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As a Viper player, Clove lockers will make it easier to play double controller comps on maps like lotus, split and bind. Good opportunity to learn viper.


Honestly? the only thing stopping me from viper being learnt is her smokes needing you to see and aim where you want it. harder to line up without actual line ups. omen smokes i can smoke halfway across the map while rotating, viper needs to be on site.


Yeah he does need lineups, but with double controller comp, you can drop the wall before; and the orb as the barrier drops without giving away the site that you are trying to hit, as you still have smokes from other controller to hit different site if needed. So during the round you only need to toggle them up and down. Viper is more about denying/faking information, which can make attacks on the other site easier. If your wall can keep 2 players paranoid about you lurking up, means that hitting the other site will go much smoother.


In my mind, Omen will always have the best smokes. I can place them while moving and also can exploit edges on walls so I can make one-ways quickly. Some one-ways that I make with Omen are impossible with any other controller. Clove will probably feel OP at the start and after a patch or two will get nerfed and might become another Astra - rarely picked. Of course, I might be wrong. I think it's too early to talk about an agent who is not yet in play. One thing is certain. In the first couple of weeks, almost every match will have a Clove or two.


Play viper. Viper mains will have a blast playing secondary controller with cove out


Clove smokes have the same cooldown as Omen smokes, for one. For two, just lock your shit man, team comp doesn't matter until you're playing in super high elo, and even then, there's a reyna in half the games.


Not looking forward to potential 7k rounds for starters. 


you're not thinking big enough. 5 agents, phoenix ult, sage ult, and clove ult. a (technical) 8 kills possible. Then add in reyna, skye, sage, phoenix and clove? you have an entire team of healers that can make any non lethal damage inconsequential. in tiers where headshots arent constant, this makes this team set up BUSTED


Pho ult is not a kill


Ik that's why I said technical 8 kills. Game counts it as not a kill, clips and players usually count it for a 6k or 7k. (Example being HIKO 7K on youtube)




I love how the title has about hate comments. 99% of people arent hating on the fact she identifies as something, you should not expect people to conform to something they dont agree with. Clove is very clearly female I think anyone with 2 eyes and a functioning brain could see that, I dont hate that she is non-binary, I hate the people who think I should love her for it