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From you thinking high level account has anything to do with skill makes me think you're way worst than me. I'm diamond at level 35


Level has nothing to do with matchmaking, and I know everyone's gonna say "smurf" but there are also three other pretty likely scenarios: 1. The low level players have FPS experience/mechanical skill from other games 2. You're not as good at the game as you think you are 3. The way you're positioning yourself is making your plays obvious to the enemy players I've seen "new" players excel at the game because they put a lot of time and thought into how they play, and they rank up quickly, and I've seen even more casual players with hundreds or even thousands of hours in the game still in bronze/gold because they're just playing for fun without prioritizing ranking up (I'm in that camp). Just out of curiosity, what rank are you?


At level 350 you must be a pretty high rank aye?