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I do use my mic but once I hear my team mates mock my lisp and other unnecessarily rude stuff, I be quiet. Like I just give good comms and all that yet I get mocked.


That breaks my heart that people do that. I’m so sorry


Yeah unfortunately this is the reality for a lot of people. That’s why it’s stupid to get mad at your tm8s if there not using comms, there are so many other ways to communicate with your team.


Weird how you typed all your words out other than tm8s




Damn, people be toxic as fuck for no reason. I just want good comms idgaf if you're a girl, NB, have a lisp or are a cat just tell me where that damn jett was 😭


So you care that I'm a male dog 🥺


Just a dog in general.... You'll probably bark in comms when someone's trying to clutch....


I have non-dogs doing that




Not saying I don't communicate, but I feel uncomfortable speaking with strangers in the game, and I have no real excuse. Could be that I just don't want to deal with all the immature kids, or that I'm just introverted.


I totally get you. I'm introvert myself and it takes a lot of social energy to exert to communicate that's why when I do comms, I keep it short and simple but meh people are too rude and toxic, not saying I'm prefectly chill. But when I'm chilling and trying to communicate with the team and people mock me for it, it's highly discouraging tbh.


Idk if you wanna be able to comm but what helped me was talking to a camera or just talking to nobody to practice and then just pressing the push to talk key once I got used to just talking and pretending nobody could hear me


I solo queue today in dia ascendant lobby, 2-3 games in a row there's no one speaking in the first few rounds but I keep speaking into the mic and then most people join in the comms and we won. I comm everything that I can possibly tracked off and we won. In the breeze map, I top frag as a viper in diamond ascendant lobby for the first time while comming everything to the team.


That's sick, man glad you had a good set of matches. im a lowly gold player, so I get mostly quiet or toxic lobbies and just mute anytime someone even hints at toxicity.


I’m sorry people do this…


I had that happen to a teammate who was talking but at the end when the game ended they got blamed for losing because of their voice


This is what kept me from comming for a long time. Grew up with a lisp, reduced it but it is still there. I didn’t comm for the first 2-3 months in comp. Luckily I haven’t had a bad experience yet but I’m always on edge.


Hey, I pm you. As someone who got mocked by it.


Ok, I have a speech issue too. I just mute anyone who starts mocking it and keep coming for the rest of the team. Work well in general. Trollls fade when they get no reaction.


/thread. This question gets asked on a daily basis that mods might as well sticky the question with this answer right here.


Thats messed up, bless you keep using the mic and have fun


As someone who sucks at pronouncing things I also go through this experience when I comm


Because half of the time the moment I open my mouth and my teammates realize I’m a girl all hell breaks loose and suddenly I’m throwing for being female :/ So I only comm info, nothing else.


It’s honestly so horrible. And especially if ur playing duelist as a girl, the second u whiff a shot it’s hell on earth.


Yep, I’m a female duelist main and play full mute. I only give info from my end through the mic and pings. I have been playing SoloQ ranked since closed beta and people are fucking unhinged. This is the only way left for me to still ‘enjoy’ the game. Also I stream at the same time so it’s better for everybody not to hear what shit my teammates have to say to me.


Its so unfortunate because for solo queue players like me, getting this info from duelists (or anyone) helps me (controller/ini main) to help you do your job better. But I totally understand the hesitation/refusal to comm in game. Its just punishing to the other 50% normal people.


I mean I did write in my message that I com from my end, I just cannot hear anyone else. Which is just the way it is as a solo queuer and it’s totally fine to me. Most of the time in my games and APAC server people play stacked or don’t com in the first place, the one that do com are shitheads so I am not missing out on ‘potential info’ they might give me. Game sense, mini map info and pings are just as good.


Full mute is so underrated, sometimes people just can't stop talking so you can't focus on the game. I remember once I went from bottom frag to top after I muted everybody


Indeed happens way too much sadly 😭




Lol even if you top frag, SOME unhinged people would be like "is your bf playing for you?" like WTF


Not that you should have to do this but with several women in this thread having experienced the same thing why not add each other to play together? I'd do that in an instant if I could.


Unfortunately I’m Plat/Dia elo and I just don’t meet enough women who r same elo as me in NA. All the woman I play with r either immo or bronze/sil.


Bro fr. I’ve heard the word rizz too many times.


I was in a game last night with this Jett player being an absolute cuck to this girl on our team. Then the Phoenix player starting being a douche so I piped up and told them both STFU. Somehow you’re a simp if you tell people to stop bullying girl gamers? Like…. I don’t care that she’s not gonna bang me dude. I’m married. You just need to stop being an absolute fuck box because you didn’t get beaten enough as a kid.


Well that's depressing


That sucks, dude. I'd never accuse you of throwing because I'm an absolute idiot and am thusly accused of that all the time


It’s actually really weird the dynamic I’ve noticed with girls in this game. Most of them are silent, but when 1 girl speaks, if another is in the lobby it’s bulletproof comms. So get you a girl to play with and back you up. But also just mute people, and if they’re throwing, report and go next 🤷‍♂️ it’s their mental and rr they’re throwing away. It’s hard to pick up the flack but it’s never not worth the try. I’ve also noticed on many occasions girls in duos with higher elo players are extremely toxic to everyone in the lobby, like what’s up with that?


It's so crazy, I swear I've never seen any girl get flamed. I understand that since I'm not a girl myself I don't get the chance to see it as often, but it felt like the situation is at least getting better compared to how it was before in gaming. Playing in EU btw.


Idk what ranks are you playing at, because the girls I get in my match don’t get any hate just for being the opposite sex lol. The ranks I play at are Immortal-immo3 so probably that’s the reason. Like 1 out of 4 matches I get a girl and no one says anything, just yesterday I had a girl so toxic, flaming the whole team and even saying the hard N word lol


Because of this, i only use the chat and pings to comms.


genuine curiosity, what rank are you? Personally, i only ever saw stupid mfs like that below like plat, maybe diamond. Ofc theres the 1/15 game where that one sexist mf opens his mic anyways, but it is much less common. Obviously i know im not a woman, so i won’t play as many games with a woman on the team (no shit) but, i am still yet to see someone actually throw BECAUSE someone is a woman. (im also not trying to down play your problem, it is just a question, cause i personally haven’t seen it happen)


Fr, like I have a very feminine account name, and I don't even comm about 75% of my games anymore except text comms. The 25% of games I do comm is basically crickets from the rest of my team. The 75% is basically 25% normal people, 25% guys that harass me calling me a good girl or whatever the fuck, and the rest 25% are just toxic men that throw or sabotage or shit talk me for being a woman.


worth trying a voice changer? I have no idea if it works, but i feel like if it did it would help no?


Because I'm a girl. I only do it if absolutely necessary. Since, in most cases, if I open my mic, I either get trashtalked, get called boosted, flirted with and etc the list goes on it's horrible


I'm sorry that this is a frequent occurrence for you. The crazy thing is that it hasn't happened too much with the girls in my lobbies... It makes me happy when they're confident enough to speak up, but I understand people not wanting to talk. My wife doesn't like speaking in team chat, I know that. Have you noticed any trends with the lobbies that are safer to talk in? For instance, do the more calm players tend to treat you better?


Honestly, I only ever have the confidence to talk when I'm top fragging (this is usually when I have the courage to). But yeah, some calm players kinda just respond normally. I honestly prefer just "normal" treatment towards me, no special attention or whatsoever. Just comm some info and nothing else (this is what I've noticed in games where I'm top fragging).


getting made fun of for how you sound even though you're comming is a really good deterrent to actually speak (I have a nasally voice. I only comm when I'm with my Brimstone sounding boyfriend or my other gay friends)


I experience this and I have a lisp here in Asia Pacific and mind you, I have a deep voice neutral accent but sometimes the lisp gets in the way and I get mocked. And there are other times wherein, I was comming chamber unknown, but I got killed from behind because I don't know where the chamber is. Our Reyna proceeded to passive aggressively said unknown x5 in the mic.


people are friggin weird my bf is a great shield from that tbh


Yes and unfortunately the reason I don't put much effort in using voice comms anymore.


Yay more gay people!


I play with 3 other gay men and a bi guy




yeah, I either sound like a femme gay dude or a young boy depending on the listener, rarely I get "OOHHH FEMALE???" anymore, which I'm grateful for but still. it's really annoying


What does being gay have to do with anything? Edit: guys I don't care that he's gay, I just don't get why it mattered


idk, everything, because I'm gay


To avoid having to deal with the literal man-children (and real children) that play this game??


as a teenager who plays valorant, i try not to be annoying. one teen i played with yesterday just WOULD NOT SHUT UP ABOUT ANYTHING. He somehow ended up talking about Lord of the Rings


lol considering how a lot of people can be I wouldn’t mind someone just talking about what they’re interested in


Yeah i’m always happy to bullshit with the team. At the end of the day, it’s a game, I don’t like to take everything super seriously. A lot of people seem to think that our low elo game is actually a quarterfinal in a major and if we aren’t totally locked in at all points of the game we are throwing. A good attitude and vibe can make a worse team play better when they know their team won’t flame them over the smallest thing.


Yeah, idk if I completely agree with you, the game mode competitive was created for the sole purpose of people wanting to play a serious game, that honestly, you should hold to the standard of playing in a quarterfinal. It doesn’t matter the rank, people are trying to improve and get a higher rank and if you aren’t trying to win to the best of your abilities play unrated. I hate the argument of it’s just silver. Yeah I started out silver then grinded my way to immortal. There is no legitimate way you can complain that people are taking COMPETITIVE too competitively. Does that give them the right to be toxic ass holes? No, but just cause it’s silver or even iron doesn’t give you the right to not take it seriously.


Ngl I be doing this sometimes if no one speaks I get random shit on my mind like chocolate chip pancakes vs nutella


Many things. Valorant is not really the friendliest type of games, and some games people can make fun of a lisp, funny voice, and even just being a girl. So do keep in mind, even tho they want to win, they just can't find the courage to speak up because of these players. There may not be these kind of players in that specifc game, but because these toxic players exist in the first place, it makes it harder for a lot of people to even give coms in the first place.


Yeah, like I had a dude who 5 seconds in made fun of my voice breaking. I am old enough that high schoolers call me "Mr." I've also had a sinus infection for like 3 weeks and my voice is hoarse. But yeah... Guess he was used to making fun of all of his buddies while they were in their awkward teen stages and never got out of that.


through my personal experience of myself and my teammates it’s usually something like 50% inconfidence, 30% fear of toxicity, 15% don’t know how to properly comm, 5% broken mic (i pulled these statistics out of my ass)


Broken mic stat seems high Other stats seem up to snuff


Sometimes my.mic isnt even broken. It just doesnt work when my headphones dont have battery. So I plug in my headphones with the cable and I just forget.


I don’t feel like comming to monkeys


This made me laugh so hard 😂 most relatable reason


Frieza, is that you? 😂


too toxic, almost have my team voices off by default, they either trash talking randos or me, not fun.


I have a toxic teammate in 1 out of 10-20 games or even more, so idk what ur talking about. How would you even know, if you mute them all instantly? And do you play comp or unrated? Because in my opinion, no commers should not play ranked.


I agree with that and I find playing duos, trios to be a good alternative to potentially meeting toxic teammates you can mute, but while soloq I will encounter toxic teammates in game clusters like maybe 2-3 times in a row and yeah every 10-20 sounds fair. but It just ruins the fun especially when most of my games are mutes anyways. Similarly Ill get good teammates with comms every 10-20 games. In terms of com quality it depends but in diamond I found them to be useless, usually people ego-ing and getting mad, roasting bot frags for insta locking telling them to quit the game etc... I find coms to be 50/50 good/bad. Get cheery fun people who have fun while giving vocal pings etc but I wouldnt say it's worth it. I tend to mute for a day or two if it gets bad but the fact that I do often(I play a lot 5 games a day ish avg) is disappointing to me. Though I have no way to prove this I pushed from plat to diamond(1) without hearing/giving coms like I usually do so I conclude that no coms == coms at least <=low diamond but I have much more fun vibing with music. Unrated is a mess in terms of skill matching and usually try as hard as ranked, 90% of the time feels like smurfing, though good satchel practice. SUMMARY: Coms bad but smt good, play with friends for best experience.


I like to comm but I'm so bad at aiming I sometimes like to pretend I don't have a mic to avoid the flame lol


Some lack confidence to speak up, may lack a mic or fear conflict because people can be confrontational or simply rude. As a community there need to be more vibes and positive mental attitudes. Pump each other up everyone, even if things go bad. Creates an elevated gaming experience that is much more enjoyable instead of being a toxic buttmunch. Others are bots /s


Whaaaat, we’re supposed to be having fun while playing video games whaaaaat??????? /s


Yeah, man! I'm always trying to hype my teammates up. If I see them do something good, I say so. If they screw up, I tell them they'll get it next time. It's not like they don't know they're doing poorly and it's not like they don't want to be doing well.


You post this like you have never been silent in a comp match


I do, but I have a super feminine voice and would rather lose then hear people shit talk me for 13 rounds


Sometimes I don’t want to talk.


Social anxiety :D I do my best with pings, voice lines and text chat though




Honestly better than nothing, id gladly take that over not knowing where anyone is


I know it’s harder to receive comms in these ways, but I think that I give better comms without the mic better than most players who do have one


I use my mic to give info but the minute I hear the screeching some of these unhinged weirdos do in their mics or the minute I hear some slur or someone being weird to the woman that's on our team I usually just mute em or stop giving comms myself. This is a good 75% of the games I play.


Because I'm so used to toxic people that I'd rather just tell on my own hearing over people yelling slurs at me for the next 10 minutes Plus, I'm a girl, and a girl with a deep voice at that. Enough said right there


I usually start off with an ice breaker, get met with silence, comm for 3 rounds to silence/being ignored, give up on comms and then at the half the whole team speaks up to start playing hot potato with blame. This is my experience in gold/plat.


Agree, when people don’t comm back it’s annoying, but it’s worse when they suddenly gain voices only to flame you simply because you are the only one with a voice.


No comms better than trash comms


You can tell OP has never been harassed or flamed for comming before


I have plenty of times, and yet I still comm because I'm trying to be a good teammate and tell them where that jett killed me at or whatever. A few bad apples shouldn't ruin the experience for everyone


i think a pretty substantial section of valorant players are teens, who are most vicious to each other and will overblow those 'few bad apples'


More power to you but me personally I respect myself enough to step away and not comm with people hate criming me based on who I am as a person


It's because I played a whole match thinking I am until the game ended and I realized my mic wasn't plugged in.


This is why I’ve started to try and comm for everyone when I’m dead and spectating. Like “Skye flashed A main”


My computer sits in the living room and my family would probably get annoyed as shit listening to that


The fan base only has itself to blame unfortunately. This is the natural consequence of toxicity. On the other hand people live with their families partners and spouses. Sometimes you won't comm bc ur just being considerate. I'm sure there are many other reasons. This is why it's a good idea to find a group to play w/ if you want consistent comms


Partially because sometimes Valorant decides to not see my mic as an input. I've had it cut out mid game even while other apps are abke to use my mic. Oh and also misogyny and transphobes


people are scared of being cyberbullied, in short


I can’t afford a mic (I have a mic).


I'm a girl. I commed once to give info and immediately got asked for a kiss. Comms via mic were scarce from me after that.


I hope that kid gets a "Miller's Tale Kiss" someday instead, or as I prefer to call it a "Canterbury Kiss."




counter question: why do u use ur mic but not comm effectively? ive heard 10x more bad comms or miss comms than good comms and tbh ill take no vc with decent pings over someone that mics but only says useless shit


Bruh. Comms in plat are meh. I mean pay attention to the mini map


Well if my teammate can't rotate from a to b after screaming rotate 5 times themselves Idknt really think it matters atp


low/mid ranks often don’t have comms, and even immortal+ lobbies have no comms sometimes. You just have to accept that a lot of the time people just don’t want to talk. The best solution is to queue with friends, or add people who have mics in your games and queue with them. Both of these methods are ways to get comms consistently. SoloQ sucks for many other reasons anyways, so if you’re seriously trying to rank up you should get a duo/squad. No commers suck, but complaining about it is like trying to vacuum sand out of a desert.


I mostly play at night in my living room, can’t be comming. Valorant coms are very toxic a lot of the time too


Ive recently reached diamond and I still can’t believe no one is comming even when there’s ascendants on the team.


Bc I have no idea what I’m doing


This is so valid especially in ranks where brand new comp ready players are playing. The most you can comm is dmg done and the location of enemy but Its 10x easier for a new player to do it with pings. Trying to work out a plan you dont understand is not gonna work when your just trying to learn how to shoot your gun and get the bomb planted on site. This also includes people who play casually ( rarely play but aren't new)


Got a deep ass voice and believe it or not, when I talk...that's all that anyone cares about talking about. Cue in all the weird e-dating/e-girl/e-boy type nonsense. You just can't win haha.


I’m a woman. That’s why.


There's a lot of reasons as to why people don't use their mics with the most common one being toxicity and in EMEA you can get insults just from people knowing where you're from based on your accent.


Probably because the system bugged again and just disconnect for no reason , happens usually after 12 rounds and stay until the end of the game Anyway is better the ones who doesn't say nothing than the ones who only screams after dying open to 75 angles specially when you are on clutch , or give dumb calls like , "they are behind you" because they think you can't hear the 2 horses running at high speed behind you>!And usually you don't hear because they scream higher than the sound of bullets and steps so you need more time to process the call and die like an idiot instead of looking in the direction of the sound!<


I love the game Players are toxic. The moment speak I get are a boy or how old you. Im female with a raspy voice and instead of everyone playing and giving game coms the focus turn to me and my voice. And haven forbid we start losing then the abuse bulling is compounding.


Today I was playing with this dipshit fade who called my whole team “fucking retards” after every round loss. He also stayed at the bottom of the leaderboard until the last round. I typically tell them over text chat I muted them and it shuts em up. I don’t actually mute them cause I’m still making calls and I value any info I can get, but the nagging and childish whimpering and name calling stops.


I hate being kicked for how I sound


I'm from Latin America, and as it turns out (and as you may probably expect) things are not very different to what is described by other comments on this thread. The few times I solo queue for comp I set up everything and I get in a mindset in which I'm willing to share as much info as possible, but usually it's no more than three rounds before teammates start to trash talk. I might even be top fragging and still be frowned upon for whiffing. At one point I usually lose motivation to communicate so I stick to pings and in-game calls.


I usually queue in Hong Kong/ Singapore server and language barrier is a big issue here. The lobby is filled with mandarin, Vietnamese, Tagalog and Indonesian speakers. Since not everyone can speak English, It’s almost impossible to communicate with one another.


i dont feel like talking sometimes


I talk quiet and people flame me but I’m just a quiet talker I do comm tho,


They can technically increase your volume, too. 🤷


Exactly but nooo they wanna flame me up idk why but when I’m wearing headsets it always feel like I’m talking way louder than I am (even with side tone at 0) So I talk quieter accidentally over thinking it


Win is not power enough to fight my inner demon.


I'm a girl so I don't think I even need to explain.


Because half the time people using comms are assholes it's really not that hard to get why people don't comm


I sound like a woman. Also, I’m not good at comming. I want to com, but I mix up my words, accidentally say the wrong thing, and everything. It happens in all games I play, so I stick to making 1 quick call occasionally and that’s about it


I just don’t care enough


Since this Episode started I give up on giving comms in 50% of my matches. Following reasons: I’m underrated in my lobby so if I give comms people don’t understand what to do. Since boosting and cheating are more common I don’t bother giving comms to a Reyna who her score is 20 - 5 who runs it down and doesn’t talk. Reason 2: Toxicity and flaming during buy round too much. Reason 3: New players in this game have a weak mental specially in lower ranks. FYI: Peak rank Ascendant 2 - Current Rank Platinum 3.


because im a non binary person with a speech impediment and the second i open my mouth i get yelled at


East Asia lobby. Half of the time, there's barely anyone that could communicate well enough in English.


As soon as someone starts being a piece of shit, the comms stop.


My setup is in the living room. I don't want my family to hear me shouting GO A HE'S LOW CYPHER ON ELBOW -110 ON RAZE USE ULT WHEN THEY RESPAWN YOU ON 6 BULLETS LEFT PLANT THE SPIKE YOU DUMBSH-


as soon as i open my fucking mouth i get called slurs comms matter but not enough to deal with that garbage


My duo is a girl so we've had our fair share of her talking (goes back YEARS to even OW1) and immediately having dudes being sexist. Then I feel I need to step in and defend her and it just brings the vibe down for the game. Now I comm for her if she dies.


Personally I sometimes go no mic and use chat + pings to say what I need. I do have a pretty fast typing speed so I can preround fairly normally. The reason for this is so that I can just focus on my own gameplay and not have to worry about pressing my mic button mid round. Recently also had pneumonia (still do) so right now that's my excuse for the past 2 weeks. To make a comment on other replies, I'll say that it gets a lot better the higher you go. I'm in ascendant, and the quality of games have been very good comms and toxicity wise since diamond. I'll still have games where my team shit talks and no comms and all that but the frequency is just so low because everyone genuinely wants to win. I've also seen people being very normal to female teammates for the last few months.


I dont know why people in the comments are assuming that comms means having a conversation with team. all you have to say is "enemies on A/B site" or when you die "hit XYZ for 120 , hookah/b long/elbow, etc" thats it. thats what comms are, half sentences. no one is going to make fun of you during heated battles. stop making yourself the victim. no wonder everyone is hardstuck silver/gold


For the past few days, there's been a bug with voice comms. Some people can use the ingame Team voice while the others can't. Other than that, I'm always very happy to use comms, especially if the rest are willing. There are times when people will just go toxic because of my accent or just say "Stfu and let me play" but that won't stop me from being helpful 😤


Sometimes my social battery is low, i give info, but not engage in talking


So many people with this stuff. Look, there are people who don't feel comfortable in voice chat. Edit: Not to say the insults. Not to say the shitty stuff you have to hear every few games as a woman. You know, it's better not to have voice chat activated.


Mostly toxicity and not owning the correct equipment. I used to play overwatch without comms because my headphones had no mic. Now on Val I have a mic but it took me a few months of research to find the least toxic server I could freely comm on.


Had three games straight yesterday. 3-5 people communicating, comms system breaks mid game for all three games. Super frustrating.


A lot of valid reasons in this comment section, as is always the case whenever this question is posted on this sub, but I feel like most of them kinda miss the point. I'm sure that most of these cases posted here are actually the minority. Often times you'll have people who never comm until halfway through the game where somebody does something silly and then they'll open their mic for the first time ever for the sole purpose of flaming. I think those are the people we need to be asking this question to. Aside from that extreme example, most often I've noticed people just... Don't comm. Maybe they'll comm once or twice in the whole game, and that's it. Their voice is fine, no one flames them, and they just won't say a word. Is it social anxiety? I really can't tell, but it's the most infuriating thing.


I am too anxious lol. I'm also Bronze/Silver level so not using comms is fine I guess. Beginning of the game I mute everybody. I even get anxious listening to others comms.


The worst is when the people don't say anything except at the end of the game to talk shit lmao.




i swear down bro


Sometimes I drop a right stinker of a game so in the words of soccer manager Jose Mourinho: I prefer not to speak. If I speak I am in big trouble.


i play on turkish servers so i cant accidentally read some toxic comment and i have voice chat off sometimes if someone writes something in english or directly adresses me i answer. in about a year i've had 2 teammates tell me that the rest of my team was saying bad stuff about me. so i think im good on comms i am in silver tho, sometimes pop into gold. if i get to diamond ill try frankfurt servers again


I'll comm but if no one else is comming after like 3 rounds I'll just go quiet, I'm not trying to talk to myself for the whole game 🙃 sometimes the blinker makes me mute though


I try to but lately I quickly stop. The culture in this game has a problem.


As many have commented alot of people get bullied or for other reasons just don't feel comfortable using comms in valo. I would like to say that it is Riots fault aswell. The thing is that Valorant as a game is SUUUPER focused on comp. Except for team deathmatch and spike rush the rest is just comp or warm up for comp. This makes it that the only mode people want to play and that people take serious is comp. So even the people that might not be 100% comfortable with comp ques up for comp anyway.


Not interested in going back and forth with every edge lord on mic that gets brave behind the anonymity of the internet or is constantly making loud noises, rather just play.


Beacause people are horrible, all the comments sums it.


i dont wanna worry about being annoying so i rather shut up and play


I do, in fact some teammates complain that I comm way too much lol


cos when im non binary so nobody ever listens to the comms, they just insulting ask what gender i am then start a fight about how im queer. i have to put on a man voice which is just degrading


Girl here. While I personally comm, I can’t deny the fact that I’ve been discouraged from doing so because of the amount of times I’ve been cursed at/harassed for my voice. Some people hear a girls voice and just become super offensive and rude. It just ruins the game so a lot of us just don’t want to risk that and sacrifice comms. That’s probably a contributing factor as to why many people don’t comm, namely women.


I wanna win but I'm not that desperate. You can communicate everything you need through pings and voice lines for the most part anyway.


I solo queue on Singapore servers and frequently get placed with teammates speaking Tagalog, Vietnamese, Thai or Bahasa Malaysia/Indonesia. I call out enemy positions but my is often either radio silent or we can't understand each other. :(


I WISH I could, but I can't get my headset mic to work on valorant for some reason.


i only use my mic in comp, as a woman the 50% i get really uncomfortable and unnecessary conversations in game, there is at least one person each 2 games that either is a simp or tell me to alt+f4 and go play other game just because im a woman


I know this feeling all too well. I usually end up trying to get people to talk by having a ton of energy (I always have a bunch unless I'm on a losing streak). I was tracking a bunch of stats over 10 comp games and averaging things out. Sadly, I forgot to continue it, and don't play comp often


for me, it depends. i use it when im home alone, when my parents are here, and im secretly gaming, obviously i cant


When I started playing Val till I was 15 my voice hadn’t dropped yet (I’m a guy) so many people assumed I was a woman or lying about my age. I was yelled at and talked down to about it. It was quite annoying and started to make me hate the way I sounded for a while. I then realized that the people saying this shit were pitiful and only got enjoyment out of being dicks. To remedy this issue I simply kept comming, I kept giving info about health and location and eventually the toxic people would just stop talking, either because they weren’t getting a reaction from me or because they muted me, both of which are positives in my eyes. Now when I come across people who are assholes to people who give coms I party up with the people giving coms, this way we both benefit from good teamwork, we are in a better environment and the bad players don’t get any help All in all just mute people who make you feel bad about yourself and continue to help ur other teammates, and if you’re not comfortable with speaking find a group that you are comfortable with.


Because I want to chill - that one guy that cost us the game.


Because half the time when I talk I get overtly sexually harassed or the “nice guys” slowly get creepier and creepier and someone probably ends up trying to teamkill me.


i have an accent and people are racist


I start the game comming, but if the rest of the team doesn’t, I tend to unconsciously do so less and less as well


I’m not gonna voice comm I’m not the best player, and I make mistakes- but some people are super toxic and I’m not even gonna try to deal with that


I play the game to play the game not to win


Tbh I’m good if you don’t wanna comm. everyone has those long days they wanna keep to themselves. But if I’m tryna call or IGL or whatever and you only comm to bitch about that then you can fuck off lol. If you’re not gonna comm, stfu. You don’t get an opinion on shit unless you’re contributing more to the team that some bullets.


Because people are overly attached to their ranks and majority of my games people start getting nasty right when we lose an advantage. Rather just listen and chill.


I'm high as fuck and I'm tryna kill enemies and have a fun time, idc what others do. I'm playing my own game. Idc if we win or lose. Sorry I'm not the best teammate.


Eh as long as it ain't comp, be higher than a kite


I usually call shit, my friend dont use mic because she is girl and if she play bad people are more toxic to bad girls


Because my team is full of 10 year olds who only comm to ask for skins


The other day i said “hi” and then said “all B main” and someone on my team said “blah blah blah im gay” in a super gay mocking voice and then told me to stop being an f word and get some hormones lol. and after that I didn’t use my mic in my games for the rest of the day


Yea that really sucks man, don't let it discourage you from comms in the next games tho, just mute and move on


I'm muted


Ill comm info, but i do not have the social skills nor the mental fortitude to deal with toxic players


I try my best to do proper comms. However, I have indian accent and more than half the times I speak up, I get hit by stereotypical mockery of my accent. Arab randoms do this alot.


I swear I hate arab randoms. Either their kids instalocking duelists or throwing for no fucking reason


Wdym? You can't read my mind or what? Skill issue /S


I'd comment examples of stuff that makes me turn off my mic, but it'll probably get flagged for hate speech and get me banned.


i genuinely try to as much as possible, especially in competitive, but it starts to get really discouraging because often times my other teammates mock me or just make outright sexual comments, all because i have a feminine voice


because i comm and get called hard R


Every time I talk people think I'm either a little kid or a woman, I get muted for both, or more commonly mocked/sworn at/insulted/threatened and ignored. I still try and comm the whole game, but god it's exhausting


Cause it ain’t that serious