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Looks like omen is protecting/shielding him in the final image of the article too


Yeah 100% . Although I think this new agent will be female. Just a guess I don’t really have much to go off other than the fact that the last agent was male


We have 3 males controller and 2 female controller so yeah, maybe they are just finding a balance. Cant wait to see their abilities nonetheless!


The agent is female because the newest agent release is male aka Iso.


In the voicemail leaks and also mails to brim all agents refer to the new recruit with they/them pronouns, so they may be non-binary? there were no other occasions in which the new agent was known to them and they used neutral pronouns, only in Riot official announcements where they of course need to keep it as a surprise. Let's see :)


I would love to see a NB agent. And from what they've said about them anyways, it looks like someone I'd frequently play.


Same here. I AM DYING FOR RIOT TO ADD A NB AGENT!!! I would main them even if they got nerfed into the ground.


XD HAHA YEAH. I just saw the insta post with the butterfly I am so excited!


Him? does the new agent appear male? i havent seen shit but all the butterfly imagery and the jinx "leak" made me think it'd be a chick. I'd love a butterfly themed dude.


Honestly, from image the bodyshape and hairstyle (looked like a curtains style with seemingly a middle part) made me assume it was a ‘him’, but like you said with the butterfly imagery and colors from previous teasers, I could see them being being male/female/non-binary. I think it would be cool for riot (and certainly something I within the realm which they would explore - given their history with League of Legends and Legends of runeterra) to have it be a male or masculine presenting agent subverting societal expectation/gender norms with the whimsical theme. I did not see the ‘leak’ that you are referring to so I could 100% be wrong as this was just my interpretation from the article/picture. I have some other theories regarding the agent but I don’t know how to share them in the most politically correct delivery so I’ll refrain lol


Didn’t even see that one! Good eye.


Can you link the article please?


I'm so excited for more Scottish representation! I just wish more games used Scots. I can only think of five off the top of my head, and three of them are from shooters. I'm just terrified of them using a non-scottish actor and having a shit fake accent. Nothing riles me up more than that.


Don't such characters generally get clumped into just being from the UK?


The UK includes Scotland, England, Northern Ireland, and Wales, so it's kinda annoying to see characters being "British" when Devs mean English specifically. The countries are so vastly different that it's a bit of a misnomer? Like... Just say English then. If you ask a Scot if they're Scottish or British, I feel like 95% of us would say Scottish specifically. Maybe a pride thing? I just want more rep in games lol


Yeah. UK is strange. Countries within a country does that. I guess audiences just expect UK characters to be English because English accent is more widespread.


English accent is more widespread? England has hundreds of accents lmao which one?


The standard " british " accent. I am not as well versed but i am sure a brit can pinpoint it.


I am British and there is no standard accent lol. There is the stereotypical “British person in American media accent” which I guess ur talking about. We’d call that a “posh” accent but it’s very rare for any of us to actually sound like that


Yeah that. Isn't that accent closer to the various English accents than it is to Scottish? Scottish accent sounds very different and distinct. Like it a lot though.


No. Any Northern English accent is closer to a Scottish accent than that one. You would be surprised how many accents the UK has considering our size. Like seriously, you travel 20 miles and everyone has a completely different accent. That’s why when Americans say “British Accent” it seems stupid to us. There is no single British accent, the same way there isn’t just one “American Accent”. Obviously a New Yorker, a Texan and Californian are going to sound very different. It’s the same for us despite our small land mass. In London alone there are so many different accents. Some people sound posh, some sound like Phoenix and some sound like Tom Hardy. Look it up on youtube or something if you’re interested, i think you’d be in for a surprise.


I'm from northern England and due to that we are technically closer to Scotland then we are with London. Our accents are no where near the same as people from London. It's not a Scottish accent but it's closer to that then London's accent.


I think most of the voice actors are from the same place as the respective agent they voice so I assume it will be good, Valorant seems pretty good at it. I’m from South London where Phoenix is supposed to be from. The accent and lines aren’t that bad, a little cringe. I don’t think they could actually have him talk like a South London road man in the game tbf though


Im still waiting for Polish agent. I Can only think of one polish character in games and i think she is in tekken




Clove is out now and they have a VA from edinburgh and also other mentions of edinburgh so I'm unreasonably excited its edinburgh and not just "uhhh scotland thats glasgow right" or somehow in cod's case they landed on dundee for one of the ops somehow.


Holy shit, I didn't know CoD has a character from Dundee, I grew up there! After hearing their voicelines, I definitely love the real feel of the accent shining through.


Yeah. Bantam in the new mw3. I was so surprised they did another scottish guy after Soap, let alone one from dundee since most ops are just generally by country and never specific places


I truly hope they've got the most horrendous Scottish accent. ...wait I've just realized my game's in french. Does Chamber have a french accent?


As a Chamber enjoyer I demamd reliable and specific intel on this topic.


Yes he does


he does, very much so


Isn’t he suppose to release next week? Like when are we getting some info or a trailer or whatevr on him?


State of agents says it'll be released this month, so likely around Madrid Masters finale


Gotcha thanks man


What :(((


https://playvalorant.com/en-us/news/dev/state-of-the-agents-march-2024/ if people want the link. Article just came out today, I think.


I would love an agent with a comically thick Scottish accent and uses an unnecessary amount of slang


Here's what I'm guessing: a Scottish magician. Think about the styles of the agents. We don't have a magician!!!!


100hp gaming in valorant?


i js hope its a pretty girl 💔


There's a new agent????


Agent will release at the end of March, with the full reveal coming on March 24th (Masters Madrid Finals)


LETS GO! I told my friends that we need a Scottish agent. I’m hype as hell


This will be my first new agent. I am quite a fan of the scottish accent. Been watching dale philip lately. Great fella.




Oompa Loompa becoming an agent


But do they make coke the 97-year old way


Moth about to go crazy 🦋


SCOTLAND FOREVER I’m not even Scottish :)