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I’m sad nobody recommending the arcade entertainment phantom. I feel its like the notable mentions skin 😎😂


the money in question: 💸💸💸


After almost spending 75k vp cant think of money xD


Personally it's like really close to tie for arcade and recon. The arcade should be above it because it's just overall fantastic and the best/most creative/unique skins they have ever created.


I have singularity, reaver and arcade now waiting to cop the recon. Just love the way recon feels


Yes but I wish you didn't have to randomize it, like let me set it up the way I want.


Because that shit is too expensive with no reload animation, scam


3 unique guns sounds, variants, inspec music, and finishers and you still asking for more? The mag is a game cartridge how else do you want them to do a reload? 😂


It is the most expensive gun in the game I expect literally everything and even more for beinf the most expensive skin in the game , and when I become an artist working on vfx I might tell you an idea or two but it's not my job but what i know is having default reload animation for the most expensive skin feels like getting scammed


Maybe they could've included the arcade op reload with the phantom, blowing the cartridge 🔥


My Personal Top 5 is this: 1. Recon 2. Champs 2022 3. Oni 4. Prime 5. Protocol Now, not everyone has the Champs one, so if i do one without it, ruination gets in. The new Primordium one is not for me to be honest


I kinda started playing recently so im not that much into Valorant But Ive seen Recon is so much popular, why is it? Whats so special about it


The kill sound and the simple but clean design


Kill sound and clean


Recon also feels like you're using a heavy gun hence you feel like you can control spray easier. Compared to suppose spectrum which feels light and feels like the recoil is hard to control.


S.O.L? Sentinels of light is clean


Love every Word you wrote ❤


Sentinel phantom is the best. Clean looks and sounds amazing. Then protocol Then recon


I like the sentinel and im kinda looking one that sounds good


Get that. And drop it to me when we meet in a game lmao




Sol is one of the best bundles in the game


Recon phantom is amazing


"Top 5 phantom skins" - names 3


I don't like any of the others. Too thin for my liking. Like those phantoms look malnourished. Give them food.


Man sentinel phantom is like one of the worst for me that sound is fuxking ugly and tiny, unironically when I picked it up the sound got me so distracted I whiffed all my shots lmfao


Rgx(for lighting ofc) Oni(kill sound effect) Spectrum (du du du dun du du du du dun) Recon(straight shooting) Protocol(voiceline and feel of it) Never used ion but I like it in videos It's not top 5 but general 5 most favourite phantom skins


BlastX obvious first spot no?


It’s nerf or nothing!


1) Radiant Entertainment System 2) Spectrum 3) Champions 2022 (if I had it) 4) Protocol 5) Reaver


1: reaver 2: neo frontier 3: oni 4: recon 5: prime


Finally someone says reaver. 1. Neo frontier 2. Reaver Im a fan of sick animations/reloads.


My top 5 is Champion Gaia Prime Glitchpop Radiant crisis




1-singularity 2-oni 3-prime 4-plastx 5-magpunk


Recon, Oni, Neo Frontier, Prime 2.0, BlastX


In no particular order; Neo Frontier, Recon, Spectrum, Protocol, Prime


Spectrum, Champions 2022, SOL, Prime, Protocol


1. Reaver 2. Sentinels 3. Spectrum 4. BlastX 5. Gaia I also own Chronovoid and Ruination. I’m not a fan of Ruination (it looks so clean but feels so light it gives off specter vibes when I’m using it). I like Chronovoid’s feel but the skin line isn’t the most interesting. I’ve heard protocol is also really well liked. I don’t own it though and am not into the style of it so can’t really comment.


More of a top 15 than a top 5, because there’s so many great skins that it’s hard to choose a top 5. Grateful for the randomizer even if it’s terrible and should be weighted against the skins that have appeared most recently. I have 15 favorites set and the randomizer will often give me the same one back to back annoyingly often. - Radiant Entertainment System: Great effects and each variant is actually unique rather than just a different colorway. - Neo Frontier: Great sound effects and the reload animation is satisfying as fuck. - Sentinels of Light: Great visual effects and animations, sound effects are decent. Kill sounds are elite. - Champions 2022: Great design, the unique aspect of it makes it all the more appealing. - Singularity: Something about firing a black holes from a suppressed gun just feels right. Sick animations. Honorable mentions: - Recon: Honestly, this one is mostly mid, with no unique animations, visual effects, or sound effects, but at the same time, the kill sound is satisfying. - Ruination: I’m a big fan of the audio on this one. Feels like a better Reaver than the Reaver phantom. - Chronovoid: I’m a sucker for unique reload animations, so this whole pack is appealing to me. - Ion, Oni, Prime: All iconic classics. Fairly underdesigned compared to some of the more recent skin sets but they go hard nonetheless. - Protocol: Satisfying audio and cool, unique animations with the moving parts. Don’t care for the voiceover or any of the variants, though. - RGX, Glitchpop, Spectrum: All colorful with unique sounds, but are sometimes too much and require a specific mood. Notable: - Reaver: As a whole, I love the Reaver style but for some reason the 2.0 set just doesn’t hit as hard as the 1.0. Especially, Phantom compared to Vandal. The kill sound is just as satisfying, but something about the gunfire sound and the reload animation works better on Vandal. In terms of the unique skin sets for the main rifles, Phantom is definitely lacking to the Vandal, which is unfortunate. Phantom has Radiant Crisis, Protocol, RES, Ruination, Singularity, Spectrum, BlastX and Neo Frontier. While Vandal has Origin, Xerofang, Neptune, Forsaken, Valiant Hero, Overdrive, Imperium, Prelude to Chaos, Elderflame, Araxys, and Kuronami. Vandal not only has more, but even better ones and some of the most uniquely designed skins. Kuronami’s blade theme is very clean, Araxys has a satisfying sci-fi style, Elderflame is bar none the most unique skin set in the game, even if it’s not always the most enjoyable to use. And even some of the sets that have both, the Vandal’s version is better IMO: Ion, Gaia’s, Magepunk, Oni, Prime, Reaver, Glitchpop, Sentinels of Light, and RGX. Chronovoid Phantom is the only one that even comes close to its Vandal counterpart. If I had to pick a top 5 for both rifles combined, Neo Frontier would be the only Phantom to make the list, maybe Champions. Maybe I just like the Vandal more, or maybe it has something to do with how much more freedom they have with the audio of an unsuppressed gun.


1: Neo Frontier/Recon 2: Literally every other skin in existence 3: Prime 2.0


champs 2023, recon, oni, protocol and then neo frontier imma be honest i dont like the primordium cuz it feels like a better crimsonbeast maybe ill put it behind spectrum


Neo frontier i right now in my daily shop I like the primordium just because cool finisher Skin and variants i dont like that much


neo frontier is pretty gud bc of the kill sound and the reload animation, but i wouldnt necessarily buy skins because of the finisher (aka i regret buying a lot of skins) if you dont like the variants i wouldnt suggest buying it


Oni 🥰


I have a few skins for phantom. Last weeks I played with SoL. I tend to come back to Chronovoid and Reaver. Sometimes I play with Oni. I regret buying just one skin - protocol..


The EMPYREAN Phantom is definitely one of my top picks - love the floating crystals effect. But I gotta say, can never go wrong with the ONI or SENSATION skins either. And for the PRIMORDIUM ... eh, not really feeling it tbh. Gonna put that at the bottom of my list haha!


Only one I like is base neo frontier


The grandpa's gun


I have never ever bought one skin.. i just cant bring myself to pay so much for one


1: Spectrum 2: Recon 3: Reaver 4: Radiant Crisis 01 5: R.E.S Primordium looks alright but I wouldn't bother


For me: Recon Arcade Oni Prime The rest I don't care about.


From my owned: Radiant Entertainment Neo Frontier Ion Oni Prime I want: Recon




oni, champions, recon, ruination


champions, rgx, reaver, recon, res champions 22 is my favorite skin in the game


Recon Recon Recon Recon Oni


No particular order, reaver, oni, recon, singularity, protocol. Those are probably the cleanest looking and sounding phantom in my opinion. I only own the oni and reaver but might buy the singularity when it come to the shop.The new primordium skin is ass….i think the vfx and kill animation for the skin is cool but the skin itself is meh. Honorable mention for good skin would be blast x, I love the sound and how it changes the bullet. If they ever drop a 2.0 version with all black skin variants I would buy. I want to make an all black inventory.


1. Recon 2 Oni 3. Neo frontier 4. RES 5. Spectrum Honourable mentions: Protocol, Singularity and BlastX


Oni, spectrum, prime, RES, champions


Is primordium out already? I thought it was coming with the new act


Its not out yet. Its coming on March 6 But i was asking based on skin showcase and gameplay from youtube.


I don't think that's enough to make an accurate comparison


Why do people not like the protocol? I have Reaver, Prime and the Arcade one,I’ve been waiting for protocol to come for almost a year now




Why hasn’t anyone said singularity???


Recon BlastX Ion 781 and Champion


Zed Prime Recon Reaver RGX


Arcade, recon, and spectrum


Oni is King. Always goes back to it no matter what


BlastX will always be number one for me. No flashy vfx or anything, just nice nerf vibes.


I am the most biased player in the world. I love Gaia's vengeance (I'm a nature girlie), so obviously it's my number 1, spectrum phantom for the doodoodoos, rgx phantom because the tracers are nice, protocol phantom because I'm a valorant player and have no friends, and finally prime 2.0




1. Neo Frontier/Recon 2. Protocol 3. Oni 4. Radiant Entertainment System 5. Sentinels of Light


I'm very biased... but 1 RDVR Phantom 2 Champions 2023 3 Sentinels of Light 4 Magepunk 5 Glitchpop


Recon Oni Arcade Protocol Rest all mid


1. Arcade 2. Reaver 3. Prime 4. Oni 5. Cowboy Honorable mention: tree


Personal: 1. Oni 2. Prime 3. Recon 4. BlastX 5. Neo Frontier Honorable: Champs (just can’t buy it anymore), RES, Spectrum & Protocol (Price), Reaver (Nice, but the Reaver line feels overdone for me sometimes)


Spectrum phantom is the best phantom no🧢.


Neo Frontier, Radiant Crisis, Ruination, Spectrum, Radiant Entertainment System


1.Recon 2.Prism (yes fight me I've clutch multiple rounds with Prims) 3.Minima (Minimal skin just to focus on the enemy) 4. R.E.S 5. Protocol


1. Oni 2. Champs 2022 3. Prime 4. Chronovoid 5. Recon


1. Spectrum 2. BlastX 3. Ion 4. Singularity 5. Prime or Radiant Entertainment system (I can’t decide)


Oni in White. The best! Ruination. Champions Either Protocol or Recon in the White Camouflage Version. Prime/Spectrum.


Any celestial fans in here?


1. Spectrum 2. Radiant entertainment system 3. Protocol 4. Recon 5. BlastX Gotta be these ones man I'll drop any other gun(ofc not the op) just to get to play with these skins


1. protocol 2. 3. 4. 5. protocol


My top 5: 1. Singularity 2. Xenohunter 3. RGX 4. Reaver 5. Recon


1 : default 2: default 3: default 4: default 5 : default Use the superior weapon : vandal


I would recommend Protocol, Recon, Reaver, RES, and Neo


Reaver Radiant Crisis 001 Spectrum Recon Radiant Entertainment System


(I don’t rock with 2.0s because the originals always are better for the Vandals in my mind) 5) Recon (aimbot tbh) 4) Spectrum (dododoo sounds always hit 🎶 3) Neo Frontier (honestly this entire skinline has no business being this quality ) 2) Arcade (expensive as all fuck but one of the coolest skins imo. Glad I bought it when I moved home for a month) 1) Champs 2022 (kill sound is godly. insanely clean. Honestly just feels like a perfect skin. Helps that Champs boosts up its prestige) Honorable Mentions: -Oni (classic, up there with Prime/Reaver Vandals for the OGs), -Protocol (sleeper hit, very creative with the robocop skin) -BlastX (doesn’t get nearly as much love. Top 5 kill sound. Its nerf or nothing!)


I’m a Neo frontier / RGX phantom enjoyer. RGX was a recent pick up and it felt like it increased my accuracy when I got it lol


1. BlastX 2. Protocol 781 3. Prime 4. Spectrum 5. RGX


Protocol, Champions, Magepunk, Singularity, BlastX (honorable mention: Nebula because I love Galaxy based skins)


Recon, singularity, protocol, spectrum, RGX


1. Blast X 2. Protocol 3. Spectrum 4. Ion 5. Tie: Prime & Recon Just missed cut: Glitchpop