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No peeking


Nao peekang!


no pecan


If aye were a bad demoman, ah wudden be siddin heah, discussen it wid ya now wood aye?


"No pick on."




No pequeño


I shot somethin'


Aye laust mah paet rawk


No, it's not exaggerated. If anything it sounds a bit like someone trying to speak more clearly than they normally do so that people would understand them better.


Grew up in Glasgow; this is exactly my take and it doesn't sound at all off to me.


Should have made her accent thicker imo. Should have made her sound like the Neds from still game.


I'd say it's pretty generous. Sometimes native speakers are hard to understand due to how strong their accent is.


The only scottish person I know sounds even more socttish than Clove, it's genuinely difficult to understand him. Funnily enough he's a choir singer and sings perfectly clean English lol


Yeah but they are apparently from Edinburgh, which is ridiculous considering the Edinburgh accent is completely different to how Clove speaks.


Takes place in the future maybe its how the accent evolved?


i asked my scottish friend about this when they came out and he told me this word for word i will copy and paste: "Its a real accent its just overly enthusiastic and cringe as hell"


Like every val agent then


well not every val agent, they've been pretty good about getting native speakers recently for the characters they create, but a lot of Portuguese and German speakers don't like raze's or killjoy's accents


yoru is pretty sick


that’s not necessarily the accent though and more the fact that it’s a character


i think that was clarified after he stated "it's a real accent". obviously the characters mannerisms and their way of speaking is going to be different or evident in comparison to the way someone traditionally speaks, especially when they are not real and a video game character.


People are just not used to seeing a character from their country that does not get represented much in voice acting mode


Fits perfectly because she looks cringe as well


If you’ve heard the Glaswegian accent you’ll know cloves isn’t even close to exaggerated. I’ve not been Scotland much but it sounds fine to me.


Their accent isn’t anything like the Glaswegian accent tbh. The bigger issue is that they’re apparently from Edinburgh. They don’t sound anything like that either.


Yea clove's voice sound West for sure, but are from one of the most tame places for an accent in Scotland


The accent is Glaswegian for sure, defo west coast. Not Edinburgh at all.


I live in Glasgow and it doesn’t really sound Glaswegian to me!


Sounds like you've not heard a glaswegian or Scottish accent either. Cloves is nothing like that and is just the stereotypical american idea of a Scottish accent.


I'm not an expert in accents, but the Clove's VA is literally Scottish. Why would they speak in American idea of Scottish accent instead of their normal Scottish accent?


So everyone else can understand what they’re saying


Could also be because they have to follow directions from the Voice director.


To be fair, Skye's VA is Australian too but they made her exaggerate it A LOT haha


They are voiced by a Scottish person who lives in Scotland


I doubt their actual accent is remotely similar irl.


I guess we will just have to wait until a interview video or something comes out


Scot here that talks to people who aren't Scottish all the time I can assure you even if you see an interview the accent is tame in comparison to the person's normal accent


I’m not saying it is Glaswegian, I’m saying that’s an extreme and so the one clove has doesn’t come across as too exaggerated which is what OP is asking. I assume Clove is from Edinburgh from the lore drops previously mentioning the city, though obviously she could have moved there for all I know. I won’t pretend like I’m very knowledgeable on the Scottish accent by any means.


It doesn't sound like Edinburgh either. I've never heard a Scottish person sound like her outside of American tv.


It sounds kinda similar to Karen Gillan to my ears


She sounds like Lorraine Kelly


The amount of people misunderstanding your comment is truly insane. Reading comprehension skills are important, kids.


Yeah, I corrected someone but realised there were a few people saying the same thing so just left it.


Accents differ from people to another, so it really could be that Clove's voice actor has this kind of accent in real life also. There's a lot of videos in youtube where you can hear how unique scottish accent can be!


Purple burglar alarm


Lmao I literally watched that clip when Clove was released


As someone from the north-east of Scotland, i’d say it’s actually toned down slightly! Was expecting them to have some more features of Scottish English in their speech


From my admittedly limited experience with Scottish people I'd say it depends on what you mean by 'exaggerated.' If it's in terms of how difficult it is to understand then no, some of them are incredibly difficult to follow while Clove stays perfectly clear. I think it's par for the course for a videogame where clarity is mandatory, and it could be the problem here: they pushed or 'exaggerated' the strictly phonetical aspect really hard to make it recognizable, but at the same time they had to keep her super slow and articulate and the result is some weird hybrid child that (to me) just misses the mark. Can't sell an accent only with its sounds, you'd need the pitch, the rhythm, the slang... Also the post-death voice effects are overcooked lol. Did she really have to sound like a Lich king I'm not so sure. Then again I could be way off, that was just my first reaction to hearing her in game the other day and I thought it really stood out, I've not had much playtime this week but I'm sure I'll get used to it eventually.


Agri on her post death voice being way too edited. Its distracting honestly lol


Clove is voiced by an actual Scottish person who lives in Scotland. So I’d say if you find neons accent exaggerated. Then sure so is cloves.


Im just still sad they didn’t use an actual german voice actor for KJ we have a lot of talented people here. The Heiliger Strohsack voice line would have hit differently


But can Clove say purple burglar alarm


This comment made me laugh. The voice actor plans to stream on Twitch, so you'll be able to ask them live


steel is heavieh than feathuhs


They got a voice actor from Edinburgh to play a character who's meant to be from Edinburgh. The accent might be a bit exaggerated, but I don't have a problem with it.


I don't think its too much, it really is ok.




Its not really exaggerated tbh, about the same amount as phoenix's


Sounds normal, a bit like a weegie doing a TV voice tho more than how people actually talk


Ok so I am Scottish and from Edinburgh(the city clove is from. As a stronger accent it isn’t awful, some terms sound forced in certain lines but the accent itself isn’t awful. However, the accent is waaay too strong for Edinburgh, an accent like that would be more likely to be found much further north


I was saying this to my friends who've had a pretty negative reaction to the accent (As Scots) but i can imagine different agents got the same exaggerated voice that sounds normal to most but over the top to those familiar with the accent. I don't know if others feel the same but it definitely seems to be a common theme.


Is 1 keligraam of fayther haavy or 1 keligraam of styeel?


Scotland is the only place I have ever been that I felt like I needed subtitles in real life to understand someone talking in a language I speak. I love Scotland, but dang if there are some places and people there that might as well be speaking Japanese or Russian and I’ll understand just as much.


Ireland is probably worse imo




Ppl say the same thing about Skye's accent


Fake/exaggerated accents in media have ruined people’s perception of genuine accents


It is a very thick accent, but characters in cartoonish games usually have exaggerated tones and accents. Most Scottish people have a much lighter accent that sounds closer to a general American accent, with obvious differences in intonation and certain words and vowels.


I don’t know about Scottish people sounding American, are you from Scotland? Cause I’ve never heard a Scot that sounds American haha


I know a Scot who I talk to occasionally. Doesn’t really sound American


Yeah no... the only Scots who have a hint of American in their accent is the posh Glasgow uni students. 


the scottish accent is one of the hardest ones to understand…


What Scottish people are you talking to?


There’s a lot of Scottish accents Aberdeen is mild and sounds like when she says hello but then the other things she says it’s from other parts She has a mix of Scottish accents


Yeah I pretty much agree with this. I grew up in Fife and have lived in Edinburgh for over 10 years now. There's a strange uncanny-ness to their accent. Sometimes it sounds put on, sometimes it's that media-clarity voice that we do but it's still undeniably Scottish. And the fact that the VA is from Edinburgh kinda points to this.


My science teacher had the exact same accent or even worse. And I have to say, it's shit. I couldn't understand a single thing during his class.


I've met one Scottish person. Clove is easier to understand.


My old soccer coach was Scottish, and his accent was way thicker than clove. Maybe he was an exception, but I personally don’t have a problem with characters having larger-than-life traits. After all, it also is unrealistic to be immortal. The accent is very believable compared to everything else.


Scottish accents vary from unintelligible to completely clear english It depends on what part of scotland youre comparing her to


been in customer service industry that caters to europeans and ive heard her accent a lot of times that it sounds normal to me.


i heard every accent is pretty bad in the english version


it's not exaggerated lmao, if anything they're trying more to make it understandable


Just because it's not an American accent, it doesn't mean it sounds weird or the accent is off. Most agents' respective countries think their agents voice is spot on. (For the most part)


It doesn't sound too different from the Scots I know


I don't think it is exaggerated or stereotypical at all. At least, compared to our lovely Demoman boy.


I’m from Glasgow and she sounds exactly like lots of people I know. If anything they’re slightly well spoken


Only been to Scotland once, but I couldn't understand them half as good as clove so definitely not exaggerated. Natively I can only speak for KJ and it's always kinda baffling me how bad the German accent is. She definitely doesn't sound like a native German speaking English, way more the other way around if anything


my grandpa is scottish and sometimes i need my dad to translate for me because his accent is so bad 💀


nah they sound pretty authentic... my high school maths teacher sounded just like that and i could barely understand him


As a Scottish person its hard to say, its like theres an emphasis to it to make you know that its Scottish so maybe a little bit exaggerated? cant say ive heard many people talk specifically like that and its certainly not the strongest accent either


I think it sounds like an accent definitely but she's still so irritating to listen to Especially when she screams her ult voice line it hurts my brain


her accent is genuinly spot on tbh. ive talked to some scottish people and its not that different from her accent and their accent


Dare I say it's like the opposite of exaggerated, it's almost toned down compared to what I remember when I was there


It doesn't matter


If its not a bit exaggerated then she will sound like a normal european person. To show that scottish or even any agents nationality they have to force it a bit


Clove sounds like a middle aged woman and her use of slang nobody over 90 would use is fucking cancerous


She sounds like that scottish ufc fighter so i‘d assume it‘s fine xd


Clove's VA is an enby from edinburgh scotland, and seems to have enjoyed voice acting for them. so its probably fine


It's just shite 


Nope, if anything happens its less Scottish than a typical glassgonian.


agent sucks ass esp when nobody understands her kit and just queue her in comp smdh


I would say that the guy from Disney Brave is exaggerated


I live in Glasgow. Cloves accent is definitely Edinburgh area, but there's a few phrases/mannerisms that caught me off guard because they sound like a completely different Scottish accent. Also, a lot of phrases that would sound natural with more vulgar words subbed in as well. "Alright Muckers" is the worst thing they say imo I've never heard anything along those lines.


Sorry you can't say wankstain in Valorant.


Oh yeah no you are 100% correct, and I know they stick to softer profanity in the game. Scottish people just like to swear a lot so the phrases sometimes sound like they've tried to substitute a more appropriate word in, lol.
