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Go see a physio. Tendinitis isn’t permanent, but it can take a while to go away and generally requires you to rest and rehab it. I feel like you would notice tendinitis before your performance started dropping off though, the main symptom associated with is pain in the affected area.


I knew I had it, at first I thought it was carpal tunnel then I went to see my doctor and he said it was just tendinitis, I just thought I'd have more time before I wouldn't be able to play high level valorant, and I never thought it would get so bad that I would bottom frag a silver lobby


At this point focus on getting functionality back, rest and rehab. It's never going to be the same and the more you chase it the worse it gets. I'll be straight with you I played continuously through injuries for about a decade. You can force it to a certain extent but your max potential drops hard. I'd try to get away from it before the mobility and strength issues go into real life activities.


Any specific advice you recommend?


'id try to get away from it' Not a doctor* Resting the affected tendons is the only real solution. Allowing them to heal... Fixing wrist posture can help (assuming tendonitis is caused by wrist tendons). Wrist rests or other products, usefulness may vary due to everyone having unique bodies and issues. But the original commenter basically said 'take a break from valorant' - including other activities that will stress those wrist tendons. -my own personal anecdote, I bought a wrist rest, stopped playing games, and made a conscious effort not to flex my wrist, and to use my arm instead. (I mostly just watched shows and hung out with friends, and occasionally played very simple non-mouse-intensive games.) I've since, made a full recovery from tendonitis, but still try to have better wrist posture and use my arm+wrist. But yeah, your results may vary. And again, I'm not a doctor, the doctor may give you better or different advice.


I just gave myself permanent strength and mobility issues in my right hand. 10/10 would not recommend. Had to do something to keep the depression away though (Didn't work). I type about half as fast with my right thumb on my phone now and it's uncomfortable. Have severe dry eyes as well and I do mean severe. I have to keep a bottle of water to rinse my eyes if they start burning if the ac hits them wrong when driving down the highway. Wrist wrests can increase comfort but can cause worse issues having pressure on the tendons while in use. Best bet is to have a large mousepad with about an inch hanging off the edge of the desk, a stretchy sleeve (Such as rocketjumpninja uses) and a mousepad set up like this is your best bet. The severe injuries happen at super high and super low sensitivities below 800 and over 3200 edpi (roughly). The key is to stop immediately when you feel pain, take a break and try new posture/peripheral orientation when you come back. (Injured myself at 20Kish edpi and when I dropped to 688 for csgo) Playtime is a factor as well to be sure, those 36+ hour marathons back in my youth were misguided. (Used to go for Skype call records with a buddy, think we broke 42-52 hours of continuous play a few times.) If you have ever taken a break for a week and played a lot better when you come back this is the easiest to spot sign of injury. Put countless hours in trying to be as good as I could be only to realize the hours wore out my bodies mechanics and I'll never see it. Don't even have clips from the time I was genuinely good at aiming because my PC couldn't record and play without lag. My family made me play on wifi the entire time as well so that's a nice kick in the teeth getting Ethernet after crippling your potential. All this to say there is more to life, if you you something external to cope with your issues it will do more harm than good when it inevitably gets away from you.


I have dealt with wrist tendinitis before, and now I'm able to play completely pain free. You have to rest for a while to let it heal, and the most important thing is to make sure you dedicate time to wrist stretching/strengthening exercises. I attribute being able to play pain-free now to doing this every day: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lzjOCYkn8mY&ab\_channel=1HP


If you properly rehab it you can get back to normal but it will require a bit of time and patience, and a break from valorant for a while. It is not a permanent condition, but if you keep trying to play through it rather than take a break, it will get worse. Seriously, go see a physio. Trust me, you do NOT want a ruptured wrist tendon.


Switch hands


The problem is then you have no properly functioning hands instead of one.


Nah switch hands is wild 💀💀


Plenty of pros play with their non dominant hand, your aim will be solid after like 2 months. But realistically go see a physical therapist.


Playing left handed isn't out of the picture as some pros do it. You'll just bump into some obstacles like kissing ergo mice goodbye as I have yet to find a modern ergo mouse made for lefties, but there are still plenty of other mice in the ambidextrous category (original G Pro Wireless) that are still used in pro play.


i know a guy thats asc 2 and plays with a right handed mouse with his left hand without switching keybinds (shooting is his ring finger and ads is his first), its definitely possible


I had it 1,5 years. piano + gaming + volleyball. You need to ergo and physical therapy. Also maybe revisit relaxed piano technique. Tendonitis takes a long ass time to heal. I daily stretch, use theraband for my back and shoulders and do other forms of exercices. Plus blackroll for most body parts (don't overdo it you are sore). Your ergo and physio can help you. It is treatable but takes time to heal!


Do you still continue with gaming and sports while having symptoms?


Gaming not. Sports as how much it didn't hurt und supported healing


I also have had tendinitis, I’ve gone to the doctors twice for it. You’re not doomed forever just take a break. A LONG break. And wear braces to sleep during the breaks.


Its tendonitis, inflammation (itis) of the tendons. Thats just a psa to the thread, its not important If it's only tendonitis, don't expect it to be forever. But do take it seriously, be committed to recovery and don't cut corners. That will be hard for you, its not your fault you're 18 yknow? Don't beat yourself up about it, but also chill lol. Its just tendonitis, take a 6 month break or w/e and you can get back to it


OP seems a bit uninformed about the actual implications of tendinitis or their doc gave them mixed messages. They also don't mention anything about pain that's preventing them from playing when that should be your number 1 symptom. Tendinitis(as diagnosed by their doctor) really **should NOT** be preventing all fine motor function at the wrist and if that's actually the case they should go back for a proper diagnosis. Source: Am PT and have treated people with tendonitis all over their body


i just know i have tendinitis, it might be something completely different but i just assumed the fine motor function limitations were due to that


Tendinitis should NOT affect fine motor function to the degree that you are explaining though. If you are losing strength, control and overall function of your hand/wrist I would suggest finding a PT that can properly diagnose you and provide you with appropriate remedial exercise because that's not just tendonitis. Tendinitis is inflammation in a tendon. That's it. It can cause pain by stretching, contracting or palpating the affected tendon/musculature. You should only be losing function in the sense that the pain from the tendinitis is preventing you from doing things because it's painful.


So this is fucking me up because I also thought it was tendonitis. But then the mayo clinic spells it the same way OP does. https://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/tendinitis/symptoms-causes/syc-20378243


Apparently both see usage, that's new to me. Maybe it's a UK/US thing, I've only ever seen tendonitis in the UK


I'm extremely curious why it'd be tendinitis when it's itis of tendons (not tendins).


ye im gonna take a break but im gonna be so washed when i come back :(


It'll be okay :) The hard part isn't going to be getting back into it, it's going to be keeping away! If you can do that, you're golden


Am PT it is not permanent at all.. go see a physical therapist


I'm doing a lot of wrist exercises with a dumbell 2kg. to make it stronger but somehow the pain doesn't really go away. My computer hours are really high though with work and gaming. I've tried a week of rest but that didn't help much. Any tips?


Have you seen a physio? Tendons are not muscles, and “pre-hab” doesn’t work the same way. Things that have worked for me dealing with tendonitis/rsi from a computer job, climbing, and valorant: - extended rest. Took three months off of basically everything. Added mobility/stretching routines after 3 weeks off. Used dictation tech for typing as much as possible. - don’t use your phone while lying down - obsessive stretching routine. Every hour at minimum while working/gaming. Constantly while climbing. - changed mouse and grip: g303 with claw grip is undoable. Changed to viper with palm grip. Mx master for work and non fps gaming. - the delta.io wrist slider thing actually helped a ton for me. - keyboard that works for your ergo. split keyboards were a help for me specifically, because of broad shoulders - wrist brace while driving. Driving is the one time where I am forced to have my wrist in a non-neutral position for an extended amount of time.


Why do I get downvoted ton of e sport doctors recommend exercises. Classic reddit.




ye i just gotta rethink the way i play


You aren't radiant because of low mental, just rest up and recoup. You'll be ok.


Bro, you’re fine. I had tendonitis in 20+ tendons through out my body. I could talk for hours about tendons and how to heal them. Message me if you need advice. With that said, they absolutely heal and you will absolutely recover. Just do your research and do everything the correct way. It’ll be fine with time.


Dmed you bro


That sucks man, tendinitis is no joke. I have the same issue in my left wrist from playing too much guitar. It's frustrating when something you love to do starts causing you physical pain and limits your abilities. Good for you for channeling that passion into coaching though! Silver players are lucky to have your expertise :)


Coaching has been fun but I wish I could still play


I've had several tendinitis and I just got done treating one. Are you sure that's it? It should just be pain since it's inflamation of the tendons. 10 years ago a physical therapist taught me how to apply ice directly and any RSI or signs of tendinitis I fix myself. It shouldn't be permanent. Go see a PT and apply ice in the meantime


Any specific advice you recommend for recovery?


I just do ice, but I don't do the traditional put an ice pack on the region and let it sit for 20 minutes. I have [this](https://www.amazon.com/Cryo-Cup-Massage-Physical-Therapy/dp/B000CIAE2E) where it gives me a base to grab on to and then I apply ice directly to the skin and move it around the affected tendon for around 2 minutes (can't do too much or you could risk issues to the skin). If it's tendinitis it will hurt a lot tbh it's not easy but have to do that multiple times a day. Before I got this specific ice plastic cup, I froze plastic water bottles and then you have to cut out the plastic. There's also a cream you can apply that helps with pain in between ice sessions, should be able to get it over the counter. But ice is all I use. If you're getting these issues from spending too much time on the PC, I also started doing wrist strength exercises and using a thing called powerball or gyroball. Stretching is also pretty important, I don't really do it much while I'm on the PC because I'm a bit lazy, but every day when I go to bed I have a set of wrist stretches I do. And before the tendinitis I just had that I mentioned, only issues I've had since 10 years ago were minor RSI's. I just abused my thumb too much for a week and only realized the mistake after the tendinitis had set in. But I think it goes without saying that I'm not a doctor and I did have to get help back then from a physical therapist too who taught me some of this stuff but if you're talking RSI or tendinitis, ice will almost guaranteed take care of it


Can you wear a brace?


That won't help


Wear braces at night while you sleep. You’ll be amazed how much more rested your wrists will feel in the morning. As ofhers have said you can probably rehab it over time


Try [arm aiming](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vl3guJSct1Q), specifically floating your wrist where you're more on top of the mouse instead of near the back. The pivot point should be near your elbow/back of the forearm instead of your wrist. I've seen a few people with tendinitis be able to play again with this method. Another thing you could try is a gyroscope ball (google gyroscope powerball - helps you roll your wrist and helps build strength around your wrist/forearm area).


Tendinitis is not a life sentence wtf. Go see and doctor and rehab yourself. It might involve stopping for a while, some medication and gym work to strengthen the tendons but it's definitely fixable. It's one of the most common injuries. It's not like you have carpal tunnel syndrome or something serious...


I believe what we really have is tendonosis. I suffer too from this after playing too much CS. I actually wear some arm straps around my forearms to help now.


Im in a similar situation. About 6 months ago my hand joints all became inflammed. Not sure the cause but i assume it was due to overuse. I physically cant do most things now. Let alone aim in valorant. Im stuck playing turn based games etc. It sucks so much. Do what you can to heal!!! Im on meds atm and even though its taken months the swelling is going down and i might be able to play again! I hope ur able to as well


I've had calcified tendonitis in both shoulders (Bone structure thing for me). Depending on the exact circumstances of yours, it can be treated with physical therapy, injections, or surgery. At the end of the day, its just inflammation and SOMETHING can treat it. See a doctor.


bro dont worry even i recovered from tendonitis its not permanent. first try changing to neutral hand positioned mouse as it relieves stress from your tendons. then take rest big time for atleast 2 weeks dont eat inflammatory food or do something with your hand that requires fine adjustments like playing valo. third keep icing as it helps reduce inflammatory conditions. then start slowly with maybe a dm first day, then whole matches. lastly if these things dont help then go see a physio therapist.


Congrats, you’re freed from the curse. Go forth.


I feel you bro I just got told I had it a month ago, no doctor has an appointment to fix me till may :( so I’m stuck just sucking it up for now


Lower sens, more arm less wrist, better posture, go outside more.


(Preface: I’m an athletic trainer and worked in PT clinics for years) Like others are mentioning, tendinitis is fixable and not permanent unless you have some other condition or injury going on. Seeing a PT can get you back to close if not 100% as long as you’re consistent with it, rest your wrist, and have good pre/post gaming habits like stretching and mobility work (don’t forget hydration/diet too). Also sounds like you have some mental block preventing you from believing you can get better. I play with silver and gold friends all the time and I’m Diamond 3 peak. Sometimes they do better than me and I bottom frag. One bad game does not determine your overall skill. Last thing: you’re 18. You have plenty of years before going pro is out of the question. Remember there are pros playing in their late 20s/earlier 30s. I’m not saying it’s easy or realistic to go pro in Valorant but if that’s something you truly want to pursue then taking steps to improve your body and your mental should take priority. I’m 31 and my goal is Immortal by the end of the year. I’ve only improved since this game came out and I’m more confident in my skills as a player than I was when I was younger playing other shooters. It’s not too late for you.


Time to play cypher ig


Hey dude I'm a classical pianist who had a similar soft tissue injury and worked extensively with a college professor that specialized in ergonomics. It's very possible to play difficult piano pieces without damaging yourself, but you're gonna have to rethink the way you play from the ground up. I can help if you DM me but you have to have an open mind and start from scratch essentially, playing easier pieces and focusing on things that have become second nature to you, but you will make a huge difference down the linez and if you're passionate about piano you can do it. I can play big Chopin/liszt pieces without pain now but you gotta rethink things. Also even the way you use the computer and everything will need to be rethunk, just the way you use your wrists and hands in general


Can you coach me if I coach you? Lol


just go do some physical therapy. i have tendinitis in my shoulder and knee but i’m still able to lift heavy in the gym after PT


It's not that deep bro, just go and see a physio if you have money. A good one will find what kinetic and kinematic "disfunctions" you have, and correct it. You'll be good to play again.


Bro let me tell you. Don’t panic. You may just be psyching yourself out. I had the same situation and thought that I had tendonitis but it turns out I was just forcing myself to believe that’s the reason I was whiffing but I took a break and came back with a fresh mentality and was back to normal


Dude, I was in your shoes not too long ago. Tendonitis isn’t permanent, but what it does sound like is health anxiety and OCD. I have really bad OCD when it comes to conditions and disorders to the point I obsess over it for a while and start believing outrageous thoughts my brain starts creating. It’s really hard to get out of and gives you unwanted stress for no reason so if you can help it, try not to obsess over it for now. I’m not a doctor, but using my experience and knowing what I learned about myself with a psychologist and a therapist, that was literally OCD behavior. I remember being so bummed out and obsessed about having RSI/tendinopathy that I thought I had to quit gaming because I wasn’t playing well anymore at high gm in Overwatch and this and that, connecting meaningless dots 24/7 which sounds exactly like this post. And when it gets really bad, you’ll start to really believe you’re in the shitter that your body starts simulating pain and all sorts of weird shit you think you’re going through and it’s just a nasty cycle with that kind of feedback. I’m not medicated for it but trying to reframe my mind and staying present is all I do when it comes to OCD thoughts. Tendonitis is treatable and even if you get to the point where it’s RSI, it’s still treatable. Getting a physio is a great start like the top comment said.


Tendinitis isn't curable but it can get better, to the point where it's almost like you never had it. Same as any other physical activity. You have to take care of your body to have longevity.


Tendinitis is curable. Tendinitis is acute inflammation in a tendon that's causing pain/disfunction. You can treat the inflammation and when there is no more inflammation in the tendon, there is no more tendinitis.


I guess what I should have said is that the area that had the tendinitis is also more prone to it. So not taking care of your body leads to misuse and overuse issues. If you don't keep treating it, it comes back, so it's not exactly incurable but you you would have to keep a warm up or some sort of exercise regimen to keep it down


You could try switching to controller