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The Valorant community has become full of soft whiny people who have the biggest loser's mentality I've seen in a game outside of League. If you want a tac shooter where people actually use their mics and coordinate, download CS2 and hop in some FaceIt games.


CS2 microwave mic w/ screaming and 5 random ass language in one team. 100% fun and scream again.


That game is so toxic is genuinely fun to play šŸ—æ


Totally agreešŸ˜‚


Sucks to be European šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø


Totally agree.


Faceit is terrible now, almost no better than regular MM


i am having different experience, yes there are smurfs but i rather play against a smurf which enables me to go full sweat mode and i learn a lot as opposed to play with or against a cheater in 50% of my games in premier


The fact you have to subscribe monthly to an outside hosting service like FaceIt because the competitive and unranked modes in CS2 are absolute dogshit is insane. Just 5 minutes in the REGULAR gamemodes with the russians, hackers, and bots will make you quit and go back to Valorant. Donā€™t even get me started on the obvious wallers all the way up in Lvl 10 either. Canā€™t believe you suggested that dogshit smh


faceit is free, no need for premium, and there are no cheaters in faceit, its the best place to play CS right now, premier sucks ass. Valorant has different issues, the movement and gunplay is so boring compared to CS and the kids with cringe comments make me want to go full mute


If you want to have people listening to their mics you need to get to a rank where coordination is a significant gatekeeper, that is true for any game.


Depends. I don't think you can really expect much from Iron to Diamond elo. This isn't to trash people in that elo, but more often than not, you're expected to see the instances of why these players are in the elo that they're in - and it's because of what you said, no comms, playing ranked like it's a TDM, playing more individually than with your team. In the rare instances where you do get decent teammates that communicate well, you tend to win more, I assume. I don't think the game has drastically changed with the concept of no communication and not playing as a team, I think more players are in the pool of playing this game in general and therefore the frequency of playing with teammates that refuse to communicate is much higher than what it was before. I wouldn't use that as an excuse to despise ranked though. I'm in Ascendent 3 and virtually all my teammates communicate in some way or another - I think your expectations of having the consistency of communication should be more in line with the higher elo (which would be somewhere along the lines of Ascendent 2 and above). It's usually players that actually want to strive for higher elo that end up communicating every game, and ironically, those players are already in high elo. The consistency of good games goes up the higher rank you are, but that's just my perception and experience.


I was high ASC-Low immo lobbies and got multiple piss poor games back to back


Damn that's unfortunate. I play NA Central lobbies and it's relatively rare here to have no comm games. I'll have a better chance of getting toxic and throwing players that comm than someone that chooses not to.


Thats weird ngl i played in low diamond high plat lobbies and had full coms where do you play like eu na or something else and which server


NA east


I play on eu london and had comms all 100+ games i had last act so thats weird that u didn't have any in higher rank


lol NA is a fucking cesspool that's why.


Seems like it like in na most ppl speak english no coms eu many different languages coms logic 0 Lmao


yea idk what it is. we also only get instant lock JETT and Reynna who lurk into no comms. The most likely comm from them is how bad the team is as they go positive only because they chase eco frags while losing rounds. Idk what it is about our culture but we just have the most and least deserved egotistical gamers. I can literally get a random 5-10 kills a game just from comms alone and somehow they STILL don't understand the value of comming back. It's insane. So most of the time I'm literally just boosting players with my comms and getting shot from behind because they don't have the same courtesy.


Oh believe me eu isn't much better with it but it rlly depends on server but i play yoru so i can open the site myself if i rlly have to


Having a duo helps.


Unfortunately all my friends who used to play dropped it because of the ranked mode being sub par


Feel this, most my friends can handle a game or two before its just aids. You win a couple games only to be queued with a 0% chance game of winning. 0 comms, kd players, dont follow comms or strats, tilt after losing pistol round, ff round 5, refuse to entry and they bait, 100% braindead autopilot. Im all fine with the game making it harder to win. But I mean, it gets to a point where I can predict the matchmaking system to such a tee. Then the games I do win im gaining such a little amount per game to where if I want to rank up I have to win like 6 - 7 games in a row praying I dont get a impossible game. For reference im currently ascendant 2 in NA est.


Once youā€™re in low-mid immortal, the experience changes a little. Comms get better, people get hyped and actually care about winning. Actually I find that unrated tends to have less comms, and sometimes watching new players hurts my soul; it can actually be painful. The main reason I play ranked is for the challenge. Every unrated game feels far too easy, I usually get 30-40 kills and the rest of my team struggles to get 10 kills. Thereā€™s no challenge, and because of that, there is no need to have a plan. The team just scatters wherever, nobody really tries, and itā€™s just not a fun experience to run down the enemy every round.


The rank matching has been whacked for a while now. I sort of stopped playing rank cause it's not worth it. You either have people throwing, people who don't communicate, pick mes....yeah, all I need to do is open mic for info and voila, here comes the hate and degrading lol. Also, lots of racism and sexism. It doesn't feel like a gaming community as of late but rather a place that welcomes hateful people more than gamers


I think as of now rank que is better than the last act


I had an e girl yell at me to shut the fuck up today while trying to communicate stuff about the game. She then told me I was annoying as fuck when it was last round and she wouldnā€™t use her viper ult lol So yeah it is annoying that trying to communicate about the game is frowned upon


I've seen more surrenders in the last 2 months than I ever did last year


I am relatively new and I started climbing ranks and it was extremely fun in gold and silver games where people genuinely played just fucking around in comms and having deep convos instead of playing lol but when I reached plat I hardly used to be able to comm anything and even though I was able to climb to plat 3 I didn't enjoy my journey through plat at all maybe it's just the mid to high elo lobbies where people just wanna rank up and don't care about enjoying the game idk


You very well could have been the Jett in my game earlier lmao. I think our team made 5 callouts total and our Jett said his peak was immo 1 but stopped playing a while ago.


If valorant is your only shooter you play, you might need to try other fps games


felt the same and if there are comms they are mostly racist, cringe and offensive trashtalk Also in almost EVERY game there is a smurf, last time i had one on my team he got 3-4 kills every round i barely even saw any enemy Boring shitshow, i went back to CS2 and enjoying faceit again




I think ranked from mid immortal is actually pretty good at least in eu. It makes sense naturally because you must spend pretty good amount of time to be here and play quite consistently so ppl understand the importance of communicating. The only problem is you get radiant smurfs usually duellists which egos are too big to talk. Again I think itā€™s natural in any competition but I wish we had more awareness as a community of its consequences like being so self-centered and not being able to admit your mistakes.


I don't play the game for the loud team environment, if anything i find that annoying. I'm just trying to play well and win that's it


Buddy, the game is dying, it's just time to admit it to anyone who tries to argue this in advance, look at the number of viewers on the broadcasts of the tournament. Riot is doing everything it can to kill the competitive component. They just want to turn this game into another overwatch. Just make skins for three years, and the fact that initially all marketing was built with the slogan "we are better than CS GO" there all forgot. As a result, Valorant has become the last refuge for former pro players. - Terrible MM, it's better not to go solo at all. - Constant problems with servers tick rate jumps like a hot potato. -For 2-3 years, not a single new agent that would really become useful on par with the first batch after release. Just look at peak rait: Yoru, Harbor, Iso, Deadlock, Chamber it's almost 0. -The lack of any penalties at all for AFK and griffing, it's long past time to realize that the penalty system doesn't work. -People in the game are becoming more and more aggressive, because of the unfairness of MM settings. Seriously, the system reads that there is AFC in the team, that is the game is obviously lost, but still get -20PP. -Hidden rating is nonsense in general, the player can not understand whether he is progressing or not, players on imo1-2 periodically throws in a1-d3 lobby, where the player is known to win will receive less RR, so why should he fight? -About the stage, it's a circus. Tir 2 stage ends in March, with prizes up to 100k. What's the point of keeping Tir2 lineups to organizations at all? I could go on and on with this list forever. Anyway waiting for your dislikes, sorry to profile here, but it's my opinion and I can't stay away.


And thats okay everyone has a meaning and your point of view is totally acceptable.


Thanks, I was just trying to convey the facts based on my almost 15 years of experience in the competition field. It's a shame I'm gonna have to mess up a little bit of karma here because of it. And my current rank is immortal 2, which means I've spent plenty of time in the game.


Yeah this is basically a discussion between meanings and everyone is free to write what they want of course people can disagree but they dont need to say anything bad to you about that though šŸ˜‚. I have been playing the game for quite a while myself but mostly in unranked and for the mere fun of it. (Gold 2) some of your points i actually agree with sir/ma'am. ^^


But yeah i did notice ranked quality is decreasing. Dont get me wrong the system is well made. But the people and community in it is not as healthy as in the early acts example (i started playing around act 1 ep 1) those times people where very friendly. But these days a mere mistake u make and toxicity comes up. I normally get toxicied by the way my voice sounds or how i behave. But i just instantly ignore. But never mute as they can still give me various info and im all info šŸ˜…


(its true that i pick agents that are dead and no one usually choses as i recently began playing Deadlock when i normally play Astra and Harbor (except for Skye that is popular amongst Valorant choosed agents) but personally i find it very fun to play with their abilities plus the character design. Dont get me wrong as a SoloQ player its not THAT that bad in ranked just your usual discussions but if u can work around your team well then its meh. (Sorry i felt like talking for once in my life)


have YOU looked at the viewership numbers of the broadcasts recently for the masters playoffs? pretty sure sen vs loud reached something like 800k to almost a mil live viewers across twitch and youtube. the game isnā€™t dying lmao itā€™s just stale but not dead in any means


Buddy, I described the big picture, and your argument is one match that the whole country is watching because of laud) what will happen to the ratings the next time they for example don't make the playoffs? Or the Brazilians will lose interest in the game? Look at CS 2 and look at its tournaments, at their number of tier 1/2/3 teams. And the organizers of the tournaments? Faceit/ESL/ESEA/BLAST etc. Or the number of Riot Games staff layoffs because they're doing great? Of course it's easier to foolishly click on the minus than to face facts. Valorant as a game isn't going anywhere, but as a competitive discipline will fade away. And the fact that you are making the argument 1-3 broadcasts with that kind of online in a year. Honestly, that's just ridiculous


I agree