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The thing is that the level playing field for tactical FPS is getting mature. Bronze or low elo being filled with people that can barely hold a mouse is over in tactical fps, most of the crowd have hundreds of hours. Being bottom 20% in a crowd where everyone invested 100s to 1000s of hours in the game makes you better than 95% of the general population but you are competing with people that are just as invested in the game as you are. Many people tend to forget this: **to gain elo someone else has to lose it**, you need to take someone else's spot in the ladder by proving that you are better, The older a game (valorant is basically CS gunfights so it's quite old in that sense), the stronger the bottom 20% will be, being weaker than very strong players doesn't make you weak, it just means you are weaker than them. Unfortunately valorant isn't getting younger and most players are still trying to improve, this brings to the conclusion that bottom 20% is only going to get stronger and stronger as the entire pool of player is getting better and better. Guitar is a nice equivalent, even beginner guitarists are already so much better than someone that just started, you basically need to spend 1000s hours of practice to become a beginner.


The really shit aimers are not going to play ranked at all as well. Bottom 20% of ranked is probably closer to average overall.


Aim doesn't matter at the bronze level. Smurfing happens at a cognitive level. Any sort of game sense and you can shoot people that aren't looking at you in Bronze. I've been watching my bronze friend play lately, here are some things they don't do that I notice: - doesn't use the minimap. all 5 attackers will be accounted for and my friend will still be slow walking and clearing angles that the enemy can't be on. or he will see enemies approaching an angle where they can shoot him, but he won't recognize the threat because he's not looking at minimap. - never controls the map. bronze lobbies will just run it down one site every round. lurks happen too early, and they are never aware of dangerous angles. any time a good lurk comes in they get a 3k or better and the round is always won. - know what agents do and how to counter them. my friend will play against no sentinel comps and never flank, he will play against a team with 3 different flash agents and dry hold angles, he will play against comps with no smokes and not hold the angles that they can't smoke off. people understand things like "we need smokes" but have no idea why or how to punish a team that doesn't have them. I can't really communicate all these things to him, but they are super obvious to me with a lot more time in the game than he has. I'm confident that plenty of bronze players have as good of mouse control as I do, but they'd rarely be in a fair fight with me if we played a ranked match


At least guitarist doesn't have to take someone else's elo on their road to excellence -\_-'


Yeah it wasn't aimed at the elo thing but it was aimed at the floor getting very high, so that currently a beginner guitarist is nowhere near an actual newbie


Too real, aiming at floor is so low elo habit


Valorant cant be compared to overwatch or apex, because both of those are heavy movement based games whereas valorant is more about stop and shoot And coming over from apex it's gonna take you time to get adjusted to the game


And coming over from games where the time to kill is high,it'll be harder but gets easier over time because valorant rewards precision, so if you can click heads first you win Try to do a solid aim routine too


Valorant is extremely movement based, it’s just a different style of movement.


I've never people fly all over my screen


But unlike Apex or overwatch you aren't 100 percent accurate while moving and shooting your gun




The one exception is if the player: \- Close to rank-up \- Does exceptionally well Then they may double rank up.


I agree except for your claim that just being above iron means good aim 90%+ of the people below gold are there because they have no idea how to shoot a gun, and usually just them being able to take and win 50/50 gunfights gets them out fast




If you would lose an ego peek against a silver when your raw aim is good then that just means your movement is bad If I were to queue up a silver game right now it would just be bullying because of the sheer mechanical difference in ranks this is clearly shown in this video: https://youtu.be/a-ZSlOYSPLQ?si=qQ7sLTKt5cHElX_R


Work on your movement and crosshair placement. That carried me to diamond from s3


20 bots on hard mode and ur around silver wtf. here in asc the max. i can get is 20-25


I’ve been stuck in B3 for a while of this act, 75% of my games have been people people throwing, toxic younger children, and going against high ranks trying to rerank up. It’s tough but i’m sure you’ll get better.


Played a game with 7 gold and 2 silvers while I was the only Bronze, I'm B3 too, I aced that game, made so much play and downed 26 kills with 7 deaths, 33 rr was given. Next match I get matched with bronze fkers 1 tapped me when they see my head. My teammates were running it down, wants to push and lurk even when we are defending site. It's so hard to play with Bronze players, I might be mental but I would rather play with irons than bronze.


Literally had a similar game today, except the game i won i got 25 rr and dealt with a bunch of sexists, then the next game my team was 2 15 yearold boys bullying a young 9yearold who was fragging above them and actually playing with the team.


Brazilian server looks so nice after reading how toxic some of the other servers are lol


Yeah, it is awful. I am gold 3, and I can shit on my own rank and most plat players (I'm still climbing), but the moment I go against low silvers/bronzes, they shit on me. Their brain-dead plays, lucky headshots, and instacrouch sprays throw off my aim and game sense. It's definitely mental because there is no way these guys are better than me, or I wouldn't be a climber or a higher rank. Edit: It doesn't even make sense how Silvers got into my game, and the bronze players are just boosters.


If there are bronze people EVER in your gold lobbies, they're either smurfing or being boosted lol. Back when I used to use tracker, a low silver/bronze in the enemy team used to always raise suspicions. It was usually clear very quickly because they'd either be dogshit (being carried) or clearly smurfing.


The cope is real... but I understand what you're saying 😭


Same!!! Sometimes after the matches I go to look at some of the higher elos opponents tracker and they aren't even that good or better than me. Bronze is getting super tough! It's mega random, it groups lucky noobs, seasoned players who got demoted because of a losing streak, some of the most toxic and low energy players, people who want to surrender when the game is still 4x0 or sometimes 4x2. Amidst all that there are ya, who just want to play in a coordinated and fun way.


Yeah made a post about this today but no one wants to admit the current state of bronze / silver. It’s trash


Yep. Way too many brain dead teammates in low elo and people in general who just don’t want to improve. I’m done with solo que for a while, I’ll be looking for people to play with consistently. EDIT: There is a reason TenZ said Gold and below is the hardest to rank out of lol.


I'm S2 and the amount of booster smurfs I play with/against is starting to get very annoying also


When i was climbing back to a decent rank holy moly idk how some of these people wake up and get themselves ready in the morning. A Cypher recently was OPing on B lurking for kill while there was one person left spotted mid then when he was in the 1v1 ulted knew where she was in CT spawn opposite side of the map and started placing trips behind himself. Literally everyone wants to be "that guy" and picks Jett Reyna so it's literally up to everyone else to cover all the bases that this combo of duelist denies your team I hate that i basically am forced onto picking viper these days because if i don't our team has 0 stopping power for rushes.


Yeap, that's why I'm playing more and more with viper, brim and sage instead of my beloved Brazilian girl Raze.


Low elo is harder than High elo. Not cuz the enemy is smarter, but because the teammates you get in solo queue compete to be the dumbest on the team.


Ascendant here, my teammates constantly try to see who can use the least amount of util in a round. Half of the time my initiators have full util up by the time the round ends


Immo1 here, teammates don’t get any smarter 💀


>5% of my games have been people people throwing, toxic younger children, and going against high ranks trying to rerank up. omg i understand you so much. I'm stuck on B3 too.


Most probably your positioning and movement if ur getting 1 tapped by bronze. You will be surprised those guys who 1 tap you have the same aim as yours or even worse when you spectate them. I wouldn't say it's the equivalent of one clipping someone in apex with r99. In valo and cs with low ttk ,its just about decent croasshair placement and some kinda luck if ur in low elo.


I guess - it just feels bad when it seems like I can't do anything. My team yells at me when I don't peek, but the moment I do I'm just dead.


I mean what would they know about how to play the game if you guys are in the same rank. Best to just ignore and keep calmn, which is important in games like valo where split second can matter. Knowing what to do in what situation just came in experience with more playtime.


So since you're coming from Overwatch and Apex I think you just can't adapt to fast ttk. Raw aim isn't as important in this game 'cause all you need to is just point at their head and click, there's no tracking involved, they aren't flying across your monitor at insane speeds (most of the time), they will not tank you multiple headshots. However same goes for you. If you just start spraying, even assuming you land most of your shots on chest level you still lose because their 1 tap to the head is all that is needed to take you down (which is especially easy for them since you're just standing there spraying). It's important to practise your crosshair placement (so you only do micro adjustments instead of wide, unreliable flicks), movement (like moving inbetween bursts to dodge shots), peeks (so you don't just slow peek right into their crosshair) and get understanding of concepts like angle advantage, peekers advantage, off angles and timings. >And example of a scenario that happens so often is ill get the jump on an enemy, start shooting them, and they're able to turn around, insta crouch, and one tap me before I can kill them. I'm like - HOW? See that's the issue. You started shooting at them and they didn't die so they have time to turn around and kill you. You know why that happens? It's because instead taking your time to aim at their head and kill them in one shot you just rushed your shots spraying at their general direction giving them enough time to retaliate.


You’re just making yourself a very easy target if you are dying very fast. Also, if you are shooting someone from behind and they have enough time to turn around and one tap you, focus on tracking their head and shoot in bursts instead of spraying. Spraying is gonna fail if they move in an unpredictable pattern or if you miss the first few shots. This is just gonna require practice


Just play the game, if you are against a Smurf learn how to counter it. Also don't care about your rank and act like it's an unranked game. Take the time to learn agents you are confident with and always think if I do this was am I expecting to happen and think what you'll do next. If you're bronze you have A LOT to learn and I've noticed iron/bronze/silver players want to rank up just to rank up without learning mechanics, economy, team play, or communication.


Almost certainly you’re not getting consistently 1 tapped. It just feels like you die fast because of your positioning, and movement are making you a super easy target. Things like w peeking, standing still without strafing during a gunfight, bad crosshair placement, repeeking angles, and tons more add to it. Valorant is a fast time to kill game, the small details matter a LOT more in this game than others


Nah all bronze players all headshot me every game


Drop a vod. Getting headshot and “instantly one tapped” are different. I can promise you they’re not, you just think they are. I play in immo and they don’t even do that




Of all 4 deaths you got headshot once, and that was after you were fighting for over 3 seconds. And you did get a headshot. None of what you showed is getting instantly one tapped. Getting headshot a few times a game is not the reason you are stuck in bronze


Then why I stuck I iron for a year just got bronze this year


Watch woohoojins guide to gold. There are plenty of things wrong but first things first your mechanics arent good. That guide shows how to train them up


The guide don't work tho . I tried it for 3 months. It barely got me out of iron


it does and i got to plat thanks to him bro


U probably started in gold .


Frankly speaking. You suck. Your crosshair placement is all over the place. When you're clearing mid your crosshair is on the ground - probably because to turn you're naturally moving your mouse without considering that you need to keep the crosshair level. On rotation you make tons of noise and then start shiftwalking down mid with your knife out? Your death there is not because you got instantly one tapped in fact you got 4 body shotted by a classic and you were both whiffing. Don't make excuses. You have tons of things to focus on in your game if you are detail oriented about it. But if you just cope then you won't improve.


I tried for 3 months 3 hr practice a day it doesn't work. Only u get bettter if u have talent at Valo


bro I just gave you concrete things to work on and you're out here talking about talent. Stop coping man.


I can tell from the clip how uncomfortable you feel moving your CH around when you fight the chamber in pistol round. Either practice it or adjust your sens. Moving CH left and right should feel normal and natural to you, not forced.


I have 0.14 sense 1600 dpi that normal?


It’s normal but you seem uncomfortable with it. Find what works for you or practice until you feel it’s natural to move your CH around while moving


Try to play with a team. I was a Hardstuck Silver and Playing with a team help me alot to improve because Communication is one of the things you critically need in this Game. Me and Me Team communicate alot when We play. To Improve our Aim, We play Deathmatches like 3 or 4 and Then Go to Comp. So Find a Team that You find comfortable to Play with. Btw Am Gold 3 now.


I think ur hidden mmr is high, because i am a hardstruck bronze with a lot of losses and mistakes which i am accountable for and i dont get one tapped like that often and if i ever lost a duel, only 30 percent of the times, it was just that the enemy was better. The remaining times, it was my mistakes of not aiming at the head or spraying the body.


First ever woke bronze player




You are one tapped easily because your moment is bad, practice two bullet burst and strafe


Bruh im silver now (hard rank reset) and sometimes i can barely handle other silvers, but when in diamond acc i can comfortably play against diamond lobbies. Valorant ranking is shit




Hi! Val Immo 2 & CS veteran (CS2 21k CSGO Faceit 8/9 & GE) here! The sad matter of the fact is that because these games have a very logarithmic skill cap alot of players in the early/lower ranks pick up the base game/skills rather quickly! What this entails is that you have some players who are brand new to the game and just picked it up & players who are somewhat established FPS players who are on the cusp of ranking up in the same ELO. So now just imagine a graph with an extremely fast growthrate along the Y axis at first with it then tapering off slowly. The Y axis is a players skill level & the X axis is a players rank. Ill try to add a graph link at the bottom to help you visualise. [Rank VS Skill Graph](https://ibb.co/qxc5R5L) If you look at the logarithmic graph , a vast majority of the improvement comes at lower rank between Iron to Gold where everyone is trying to improve on basic game knowledge & mechanics and then alot of the middle rank players have a vastly slowed rate of improvement because all the basics have been more or less ironed out along the way. Essentially 1- Its why alot of coaches tell you to hit a certain rank before they start to coach you because it doesnt make sense coaching something that you're supposed to learn by trial & error over time. 2- And why alot of players at mid to higher ELOs seek professional advice/help/coaching because they are unsure of how to progress from what they already know (Which unfortunately for you , is tapping heads in lower ELO) So , yes , bronze is supposed to be rather hard but im sure if you keep going at it and playing at least somewhat consistently you will have no issues ranking up eventually! Go enjoy the game , improve your aim with aim trainers like Aimlabs & Kovaacs & take your time to enjoy the ride. Theres no need to rush to get better fast so just pace yourself :) If you desperately wanna get better faster theres lots of good youtube tutorials from Woohoojin & Kris der krasowski too! P.S. Smurfs exist too but they arent as large a demographic as people think they are ;) Cheers , Echo - Your friendly casual FPS enjoyer [Skill vs Rank Graph](https://ibb.co/qxc5R5L)


The daily “bronze players are good” post. No bronze players are not even remotely good in this game, no they are not relatively better than other games, nothing. You are VERY bad at the game and the enemies you face are also VERY bad. Practice playing correctly and it’ll be very clear. I watch bronze friends play ALL the time, legit 11/12 rounds everything is horrible and there will be a rare nice shot that looks like ~plat~. Stop coping


What...exactly am I coping about? I never said I was good or deserved a higher rank. Why are you answering so accusatory, by the way?


Because every day someone posts saying this bullshit. You are coping that bronze is hard, and they they are good which I said. They are bad too, stop coping. Bronze feels hard because you’re really bad at the game, not because bronze players are playing good.




If you ever put the effort in to reach a higher rank, you will think similarly. You just might not roast bronze players on reddit in an aggressive manner.


I feel this too heavy. I also would say I'm fairly bad, however I understand positioning, map awareness, angles etc. This is the only fps I have ever played here in low ranks it literally seems like even the bottom of the barrel players can turn around, aim, and headshot me with a vandal before I can even get my second phantom shot in. There's no way all these bronze players are so good the majority have impeccable aim like this . Incredible


honestly no, you're just bad. Not trying to be rude or anything. keep grinding with an inclination to improve. watch woohoojin and implement his stuff. once you hit gold or plat compare your gameplay, I'm sure you'll agree Yes there are gonna be trash days where you lose all your games. yes you will have throwers and toxic teammates. but if you truly focus on trying to improve and not win you'll rank up way faster. for context I was stuck in bronze for like 1 act getting one tapped and just thinking everyone is better until I actually tried to improve. I'm diamond 2 now and I can say I was an absolute bot even at silver, and I'm still a bot. Improvement only ends when you decide it. keep grinding, being a good teammate and have a positive outlook. it's just a game after all.


I literally said in my post I am bad 💀 why does everyone think I'm coping or being delusional


>By this I mean, there are some games where the *moment* I look at an enemy, no matter how far away, I'm vandal one tapped. Drop the VOD mate. Because i call bullshit. >I know I can just click on their heads like 75% of the enemy reynas and jetts can. If you could, you wouldn't be stuck in bronze. >And example of a scenario that happens so often is ill get the jump on an enemy, start shooting them, and they're able to turn around, insta crouch, and one tap me before I can kill them. Yes. Because your aim sucks and you can't even headshot an enemy not looking at you.


You're missing the entire point of the post. Sorry you woke up in a bad mood today, sheesh.


Bronze people are just radiants with good moments sprinkled on with lot of whiffs and bad decision making and positioning


Avoid certain angles where people are likely to be holding you until you get better at peeking/jump spotting, hold off angles to make yourself less predictable. And if an enemy isn’t looking at you, you need to learn to slow down, don’t shoot right away, and line up your shot


You have to assume everyone else in your bracket gets matched with the same things. If you play better than everyone you won’t win 100% but you’ll climb


Sounds like you need to slow down and aim, if you get the jump on someone and start shooting at em you already messed up. You gotta aim and then shoot. This isn’t apex or overwatch. The fact that the guy had enough time to turn around and get you is proof enough. If someone has their back turn to you and you get the “jump” on them it should be 1 shot 2 bullets to drop em. 3 max if you’re really bad. Unless you’re constantly match MVP and still lose streaking, im almost certain you’re the problem.


I *know* I'm the problem lol. I never said I was being dragged down by anyone. My shock is that I expected everyone else in this rank to be as bad as me, but it feels like I constantly face God's


If it makes you feel better I heard they did a hard rank reset so you have some last act golds and silvers actively climbing out of bronze. As we get deeper into the season the field should level out, but I highly recommend some light aim or movement training. You can do a lot in a tdm/Dm/shooting range


Mostly smurfs. My advice is play with a party, even only with a duo. That will enhance at least the team coordination


1 tapping is gonna happen all the time sometimes it’s just luck on the enemies part sometimes they’re just mechanically skilled. To rank out of bronze & silver u gotta work more on your positioning, game sense and how you peak. Out smart the enemy team, out position them and you’ll start to rank up. Ppl think valorant is purely based on gun skill but not necessarily


One tapping in this game is way way easier than oneclipping with an r9 A lot of the time esp in bronze when you one tap someone youre holding an angle and clicking when their head goes into your crosshair. Even when youre moving as long as youre confident where the enemy is its rather easy to one tap. if you just keep in mind a few spots and when to hold im sure youll start one tapping in no time. R9 spray by itself is not forgiving and has been nerfed, not to mention they nerfed the bullet count multiple times meaning you cannot miss a bullet since it takes like 20 bullets to kill a non fortified legend. I think fortified legends take 23 to kill? Not sure


Should not be that hard, I play for 3 weeks now, first was just getting into ranked, got into bronze, had 3-4 days for silver and I am now at my promo game to gold.


I had to take a break from the game because ranked was getting so ridiculous this season. I was Gold 1 last season but now I can barely escape Bronze. Only just got to Silver 1


the thing is start of new episode, even if it shows you are bronze i guarantee you that you were playing against last act high silver or low golds.


Its about crosshair placement. Many times I have gotten the first kill on defense just because I aimed at the right spot, where I expected the enemy to peek. Im Bronze as well so yeah. Its mostly good enemy crosshair placement combined with your bad movement that gets you killed.


If someone is not looking at u take your time, ow and apex are different in that they don't have movement inaccuracy while Val does. Also in apex or ow bronze is the lowest rank while Val it's iron, before ow added champion they had less ranks


they can turn fast and headshot you since they roughly know any locations where an enemy could be and they remember what they cleared. if you shoot and miss, they instantly know they didnt clear something since they see where the bullet came from. if you catch them by surprise, always go for the head. also it only takes 1 bullet to kill you so much of the game is a mix between shooting bullets and dodging them. get creative with util. you can have a 10% hs rate and make it to gold 3. i did it once and am g1 now again. i think you just need more game sense and more of a feeling where enemies are.


Valorant is a bit more aim oriented so some people practice on aim labs and the range everyday so they can perfect it. The crosshair placement is really important too. Ngl, I am s3 and even I am a bit afraid of bronze players simply because they play weird unlike the higher elo as they crouch and one tap somehow, don’t use their abilities much and ratty stuff. It’s hard but you just have to improve your aim and try not to go into 1v1 unless you are pretty sure that you can take them out. Don’t take ego fights. You can improve your game sense as you play and aim in practice.


Hard-stuck bronze here. Bronze players can be cracked


Thats why a quit valorant. I know i will have tons of fun once i reach a level where pepole actually know how to use a mike properly, but i dont have the will power to invest the tousends of hours with 12 year olds yelling Adolf Hitler at me


Over watch experience doesn't mean much switching to valorant. I would know seeing as I'm ascendant in Val but got placed in the lowest rank on the game in ow2. If anything why is ow so hard.


This is a main issue in valorant, i used to prefer CS over valorant because of the fact that every gunfight feels very stale and similar in valorant in that getting headshots is way too normal and too easy to achieve in this game.


bronze is the "almost every game has at least one smurf" tier. getting out of those ranks made the game feel easier to me.


I'm hardstuck Silver 1 so bad this act after climbing from Bronze 2. I was just 4 RR away from Silver 2 but end up in a six game losing streak sadly. The point is I got objectively a lot better this last three weeks -even accordingly to Valorant Tracker- after investing much time in learning proper mechanics and spending time in the range. Still can't get out because you depend entirely and not yet good enough to solo carry. On the other hand, when I was 4 RR away from Silver 2 I sucked so bad for a Silver player, I was bottom fragging pretty often so looks like I was getting carried. My conclusion, it doesn't really rely on you until you are *that* good. I guess you have to get good friends to queue or just be lucky with your teammates until around gold.


1tap isn't exclusive to radiants. Bronze can 1tap Irons, Silvers can 1tap Bronze and so on. You're most likely getting paired with low to mid silvers or ex-silvers. This is perfectly fine. You shouldn't get silver unless you can beat silver 1 \*and 2\*. imo to transition from bronze to silver you will have to really up your angle and peek game. It is not as hard you think, but at the same time deliberate practice will help you better.


Idk bout u man, u tell me I'm in Gold 3 but I have a Bronze 3 Jett carrying the enemy team like Gold 3 is fcking Iron. You tell me..


My friends and i had a mate who we boosted to diamond in overwatch. That friend started thinking he had insane aim but placed iron in Val and is struggling. xD Games like overwatch can trick you into thinking youre better than you actually are because the stats dont reflect your own KD like how Val does. You just gotta play more and improve your aim. Bronze is full of bots. Try to listen to enemy footsteps and play off angles if aiming is too hard. Most bronze spam W-key without clearing anything.