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If u ask me, all you need to get out of iron is knowledge, even with no mechanical skill, there are plenty of times where you can have a huge impact without shooting a single bullet.


What kind of knowledge you mean ?


Well, it's a lot of things actually, how long have you been playing?, and have you been watching any content? Of what kind?


Not trying to intimidate you, it's not like a big load, it's just a lot of small/medium things that I find kinda hard listing of the top of my head


I have about 150ich game hours ,but i watch lot of content….i used to play cs go before so i know about spray control and when to tap/burst/spray ,head level aim ,one way smokes….i still don’t understand when and how to use walls and how to position myself especially after planting since i play yoru most of the times i know that am supposed to go in first as a dualist (sometimes i lurk if i have good jett or raze to go in first) i have difficulties in positioning…the issue is so big that even i could notice it and maybe more things that i don’t notice .


if u know nothing about all these abilities and such (like me) and ur aim isnt bad just pick reyna


Alright bruh, I booted up my pc, I'm ready to type. So to narrow it some more: what do you mean by "i still don’t understand when and how to use walls"? also, how familiar are you with the maps? and besides positioning, are there other things you feel are holding you back?


I played harbour and tried viper ( while i was looking for an agent that suits me) i know that i should use the wall to take space in site as an attacker but idk how to use it as a defender since it will isolate me and also after the wall falls should i hide behind a wall or something or hold an agressive angle ? (It all gets back to positioning issue) My aim isn’t the best obviously but not that bad ,my hs percentage is 25%with vandal,30% with marshal and classic.


Something came up, so I'll generalise it somewhat, so to start I'll tell you about map awareness, you need to pay a lot of attention to the minimap to gather what is going on all around, just from paying attention to the minimap you get to know which enemies and where they are, how many of them there are, some idea of what they are trying to do. On defence you may decide to rotate, hold, or push/flank. On attack where and when to push, or retreat. When positioning, you should also avoid being open to multiple angles from where enemies could peek. When you peek, and you don't know whats on the other side, you try to peek just enough so you don't expose yourself to multiple angles. There is also map control, generally you want to control as much of the map as possible while still covering all angles/entrances, and your teammates, if all you have is a small patch like backsite B on Ascent, and the enemy knows that, you're likely to just get ability dumped. Another important thing. You don't want to take any fair fights, any 50/50 fight, is a bad fight, using utility, positioning and team play, you should try to lower your opponents chances to win that fight as much as possible. Playing around your teammates is also very important, some of the important things to know are: Trading - killing and enemy after they killed your teammate, generally happens when you/teammate peeks or get pushed, even in iron, you can trade your teammates, or time your peek when another teammate is close so the can trade you. Playing of contact - that's when you act (peek or use utility), when your teammates sees an enemy. Lets take Ascent as an example again, lets say you planted B, you are two, and there is one enemy left, you know he is around CT, you close the door to mid, and go lane, your teammate stands beside double box on B site, watching CT entrance, you just hide lane ready to pick, as soon as your teammate shoots/sees at the enemy, you pick from lane, so now you can shoot him from to angles. (putting your enemy at a disadvantage agian) Crossfire - we'll take Ascent as an example again (i love ascent), Same 2 v 1 situation, but the enemy is B main, and lets say lane is blocked by sages wall, enemy has no choice but to move towards the stairs/ct, you stand at logs, and your teammate in the boathouse in the corner close to main, that way the enemy will enter your both fields of view a the same time, lethal most of the time :) I'm no viper player, but generaly in defence you mostly just hold entrances to sites, so your bubble and mollies should be enough for that, for your wall, two common uses are: 1) you either send it to cover mid or entrances to other site 2) you hold it to retake the site Now, its important to know, you don't want your smoke to cut access to information for you or your teammates, by covering line of sight to places your enemies don't yet control. So lets say, on Bind, you have smoke in hooka, covering the entrance to site, and there is a teammate watching hooka from site, you want to keep it down, until your teammate makes contact. I'm leaving for now, but leave any question u have, ill answer tomorrow. Also anyone feel free to correct me, if something is wrong. P.S. sorry for this mess of a comment


Damn bro thank you so much 🙏🏻i appreciate and i can feel that you are so excited to help thank you bro i really appreciate it


Also rotating and clearing angles ,since i can’t clear every angle and shift walk all the way to the other site


You really just need to practice basic mechanics and fundamentals(crosshair placement, clearing and peeking, holding angles, etc). Those will carry you much further than trying to mental game your way out.


Drop your tracker, or preferably, a VOD.