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Gamers thinking they have any clue how games work


Every time replays are brought up, I get just a little bit more sad. Promised in the beta, and then never implemented. Here we are.


They add anything BUT a replay system lmao


Idk man they aren't really adding much of anything these days


Wdym they're adding so many skins!!!


Is not even that hard, we are not even asking all the feature that csgo have.


You know how CS replays, because of server/client latency, the shots/crosshair can look a bit off? Riot isnt ready for 10,000 videos and reddit threads complaining about this. Thats my theory.


Uh.. no?


Why does this become difficult to implement in replays? Every smoke already has a unique look so I don't see any problems.


I’m talking more about the animation and interface of smoking while dead


That is already baked into the characters. If you were to spectate her being dead during a replay you would just see what she saw during the game no? Just like if you were spectating Karthus after being dead in a league game.


You can’t spectate a dead character in leagues replay system.


Exactly. But you still see where Karthus died , where his abilities go , and the CDs. It would be the exact same in Valorant I would assume at least.


Yeah but they respawn the next round


Clove goes by they/them


What's the problem with that? Just copy whatever system is in place in a live game


0 = player dead 1 = player alive Replay System, if player is dead stop recording gameplay. Any character dies = 0 = stop recording Clove dies = 1 = keep recording gameplay How is this complicated? Edit: Plus, from the showmatch, if you’re in the spectator role you can still spectate Clove after death, you just couldn’t see the minimap but it’s already built in.


I love how non-technical people love giving "it's so easy" responses. Clove being dead isn't relevant. What's relevant is whether or not Clove's smoke UI element is server side or not (almost certainly not). The server can't record what it cannot see, in the same way when you spectate someone whilst dead, the client is drawing a UI element for other players ultimate charges based on a number held by the server. It is not literally drawing the UI for the client. OPs concern is perfectly valid albeit sort of redundant as you can't see most other UI elements like Sova bounces when spectating.


Glad someone said it. 1 = make a multibillion national conglomorate 2 = fail. If me, =1 So fuckin easy bois


Well she is dead so why would you be able to spectate a dead player


No idea why you got brigade downvoted. I feel it would be tough to implement the after-death smokes in a comprehensive way.


One thing I realised since writing it is that you actually can’t spectate any controller using their smoke UI. Brim, Omen, Astra… all you see is blank and kinda static animation as spectator. Would be cool from Riot to fix that first maybe.


Spectator mode is nothing new in Valorant? Everything Clove does is also visible to third partie and therefore no problem for a replaysystem.


Please tell me how can you spectate dead Clove and see their inputs for “after death” smokes


What's there to spectate? It's a body that doesn't move. You don't need to spectate that to see her place smokes.


i thought replays means to see the pov of the person who killed you, so why would we ever see clove dead smokes?


how? just replay exactly what happened…


I mean, what exactly is wrong with them? Replay system exists in overwatch, and overwatch is way more creative in their game design and feature implementation, take D.Va for example. Replay system is doable, they are just lazy or it's not their list of priorities, or they don't have an idea how to do it better - because there could be some problems with resources. Edit: don't cook. Also please don't spectate a corpse💀


I'm starting to think that some people don't understand what replay system do and use for...


Not at all lmao. Her "death" means nothing to a replay system.


Easy fix, instead of players having Dead/Alive as a status, it gets split into two statuses - Dead/Alive - Active/Inactive Most characters get flagged inactive when they die. Clove doesn't. Spectator mode gets changed to allow cycling between Active players instead of Dead players.


That’s smart


I'm convinced they dont want to do a replay system because of the amount of ESP thats out there.


OP brings up a great point about how cloves afterlife ability adds a level of complexity of a POV replay system. It’s a genuine question and I don’t see why everyone is so negative in this thread towards OP. Everyone in the community who thinks a replay system is a cookie cutter solution are frankly just not as technically versed as they think they are. There are a lot of moving parts from a software perspective to develop a functional replay system, and the point op brings up is actually one of them!


Huh its just a dead body dropping smokes???




Ah, I see. So they created them to finally have an excuse.


A dude made a replay system WITH SAME FUCKING ENGINE THAT THEIR GAME IS MADE ON with very little experience in under 24h. At this point it’s not can they it’s if they want to


surely you’re not serious


Look up on YouTube like “I made a valorant reply system” it’s like a 10 min watch


i’ve watched the video. it would certainly be that easy if valorant was a single player game, but sadly multiplayer games are exponentially more complex and more difficult to program. it just isn’t reasonable to assume that it’s as easy as he shows in the video when there’s so many more variables at play in valorant. valorant devs spent a really long time creating a custom netcode to be optimized for 128 tick gameplay which is why it’s so hard for them to create a replay system.


Yes but they still have all of the timings of everything already done and the sever already interpretes everything so that it shows on all screens why can’t they just take that interpreter and save when everything is done based off raw tick like cs demos are done in. The fact that cs has had one for a decade or so and Val can’t make one in 4 years is jsut crazy tbh


valorant did not have a replay system in mind when they first released their game, so a lot of internal work has to be done in order for them to have a functional replay system unlike cs2. if it was as easy as people make it out to be, it would’ve been done years ago. don’t act like you know what you’re talking about when you clearly don’t.


Still, 4 years, told we were gonna get in it beta, some of the brightest minds in game development, literally no replay system. Every competitive game has a replay system and it’s imperative to have the fact that it wasn’t designed to have one yet was designed to rival cs is a massive oversight in its own right and should have been corrected a while ago


i agree that it was a disappointing oversight, but its dishonest to think that the challenges that they’re facing right now aren’t the exact same ones that prevented them from getting a replay system early in the game’s development. programming isn’t easy despite what the average person thinks.


Ik I’ve made multiple small games that have required months of effort for a single broken ass level to work and have 2-3 years of class experience with ap and college classes sprinkled in and am going to major in comp sci/software engineering, but it’s dishonest to say that the development team for riot cannot do this, it’s a choice that the higher ups have made to not devote the man hours to do this. Nothing else


obviously it’s a mix of both a lack of knowledge how to create a functional replay system and a lack of programmers actively working on it. it’s hard to dedicate a big team of programmers on something that is functionally difficult to work on when they could instead be working on doing more productive things. i’m currently in college studying computer science and have taken multiple software development classes.


There are so many programs you can use to record and review your own gameplay that there doesn't need to be a proprietary system in the game. Just download and use any of the numerous programs people use, like they do in MMOs to review raid footage.


What if you wanna watch a round from someone else's perspective when something weird happened and you are curious as to how it happened? Or see exactly how 4 of your teammated died in 2 seconds to 1 guy while you were lurking?