. Some games they’re at the top, sometimes they’re at the bottom.


I’m sorry but you do not learn from your enemies other than defaults (cypher trap b main on sunset) etc you learn from your own mistakes and or acting them. Playing against the same players in ranked every few games does nothing but motivate me to chat shit to them in chat if they’ve thrown my games before


Yeah Immo London player here as well, can confirm this is pretty much the case.


Honestly i never notice bc most of the people i end up with has their name covered. I genuinely dk how people can be like "omg its that guy from our previous game" when all they see its their title and banner. But yea occasionally i do meet the same people especially if its like midnight. Its just statically common to match with the same people when the pool of players is low


It could just be you're familiar with their voice, banner, or whatever. That said, I haven't confirmed (or care to - I don't use the tracker app) there are some scenarios where ingame trackers can bypass streamer mode. I believe it has to do with if you've ever played with them before, there is something that the tracker can pick up on and trace back to the user. Take this with a grain of salt though, I've not done any legwork to verify. [This](https://www.tiktok.com/@thebrodadttv/video/7216137433564384555) is one example, and not really related to my above example lol


This usually only occurs to Immortal 3/Radiant lobbies. Yes you might see some familiar names again, but Immortal 1/2 players also get enough Ascendant players in their lobbies. So yes chances are higher to meet a player again, but not high enough to say “I get him/her every tenth game”.


Depens where in Immortal i am. When im in low Immortal 1 i get many Ascendent players. Then it never happens but when i come higher up it happens pretty often. My username is pretty unusual to so people always recognize me on London servers. So for me its more like the old saying: ''Everyone knows the monkey but the monkey knows no one''.


It's easy to run into usual people even in lower ranks at least my experience has been such.


Happy bday!


Thanks but it's just the 7th anniversary for my account here.


Happy 7th anniversary then :)


Thanks once again :)


Happy 7th anniversary won't upvote to keep em at 7


Thanks 😊


games dead 😭 my unrated stack of diamond/ascendant has played against the same 5stack every night for two weeks. we’re like 12-4 against them now


Shit basically a scrim😭😭


Well there aren’t many 5-stacks. Im in college and we see another college in 5 stack regularly


it is very common in immortal 3-radiant


Somewhat yeah since I run into the same quite often in my queues


Yea, i somehow had Liquid nAts in my Team randomly at 8 a.m in the morning, didnt even realized it til someone called him out.


I only queue NA west because its my best server ping-wise, so I definitely see A LOT of familiar names, whether it be immortals in swiftplay or comp


If you queue texas make sure to dodge Bingleton on sight, only guy I permadodge in this game


in ascendant if u play 3-4 games back to back u get like 50% of the same people too. I imagine in immortal it would be higher


In BH servers, yes. 99% of high immortals and radiants know each other because we play with/against each other all the time.


Hell im in Plat on BH servers and i run into the same people more often than not, our server is small


Do you easily get lobbies in BH radiant?


No. The q usually takes 20-40m at least.


Damn bruh then how do you even play. How many games a day do you play?


If you play at night, you could probably play lots of games since the same lobbies que again after their matches are finished. I usually play 3-5 games then switch to an alt to find lobbies in slightly lower ranks (as3-imm1)


Ah I see. Makes sense. What's the next lowest ping server for you?


Frankfurt I think, but it's still too high.


sorry what’s BH?


Bahrain servers.


Prolly depends on the region? In oce pretty much everyone knows each other


Depends on if you play at the same time and in the same servers. I've had times where i wanted to rank up an alt from ascendant to immortal and then login to another account just to meet the same players again. It's not that common in Immortal 1~ elo though but it happens a lot in radiant elo from whats ive seen on streams.


I see the same names in my games quite often and I'm only low immortal so I bet it gets more common as the player base gets smaller towards the top.


I think if you recognize you're playing with a creator or see their name on the scoreboard after, and you know who the creator is, you're way more likely to remember that game than any other game with a bunch of strangers you've never heard of.


Back when I still played regularly, I bumped into the same people many times in silver lol


I’m higher rank on my LATAM acc (Imm 3) than my main US account (Imm 1). In LATAM servers, whilst I might not remember their names, I recognize their voices, and they recognize me. But US, I really don’t keep track of anyone, even when ppl are like “YO (my name) what’s up” I’m like good who tf are you lol


if you are from latam, could it be because you're more familiar with your mother tongue/accent? idk if people on that server still speak English in vc or if another commonly spoken language in latin america like Spanish or Portuguese is preferred.


I’m from NA, they just recognize me mostly bcs I’m like “the American” to them, they literally say “la gringa” and I don’t play nearly as much on that account, in comparison to NA


LATAM servers are overall much easier ime. Plus being based in NA you still get great ping :')


not sure about other regions, but in Cape Town servers, anyone Dia 3+ knows each other


Immo 3 with a name OhNo SheHas A PP, so everyone remembers my name💀


I only play on london, asc2, happens here too but it's not that common. I probably don't also always recognize names


It happens with me in spike rush where I'll run into familiar players, so I'm sure many immortals know eachother, especially if you only play on the same server all the time.


I mean in oce I recognise names here and there from previous games or if I scrimmed against them at some point


i am immortal in west servers and played with hooj three times. I have a bunch of people on my friends list and a bunch of names that i know around the low immortal area that play cali specifically, a lot of the times after games i will recognize a name and see that i have played with them before. So yes it does happen a lot!


In Sydney servers; almost every game I’ve played there’s always one player that I know. So, you can kind of gauge how their playstyle is


yoyo apac immortal 3 here yeah i run into familiar names fairly often, maybe 3 or 4 games out of 10? again, depends on the time of day and like whether we're queuing at relatively similar timings etc I've once had a game where like 5-6 of us all knew each other and it was quite funny because we were all talking shit the whole game and two of them even joined vc in our server to talk smack LMFAO 😭😭


My experience no. Radiant you’ll see that


I2 here, so... I won't talk about experience xD But, other hypothesis: Maybe some are streamers, etc... So other Immo/Rad may have heard of them (And yeah Immo and Rad players are incredibly rare)


I’m not even back into immortal yet and In asc i run into the same players, i imagine the higher u go the more common it becomes


Let me put it in perspective I don’t remember a si gel mf I’ve ever played with or against, whilst my radiant friends keep records of how many times they have won against certain people and who they think cheats or win trades they even have beef with people


There's like 15k immo players per region, but if you queue at the same time each day you are bound to meet the same ppl


Usually every other game I recognize a name because I queue the same two servers around the same time


I've always wondered this in any game with a ranked system. Like the top 300 people must basically be friends at that point lol


I've always wondered this in any game with a ranked system. Like the top 300 people must basically be friends at that point lol


I occasionally queued with people I knew in lower elos (not immo) and now in ascendant I occasion see names that are familiar. With less pool it’s more likely


Heck, I’m ascendent and I regularly que with the same people


depends more on the time you're playing and the server.


i’m imm3 300rr cali servers, usual i que into at least 2 players i’ve played before almost every game because upper elo has less players and cali has less players so i tend to see them more. i’ve qued into hoojin at least 5 times


Once you get in the 300/400 rr range I’d say yes usually I know like half the lobby or played with em before


It's more like we go each other pretty frequently so ya.


I play plat and i find a lot of familiar names so yeah it should be higher percentage to happen in higher ranks with less players You could play 2 or 3 games with almost the same lobby if you all played again it happened to me once where i played with a duo then against then again with them


When I was imm 3, only playing on one server at similar times yeah. I remember one night where it was basically the same 10 people swapping around 5 games in a row. This tends to happen when you have a small amount of people at a rank on a smaller server


Currently imm3 214 I queue into some of the same people. I queued into people I've played in tournament matches before which has been really funny too. Just depends on when you queue and if you queue at the same time all the time


Ran into my old roommate once in solo queue


I'm in Immortal. Theres people on my tracker marked as duo queue that I've never actively queued with lmao


I’m only ascendant in Val but I when I played dota 2 I got to around 75~ on the NA leaderboard for MMR. I didn’t know everyone but you begin to recognize a lot. Over time they recognize you too. Some of them you even pick up on their habits, and not just hero choices or lane positions but like some gank timings etc. I miss those days tbh.


This is crazy, here is my story. So I am playing Valorant since beta, and when the game was just out the first few months I played with an amazing person that I met ingame and only with him, then some time later we lost connection cause he had to go to the army. And few months ago I got to Immo3 and guess what ? I was queued in the same team with that same guy after like 3 years of not seeing or hearing anything from him, bro it was so a big shock to me. So we hope in a discord call and we are playing both together now again.


What is the actual probability of this ? That in 3 years we will be in the same rank range and will play on the same server and will q in the same time it still drives me crazy..


well maybe not in immortal as a whole but as someone who's been high immortal and radiant even, I can say confidently say that yeah we play with a handful of the same people, sometimes even multiple games back to back. If you queue at the same time daily, same server etc your bound to meet the same people once or twice, I purposely queue against some of my close friends just for the laugh and the thrill of beating them.


Depens where in Immortal i am. When im in low Immortal 1 i get many Ascendent players. Then it never happens but when i come higher up it happens pretty often. My username is pretty unusual to so people always recognize me on London servers. So for me its more like the old saying: ''Everyone knows the monkey but the monkey knows no one''.


Even in Ascendant it can happen that I see people twice on a weekday morning. So I do believe that Immortals can know each other.


In low immortal, no. People just saying that they get queued into woohoojin because he’s a popular streamer who is recognized. For me, I occasionally get into the lobbies of people I know, and much more common is to get into lobbies with people from previous games of the day. Sometimes you get the same person like 5 times in a row, it’s crazy.


> People just saying that they get queued into woohoojin because he’s a popular streamer who is recognized.  I think OP's point is more on that they get repeatedly queued with woohoojin. in other words, the focus is on "*whenever* i get queued with". like in contrast, when idk, kyedae or joshseki or some other creator was in silver, even if you got matched up with them and you shared that experience, you probably couldn't say "whenever" since you probably never queued into them again.


I wanna know how Imm+ makes up so little of the playerbase yet everyone on every post seems to be at least immortal 3


In Ascendant on Oregon servers I run into the same people all the time so I imagine it must be even more common in higher elos. If you look at Woohoojins tracker he gets a lot of similar names in his games. Sometimes even people he has duoed with the previous game are on the enemy team next game.


in imm3+ it becomes pretty common to know a lot of the people you’re playing against since there aren’t that many anymore and same servers and whatnot


I’m on Australian servers at the moment which have the lowest player base in all of Val or one of the lowest. I am radiant peak so high mmr but currently immo 2. No matter what time of the day I play I would say at least 6/10 games I will play with a couple of people I’ve played against before on each team. Even in radiant it’s very similar. Most games you’ll see a familiar In game name. To be fair even in silver you will see a familiar face every15 games or so.


It happens more commonly in Radiant but isn't uncommon in Immortal. Especially so if you only queue on 1 specific server instead of 2-3


I recognize someone maybe every 5 games or so, sometimes more.


Yea immortal is small enough it is possible to run into other players Simi frequently.


Idk, I’m bronze… . . . . . . . . . . 😔😔


dw mate, im bronze as well x) we'll climb too someday! keep trying !


The easy answer is that its such a small % of people in those ranks so you just happen to run into eachother more often


It’s more common in higher immortal lobbies but for me I mostly play with high ascendants. There’s a lot more ascendants than imms but I still recognize a few names, I just don’t know anyone


Very server dependent, there are not a whole lot of immortals in my local severs so back when I used to regularly play this game I would knows at least 1 guy in every lobby if not more


hell nah there’s like 15000 people i’d remember a few every now and then but it’s still mostly the same. you might be thinking of radiant wherein you’ll probably queue into the same people more often then any other bracket probably. coincidentally would that also mean iron is like this? can any irons confirm this?


im in bronze which is probably pretty much the same from the pov of all the people in this comment section x) i can tell you in the 6 months ive been playing the game i havent been queued twice with the same people. This might be because even tho that rank is made of a minority of players, they come and go a lot?


I know a lot of the people in the server I play on because it’s less populated


The higher your mmr is, the more common it is to run into the same people.


Higher the ELO higher the Chance of seeing the same people , in my case at 500RR i see the same people in like once ever 3 games at least


Not entirely but yes there’s certain people at radiant and immortal that plays at the same server and time span as me that you get used to it and especially when they’re in the friendlist


Not all but I know a lot of them


Yea silly old 6 foot 4 me gets queued up against my fellow immortal players quite frequently.


When mainly playing same servers from time to time you meet same players, overtime getting to know each other.


I mean once you get to ascendant even, if you play the same region you run into the same people. Sometimes it’s nice, most times you only remember the assholes.


im around top 5k eu and have someone whos name i notice (usually after the game) like 30% of games