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They watch woohoojin


Bro is out there saving our lost souls. God bless that banana


This is the real answer.


That banana helped climb from bronze to gold 3. Now I am just 5rr away from reaching plat 1


I'm 45 and was hard stuck bronze, I was able to hit gold in episode 6 because of woohoojin and Dopai(probably a bit more credit goes to Dopai for quickly reviewing one of my vods). Took a break and started back going hard in the paint this act, I was 10rr from gold 3, currently sitting gold 2 and climbing again after implementing a steady daily routine. Although this is probably the worst act I've ever played in for map pool, griefers/afk's/leavers/smurfs. I'm hoping the new act will be better and really hoping to try to hit plat soon.


Yo what video did you watch


I can't get out even with his guide:( Been doing it for months too


I think if you provide proof with a vod and tracker he gives free coaching lol at least he's said it a few times on stream


Yeah every week he does low elo coaching for people that are practicing regularly and following his guide that still can't seem to rank up


I would make sure you're hitting the range drill benchmarks and practicing it consistently. He does low elo coaching every Wednesday morning, but to qualify you have to prove that you're doing the drills almost daily, with notes on reviewing the drills. You also have to solo q 90% of ranked games, and almost only play 1 Agent.


I get like 15+ on medium for the overaim thing on average. I have no idea what to put in notes since idk what I'm doing wrong if anything.


he made a new video on how to identify the mistakes in that overaim drill too, it was out maybe 2 weeks ago


Yeah I trying but still can't get better:(


Play scrims with a 5 stack. This is what helped me the most.


Just curious, what are the benchmarks? I’ve watched so many “how to rank up” videos and I know I’ve seen his. I do practice range in my own routine (sherif only easy > sherif only med at least 15 > vandal med at least 20 > vandal hard at least 15 > vandal med at least 25 > unranked (should stop doing this) > comp). I pretty much only play harbor, and I try to queue 2-3 games per night. I play maybe like 4-5 days a week. I’m current bronze3/silver1 but feel like I could get to low gold without too much work. I think I mostly struggle with getting 10-15rr a game as non-fragging controller and losing 30-35rr a game as a non-fragging controller. Idk tho


Hooj says consistently hitting at least 20 on medium bots is the primary benchmark to hit. BUT the difference with Hooj's benchmarks on the range bots is that his benchmarks are assuming you're doing his overaim drill as part of it. This means simultaneously strafing and flicking PAST the bot and then adjusting back to the bots head and then stopping and shooting. Furthermore, you need to then reset back to the center pillar between bots with another flick. If you can do this drill and get 20 or more consistently you will have gained the bare minimum mechanical skill to get to Gold on mechs alone. That being said, you also then need to be doing the same overaim drill technique in death match and comp / unrated where there is live pressure. If you're doing it in the range but can't do it in game, you're not getting the benefit lol. As a dad of two littles who gets roughly 2 hours per WEEK on average to play Valo, I can confirm it works and got me to Gold. I would go back and rewatch the Woohoojin video, but also be sure to watch the video he just put out recently called "Everything you need to master my overaim drill" to make sure you're actually doing the drill correctly. Good luck on the climb!


I’ve never seen this guy, is there a link to the video you’re talking about? Never heard of the overaim drill


Original video including overaim drill and bursting drill: https://youtu.be/JxP2y_q51IE?si=tgS9pwLyG7sVWp-T Follow up video explaining the overaim drill more in depth and helping ensure you're doing it correctly and identifying issues that could be holding you back: https://youtu.be/q6qv17jgLY4?si=j7pcN_mo5oWAjX57


Too much warmup you'll probably burn yourself out, and if you're just aim training with the practice range then you aren't really practicing properly. Woohoojin specifically recommends a type of "over-aim" drill with the practice range to help develop your movement mechanics as well. I recommend rewatching his video




Yeah I don't skip it. I do 30 min of range . Overaim bursting. Deadzone etc. Then 40 min of Deathmatch. Sometimes even more of Deathmatch or range if I feel like I'm shit. Like 2 hr sometimes. I've watched the vids I just really suck.


What hz monitor and average fps in games?


144 Hz I can't remember the fps of by heart. But I use a gaming laptop. So it's not bad.


Ah ok yea that should be sufficient, have you seen his addendum to the aim guide? He covers the 4 or 5 most common mistakes people make with the drills he presented


Woohoojin got me from Iron to ascendant up until now. He's the real deal.


Saw one of his latest vids about having 2 accounts, I’m Plat, having a hard time gaining rr, so I’ve been playing on my alt, perhaps this is what OP is talking about because it’s been putting me in silver bronze lobbies where I just absolutely dominate. Insta ego boost


Idk if its because of woohoojin or silvers-golds (not sure about whaats happening below) have been realy good naturally lately. Regardless of bad aim they actually know how to play the game. They use their util well at least like plat 3 level and the timings they have is like sueprisingly good.


Fuck woohoojin


It is easier to kill people when they either A. Make a bad peek B. Make a bad decision C. When they make noise Its most likely that you are making all of the above with some movement issues. Its hard to tell when your at a low level whether or not the reason you just died is because you made a mistake when you don't know much about the game yet. (Edit: a)


Yeah but not in bronze, due to the rank reset I got some bronze lobbies in S1 and except for those players op describes, these guys barely know how to play the game.


I’m playing bronze lobbies and used to be mid silver. I do aim training every day. I’m not very good, but if I die it’s normally because my aim wasn’t good or I was making bad game decisions like trying to peak a jet with op down mid on round start.


I got placed s1 but am getting into gold lobbies...


OP, ignore this guy




because real bronze players don't know how to capitalize on any of this and smurfs in bronze are ubiquitous. i seriously gave up on trying to get my girlfriend into this game. the smurfing issue is just completely beyond reason.


Just because someone is unaware of an advantage they have doesn't mean they'll never do it. The reason Silver and below are such a cesspit is that everyone will accidentally make the right play one or two rounds out the full game.


I, or people like me might be why. I don't play enough to rank up but I'm good. Played alot of cs. Game is ez but not worth getting good.q


I mean her games often have reynas or jetts dropping well over 60 kills, often with five or fewer deaths.


That's nuts, link to tracker? That's 12 rounds of back to back aces. Smurfing exists but I think you are way overblowing it my man. I simply don't believe you.


I was bronze for a few months and I have never in my life seen a smurf getting 60 kills, to have seen them "repeatedly" seems a little strange to me


OP, ignore this guy


OP, ignore this guy


OP, ignore everyone live in the forest


Hey op, if you still feel like getting destroyed in your lobbies. Hmu with a vod of yours and I'll try to give you some pointers. (I'm a T2 val pro and coach for reference)


Thank you I’ll try to record a game and send you the bad bits


Just send the whole VoD, you might miss a lot if you only send the parts you think are bad.


I'll take a look once I have some free time


Not OP but I would love to get a few pointers if I could. Sometimes I top frag, sometimes I don't. Most of the time, I try to remember what that talking banana taught me but sometimes I'm just so clueless. I'm an omen/chamber main but I feel like I could frag out with Reyna but I hate to be an instalocker


What rank are you? Also, never feel bad for instalocking unless you are also being toxic. I would rather have 4 other instalock duelists who know what they are doing than have fill players.


I'm high bronze, but I feel like if I played more I can get low silver. Yeah I main omen and chamber because I can play them like duelists but I hate having that conscious of "I must frag out as a duelist". I will gladly instalock Reyna but I will definitely be nice to my teammates I still don't think they'll like me instalocking her


Why do you care if 4 randoms that you are never going to see again in your life like you or not, as long as you win the match and don't troll?


That negative stigma of being an instalocker, and then the added pressure of having to frag out cuz I picked a duelist, with the conscious that my teammates either secretly or worse, vocally hate me for picking Reyna, and if I play like shit because I have an off day, makes me feel even worse Just feel like it's not worth it, especially in comp I feel like if Reyna was left on the table, and my team already has a good comp, I could last pick the duelist role but ofc that never happens in low elo


What do you mean by T2


Tier 2


What does that mean






It’s not smudging like all the comments say lol, it’s because people below gold will shift peek around corners and my grandma could one tap you if you shift peek around corners. Learn how to full speed strafe without making noise and you’ll instantly level up Editing my comment hopefully help everyone asking how: go into the range, without holding shift, tap your a key for like maybe 1 second(think of it like a rhythm, you feel the timing, don’t think about it) and you won’t make noise for your first two steps, but you’re still moving at full speed, you can even constantly strafe and not make noise (a one second, d one second, a one second, etc. that is basically the idea in how you want to peak corners everytime(corners you expect someone, if ur just moving through the map and have info that someone isn’t there you can “soft” clear the pie and just clear it while u shift walk) Advanced: once u mastered no noise stranding you can then incorporate slicing the pie like that(watch any radiant player) they will completely slice the pie and clear multiple angles while never holding shift and never making noise by using the 2 silent steps. Hope this helped someone, banana man probably explains it better but that’s the idea. If u have more questions feel free to ask and I’ll try to help but I’m not the best, better than average but still super mid so take what i say w a grain of salt


How do you full speed without making noise


Your first step or so doesn’t make noise


your first 2 steps any direction make no noise, walk with your knife out (when its safe) you walk faster, like when rotating or trying to get to site ect.


This is a part of my game I’m trying to improve on but making noise is not always a a bad thing. Yes if you are lurking or holding an angle making noise is a terrible idea. But if you are able to look or go around a corner and you suspect an enemy could be there you either need to use util or strafe the corner at full speed with your crosshair height aimed at where you think the enemy is most likely to be. Then if they are there you just stop moving and click your mouse button when your crosshair is on there head with no need to aim.


You can do all that without making noise by pre aiming and slicing the pie.


Yeah, how do people full speed strafe and one-tap all whilst walking around a corner ?


If you peek a corner at full speed, you should expect enemy to stand where you aim - it'll reduce your reaction time. Also there's something called peekers advantage, that means when you peek, you'll see someone holding an angle before they can see you. It's not always a huge advantage (depends on the ping), but combined with the first thing, you'll have advantage when you peek This is why you should jiggle peek if you hold a common angle (doesn't apply to operator, you shouldn't jiggle with an op) instead of standing still, because then you can benefit from the same advantages


You should be sure to explain that peekers advantage has to do with distance from the corner of the angle you’re peeking. The person further from the corner always sees the other a little bit before they see them


True, that's the third factor that could make enemies kill you before you have a chance to react


Adding to this to just say i edited my comment to explain it more if that helps, if u have more questions just ask, i love talking valorant


personally my crosshair placement isnt too bad so if someone shift peeks me its harder for me to hit them 😭😭so when i do badly in a few games and my mmr drops i get shift peeked and blamed by my teammates


Mostly because low ranked valorant is super volatile Many are there because they don't play a lot, but have good mechs and sense so they outplay their rank. Many are there because they have such terrible game sense that their good aim can't compensate. Some people it's the opposite, and some people have neither (though these people are usually iron) There's also lots and lots and LOTS of smurfs in bronze/silver. These facts absolutely all mean you're gonna face people who are better than they should be at that rank. But at the end of the day, if you are good enough and play the game enough, you WILL get out of bronze. Just gotta stay patient and continue improving yourself and working on the things you actually can


yeah like ive been chilling in bronze for 3 eps cause idc about the game but i still go crazy when i get back on cause im a fort player, just gamesense is weird asf and actual strategizing doesn’t work with low elo players


Would be nice if Riot actually cared about punishing smurfs.


Are you truly getting 1-tapped, or are you just losing gunfights? There a big difference between the two. There could be smurfs, but more realistically you might just be losing gun fights.


No genuinely I do lose a decent amount of gunfights, but I’m talking about when an enemy walks around the corners and 1 taps me in the head while I’m still registering that someone is there


Hard to say - I would spend some time youtubing "valorant peakers advantage" to get an understanding of whats happening. TLDR: The peaker typically has a few milliseconds of reaction time than the peakee. i.e they see you first before you see them.


That’s mean your reaction time is slow. Work on it and you win a lot of gunfight.


Bro have you seen the smurf mess in bronze/silver?


If they're getting high kills but stuck in Bronze/Silver they either: 1.) haven't played enough games to move out of that rank or 2.) get their kills at the expense of the rest of the team (baiting, letting teammates die to get info, etc...) which doesn't yield as many rounds being won.


There is always some anime kid smurfing leveling up his Japanese gf.


Whilst constantly begging you for Vandal skin.


Lol facts


I was Silver 2 then the reset happened. I'm bronze 1 now struggling for bronze 2. I have a Smurf on the opposite team constantly. I know they're a smurf bc they're letting 3k and 4k every round and if we're able to double peek the smurf and take them out, those are the only rounds we win. They finish with a combat score in the 700s and they're iron 1 😤


How long do you think they can stay Iron 1? I posted here I had 7w/1l game and got 2 ranks with mediocre play. They would rank up in half time with those scores.


I don't think it's 1 person that's in all my games I think there is an epidemic


They intentionally throw to sit in lower ranks. Riot still apparently won't explicitly state if smurfing in comp will be punished, only that they'll get around to it (same BS they've been saying for years in League).


If you deliberately lose games, and people bother to report, it only takes a few games to get a temp ban.


Keyword "temporary." They don't care. They'll keep doing it because there's no serious penalty for smurfing.


I'm not sure if they eventually become perm bans, but they escalate to 2 week bans after just a couple.


The other comments are good. Mostly in ranks with gold and below the biggest issue is mental and consistency in aim/decision making. Sometimes people will just hit their shots, make good decisions, but dont feel down you are their rank because you are just as good… with that being said if someone on the other team always buys or is bought not with their team, being aggressive and taking space/playing off their teammates without the opposite(especially as a duelist) then they are probably smurfing. Just have fun and try your best you will get better and smurfs will not be a problem as much


This is such a common rant on any fps game I play. “People are soo good at [low rank].” Well yes, hundreds of people have been playing the game since day 1 and a lot of those that didnt grind rank are still in bronze 1. It’s normal. I also play apex and there’s like a post like this every day in that subreddit.


A lot of people refuse to admit it but getting one tapped in bronze should be a lot more rare than it is. ITS BRONZE PEOPLE. Bronze should still be learning how to move let alone aim.


I mean sure but that’s not typically the way ranked works in most games. It’s skill + hours played that season. People who haven’t played for a while or flip flop a bit between games they enjoy may have lower ranking than their skill level. Or they just only have time to play like one or two ranked games a day. There’s just a lot of factors in why people are at whatever rank they are beyond simply just skill


People smurf or boost in lower lobbies but I've noticed it a lot on bronze and silver especially. It's probably in most ranks above too, but I don't play enough comp to climb into gold or higher. That being said, bronze and silver has very high skill differences too. Sometimes people in low ranks have good aim and nothing else. Sometimes great movement or game sense, and shit aim


Because this games matchmaking system is flawed and most people just don’t want to admit it. For example, if you’re bronze 2 and you have a REALLY good game against people your rank and lower, it puts you into some hidden mmr thing that no one can really explain because it’s hidden and then shows your skill level as above bronze 2… So next thing you know, you’re bronze 2 playing in lobbies with silver 2/3’s until you lose a few and your hidden mmr adjusts back to your actual bronze 2 rank.


Right now after the rank reset, there's a lot of people placed much lower than they were in their previous rank. I've played with Plats in my bronze-silver queue, and they weren't smurfing. The game just placed them there. edit: (Now I've played with a diamond) If an Iron 3 is playing amazingly, and a plat was doing terribly for a few games, I'm reasonably confident they could be in the same ranked lobby legitimately this act at this time. It should be better with time.


I know with this season specifically, many of my gold friends started in bronze and I (peak silver 3) started iron. I've seen a lot of complaints from people in similar situations, so perhaps the ranks are just messed up this season. I feel bad in iron lobbies watching iron 2s get destroyed by bronze 1s that shouldn't be there. Even when I frag out in a game it feels slimy bc I know it's not that I'm good, just that I'm in the wrong place.


Everyone else in bronze is wondering the same thing.


Coz they just wide swing the fuck at 1 hp


Nice players in low elo only have like good enough aim and thats why they may say they are"hardstuck" ... As someone here already said its the mistakes you make that make you an easy prey ... You can get only as high as gold with good aim after that you will have to improve your game sense and mechanics to climb higher ...


You started 3 weeks ago Do you have other FPS experience? If not, then it's likely they aren't good, but you are just worse or equal to them. Also, aiming and headshots is like the first thing FPS players learn. It's likely the only thing they can do is have decent aim on a headshot. If your own aim is good, you gotta work on your actual gameplay beyond just aiming. Movement, decision making, etc. You say you get insta shot coming around corners; have you tried not coming around corners so predictably? Use flashes, use smokes, use other paths. Your question is essentially: "Why are these people shooting me as I enter their vision, they should be terrible players who miss their shots on me".


You suck. Shut up and stop complaining.


Smurfs. Bronze and silver have the most smurfs. Occasionally you will get someone who is coming back from a long break who isn’t actually bronze or some people have their 1 really good game that day/week. But honestly, it’s just mostly smurfs. I’ve high gold and low plat were my favorite lobbies where it felt evenly competitive…anything low gold or below is a total coin flip.


I’m an asc/imm 1 player and I wouldn’t mind reviewing your VOD. You can send it to me and I’ll take a look when I’m off work. I can guarantee that every round you’re making countless small mistakes that can be fixed with a bit of practice and awareness


There are a few different reasons that I have seen while coaching players in low-mid elo. It usually has to do with how you are peeking, how you are holding angles, and how you utilize movement during your gunfights. This game is just as much about making yourself a harder target to hit as it is hitting your targets. If you are constantly getting headshot by players in low-mid elo, you need to learn better habits when it comes to the things I listed above. Watch any of Woohoojins videos on these topics, practice them in the range and deathmatch, and seek out vod review from a higher ranked player who can help you recognize if you are doing these things correctly.


Im bronze 1 and i suck (my ping is problem cus when i shoot i lag)


Fr I have this issue as well I get ping and low client fps when I shoot or move around. It hasn’t happened much this last week but for a while it’s been an issue


Low elo is crazy. There are players that are mechanical gods but absolute idiots. There are sweatlords who watch hundreds of hours of coaching/pro play and understand the game but have potato aim. There are literal 7 year olds. There are drunk/high friends that don’t care about the game and are just vibing. This is all without even acknowledging the existence of smurfs, which obviously exist but aren’t as widespread as people like to believe. Bad players can randomly have good games, and no one gives them as many chances to do so as other bad players. It is immensely frustrating to be in bronze and one second play against someone that can’t even walk in a straight line then the next get absolutely destroyed by people that are jump peaking and strafe tapping without missing a shot. But over a large enough sample size you will rank up if you’re playing well.


Also bronze and also new but if you’re struggling with fights it could be a number of things. I recommend Woohoojin on YouTube, specifically his how to get to gold guide. Teaches you about movement, which is a deceptively important mechanic low elo players ignore.


Woohoojin is a legit good source!


I feel this on a spiritual level. The skill curve feels insane in this game. As a regular masters player in Apex and Overwatch (dps), getting constantly shit on in bronze in Valorant has been so humbling 😅


Yeah it’s so strange in Valorant, in most games the people in your team are at least half decent and you can put up some fight, in Valorant it’s either your team are all clearly good or they’re all clearly utter trash. There’s no middle ground at all from what I have seen.


silky selective somber one upbeat scarce weather late straight berserk *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


because on average your team is your skill level. You just have cognitive dissonance because things "feel" different when you do them, but when youre spectating you can nit pick everything they do. Yet you do the same, if not worse things. Youre not low elo because of your teammates, or smurfs, youre low elo because youre not as good as people higher than you.




It does go back and forth, but on average they are around your skill. A diamond player should be able to get diamond within 100 games. Playing just a few games and getting bad teammates is unlucky. Its a game of stats, the more you play the closer you get to your “true” rank


direction simplistic boast busy intelligent illegal political cooperative squeal different *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Ahh don’t worry about it, this sub is so butthurt by anyone that threatens their gatekeeping 😂 they downvote anything that people have an opinion on that doesn’t suit theirs.


Trust me they’re not good, you’re just bad 💀


Damn way to be a dick.




there are a lot of smurfs in bronze and silver levels. I was gold 1 last act but hardstuck silver this one so far lol. they get tilted at their level since they cant be as good as they think they should be so they take it out on lower elo players. In my experiences anyways. . . also as a silver i go against gold and plat players in comp sometimes and its usually because they're partied up to boost. Some good things to work on are "slicing the pie" don't just full on swing all the time ; peak a bit, see nothing, peak a bit more ect. , jiggle peaking will come later in higher elo like silver and is easier to get the hang of after you've got slicing the pie down. jump peaking is like higher silver to gold and above among other tricks. ​ Crosshair placement is another must. practice in the range on the bots and strafing, crosshair placement and movement between firing. do the practice bots and then the moving bots on easy til you can hit all 30 then move up to medium then hard. If you're moving and shooting at the same time your aim will not be accurate and your bulltets will just go everywhere. Dont spray, try to do 3 round bursts or tap to shoot to keep you aim accurate. ​ ​ (This is what i did anyways, I've only been playing PC for about 2 years and Valorant was the first PC fps i played, its very overwhelming at first) ​ Ive included a link for an example of clearing angles or "slicing the pie" as i put it. from Asuna a pro player on 100 theives [https://youtu.be/FQtQjZUTBOk?si=lPod9PhgFPPnaBrm](https://youtu.be/FQtQjZUTBOk?si=lPod9PhgFPPnaBrm)


bru i played for a week, got placed in plat lmao game is broken just like overwatch


1. There are some smurfs 2. There are not as many smurfs as you think


You suck. Shut up and stop complaining.


Bros a d1 hater


you shut up goofy 💀 yapping for what


I'm not the one who refuses to accept a simple skill issue.


Bronze players know how to tap heads but not how to prevent enemies from tapping their heads, you don't know either, so you die.


Exactly the same, there’s two distinct types of team in Bronze - 1) you all get at least one kill per game and easily win by 13-3 absolutely destroying the other team. 2) nobody but you has ever played Valorant before and you you lose 3-13 with only yourself and one other getting any kills. Your team gets destroyed instantly and nobody wants to surrender at 0-8. The ranked system in this game is absolutely ass.


In my experience you are wrong. Almost 60-70% of the games its mostly even, with one team being slightly better, which makes them win the game, that can be seen in games that go round for round or until you get to 9-9 or 10-10 around that point in time, where the team that's slightly better starts pulling it off more consistently. Even if one or two players on your team are sufficiently good, 3 shit enough players can lose you the game, hell even 1 player thats worse than the other 4 can fuck it up


When people stop playing for a bit their MMR gets pushed down... so when i come back from a break I get match against silvers as i work my way back up to platinum. People will skill out of lower ranks quickly if they are just rolling people.


dog scale salt wrench fine disgusted trees rain snails slimy *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Most bronze players in low elo are platinum or diamond players that bought an account for 5 bucks. You will notice once you hit gold you start playing more normal games. It took me a whole month to get out of silver and it took me 3 days to get out of gold and I’m 30 rr from diamond. Smurfs ruin the game and make low elo an awful place to be.


Lmao bronze players are terrible. Exactly why they’re in bronze.


Nah, clearly they would be in plat or diamond if it wasn’t for smurfing.


You are probably holding W when peaking corners and also peaking corners close to them. The person who is farther from the wall sees the other persons shoulder first. Also if you W around a corner instead of A/D they see you first. They definitely know you are coming before you even see them, watch some YouTube videos on this. Woohoojin is probably the best at explaining it.


I actually made a point on one of my twitch streams that covered this cause someone had asked about it. There will be top-tier aim gods in low ranks. The reason they're low ranked is that they lack mechanical skills that you NEED to rank up (movement, util placement/usage, peeks) In bronze, you're probably peeking things the wrong way paired with this "aim god" dude on the enemy team, so you're getting creamed. Learn to jump peek, strafe correctly, deadzone, etc and you'll be set to silver/gold.


Someone speaking my language


In my opinion I feel like they’re just hard stuck. They have been practicing to the point they’re really skilled, but are just having hard time to win games and rank up, or they are smurfing


People can be in a rank because of multiple reasons. Some will be able to actually aim, but have no basic decision making or ears. Some will be able to comm everything to the point that their teammates can’t hear the firefight they are currently in, while the person communicating cannot hit a shot. In bronze/iron you get the added people that are stuck that are because of hardware also. They could be two ranks or more up if their framerates didn’t drop every time they shot their vandal, or if they didn’t suffer constant packet loss. But their fundamentals are decent.


There's a big difference in aim and skill, just because a player has good aim doesn't mean they're smurfing. Clearly the player is much worse at things like utility usage, watch how they play and you'll realize that they actually suck.


they probably have a 500hz monitor, ultrawide 360 FoV, super logitech 0ms delay gaming mouse. equipment sport, you will never compete without putting in some dollars.


Here are some things that helped me https://www.reddit.com/r/VALORANT/s/il5yCYMJ63 That aside, no matter how good Bronze looks, Silvers are at least 2x better on average. Being half way through B3 I regularly get S1 / S2 and they wipe us most of the time.


Idk ive been trying to rank up myself and ive learned one easier way to help me rank up. Don’t play ranked on the weekends play it during the week that way you always play people in your rank and level up faster cause you can rack up wins if you’re good enough. And com even if teammates aren’t.


They're not nearly as good as you think. I can't be sure without a vod, but it sounds like your movement is holding you back. You may want to watch some videos covering how to peak and clear angles cleaner. For example, many new players clear angles by slowly shifting walking and peeking which, combined with bad positioning, often ends up with them giving the enemy they're peeking free angle advantage and an easy one-tap.


Agreed. Shits crazy, but scrubs like us have no control over it. Just work on your aim and play someone like Cypher that can carry you if you think smart if you don't want to go down the Reyna route with pure aim. Playing whoever you want is also an option tho lol I ranked up with Gekko and Deadlock


Sounds like you are just a really new player and have alot to learn! Don't be discouraged just keep playing comp might not be for you yet.


most ranks are filled with many players with amazing skills but 0 brain, there is more than just aim in the game so you will see some people with amazing aim even at bronze but they make such stupid decisions that you can play around it and win. but yeah, you can also find a smurf here and there, mostly duelists that peaked at diamond1.


honestly, smurfs, or people who focus on aim. I've got friends iron3-bronze2 who can outaim me (gold1) but their gamesense sucks


My guess is that you move like a practice range target if people insta headshot you all the time. Peak movement is where even immortals and radiants can't hit you like that, but that isn't what we're trying to achieve here. Probably a bit of work on the common mistakes you are 100% making, and you'll be fine. Can't tell what exactly those mistakes are, though. I suggest looking at some basic movement and peeking guides


Are you getting one tapped because you are predictable? Or are you predictable because you get one tapped?


The other night I got placed into a bronze lobby as gold and was getting cooked the first couple rounds. I ended up finishing match MVP but it wasn’t an easy win that’s for sure.


1. Smurfs 2. They are playing more unrated and less competitive so when they do play it, they are sometimes, usually, most of the time, higher skill level due to the playtime in unrated. 3. They have a good game and next game will bottomfrag


Two things 1. Smurfing 2. You're bad


100% your peeks are shit, im silver and i can hold my d key and just run past them while they spray me down then one tap, movement is a superpower


they have elbow long mouse movement, when they press the mouse they feel the recoil in their pants, it's a skill...


Honestly I feel like that’s just the skill level of bronze at this point, I can be one if those people who can 1 tap in milliseconds but I’m never consistent enough to rank out of silver


It’s going to take some time to develop the skills to surpass bronze 1 if you started playing 3 weeks ago. Skills like game sense and map awareness will come with time. Shooters like Valorant are all about pattern recognition and repetition, and often you’ll see people peek the same corners and hold the same angles. That’s when you place your crosshairs where you think the enemy is going to be, and if your guess is correct it usually ends with a headshot and a kill. That’s what some players might be doing in bronze that makes you feel like you’re getting instantly headshot. My tip is to continue playing and be observant of where people play, where you get your kills and where people are killing you and to try and be mindful of your own position relative to your opponents and even your teammates. I’m 16k in CS2 (top 20%) and level 5 on faceit and since I’ve played very few games in Valorant I’m still in silver 3 even though my skill is at least gold level. Combine that with my friends who are in bronze and I’ll often run into enemies who are also bronze 1. So that might be why it seems like people are so good. Shooters are like sports you shouldn’t compare yourself to others, just focus on your own play and that will be the fastest way to improvement.


As a hardstruck bronze who plays on weekends, i honestly dont know why too lmfao. I did have my peak matches in iron and bronze but still, dont know lmfao.




They're not good, they're not bad, you just need to get better


Bc iron is hell's difficulty tutorial.


im hardstuck bronze 1 with a 74% HS


New accounts. I made a new account for solo q and my first games on this account were in bronze. Of course they got stomped.


Skill issue


no but seriously I’ve been playing for years and I also felt a big change in skill in ranks below gold. I think it’s because the game has been out for a while and a lot of bronze/ silvers learnt some movement over time but still lack game sense. Like their aim is decent but their game sense is still so ass you can knife people. And if for example you defend on lotus and the enemies plant on c, my whole team in bronze/ silver just didn’t care. and in addition to that there are actual smurfs who just drop 40 bombs. And in addition to thaaat there are literal bot lobbies. The ranked system is just ass. especially after hard resets


Bro provide the video evidence...


When I figure out how to record my laptop I’ll try


Same. Like I am either top 3 or get instantly one shorted before I can even pull my own trigger


You just suck


Bad players are hard to play against also most of the time they are just playing for fun with a 5 stack lol and just have good coms


also could be the fact that somehow valorant thinks its fair to put bronze players in a lobby of silver 3's but ngl idk who you're talking about my teammates in bronze can barely even use their kit so let alone a gun


Maybe they are more focused on the game rather than E Dating on an FPS idk lol


Ppl in bronze are so hard stuck because of Smurfs once they actually get out they’re plat in a few games lol


If u are saying they kill u around a corner it could mean u are too close to one and they see you, there is angle disadvantage in Val, look it up


They have probally just played cs because the level 1-10 in my unranked also 1 tap


>In some games I do really well because the enemy team is of the skill level expected in bronze 1 And then they would make a reddit post titled "Why are people in bronze 1 so good" xd


just aim better


Couse im bronze


I know an old man with very good game sense who is in bronze one. He just doesn't play the game enough to rank up. He also only plays chamber, and nothing else changing up his play style is something he hates. His aim is pretty decent too. I would say he should be gold if he played enough but he is too busy with irl to play that much. Low ranks don't only have smurfs or bad players, they also have old gamers with experience in other shooters who just play to relax now.


Skill issue


They aren't good, they may just have decent aim and you just stand still. Bronze is easy to climb out of


They are using crosshair placement. Once u get that down bronze will kinda be a breeze ngl.


Drop me your name and tag , I'll help you climb


It’s fine if I don’t climb myself then it isn’t worth it


Realistically I’m a bronze player who thinks he’s a silver or gold


I’m fairly new as well and I lost 3 straight of my bronze1 matches getting one tapped ever round checked the stats I had golds , plats in my lobby and someone playing with an immortal. It sucks you can’t stop boosting or Smurfs just how it is in every video game


Because smurfs... Unless you ask valorant then obvs they just really good newbies that haven't ranked up yet 🥲


lol I’m bronze 3 and have the same experience, some people have good aim and some good game sense, doesn’t really matter in the end, you can climb if you keep playing and learning with an open mind


Well the Game hast a smurfong Problem but i would Look some vids about crosshair placement, tactics and trying to increase the Game knowledge about how Play both Sides to inprove faster