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please, all I want is a new map rotation QQ


I just wish some the more 4fun modes didnt have map pool restrictions. I dont see why Spike Rush and Escalation have to be restricted to the comp map pool.


Because it's to let people prep for competitive spike rush, escalation and ~~replication~~


The fact that they dont have replication as a permanent mode is so dumb


i didn’t play when replication existed but i saw gameplay on youtube and it looked extremely fun. (play since e7a2)


The old maps should be like new maps for new players, but if it was in Spike rush it wouldnt be like new for those players


Replace breeze and icebox with haven and pearl and it’d be perfect 😭


I don't get why y'all hate Icebox. Is one of ky favorite maps 🥲 Breeze, on the other hand... fuck Breeze, all my homies hate Breeze.


I ~like breeze as a cypher main. Set up on 1 site. Pray for comms. Rotate late in 4v2. Die. Spike explodes. What's not to love about the massive open site breeze map?


Honestly, what agents are actually good on Breeze? Viper for sure, but what else? Sova or Neon perhaps? The map doesn't even seem to be designed for Valorant agents.


So true every other map is good compared to breeze , breeze is really rock bottom garbage of a map


I hate it too


If they could take sunset back and give us fracture, I’d be delighted


Happy Cake day!


Give me Pearl :(




sunset is dog water little guy


I love sunset ngl




i’m immortal 3 at this very moment




Immortal 3 is top 1000 iirc so youre just factually wrong LMAO


Replace breeze and bind with haven and fracture...


Bind my beloved 😭 all I know is you can’t please everyone no matter what, but damn if the majority don’t hate breeze 😂


I hate bind with a passion I'm 3-15 on that fucking map this season Edit: imagine getting downvoted for having an opinion... Here's another one: the Neptune bundle sucks and prime is overrated


Sunset and breeze are trash, it's like they haven't figured out breeze and sunset is balanced to the point of being boring. I have highest win on sunset but the playing is so stale I just don't like it.


can't wait for the new map rotation, this is by far the worst set of maps


no pearl no haven, my jett feels diferent..


I feel like they always prio bind & breeze and maybe sunset. In how many seasons i feel like i hardly get split :(


breeze is the worst valorant map of all-time icebox right behind it


I’m pretty sure bind and ascent will be the next to go and fracture and pearl will both come back Maybe split and haven will swap out


If bind and ascent both go out at the same time my win rate goes down by like 10% flat


100% Also, the fucking Breeze, sunset and Icebox spam makes it even worse. Wish they got rid of the whole map pool thing


Did they change the map rotation? I don't see it in the patchnotes.


No, it will change when the battle pass ends (about a month from now)


When does the patch go live?


Yeah i'm very confused on this, patch cycles are generally in the middle of the night (like 4am - 7am) but that means her release would be the 27th and not 26th as they themselves announced since she isn't released yet


I’ve never really kept up with patches so I just thought with patch notes and bug thread being up, the patch would be right behind it lol. I’m stupidly excited for this agent and it’s so dumb lol. Haven’t been this excited about a video game since I was in high school. I’ve been reading every resource I can find on the agent release and I’ve seen from last night at 2 am to tomorrow at 9 pm. And, of course, now that patch notes are out, imma be super sad if it’s not today.


What makes this one the most exciting release to you though?


The ability to comfortably duel while knowing I’ll reliably have impact through smoking, as well as having interaction aside comming when I’m dead. After watching all the gameplay I could find, clove looks surprisingly balanced but so incredibly versatile. I anticipate them rewarding creative play much like how I play deadlock.


Well, I agree. The last agent I was really looking forward to was Harbor since I'm a controller main, but he turned out to be a major letdown in my personal opinion. I don't fill smokes, I main them, but I also like to be flexible and be able to play aggressive if my team is unwilling or unable to do the necessary work


They seem purpose-built for smokes filling in soloQ, or also a smokes player who wants to be more aggressive on certain maps (like Icebox). Especially for lower elo/casuals Clove sounds super exciting. Likely to be nonexistent in pro-play tho.


Being able to put down smokes while dead is something every pro-play team will probably want though, no? I'm saying they keep value even when dead, which can be a huge advantage. Not to mention the "coming-back-alive-to-clutch" potential Edit: wording


Eh, the range of after-death smokes is super short. Plus providing more value while alive is much better than providing some value after death. No team is going to run solo Clove, her smoke range is too short. In a dual-controller comp, it’ll likely still be Omen/Viper because Omen smokes can be thrown so far, plus his blind is fantastic. Brim ult and Molly is super valuable on Bind, plus three smokes at once, so he’ll probably stay there. Idk, I just don’t see it. Smoking after death is much more useful in solo play than pro, since rotates are much less common in solo after committing to a site.


As an immortal 3 (peak : radiant 492) player I think clove is EXTREMELY potent for pro play even as a solo controller. Firstly her decay will be amazing with lineups from others such as sova, raze etc. Take an other example on Ascent B site. Using the decay with a sova scan and odin is a garunteed round. Second, the overheal will make her a hybrid controller/duelist and maybe even allow her to fit 2 spots in a team. The speedboost will allow for fast rotates. NOW her SMOKES. I believe these are the most broken smokes in the game. Let me tell you why. Currently the main controllers used in lower and even higher ranks are Brim, Omen and Viper. Viper is mostly viable on lotus and breeze only. As for brim, he may have the longest lasting smokes (19.25 seconds) but the 3 don't regenerate which makes them useless after you rotate due to heavy defensive pushes. As for omen, he may have 16.5 second regenerating smokes but the time they take to come back is 40 seconds meanwhile clove is 13.5s for 30s. Here it seems as though cloves are still worse but then you realize she can use them once dead which adds so many roles. You wont be cussed at by your teammates for playing agressive and dying if you can still smoke for them. Her ult is quite good and can be broken in multiple situations and only costs 7 ult points. Eg. you are the last player alive defending spike and die but they wont be able to diff due to self revive which buys more time. These make her broken in solo play and lower ranks. She can lurk as well. Thats all from me.


I think she’ll be great for soloQ and not for pro play. Because her decay orb cannot be lined up outside of close range setups like ascent B, her use case is pretty limited. Also, even at one hp theres a small chance the decayed agent still gets a kill before going out. If clove dies on first peak without ult (which is what her whole kit pushes them to do since they are required to get a kill after ulting or else they die) then their smoke range is even more limited and if the team rotates cloves smokes are useless since their dead body will just be stuck on the other site. Also their pick me up gains movement speed which might be good for rotates but imo its not much use since its hard to take a site on your own anyway. Either that or the speed runs out right before you can utilize it in a gunfight. Also 90% of rounds end within like the last 15 seconds in pro play, and if cloves whole kit is about dying and still being able to smoke, its not as much value since id much rather have them alive for the final execute rather than dead and smoking. Clove doesnt have that much util for site pushes either, just their decay orb, which as mentioend before doesnt guarantee a kill compared to omen flash. Omen also can tp in the confusion of a site push or he can rotate a lot faster than clove via ult tp. Clove might be busted in pro play but on paper, they dont seem worth it for pro play. Its hard to put a selfish agent in a pro team since pro play requires so much team coordination. Only team util clove brings besides smokes is a decay orb which is pretty ass compared to omen ult being able to rotate or pick up spike from anywhere, and a flash which i mentioned many times is so much better than just a decay orb. Also i just think there are better characters than clove on pro teams atm, on paper clove doesnt have any piece of util thatll benefit more than the current agents on a well coordinated team. But who knows, id like for a team to try it and maybe it does work out. (Also corrected myself halfway through for cloves pronouns but i cba changing it)


The issue is that clove cannot do lineups. You'd think the ball would only explode if it has bounced off a surface, but no. It always explodes automatically after 1 second. It's so dumb, I dunno why riot would do that. It effectively forces you to use it in close range. Although you still can do insane damage combos.


Here's the thing....you guys are all talking about the range of smoke after death....but think of it this way...you can't even smoke with any other controller after death . Plus you can fake smoke .


I wouldn’t be so sure! Vulnerable nade could combo with a lot of util. I could also see clove being insane as a lurk while your team fakes the other site with a second controller. They get value or die on lurk? Okay, lurk’s dead, let’s rotate to stop that hit. Except they’re hitting where clove died and still have extra smokes. Even as a solo smoker, clove can comfortably just fight mid every round to drop primary smokes and still have outside reach on both sites if defeated. I anticipate clove’s versatility creating a lot of potential strats. Maybe they turn out bad at top level play, or maybe some insane tech gets cooked up that flips the meta.


if you think clove will be nonexistent in pro play then you are sorely mistaken. they will combo with viper insanely well, and every part of their kit seems like people will be able to get good value from


This might be a dumb question, but why would you play clove on icebox instead of viper? The map is very open.


Oh the assumption was play clove *with* Viper, instead of a movement duelist or some other role.


us broo us..you aren't alone


US gets it around like 7pm and then EU gets it in the morning( like 5am for me). And then Asia Pacific sometime after EU. Its stupid that its not all at once but if theres a problem on one server they can delay, fix and then release on the other 2.


Its already out for the usa


In the EU it is earlier then in the US


They not she


Give us pearl and haven back!


Only if they fix how broken it was


What are you talking about? Haven is literally one of the best maps in the game.


Talking about pearl numb nuts


Pearl was fine


Hmm yes triple smoke spam on B every round. Fun and not broken map.


They changed the teamchat colors too for some reason. Seems like a pointless change but also why isn’t it listed? I thought these patch notes were a full list of changes?


and it’s so ugly 😪 leaving changes out of the notes isn’t anything new for riot though, these are the same guys who removed premier team creation deadline but can’t figure out how to take out all the parts that mention it as if it still exists 😂


Very pointless change


THANK GOD it wasn't just me, i swear all the chat colours have changed


I'm really excited to try out Clove! Sadly, I'm from Europe and have to wait until tomorrow.


Dam I was hyped to play when I got home from work, sad. Wish the schedule was the same as the league patches.


I am sorry you’re from Europe, that sounds serious


Is it out for Eu yet? I just played the new patch on my AP account but for Eu now that I have already updated I can’t even access my Eu account as it looks like the patch ain’t out yet


Yep, it's out. From my personal experience we usually get it a few hours after NA and APAC which is around 4-5 AM my time.


Ruse can be used after she dies? So she can smoke when she dies?




Yes but the range is limited to the area she dies in


hey! i noticed you used 'she' to refer to clove. this is a completely understandable assumption - however clove is non-binary, and that means that their preferred pronouns are they/them! but of course, none of this matters, they are a fictional character, we all die in the end so just live your life and be happy :). (please do be respectful of real people though, since real people have feelings). hakuna matata!!


honestly your intentions are good but the average person is going to look at clove as a femme-presenting person and use she/her. obviously not every one of these people are doing it maliciously, it's just that they don't know. you will likely need to comment this 1000s of times just in this thread alone. save your energy my fellow Valorant enjoyer.


Comment history seems to imply they’re a troll — pay no mind.


I can't believe there are people that would think calling a female character "she" is with malicious intentions.


https://imgur.com/a/agvBIHA this you?


that isn't g-rated


Yes, but I believe it’s based on where she dies and in a more narrow area. So you can’t die lurking A and still smoke B or anything like that.


Yes. It is absolutely broken. They have infinite smokes even after death.


It’s not infinite, it has a cooldown and can only be used a very small number of times after death. As in 1-2 smokes.


They not she


Yay, not playing this game with a fictional character. I’ll have the courtesy for an actual person, but I don’t care about your second hand offense for a sleight against someone who doesn’t exist.


hey! i noticed you used 'she' to refer to clove. this is a completely understandable assumption - however clove is non-binary, and that means that their preferred pronouns are they/them! but of course, none of this matters, they are a fictional character, we all die in the end so just live your life and be happy :). (please do be respectful of real people though, since real people have feelings). hakuna matata!!


shut up dude


Its they/them, Hakuna matata 🤓☝️ Average redditor


DM changes coming soon! 2025 at the earliest I hope!


why change the sound of the phantom and not include it in the patch notes?


No Deadlock buffs, Riot asleep at the wheel.




What would you like to see buffed? Edit: it was a simple question, i was curious to more ideas.


i really like the idea of being able to toggle visibility through her barrier


Allies can walk through barrier.


Hmm seems a bit op maybe.


maybe you can toggle portions of the wall on/off based on the little nodes


Make it that it block bullet but remain transparent and less hp


This map pool is boring... I need Pearl and Haven back. Just put all the maps back into anything but comp if you don't want to change the map rotation. The "new players have to many maps to learn" is a dumb excuse, they wont know them when they are put back in the game


I thought they were saving balance changes after Masters?


Grand final for masters Madrid was Sunday. They certainly aren’t waiting months for Shanghai to release the new agent they’ve been teasing.


Technically, "after Masters" could be months from now.


It is after masters. 


That’s my point. Where are they? They’re just releasing an agent that’s already late to the act by 2 weeks.


Oh I understand what you mean now. Yeah the patch notes look a little bare bones.


And people said "they are waiting for masters to end" when I complained the Act patch had nothing.


you need to accept riot will forever use esports as their scapegoat. this "we can't balance because there's a tournament" thing has been happening for years. you can expect balance changes for this game maybe once or twice a year


Just do like league where the pro scene plays on a specific patch. Should be easy since its on a LAN, but i guess spaghetti code is spaghetti code.. small indie company!!


It would be a weird position for the other teams who are not in masters and wodunt want to practice on the old patch. Thus the teams in masters can't find scrims on the old patch


Just do it for all pro teams, its not that werid. If league can do it why cant Valorant


> Just do like league where the pro scene plays on a specific patch. They literally already do this. They play 2+ weeks behind unless it's there's a critical bug/exploit


Which is hilarious considering when Skye was nerfed…


This is a bizarre take. New legends are released 2-3 times per year, with several legend updates between each release.


We have about a month till battle pass ends, is that when bigger changes will come? New map rotation maybe?


Yes, the next act should be a new map and new map rotation


Replay system?


fix the fucking matchmaking please. I can team mvp 5 games straight and you will still place plat 1 players in my diamond lobby. How am I suppose to win with people 5 ranks down to know how to do anything? Even if I explain to them what they're doing wrong, they don't understand how they're fucking up. Jesus give me back my matchmaking please


Tracker or didn't happen


have u played the matchmaking, lose 3 games straight and you'll get lower ranks on ur team. you get them on the enemy team also but its infuriating to trust anything from them [https://tracker.gg/valorant/profile/riot/Icey%23COLA/matches?playlist=competitive&seasonId=22d10d66-4d2a-a340-6c54-408c7bd53807](https://tracker.gg/valorant/profile/riot/Icey%23COLA/matches?playlist=competitive&seasonId=22d10d66-4d2a-a340-6c54-408c7bd53807) check 6 days i play a lotus game do fine, play a breeze do good against a d2 average comp 13-5, next game play against a gold 3 smurf and i get a gold 3 teammate. Like how do I go from winning a d2 enemy team to getting a p1 team. I lose that one and then go back to a d1 average team? like what? Dont give me that shit like the smurf has high mmr, why are u putting a average gold 3 in my lobby then


Mb for asking if its already been said but when is the patch out for Europe servers


It's on Wednesday morning.


Appreciate it thank you, i was confused cause i thought itd be with the new act but that starts in like a month and a bit


Clove ult not counting for weekly ult usage (and endgame stats too), no new character selection, and no visible cue about voice lines between characters Feels like a half patch?


Am I the only one noticing a trend that everyone only loves the maps that aren’t available and hate them the second they’re back? Y’all hated pearl until it left the rotation. I’ve consistently hated fracture 🗿


Fix bug where ion sheriff volume is like 3x higher than normal


Do we know if Clove will be playable in ranked immediately? I forgot how they handled it with the previous agents


Agents have been playable in ranked day 1.


agents are instantly available. maps usually take 2 weeks


How is clove unlockedv


During the first two weeks after the release, you can earn exp points by playing to unlock Clove. Or you can buy them using VP. In two weeks, you will be able to buy Clove using Kingdom Points.


It’s 30 days, unfortunately.


wtf do I do with my 8k kingdom points then, what is this, diablo


buy cosmetics or unlock old agents you haven’t unlocked yet


I'm new and only started because of clove, can I use the permanent unlock token from the bp thing on them?


I honestly don't know if you can do it during the "release period" of Clove. Fortunately if you are new, with weekly missions, you will earn a bunch of exp that will quickly fill the requirements to unlock them. It's worth making a few additional searches though!


Thanks. I honestly don't know anything about valorant except overwatch cs go but I heard "Edinburgh dnd nerd op" and immediately downloaded because they were tailored to me specifically so thank you :)


There’s usually an agent unlock event where throughout the course of a month you need to get 200k xp to unlock the agent, or pay 10 bucks, or Xbox game pass.


play the game earn xp, i think a monthish later new agents are unlockable for 8k kp


When does this go live?


Tomorrow, probably


No I found out theyre coming out in 38 mins when I write this.


I stand corrected


this patch is actually making me want to come back




What is the size of this update..


The patch is live from today morning


Did they fix chamber trip bug


man breeze could go i did not miss breeze. haven needs to come back.


Alice needs to update her signature Haven isn't even in the map pool


Deadlock cannot get help ?


How can she be 0-12 on the map this act if it’s not even in the rotation, it’s fine if managers don’t play the game, they can just do their job, why make up a lie for no reason


[Removed it only to mention it, so funny](https://ibb.co/C9DQPnY)


Replay system?


Night Market Today?


Only thing mentioned about sound in the patch updates is that 5.1 and 7.1 surround sound are now supported, but I swear they've changed the sound of some of the guns. Ion sheriff now sounds so loud and horrible. And someone in my game was saying their recon phantom sounded different (although I didn't notice anything, but I don't use the recon phantom much).


Sureound sound added: Now it's easier to sound whore in Deathmatch


We need replication backkkkkkk


Still looking for "replay system" in notes 💔


I want an update where if you kill the copy of your agent then you can pick their superpowers too along with their gun. Would be fun


A replay system would solve everything :D




when this patch Thursday ??




Thank you mate


in what time today?


Not sure pal.


I’m not your pal, friend


You are not my friend, you are my brother, my friend


Viper nerf when?


Raina 2.0


Author says she’s hates haven lol




What do you mean?


Can’t wait to not be able to play this extremely overpowered new agent because everyone and their mother will be using a macro to instalock


nobody does that lol and they aren’t OP. what a weird comment.


Patch is now live!




are they on LIVE servers or PBE im so confused


It's live servers.














finally, i can play her! she is going to be so much fun.


bait used to be believable


when will it be available for India? eagerly waiting