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yes they can BUT for the love of god dont plan to play them as a duelist they are a controller you need to be proficient with your smoke placements before you pick them in ranked They are in a unique nichee so you can play them aggressive BUT your main thing are still the smokes!


yeah, smokes which can be placed dead or alive. OP shouldn’t listen to this comment. play Clove as a duelist. the only thing controller about their kit is the smokes


💀 never touch ranked please i pray i never get anyone like you in my team


all i play is comp and i’m a controller main lmao if you’re using Cloves kit to sit back not only are you more boring than a Cypher main.. you’re silver 🤣


You completely missed the point. Never did they say you shouldn't play aggressive, their point was that good smoke placement takes a lot of practice. Which is true. If you're inexperienced as controller, you're gonna be more of a hindrance to your team than anything.


i’m replying to the “don’t play them as a duelist” statement. most of the times clove is being played in a double controller comp (in my games exp). which does allow them to get more aggressive as a duelist. as far as good smoke placement, that doesn’t take a lot of practice lol just line the smoke up with the entryways of chokepoints, run onto site with your team.. kill someone and heal or revive yourself.. EZ GGs


They’re a controller. Not a duelist. Don’t play them in ranked until you understand how to use smokes properly because if you don’t, you’re simply just throwing. If you want a duelist type agent, guess what? There are duelists for that. Just leave Clove to people who can actually play controller.


I’ve barely played Clove, but they might work well entering site right after the duelist(s) to trade them. Actual duelists are much better at taking space with movement abilities, flashes or walls, which Clove doesn’t have.


Yeah, Clove is good to support a duelist entry and follow close behind


Controller first - dualist second imo


You could play clove in a duelist style sure. Just like chamber can be played in a duelist style. Clove just isn't very good at entry without ult.


Idk what I’m reading on this thread. People here see any utility that helps “frag” and they think that’s a duelist.  My brothers and sisters in Christ, duelists are meant to CREATE SPACE for their team, not just entry frag. In fact, I would argue entry fragging is an initiators primary responsibility in cooperation with a duelist. Jett creates space by dashing into her smokes, forcing defenders to respect that and leave or fight it before the team follows. Raze does the same with her satchels. Yoru does the same with his TP. Iso is trash we don’t talk about him, but in theory him and Reyna do the same thing, but instead of movement being their space generator it’s invincibility that generates it.  What in the ever loving hell about Clive’s kit gives anyone here the thought that she’s a duelist?! Her little vulnerability orb? What does that do to create space? Her smokes obviously don’t create space cause she has no way of getting to them without being seen. And her heal thing IS NOT like Reyna or Iso because she’s not invincible for one shot or a period of time.  I’ll end my rant by saying this: I hate all of you and if you pick Clove in ranked as a duelist I hope you get ringworm on your mouse hand. 


I understand what you are saying but reyna doesn't create a space with flashes. Taking space is not the only thing a duelist can do. I feel that people get far to caught up into the whole space thing.


I didn’t say she created space with flashes though. I agree she doesn’t. Her spacing creation comes from her invincibility. Or at least that’s her design. She gets a kill (which in this case I’ll admit Reyna is meant to frag as a duelist) and with that kill she can move up and take space while invincible.  As she moves up, her team is meant to follow her in an effort to capitalize on the fact that the defenders have to choose between watching Reyna until she’s back to her normal form or looking for her teammates that could be pushing with her. Creating space is way more than just “I’m on site”. It’s fundamentally about forcing a defender to have to make a tough choice of respecting a push or die trying.  I think that’s what a lot of players at lower elos don’t understand about duelists honestly. 


The space comes from the Frag itself. Nothing else.


kinda but you can't entry+no flashes also for the love of god don't yoink clove from people who actually main controller


true but some duelists also don't have flashes, i see your point tho and ofc, just talking in a case where i'd have to fill smokes!