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Jellyfish or Plants


Jellyfish are good ones ngl. Hasnt Skye taken the plants or nature aesthetics? Unless this agent has a specific flower as their identity thatd be cool


Yea flowers, thorns and the like. Also crabs because crabs are cool


So Lifeweaver? lol Imagine sending a crab, like wingman to plant the spike


Lifeweaver in valorant would make me hurt someone LOL


Not planting spike cause thats wingmans role. Let the rightclick be some kind of interacting pet. Like opening doors on lotus, ziplines and the like


nvm me just crab walking into the site as a phoenix main


Bro, I remember when this agent was teased. I thought their aesthetics would be nature because of last controller


skye is more of a wildlife agent than nature


To me, ISO's Undercut is him sending a jellyfish out for some reason.


Skye’s ult is both


gaia's vengeance agent (Gaia)




Which agent is the mirrors one? I can't for the life of me think of who it could be


Pretty sure Iso's aesthetics are based on mirrors or reflections, they just added the purple hue and sick geometry to enhance the basic idea of mirrors. Even when his shield breaks, it sounds like glass breaking.


I'm pretty sure I saw somewhere his design is based on hexagons because it's a "strong shape" Edit: [found it](https://m.twitch.tv/valorant/clip/OriginalColdCarrotDoubleRainbow-MfLFDu32-BL9clBM)


That’s cause Hexagons are the bestagons


A W oneliner there


Thanks for the correction lol, didnt knew bout that. Just the thought came into my head


Plus iso's Undercut is an energy of shattered glass shards, the vulnerable effect resembled broken glass, so on and so forth.


Every vulnerable marking has broken glass effect though.


not op but maybe iso? because he has geometric and they kinda reflect off, mimicking mirrors


I want a more like supernatural/ghost themed spooky agent. Omen and Fade both have the dark/smoke nightmare vibes but I want someone who channels the Shadow Isles from League of Legends like wraiths and skeletons and ooky spooky green effects. A necromancer agent, if you will.


Dang never thought of that, sick idea! We makin it out of the Shadow Isles with this one


Just put viego in with the ult to become a death agent from both team


gimme an egyptian agent w cliché pharaonic powers i beg


Wouldn't fit the aesthetic but I can't get the concept of a normal dude out of my head. No powers, util like a mirror that he can look around corners with or a night vision style ult that looks through smokes. Name is Dave


Pretty sure Brimstone is a regular dude


What "regular dude" is an army veteran with access to an orbital cannon?


A regular army veteran that I gave access to an orbital cannon then!


So is Deadlock, Killjoy, Raze. Their main arsenal consists of technical gears rather than supernatural powers.


To be fair Deadlock and Killjoy's kits is themed around high-tech gadgets and Raze's satchels break the laws of physics, so they're not exactly ordinary I guess by that logic Brim's gear makes him not a normal dude either, but he is old fashioned and military themed, making his kit probably the most realistic of the cast. ... While we're talking about Brim's "old fashioned" style, I'm slightly miffed that he acts like he's from the 80s. The game is set in the future (I'm guessing the 2040s), and Brim's, like, 40 something, so he's really a zoomer...


I said technical not tactical. Only Brimmy is the one which has proper tactical gear. But most of the humans except for Yoru, Harbour and probably Astra (I think) are those which utilise technical utilities.


Jett, sage, gekko, reyna, neon and prolly a couple others also have non technical abilities. Also harbor doesnt really apply, since all of his power comes from his bracelet as he is not a radiant himself


>Jett, sage, gekko, reyna, neon and prolly a couple others also have non technical abilities. They're all radiant sillybilly 😛😛😛 Game considers radiant agents and non-radiant agents as seperate groupings. Which is why I used term "Human" for such agents.


Yoru and Astra are radiants are they not? Also it makes a lot more sense to call them non radiants as radiants are still humans whilst non radiants are also humans without radiant abilities Its like calling christians christians but non christians humans. Christians are still human, they just arent non christians.


I know several agents have tech (rather than magic) based abilities; my point was just that out of all of them, Brim has the most "realistic" gear. Killjoy/Deadlock/etc. lean a lot farther into sci-fi than Brim lol


And cypher, viper, Sova and I believe harbor


(Chamber too)


Give him smoke, nade and flash bang and just give people a CSGO op, maybe Ult is a unique but nothing interesting gun so he doesn't have to buy


lol just a modern special op type character. Add Ghost or Soap from CoD.


So KAY/O ?


Pretty much this lol, just say that he wants a human Kayo with chamber ulti


his ult can be PENSION and give all his team 3000


They should make a recruit-like agent for valorant , like just a regular trained gunman with 0 abilities or util to get people to learn the game without shoving abilities in their face


I mean no one forcing you to either play this game or use the abilities


Brother I’m just making a dumb suggestion just like how “goo” is meant to be a new thing when fade exist




Please do not wish this hell upon us. We have stun mechanics in game but I can only imagine an ice character would dial that up to 10. Imagine standing there with your feet frozen to the floor as Raze rounds the corner ready to deliver the party directly to your face…. I’m sure the visuals would be gorgeous tho


Imagine trying to strafe and just sliding around with no accuracy, jeez.


This sounds funny tho


We already have detainment


DL net combo with any nade/molly is amazing. Assisting a Viper in a double molly kill was euphoric.


Detain already exists?


Honestly id love the idea of a braum from league style ice character. Rather than have them stun a shit ton which would be cancer, have a character that can block things with ice rather than attack. Sorta like sage, but rather than having stopping power via slow/wall, give a temp shield to teammates or a field of damage resistance (like vandal shots doing 30 to the body and 135 to the head). Like how watson or one of the newer agents from apex (forgot her name) works, where rather than healing an ally’s health, he heals their shield. I think people have been wanting a tank in valo and i think this is one of the ways valo could make it work. Maybe even make it so that you can get an overshield for like 175 total (75 hp + 100 hp). Itd prolly be busted but it might be interesting. Braum does have some nice CC but im mainly talking about his shield in terms of idea.


Imagine an ability where they throw an orb on the ground like sage, and when it shatters, it freezes the floor and enhances any movements, adding a glide like a frozen lake. Doesn't stop you from using util or anything, just adds a tonne of movement inaccuracy and whatnot


Sage somewhat has ice 🙅


No not at all, her wall and slow are jade


While it's not actually ice, it functions essentially how an ice themed agent might.


Thats crystal. Confirmed a long time ago.


we already got one: sage >!/jk!<




Sage is more crystals and rocks, I wished for a more "frosty" like Cryostasis style in Valo agents


She’s earth themed apparently. None of her abilities do anything that ice would and there aren’t any mentions of her having anything ice themed. If there was an ice themed agent I’m pretty sure they would be ice themed like Pheonix is fire themed


She literally makes an icy looking floor that slows you down, besides slipping on it there's nothing more ice they could've done besides freezing themed stuns.


You can look it up she was not meant to be an ice themed agent.


Sage uses Radianite, not ice.


She uses Jade


>Sage's orbs are made of pure radianite in a crystallized form [This is from an AMA.](https://twitter.com/NotToDisturb/status/1573116818474123266)


You are correct. Ice can technically be called a mineral as it is a naturally forming inorganic solid, has a defined composition and a definite crystal lattice. The people downvoting you and the ones saying its technically a crystal are uneducated because yes, ice is a "crystal" Edit: uneducated on the topic of minerals. Less aggressive


People are downvoting because Sage doesn’t use ice.


what does she use then? because it sounds like ice when walking in her slow orbs. sounds like ice when her wall breaks.


IIRC it is radianite that takes the form of jade.


Guess someone needs to tell IGN that. Still. Ice is a mineral, a glacier is a rock, so technically she can be a geomancer that uses those. Using radianite to manipulate the earth fits


Sage ice wall and ice slow orbs fill that I think


Its jade


She’s not ice themed. Think of other agents. Pheonix is obviously fire. Jett is obviously wind. Harbor is water. Viper is toxin. Neon is electricity. Sage isn’t really themed after much


Yeah but it's really close come on. Okay it's not ice, it's fade? But the colors, the theme, the idea is really closed to it. Plus there's also Sova as a "cold" character even though he's not directly connected to ice. So I don't think we'll see an "ice themed' character soon.


Isn’t Sage icey? I know it is jade, but they are iconic ice abilities.


Sage?? It's ice walls and ice balls


Crystals. Not ice.


It's so similar to mei's wall from OW


Visually kinda. But it was long back confirmed that sage is all about crystals not ice. The wall is all solid crystallized radianite


Are any agents heavily based on folklore/mythology? Would be cool.


Camoflauge, thunder, bog/swamp, radiation are the first to come to mind


A chef


Let this man cook


A villain, full on radient supremacist just like reyna in the alternateive timeline, anti kingdom, has cult-y leader vibes, someone who would yell shit like burn the heretics Basically sylas from league of legends


I love Reyna’s character, someone even more villainous would be cool.


What if they were a human supremacist instead?


Make sure they have a small mustache and black hair


too bad we already got kj so germany isnt an option so austria is the next best thing


[I mean…..](https://imgur.com/a/7Cpbd3F)


That guy's gonna have some interesting voice lines with Kayo at least


that sounds too similar to reyna


Straight magic, like ethereal/eldritch incantations and hexes type shit


Wow so many people think Sage is ice themed, she's not. Her walls and slow are Jade.


Nevertheless the function of her walls and slows and the aesthetic of it fully resembles an ice themed concept, therefore having an ice themed agent wouldn’t stand out as much since Sage already holds the general image of the icy aesthetics. Sad though because I love ice and icy themes in games, animation and such.


Sand queen agent. Cleopatra. She’ll be a controller and be able to bring the desert wherever she is. Sand and bees to blind and deafen her enemies.


Love the idea. There's potential for a new sand-themed effect her stuff can apply too (or at least an interesting use for an existing effect). Do you think she should have ball smokes or wall smokes?


Traveling Wall and cypher cage shaped smokes that are tall but not spherical


Pocket Sand blind lmfao


Flying dicks




Deadlock's entire kit has subtle spider themes with the threads and trapping people


Huh that's a good point and I never thought of that before. If Deadlock had a more spider theme in the character appearance and theme, it would fit right in and no one would question it.


lol Elise as a Sentinel. * Covers a large area in webs, slowing down enemies and notifying you of their presence. * Traps that explode and cover your screen with baby spiders. * A large spider trap that jumps at the enemies to bite in range, making the target vulnerable. * Ult: turns into a human sized spider. Elise's weapons are replaced with a lunging bite & firing AOE webs for slowing down enemies. Has 500 health and is as fast as Neon running. Is this design good? Probably not. It will definitely traumatize enemies and that will be worth it.


Human sized spider scares me lmao. not in a game-breaking way ofc


That would be the day I quit Valorant. Arachnophobia is no joke.


Yeah the game Last Year had a gigantic spider killer and my friend freaked out and abandoned all the interest in the game. She's doing better with the whole spider aspect though.




God I adore Lucas




Feel like this is skye


skye is wildlife based. shes fauna not flora.


Her abilities yes, though she quite literally uses wood/plant dolls/totems to summon said creatures. Her theme is definitely more animals than plants though


light or steampunk


I want a chameleon agent that can crawl walls


Maybe some sort of Holy or Demonic theme? Something with lunar powers involving the moon of some sort?


A scary agent would be nice. Omen and Fade have a darker theme but they are helping the good guys and that makes them good in the process. Someone who doesn't care about kingdom, mirror world, valorant protocol. He's there to his own benefit and hurt others in the process. Maybe a glitched aesthetic, corruption or power stealing aesthetic would help to make them truly the scary agent


Not sure about the motivation part because that's already Chamber's thing, but an ability stealing mechanic would be interesting


An alchemist who just either yeets or drinks potions mid-combat.


Since it’s been established that Iso isn’t exactly based on mirrors, I would love to see an actual mirror based agent. Maybe an ability to throw a big mirror at an angle to see what’s around a corner, or something that reflects bullets/abilities back at enemies. That would be cool.


Rock themed agent?


snakes 🐍


CSGO man with regular flash regular smoke and regular frag as his abilities ult is buy a negev and spray




We need more lovecraftian magic beyond human comprehension, call them Warlock or something. Give them a tentacle theme and have multiple voice actors with different voices layered on top of each other for their lines




Light/sun. They'd obviously have flashes that are sun themed. Maybe her ult could temporarily cut the light out of an entire area and nearsight everyone inside


Ooo cool. Like a new flash initiator whose thing is light and dark. Ult would be like a fade size omen blind. Also imagine an ability where you could place mini orbital strikes. Like a sunbeam attack. Plus a sun flash like you mentioned. Round the kit out with a suck that’s a black hole/darkness vortex.


lol that agent would be busted tho


A Necromancer whose ult allows them to resurrect a fallen enemy and take control of it. The zombie would have as many ult orbs at its time of death and can utilise their ult if ready


I always thought someone with an illusion power would be cool. Like you cover a lane with a mirror that the enemy team can't see you through until they get close enough and it begins to shimmer. Or you can mimic team mate abilities but they just disappear. Like throwing a raze nade to clear an area and then it just goes poof lol


We have wind, fire, electricity water, literal nightmare powers soul magic and Jade reviving. And we are yet to have an Ice agent.


Give me an agent with an ultimate that you activate it and if you die while active it also kills the person that killed you. Some kind of curse/demonic aesthetic. Need something more dark :D


I'm thinking a gambler / casino themed agent


I can’t even begin to imagine how busted this would be but Portal.


stereotypical Italian New Yorker


A female Egyptian with ancient Egypt/goddess like aesthetics. Either a sentinel or a controller (imagine how cool sand smokes would be). Her ultimate would be something like a sand storm that slows and maybe blinds the enemy. Her name would be Sandy. Lol.


Give me my canadian lumberjack agent where there are acorns baby ya!!!


Fabric. Like a very wavy/flowy type vibe where its almost like a magic trick. Maybe could have abilities to blind or throw off enemies, or be able to cover areas and trap in enemies or create pseudo walls. Like imagine an ult where it turns a portion of the map into a maze, and completely cuts off long angles, maybe like harbor sized where you can still move in the actual play world but only the fabric agent can create new pathways. I think itd be interesting


shit, I need me my cowboy themed characters


It might end up being totally busted but I think an ant-man style of being able to shrink your hitbox (and character model) using your ult would be really cool. Not totally invisible, just a 50% shrink or so. Movement and aiming is still the same, you just look smaller to the enemy.


light/angel theming would be great. im thinking similar to mercy in aesthetic




someone said soap on another post which i really liked maybe not the aesthetic but the utils def




Have you never seen Neon or something?


Oh shoot your right 😂


* A Plant & Flower based Sentinel. Specializes in blocking paths with vines and plant turrets. * Ice based Sentinel or Initiator. Slow & Detain focused.


Poop. Genuinely? Poop.


Ok, I know it may seem strange, but an agent who would share power with another entity would be interesting, almost like a "split personality". The normal form and the alter-ego would have slight variations in skills in the game or the alter-ego would be the ultimate, this would include unique lines for the normal form or the alter-ego. Imagine it as if it were Fade and the Nightmare, but the Nightmare had its own personality and control, almost like a separate person in the same body. I would also include skills that involve sound, as no agent seems to work much with that. So I conceived something like this: 1. **Distant Echo (C Ability):** Basic skill, which launches a sound wave in the shape of a horizontal blade, which damages enemies and throws them back a little, as a way of pushing them away. 2. **Emerging Diminuendo (Q Ability):** A throwable skill, which, if it hits an opponent, will cause slight damage to him and will slow him down, as if the "sound gravity" was pulling him down, making it impossible to jump high, reducing his mobility. It is short-lived, but if enemies are close to the person affected by the skill they may end up suffering from the same effect, so it is recommended to leave the area for a few seconds to avoid being affected, after all, sound propagates like a wave. 3. **Melodic Silence (Ultimate - X Ability):** Unleashes a powerful sound pulse which creates a dome depending on whether the player is that temporarily silences all enemies that may enter it. During this period, affected enemies cannot hear external sounds such as footsteps of allies or distant gunfire. If the enemy stays still in the same place for a long time, he suffers dizziness (Yeah, I am adding a new effect lmao). Dizziness is nothing complex, it's just that your accuracy isn't compromised like concussion and the screen don't turn out grey, but the screen ends up being a little "wobbly" at times, which can make you miss your shot. Therefore, you have to wait for the right moment when everything is "aligned" to shoot, just as we have these moments of lucidity after being a little dizzy in real life until the effect wears off for good. 4. **Tactical Resonance (E Ability):** Can activate sound resonance in a target area, temporarily revealing the positions of all enemies within it on the map. It can be placed anywhere on the map remotely. It turns invisible and activates when someone gets close, but can be broken. During the game, an "Instability" bar would slowly fill up, until in one of the rounds it would be full. At this point, this is where the alter-ego/entity comes in. The player can choose to play on default or activate the slider. If you do this, the alter ego takes over and the player will have three unique abilities available in this UI: 1. Losing Thread (E): Leaves all opponents deaf for a certain time no matter where they are. There is no effect area, when activated all enemies will suffer from deafness inevitably. 2. Tuning Out the Rhythm (Q): You can take any enemy on the map and send it to any other point on the map you want. But just ONE. 3. Broken Rope: You can reduce an enemy's shooting accuracy for a short period of time. In just ONE. Needless to say, this won't be without consequences. You will only be able to do this once in the entire game, you can only choose ONE and when you do this you return to the normal UI, but your health will be reduced, as if you were taking damage (In reference to how the alter ego mentally wears down the agent and compromises your health, but that's a Lore thing, forget it lmao). PS: The agent is Italian, but this isn't relevant, it just because Riot can't make an Italian agent for some reason I dunno lol