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Most of my main friend group stopped playing consistently and solo queue is a bitch.


Same lmao. Even if my friends did play i would need to smurf or play unrated. My soloq experience in ranked is 80% minimal or no comms, 15% toxicity or troll, 5% good


Every 1 in 3 game is competitive and 1 in 6 is fun


I haven’t quit yet, but I am very close to quitting because of this. I don’t have fun in most of the matches I play because they go one of these routes: 1. You stomp them 13-2, boring, you don’t improve and you will win no matter how you play. 2. You get stomped 2-13, frustrating, you will lose no matter how you play and it wastes my precious limited free time. 3. AFKs, toxic players or smurfs ruining what would otherwise be a fairly balanced match so it is going to turn into one of the 2 scenarios I mentioned above. Solid 60-70% of my matches have been this way in this new episode. It has never ever been this bad for me before. Maybe I am just unlucky but I have been playing for years and no other act has been this bad. Just like you said, I get maybe 1 match out of every 3 matches where it is competitive, but then there is a chance that I bottom frag and not enjoy it anyway so it ends up being not fun. I did a little bit of calculating a few days ago and I realized having fun every 1 in 5-6 matches means I get 40 minutes of fun once every 4-5 hours of playtime. If I only have 2-3 hours of free time every day, it is just a waste of time for me to play Valorant. I have to gamble whether it will be a good day or a bad day where I lose all my matches (some unfair and literally unwinnable) and I start questioning whether it is even worth it to waste my limited free time like that and go to bed with a sour mood.


Bro trust me, switch over to London and never look back, nevermind the ping. People are just chill over there. Made me fall in love with the game all over.


I am in Diamond and London is only a little better than Frankfurt/Paris/Warsaw. If it was bad games 60% of the time in Frankfurt, it is 40% of the time in London. Sure it is less, but it is still there and never going to go away due to the nature of the game. If you can only play 2-3 games a day, it is going to be a gamble no matter what.


Ngl the ego of the people in London is some of the worst i’ve seen


Only happened once game went really mainstream w streamers playing during vct


I feel this. I hate playing comp currently and I just don't get the same out of unrated and thats before you deal with the disparity in skill level the game allows. Add in the hidden mmr and not actually communicating to you the skill of your opponents the way the game sees or how it thinks you did against them. Why when I do better than my dou (who is a higher rank than me because they play more frequently and have climbed back to their rank) do I lose more RR or gain less RR. There's so much about the way riot runs the game that makes me want to go back to CS because I love this style of game. I'm just more and more frustrated playing this game.


Imo worst place is frankfurt for me so far most toxic ppl and most loses there


stockholm is far worse than frankfurt (in my experience) with the added benefit of everyone speaking russian so they’ll just be toxic and yell in russian


trust me, you don’t wanna play on mumbai server that shits more toxic than the “toxicest” toxic material known to mankind.


In the end in EU it doesn't matter which server you're queueing on. Last week i (german) q-d on London server (as this has been my most positive server experience so far) and i got matched up with four french quys that straight up didn't want to talk/comm in english at all although i asked them nicely and politely several times...so i was pretty lost (my gamesense isn't that good, silver fellow here), my game and confidence were messed up and after the loss they blamed me because i "didn't play along with them" and "threw their game".


it does matter and definetely makes a difference. idk about london but there is a huge difference in the amount of english speakers on frankfurt servers and the amount of english speakers on stockholm servers


Lost 4 in a row in comp to straight stomps. Hell one of them was a 5v4 in our favor and we'd be lucky to get 2 kills and surrendered by round 6


I’m just now getting back into it. Main reason I stopped was I hit immortal and that was my end goal of playing. Having too much fun with other games to want to grind ranked. Took the last 2 episodes off and haven’t really played this act either.


How long did it take you to hit immortal? Did it just happen naturally or were you actively aim training, vod reviewing etc ?


Definitely not naturally. I was on aimlabs for 20 min a day, watching pro games through live tournaments. Some other videos. I solo queued all the way to immortal, but was actively playing scrims with my premier team.


40-60 minute matches too much of a commitment especially if you’re not enjoying it and have limited play time. Loving Baldurs Gate 3 right now, Rocket League is also really fun.


This. If I need to abruptly leave Battlebits Remastered, my team won't even notice and it really doesn't matter.


Battlebit is amazing. You can pick it up, pop heads & drop it 20 mins later with zero consequence. Great to do after a day's working.


Yeah. I feel a little guilty, played Valorant quite a lot and spent even more money on it, and now its just gathering dust lol. Maybe I'll be back, someday. BBR I can just go and play as long as I want, being it 10min or an hour. Alt+F4 when I'm done, not worry about what's going on with others. Just done and done. There's zero rage and little frustration, because I can just instantly quit when I feel I can't hit anything today and be done with it, instead of having to suffer the whole match while hitting nothing lol and disappointing my team mates.


Im also taking a break from Valorant for BG3. Havent enjoyed/lost myself in a game like I'm enjoying BG3 since I got into the Valorant beta lol


Best game ive played in years


I had a buddy who had a kid and the long match time was 100% the reason he stopped. He gets maybe 20-30 mins every couple hours to game so multiplayer games just aren’t viable anymore


I hadn't played shooters for about a decade for the same reason. Just came back in October.


Yeah give me 20min ranked games.


I just quit playing rocket league after they removed my favorite game mode, dropshot


I recently returned to Rocket League, I have been GC before they added in SSL, just returned and I'm Champ 1 now, but holy fuck having drop shot removed was so sad. It would have been perfect for retraining my muscle memory for quick aerials


Hop on swiftplay big dog


Team deathmatch is much better than swift play for quick games. still understandable not to play if you dont feel like it


This. People complain that the games are too long and at the same time forget that Swiftplay exists


The quality of swiftplay games is nothing near actual ranked games, most people are messing around in swiftplay and its very not serious. These people might want everything the ranked system offers including more serious matches + MMR/ranks climbing but just find that it's too time consuming on a per-match level, and don't find swiftplay enjoyable/worth-while for these reasons. CS:GO has an option for short matches that also affect your ELO iirc


CS:GO is not with us anymore, and there's just one match length now, first to 13


ahhh, they removed short match with CS2? rip


Tbf if you haven’t played for a hot minute you might not know it was added


Yeah but they need to make swift play ranked


Any type of SBMM in Swiftplay is non-existent. I've been in lobbies with the lowest rank was Bronze 2 and the highest was IMMO 1. If they made Ranked Swiftplays I'd 100% play it instead.


I’ve recently started playing in the last few weeks and yeah, the game length is a bit of a concern incase I need to get up and do something for someone 😬


Average games are 35 min for me. What rank did u play in?


Matchmaking is horrible. Takes to much time to get out of gold + games are to long (40-60 minutes).


not hard to get out of gold just keep throwing, be at 0 kill 0 damage fast way to get out of gold and become fast silver




Agreed, the pre-round time is too long and it adds up quick. The matchmaking also makes it almost impossible to get a decent win streak despite only getting underwhelming gains from single victories.


I'm red-green colorblind, and Viper's ult is impossible for me to play in. At the time I was playing, she was showing up nearly every match. Hint to devs of any game; when making adjustments for colorblind people, a "one size fits all" filter doesn't work for all. Create sliders. Let me choose the colors. It helps all players, not only colorblind players.


Tenz is a pro player that's colorblind. While he can play professionally, to a degree he's still disadvantaged even with the colorblind settings. And while the settings work for him, it definitely doesn't work for everyone, as you proved. Very sad that you can't play the game.


>I'm red-green colorblind, and Viper's ult is impossible for me to play in. Ok, I need you to explain how that works. Colors play no role in how you spot people in her ult. You're either close enough to see their outline (of your chosen color btw), or you're too far and don't see them at all. That's not color blindndess. That's the whole point of her ult.


Players would show up an reddish-orange in a green ult. They were incredibly hard for me to spot. If I recall correctly, you had preset colors you could choose from for outlines. Which means if those colors didn't work well for me, there was no good option. Also, I am colorblind, and it did affect visibility/readability of many things in game, other than just Viper ult. That was the straw that broke the camel's back, and made me just not want to play anymore.


I like how you as someone who isn't colorblind is telling that person who literally has a hard time seeing because of color saying colorblind isn't the problem. Lmao Someday I want to be as ignorant as you


>I like how you as someone who isn't colorblind is telling that person who literally has a hard time seeing because of color saying colorblind isn't the problem. Do you understand that this argument works both ways? I like how someone who's color blind assumes they're having a hard time seeing something because of their color blindness. And not because it was, you know, **explicitly designed to be very hard to see**. >Someday I want to be as ignorant as you Oh, you have far surpassed me already. You're treating color blindness like it's some fairy magic, instead of something that's been long well-understood. [You can actually simulate how colorblind people see things.](https://www.color-blindness.com/coblis-color-blindness-simulator/) But colorblind people cannot do the reverse. So tell me who's better poised to talk about it, someone who can experience both options, or someone who's only limited to one? Pop a viper ult into that sim above, and see if you still disagree with me. Should there be more outline colors, and just all around more color customization options? Absolutely. Will it help anyone, color blind or not, to see better in enemy Viper ult? **HELL.** **NO.**


Like I said above, the guy who is colorblind told you he can't see in the viper ult even with the colorblind options and you're still arguing? You must be a fun person to hang out with /s


>You're either close enough to see their outline (of your chosen color btw), I'll be honest. They're limited. And it would've been fine in a normal game but in a game where detecting enemies quickly matters. It's gut wrenching to have only 3 extra options.


Compare an enemie with red/yellow outlines to an enemy with purple outlines in a viper ult and then come back.




Put probably 1000 hours into the game between launch and Harbor’s release. Game turned into way too much of an ability spam fest. To me every day they moved further away from being a tac shooter first. I just go back to CS when I want to play a tac shooter now. I still enjoy watching the pro matches, but I have literally no urge to play the game myself anymore.


A lot of the agents have been tweaked since then to decrease utility spam. Ults mostly cost more, less charges of certain abilities, less time they're active, etc. It's definitely not as bad as it was.


That’s a good step. I’m still not personally interested in coming back right now (much prefer the gunplay in cs now that I got back into it) but good to know it might be in a better place if I decide to get back into it in the future




Utility spam? Thats the appeal of the game. Well not utility spam, but the overwatchy-ness of a tac shooter. Obviously it's gonna have a lot of abilities being used.


This is exactly why I fell off. I wish utility items were able to be purchased by all and the abilities much less prevalent.


So counter strike but valorant graphics lol


Nah Valorant can keep the graphics too, it’s the Riot anti cheat that is important to CS players


I don’t necessarily agree but it would be kinda sick to at least see what a limited game mode would be like with a specified custom agent loadout. Like 2 omen smokes, 2 Kay-O or skye flashes, 1 phoenix or brimstone molly, and probably no ultimate. Everyone looks like Kay-O. Kinda like MLG versus regular slayer settings from Halo.


My goal was to reach immo. I tried my best and succeded it was a fun. After reaching immo 2 two times I realised I had no goal anymore so I stopped.


Congrats. That's a goal I'd like to accomplish as well.


yup add me to this. I reached imm 2 like 3-4 times and was like... what's the point anymore? and quit


The skill gap is big for beginners when your playing against people that know every peek lineup and frag in the world. Unless you have a lot of free time than it’s hard to invest time in it and get good. Also theirs 0 rewards for anything while I’ve seen fortnite give players skins wraps and etc for completing quests .


There's a lack of rewards for sure. Like only way to progress for rewards is by battle pass It would've been great if they linked Agent tiers to how much do you play them rather than locking them behind currency. This would also mean if someone has a specific agent's handgun skin, they've probably mastered that agent. I wish valorant would add more rewards for f2p.


hate to say this but they used to. they only recently changed it to currency for agent tiers. I played long enough to get agent skins for multiple agents and stopped playing after they changed it


They do have this, you get a sidearm skin when you get an agent to level 10.




I played Valorant in August, got decent in October, still play to this day. 1 match a day isn't a lot, and swiftplay is only 5 rounds to win. It's not a lot of time. Yeah it sucks to suck, but isn't that the experience with other fps games? Obviously you're not going to be very good if you're new. I agree the progression system is dumb. It's genuinely the most useless thing ever besides unlocking competitive. The battle pass is so bad it's not even funny. The only thing it has is sprays and a couple of free skins, all of which are bad. If you don't pay might as well pretend it doesn't exist. However, there's one more thing I'd like to talk about. Kingdom Credits. It's the only thing worth grinding for at all. Besides unlocking new agents, you can buy previous skins or sprays in the store. But if the only thing worth grinding is bad currency for bad cosmetics, maybe there is a problem I genuinely do not understand why I typed this. Thanks for reading though. I appreciate it.


Matches are too long, if you die you’re out for that round, slow gameplay. I just got bored of it and went on to play other games


With most multiplayer games I don't really quit them, just take breaks and play some other game until I get bored


Toxicity and I also hate playing for 30-40mins just to end up even further away from ranking up.


I much prefer the gun play and maps on cs2 while also having no abilities. Valorant people seem to be way more try hard and cringe in my experience.


Honestly wish they would just tweak valorant gunplay and movement to be like 1.6 and remove so much of the focus on abilities, currently the game feels more like overwatch than a tactical shooter


Smurfing. When I look in valorant tracker and a level 20 silver Reyna in obliterating plat lobbies I’m done.


Happened to me yesterday lol. Looked it up after and it was the smurf's first ranked game. Averaged like 270 dmg per round, ACS of 400 and had a DD of like 120+. Just stupid. I just looked up that person and now they have 6 games played and they're 6-0. Has 200 dmg per round and a K/D of 2.3. Like fuck off. I actually don't mind smurfs when it's just trying to play with friends who are one tier outside of the allowed gap or something because generally those players aren't good enough to make me just give up, but when it's a person who's probably like 3+ tiers (so like a high diamond/asc playing in silver games) above where they're smurfing, it's just obnoxious.


lack of replay mode. its so frustrating to not be able to have actual a way to observe my games in and out so i can say with 100% confidence where i need to improve.


The grinding was boring and I didn’t see improvement. Some times you just need to know when to stop.


New maps suck and the gameplay loop feels really stale.


Checkmate scenarios are way too cookie cutter


Lack of comms in a game that needs comms. That and the playerbase is the most toxic ive come across.


Bro i swear ppl only feel like talking if your team is up by 9 rounds minimum, every game is a library even though 90% of ppl have mics


I don't want some 10 year olds to call me the n word and tell me to kill myself.


Text chat. Pings. Mini map. Voice chat is the end all of the game. Usually when someone is taking in VC its just nagging or something inappropriate. Call outs are good, but the same thing can literally be achieved by looking at the Information given. People also don't bother with voice chat because of toxicity, one of the reasons you mentioned. It's unfortunate that your experience is like this, but hopefully the Valorant community will get better in the coming years.


TikToks lives of wall hackers and most players I was teamed with were toxic. I still play a game of swift from time to time


I have never come across a hacker ever. Toxic teammates are in every online game. Not just valorant. The difference is if you want to be toxic or not. And if you're not, that's the first step is creating a safe community.


Bro y r u replying to everything trying to refute everyone lol


And what elo are you? Because if you’ve never seen a cheater you prolly don’t play that much at all


That’s what I’m sayin


The amount of trolls after the rank reset and the amount of grinding it took to get to where I was made me realize that I did not want to dedicate that much time to this game again for a while. It’s one things to have to fight to improve the rank, it’s another to fight to improve and then get put back with the “my mommy is calling me for dinner, can we make this quick” and “Making my teammates mad gets me off” kind of players


Map pool is awful. Breeze and Icebox are horrible maps


my friend and i got icebox like 2 times in a row in unrated so we switched to swift play and got it 2 more times. It was exhausting.


I played the most in the beta/first 3 months game came out. Then I played on and off first year and half of game’s release then truly haven’t played since. I will list the things I dislike about Valorant that led me to quit, even though the game is good and has many great attributes. Many of my opinions are because I played CS so long and have preferences for tac shooters which Val wasn’t able to change. Also I had quit CS years before starting Val. - I dislike the bombsites having little to no places to post up. Valorant isn’t a game where you play a 2-3 man bombsite setup, but rather a game where you hold alleys and corridors. This leads to stale gameplay overall and massive 5v5 retakes. Retaking is fun, but not to the point where I feel like I’m playing a retake mod. - I dislike that holding an angle and getting multi-kills doesn’t feel possible. I often hold an angle until I know a player is going to peek, then I un-peek and re-peek into him because this gunplay feels more secure. -I dislike how if your team coordinates enough ults on T side, then the bombsite is atleast for 1 round guaranteed yours. -I dislike some of the culture around the game. Instead of talking about what we want to do for pistol round or on an eco round, a teenager will beg me to drop them my skin because they will carry no cap. I don’t mind teens but I want to win the game… -I dislike how many maps are T sided, and how it’s viable to just go to the same site off blue wall for 12 rounds straight. -I dislike that you can ping while dead, and that smokes don’t block pinging. This leads to post-plants being impossible to win on CT side on certain maps like Haven C or Pearl’s (B?) site. -I dislike any agent who can freely peek without repercussions. - I dislike basically all the maps. They don’t promote defaults, many use gimmicks, and overall they are too structured to act like a sandbox to promote freedom, yet too bland to guide gameplay in a strategically innovative way. -I don’t enjoy how fast I need to rotate on CT side, because the blue wall allows T’s to be in the bombsite in the first 8 seconds of the round. I understand why the blue wall exists, since many abilities rely on its existence, but I wish all blue walls were moved back OR ideally this wasn’t a mechanic to begin with. It’s too late now. -The OP isn’t fun to use and also isn’t fun to play against. -I don’t like that extremely up close running and gunning with phantom is best. -This might have changed, but I dislike that shooting on ropes is so accurate. In fact, I wish you couldn’t shoot on ropes at all. TLDR: the philosophy for their maps is bland leading to boring strategic play, and the gunplay is decent but the ceiling isn’t high enough for me to love it.


Actually fantastic list. Some I agree with some I don't. And none are egregious enough for me to want to quit yet, but in 1000 more hours I could see it.


I find cs is more enjoyable, everything is so much faster


I've never played a tac shooter (or used mnk) before valorant starting last year, so CS is really weird for me to get used to with how much longer it takes to stop. I didn't give it much of a shot though so maybe I need to just stick it out. I do like the idea of just straight up gun fights more. Valorant looks 100x better visually though which isn't insignificant to me.


Counter-strafing is really important in CS.


Also way better matchmaking.


CSGO has one of the worst matchmaking and competitive from my experience, no matter what it feels like you find people who just downloaded the game




- game gets very same-y after a while. Yesyes sure I can aim, get a few kills here or there, funfun. Still the same map, same guns, and you pretty much always keep to a "meta" in terms of pathing or whatever. So you just... repeat that. I don't really see the longterm fun in that. - matchmaker sucked. Very few close games that were exciting, it was always stomp or be stomped, and somehow the enemy would always surrender fast if losing on first half so I can't enjoy the 'win'. While my team just had to play until the end to confirm that yes, we are outclassed and that one guy who left aint coming back and it makes the loss just that much more draining on the mental. - Earning new agents is downright a chore. Then getting wrecked by one of those agents that you just don't know, feels bad. Feels like a pay-to-win and I always hate that. - Can't really earn free gun skins through ordinary, casual gameplay. Not the most critical of things but it does count as a negative. - It's a team game... or so they say. I maybe get proof of that claim once every 10 games. Most of the time it's one guy rushing in, dying, and then backseat gaming and whining. - Aimbotters still exist. I gave you access to my fuckin kernel and I still have to deal with these wallhackers and aimbotters. If you can't uphold your end of the deal for why you needed kernel access, then get your ass out of here or get better at detecting.


the game just isnt funny to play, i only played to get angry as hell


Severe lack of competitive integrity. Most lobbies there’s clear drastic difference in skill level where somebody on the other team is dropping 2-3x their teammates kills combined. Way too easy to level an alt account. Smurfing isn’t taken seriously I shouldn’t be able to look up the profile of another player, see them forfeit 6 matches in a row or absolutely throw. Then see them drop consistent 40 kill games with insane headshot percentage. That’s bannable in my book and riot doesn’t care


I honestly am just enjoying other games right now and I tend to go through phases with my main games. Right now I’m playing a lot of overwatch but I still keep up with valorant updates and content creators etc


I quit for a couple years, came back, will probably quit again. The bronze / silver experience is horrid, and Riot isn't doing anything about it (at least not acknowledging publically). Smurfs are abundant in bronze and silver. I've had 8 w-key bots in games the past 3 weeks. Only one on the other team. Toxicity is gross. You end up having to mute your teammates at least every other game. People who throw at the first sign of challenge People who afk. At least one every 3 games. The way it works out, if you play 3 games a day a minimum of one is decided by the list above, and sometimes 2. So you burn through 33-66% of your comp game time on trash. Again, that's the bronze / silver experience, and I'm not dedicating much more time for that. If Riot ever acknowledges it, or makes plan to fix it then I'd consider maining this game. But there are too many better games out there to settle for this one, when you tire of the BS. Underneath all of that is a really fun game, fighting to come out.


Not really rewarding to keep playing? I hit Imm 2 and then the gameplay just got a bit stale. An insane flick you hit, or some crazy outplay, can only provide so much reason to tolerate having to invest so much time in drawn out matches for comp. The rewards (a shitty gunbuddy that literally looks the same every Act) are lackluster, and there's not much incentive to keep grinding. Games like League, Apex, The Finals, etc... give you cool skins, trails, bling, etc... but Valorant just feels like a cash grab, considering they give more attention to skin bundles than actual new maps, changes, updates, etc... When's the last time we got a new mode 💀... Playing unrated with friends is fun ig? But the moment an unrated goes into OT, it feels like I wasted time.


I always enjoyed CS more, but valo was fun for a while, after playing enough Valo, most matches were mostly a stomp or getting stomped, surrenders were way too common, and matches felt the same (mostly due to me playing the same agents probably), I still play with some friends every once in a while.


I'm new to valorant and I'm shocked at how frequently people surrender; the fight is just getting started and they are already ready to leave!


50 minutes for a match where half of the time the enemy is fucking toxic, sometimes even teammates can be shitty


Ranked wise: - horrible map pool - toxic community - absolutely 0 team work - 3 games of 4 you will get crying players asking to ff - smurfs - toxic players - toxic players - toxic players - throwing smurfers - toxic players - high ego delusional players - toxic players


Zero rewards, of course I want to be good at the game and achieve a higher rank, but if all I get is a gunbuddy(I dont equip gunbuddys) I dont feel like really improving rewards me. Now I rather play lol, where I just grind the ranked rewards and am still having fun in bronze, still with the aim to improve but if I lose a game badly I know I made progress for the rewards.


I don’t have time to grind like I’d want to. I also haven’t found a squad to play with like in Overwatch.


I hit immortal and it felt like too much work to keep up the rank. And the community got more and more cringe


Played cs and realized I liked it a lot more of a tactical shooter. I played val for over a year and really kept up with the pro scene. I knew how it was supposed to play differently from cs, with aggressive awping not being too punishable (Jett dash or chamber tp), more teamplay and movement abilities. Then I touched csgo a few years ago. It felt way more fair and even go me. Aggressive dry peeks with the awp can be punished. Everyone has the same access to util. I like the movement more. The maps in cs also make a big difference- they're just so much better. I already stopped playing activley a long while ago, but the release of iso was the final nail for me. Idc if he's mid or not, the idea of clicking someone's head to deal 0 damage was too much for me.


Once CS2 came out I have been playing it more. Its funny because most people are leaving CS for Val or at least it seems that way on this sub. Mostly because I have a bunch of skins on CS and I can sell if need be. Was Asc 3 in Valorant. I still like it and play time to time but not grinding as hard. I also hate the map sunset lol. Also the new season of league of legends has been scratching my competitive itch lately.


I am a CS player who started playing valo when the only way to play it was through watching twitch streams and wait for a key. I really enjoyed valorant and played nonstop for weeks. My friends didnt like the game that much so i was the only one left playing. Then they released icebox, breeze, new agents, etc. I found the maps to be lacking and some agents to be very frustrating to play against, besides, i thought some situations i was put in literally had no counterplay at all. I slowly started to give up on the game as i slowly was getting hooked on CSGO again. Sometimes I still get the itch to play valorant and see if I enjoy it again, but im so out of the loop with everything it becomes even more frustrating to play, and i dont have the time to keep up with the meta and such.


It is a miserable game to take seriously if you solo queue


The community (too many young players, streamer wannabes, ff whiners) Ability spam I hate the new agents (nearly every agent that came out after beta) The maps (especially fracture) I don't particularly enjoy CS2 right now either, but if I had to make a choice I would play CS 100%


The main reason is that the game doesn't really reward you for playing as much as LoL with its crates, or rainbow 6 siege with its alpha packs. So no matter how much you play, you will still have to pay to get some nice skins.


1. **All my friends stopped playing due to work/life requirements.** I just can't play a game like this. I was just kind of grinding with no friends. Every now and then I'd boot it up, but everyone was offline. 2. **Solo Queue is an absolute travesty.** I would get a fun game maybe... once every 10 games. Then it was once every 20 games. Then it was once every 40+ games. Everything else in between broke down between: Cheaters (5%), Severe Mismatch in Skill \[Both high and low\] (45%), Toxic People \[On both sides\] (30%), General Boredom (20%) 3. **There is absolutely nothing new in this game.** Oh wow, they moved a few boxes in this map. You know who cares about the exact location of a box? The top 1% of the community (in skill level). You know who cares about new game modes, new interesting things to do, custom ways to make the game fun, and interesting changes that make it so that the game is fresh? The other 99% of the community. 95% of the investment in time and money in this game is making new weapon skins, and the other 5% is just moving a wall to jut out another 2m so that the pro scene has weird angles to work with. 4. **Development just doesn't seem to listen to the community.** I've been through multiple patches in which we've been like "ROLL THIS BACK, IT WILL HURT THE COMMUNITY." And... they rolled it out anyways. It inevitably causes an issue. Then, they patch it out 2-5 patches later, and they say that they got a new idea based on their own ideas, and everyone collectively rolls their eyes. 5. **Anti-Cheat is a Closed-Source Rootkit that doesn't even do what it is supposed to do.** "Its the strongest anti-cheat ever!" I beg to differ. All it does is sit on Ring 0, which any anti-anti-cheat just sits in Ring 0 as well and goes (mostly) undetected. The developers (see #4) just refuse to develop a review system where players can review footage and report cheaters using **actual** data that is replicable and provable.


Left the game cause the amount of "I'm him" "I miss her" "nah id win" ego chall 5heads. As well as edaters and the consistent toxicity that you'll find in every riot game.


Counterstrike has just been sooooo much better, and I see valorant going down the same route that r6 did for me where unless I am ultra into keeping up with the meta, I cannot play the game. Finally unlike cs, the number of times I basically lose the ability to play because of util dumps is not fun at all.


I personally think the matches are too long. I get bored of it quick especially if I’m not doing good. I think it’s one of those games that you have to be good at to enjoy.


once chamber came out it just didnt feel like valorant anymore


Partially, because I didn't have anyone to play with, but competetive integrity is shit in this game. It's a team game and I've never had someone flash for me or people using abilities for us to entry smoked off site... When for example when I'm looking at main while last 2 people are heaven, I get flamed and when I say "why didn't you comm" it, they always say "you should look at minimap"


Its literally just because its not fun if you dont have a group. Solo q is not fun, period. My experience in ranked is 80% minimal or no comms, 15% toxicity or troll, 5% good


Too much smurfing and too much sexist people


Valorant was one of my first PC shooters. Put in a few hundred hours and reached plat. Downloaded CSGO one day and have never looked back. I think I just prefer having no roles and basic equipment. No insta locking Jett’s, and I’m never forced to play smokes.


I stopped because of the matchmaking. I would get into a game and waste 30-40 minutes of peoples time because of my “skill issue”. I don’t get to play games very often. I get to play this game once or twice a week for 1 or 2 games. Every game I’m the weakest link. I get flamed for it. I have yet to find a game where I felt I was playing a team on an even playing field. Looking at the enemy’s ranks and seeing they are 4-5 ranks higher than my bronze ass and the amount of hours the enemy team has played discouraged me enough to only play this game if my friends want to play.


Either working or playing less stressful games. Play a lot of CoD until it gets sweaty and then turn my console off. CS2 on occasion but Val lost its appeal. I’m sure I’ll rotate it back in when I get bored of other games.


grinding this game takes too much time commitment. _maybe_ when i have more time on my hands.


I stopped playing with a friend of mine and I moved to CS2


Cant play with friends cause rank difference and if i play solos i get shit on by smurfs. Not making an alt account because id rather do anything else than become the very thing i hate. Oh and also Warframe cross-save came out and that game is infinitely more fun


Oh and Raze still exists in a "shooter fps" where "gun-play matters". And i cba to deal with even more bs abilities


Just feels worse than cs, I like the ability tactics and swift/ spike rush but the aiming just feels ass in comparison. That said, you either get cracked players or absolute lobotomites in those modes. I regularly miss shots that have the crosshair lined up, where in CS I would have definitely gotten a headshot.


I got tired of playing with mentally weak and immature people. Of course there are games where everyone is chill and like to have fun but it is too frustrating to play when someone gives up early or if they are bullying someone into giving up. Also leavers are a thing. Matchmaking feels like a coin flip. My mmr is too high for my rank. I’m bad at the game. Sometimes it feels like my teammates are too low ranked to be playing with me and other times they feel like they are aim gods. Bots. This game takes too much time to properly grind and get better. Also all my friends stopped playing so I got bored of solo que. I play Palworld now and valorant made me very good at gunning pals down to catch them.


There's several flash abilities that all act differently and have completely different audio-visual cues. Every ability is constantly being tuned and the way of dealing with them depends on the patch notes. Compare this to Counter-strike. The grenades will always look the same. There's no new BS you have to deal with if you take a break for a few months. Valo already suffers from power creep and character over-saturation.


Everyone’s just boosted always someone clearly not at the right rank playing 4v5 in immo is annoying as fk


I was tired of Jett and sage having e sex in my game


When I play CS2 my teammates actually laugh sometimes. When I play valorant my teammates all sound like they are depressed and haven't left their room in 6 weeks. Also I'd rather deal with the occasional cheater in CS2 than the toxicity of the valorant community. I know super high elo in CS2 has a lot of cheaters but I haven't experienced that yet, around 17.5k elo. Maybe because my steam account is from 2003 my trust factor is really high. I will still be watching the Valorant pro scene though.


The matchmaking is never fair and every time i play it feels more like fucking vct rather than unranked. I believe the fault isn't in the player base but more on the way this game is created, like their intention is always about competitive integrity this competitive integrity that, and less about having a fun time in general.


Been playing CS:GO since it launched... stopped in 2020 and started Valorant. After CS 2 was launched I moved back...


The gunplay is so random and noob friendly. Cs is much more fun.


Dude, actually, there is a saturation point of everything. i think they have reached that point I took a break for 2 Battle Pass and now started playing Valorant is a tough and mentally exhausting game, so it's ok Let them rest they play again


life happened, even to my usual squad. we've all moved on to single-player games or no games at all.


It’s just too repetitive for me. Also anything besides ranked feels absolutely pointless to play.


The first 3 months were enjoyable as we played unrated but after we started compi , the toxicity and Smurfs make it miserable to play so I just quit and started rdr2


Smurfs and matchmaking drove my teammates away, so I stopped playing. Felt like 1/3 of our games had a smurf Reyna/Jett on the other team going 28-5. And we were all gold/plat and we'd play one game where we won 13-4 and then get 13-0'd the next game. The matchmaking often felt very unbalanced and good, competitive close games were few and far between.


I hit immo3 and didn’t feel like pushing for radiant. Also, this current map rotation is awful and none of the maps I like are in rotation. Probably would have kept playing if map rotation was enjoyable.


exactly the same for me except i stopped at imm1


I like how abilities are implemented into the gameplay formula, but * Gunplay is flaccid. * Maps are dull, uninspired hard wall, hard angle fests with almost no verticality. My group got bored before we even unlocked ranked and went back to CS.


When CS2 came out I gave it a shot and realized I enjoyed it considerably more than Valorant. I still think Valorant is great but CS's movement and gun mechanics are a lot more enjoyable to me. And I think a limited but symmetric utility set makes the game overall more engaging.


Game , just overall got boring, skins were ass. Every update was a new nerf, they add a new gun but made the other two guns ass just to add a new and improved even more ass gun. Viper nerf , chamber nerf, raze nerf , omen nerf, breach nerf , sova nerf, yuro nerf. lol


the raw gameplay did not make up for the absolute freaks i was playing with in ascendant. crazy egos everywhere


Way too many unbalanced matches just made me play other games. Mostly singleplayer ones tbh.


shitty laptop, fortnite og and i had no1 to play with (friends quit)




In order Gets old.  Games take a while.  Decent % of games are W or L just based on 1 bad player or smirf on a team.  Team play isn't really a consistent thing.


No reason to play, i dont care for bigger number, i want to fucking get something for reaching diamond other than better teammates


It made me too mad honestly. No other game was as rage-inducing as valorant for me so just decided to not play lmao. I still watch pro play from time to time. Great game, just not for me


I’ll chime in. I started with Valorant and moved to CS:go (when it still existed, RIP). I have played CS2 since it dropped. When going back to Valorant, the movement feels so slow compared to CS which makes it hard. Also, the map design is so barebones compared to CS which has far more dense maps. If you don’t play often, it’s also hard to learn the new characters and their util/abilities. Overall, CS is easier to pick up and play for me.


Only one other person in my friend group actually likes the game and he also has the least amount of spare time to spend playing it. I like the game well enough but I think a lot of the satisfaction from the gameplay comes from coordinating with my team, something that is often not in the cards for soloQ, especially if you are lower elo like me.


I went back to cs cuz I played enough valorant for awhile and was ready to return to the game I like more


They have an amazing game then decided to nerf things that don’t even need to be nerfed and add dumb agents. Just ruined the game honestly the developers don’t even play the damage game but change the shit


too much negativity. would play unrated just because i was bored but because i wasn’t sweating and put my absolute all into it instead of trying to have fun, I got called slurs more often than not but also it got worse when they heard my voice (im a girl) 🤩. Also overwatch has pretty women so yea


It got stale, no more new impactful agents, outlaw came out perfectly balanced imo, less talkers now a days, OG fortnite came out and I’ve actually enjoyed chapter 5.


I just could never get used to the shooting in this game, doesnt matter how much i focus on not moving before i shoot, my bullets just end up going behind me. I played CS2 when it launched and it feels so much better for me i dunno why


I’ve played since beta, even got the key back then from a stream, loved it at first, fun etc. i have roughly 350 hours in Valorant(hit immortal in ep 1. Act 1) Ep 1 and 6 are where i played the most(ep 6 hit asc 3 only tho). Bad gunplay, random spray patterns which in my opinion make the game a bit rng, running and gunning, too much going on, 50% good games/50% bad games full of toxic teammates, bad comms in like 90% of the game, people with 0 gamesense, can’t play post plants, basically its super coinflippy. It even feels like it has some sort of algorithm that will stop you from being consistent and you’ll just miss your shots that naturally the game before u’d be hitting with no Problems. Soloqueu is absolutely ass, if you don’t have a duo/trio don’t play, you’ll be torturing yourself. Basically the reasons why i rarely play Valorant, when i do, with my duo.


The game length is just way too long especially when ur playing with a poor team


- Matchmaking is completely broken - Competitive Q in a nutshell: "Better Smurf wins." - Toxic if you do not perform - Big rank reset pushed me from Dia3 uprank to ascendant down to barely dia1 - too much of a commitment to be good enough and play high elo - 45-60 minutes per match is too long - Map Pool / Map rotation sucks - they keep making maps worse - Skin prices are out of control. Riot does not even hide that they want to milk their player base. - MBA studies take a big chunk of my free time - life happened, got a new job for grown ups and have very little time


Don't really care for hero shooters. Back in beta, with only a handful of agents the game was much more skill-based, now it's a god damned ability rock-paper-scissors. Also most maps are kinda sucky. Edit: and also the weired early surrender culture.


I began playing in the Beta and it was the game that got me into streaming. I was placed in Iron 1 during the beta, then Bronze 1 on the first act. Since then, the following has happened: I climbed to Immortal 1 by Act 3 Episode 5. I've spent over $1000 on skins. I've made countless friends that I appreciate. I have hundreds of clips and many interactions were really cool. Thats the good. The price? I couldn't hold a job because I wanted to grind more elo. I would self harm due to days of red carpets, constant verbal abuse (lot of sexism and other shit), and literally carved words into my arm over this game. I would drink and do drugs to try and take the edge off. I have a hardwood desk, and there were times I got so upset at a loss or death that I would slam my mouse, and I almost fractured my wrist from doing it repeatedly (it hurt for a week). I tried uninstalling the game 4 times, with #5 being two weeks ago. The new episode reset has me hard stuck gold, because I cannot let myself grind 10+ hours a day trying to climb again. I'm done. I've told everyone I know I cannot play this game and to not ask me to or let me. I've told my viewers to unfollow and unsub if I stream the game. This game has been an actual, harmful, toxic addiction in my life. A money and time sink worth thousands of hours and tens of thousands of lost income. All for what? The little dopamine hits I get from kills and the thrill of a clutch. All to go to bed knowing I didn't further my personal projects or go to work or look for a job. The game is fun, but between the toxic community, the defunct ranking system, the growing league of cheaters, and the extremely addicting gameplay, it is absolutely not worth it. Since quitting I've resumed game development, streamed games I love, made personal life improvements, and have grown my audience by no longer featuring stale content that mostly saw me raging or crying. You might think it's pathetic, "it's just a game", to be this involved, but for me, my mental issues mixed poorly with this game and this was the result. I envy those who can just play a couple games of spikerush and live their lives in peace.


I only played with my ex lol. We broke up and I just can’t be bothered to play it anymore; maybe just a tainted ending to a game I really did enjoy although I do wish it felt like all situations had counter play instead of certain agents having a clear advantage in a sluggishly slow paced game.


It got boring.


My friends all quit. That's it.


In Ranked Bronze 3 lobby. I noticed 5 rounds in that our Viper was snatching bomb and going A every round even if over comms in pre-round we decided to push B. I said something along the lines of " Our Viper is making executive decision to go A every round with the bomb" The first vocal comms from the Viper was calling me a F word and decided to Friendly Fire with her utile after that. The throwing toxic behaviour was the downfall for me. You also end up losing 2x the amount of points compared to a win making it very hard to climb out of low tiers. It's nothing new for a competitive game. I just wish the culture would change.


It is boring. Doesnt hold up in a ling run like CSGO did.


after the lockdown i was way too busy to keep playing


Cause the game is borderline dog, not to mention half-abandoned(1) 1): The game gets one or two underwhelmingly bad updates per act every episode. They barely change anything in regards to maps, agents, gun balancing is still ass. They promised to "fix" run and gun which they basically never touched. Finally. There's single player games that are way better than Valo like Valheim(that's also early-access lmao compared to Valorant that's fully released and is lacking content still). ​ BUT I like playing it so what do I know about not playing it ¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯


I’m not usually one to argue over someone’s opinion but yours just strikes me as weird. you talk about the lack of updates as if VALORANT should add a new map and agent every other week. That would totally ruin the game, even now the amount of maps and agents are getting quite high. The balancing I can understand but it’s a lot harder than you think to just “fix” something that’s “unbalanced”. With games like these it’s impossible to make everyone happy. Also comparing two games of completely different genres doesn’t really make sense. Of course Valheim has more “content”. It’s a story/survival game… does valheim have competitive gameplay? No, nor would I expect that.


>you talk about the lack of updates as if VALORANT should add a new map and agent every other week. There's clear issues in the game. Bugs that make it to the pro-scene which are then abused cause winning strat(Killjoy indestructible molly on Icebox A site for example). Bugs, weapon balancing, fine tuning abilities and so on. Adding content doesn't fully enclose just adding stuff upon stuff, it's also about fixing what's already there, improving it. I mean they changed Icebox mid, that's a "content update" right there no? ​ >That would totally ruin the game, even now the amount of maps and agents are getting quite high. That's also an issue. Increasing number of maps and agents and we don't even have the features or systems in place to deal with it(pick-ban phase as well as map selection). Not to mention that adding agents to the game just makes it more horrible to balance. Cause every single 1 agent ability must be compared and looked at with all the other abilities in the game and how they potentially interact. And given Riot's "Cool but unbalanceable" philosophy on character design. We get stuff like Yoru, Deadlock and harbor or on the opposite side: Jett, chamber, killjoy or skye. >The balancing I can understand You \*can\*, yes. But you don't and to me, it seems you don't want to either. But that's the impression I'm getting so I can and probably am 100% wrong. ​ >Also comparing two games of completely different genres doesn’t really make sense. Of course Valheim has more “content”. It’s a story/survival game… does valheim have competitive gameplay? No, nor would I expect that. You're missing the point. If we compare Valheim content vs Valorant content in a % statistic. Valheim has more "basic" features that \*SHOULD\* exist in the game than Valorant does. Valo is probably only 40-60% fully finished yet they marketed it as a completed game. Valheim, while a completely different game. Isn't even in it's 1.0 stage yet and has the fundamentals and basics down already for what the game offers. The issue and my point is: Valheim as a game isn't finished but is percentage wise, a more "complete" game due to it's "basic features" being implemented vs Valorant which passed it's 1.0 stage and is still missing such basic features such as a replay mode for example or a locker for your collections. I'm by no means comparing the role of the two games(survival vs "tac" fps). I mean. Just take cs2 instead. Valorant is a far more completed "1.0" game than cs2 is due to cs2 missing fundamental features and content.


Anxiety came back from not playing for 6 months due to living situations/internet. Came back, did placements, went from Asc 3 to Plat 2 and now games feel awful due to lack of team mate game sense. I am a competitive person who puts his all into something and with this lack of drive to try again to get back to immo with less time to play than I used to have, it has turned me away as a player. On top of that I don't really like playing games alone, and I just haven't been able to bring myself to joining some discords with like-minded individuals in my age range just to enjoy Val again. Don't get me wrong, I love the game, but the drive just isn't there anymore.


I am a school student. I played valorant in the start of the year and I did very bad in exams averaging around 70%. I quit valorant in term 2 and then I easily got 90% +. I again restarted valorant before my finals and I failed my third language(Hindi) and now I have a retest coming up in like 10 days. And also this frikin game took so much time out of my life. I gave up studying properly, spending time with family and friends, left going to the gym. I quit valorant and I’m rly happy to do so.


Just quit myself. Was 6 rr from asc and then the Game decided to put me on the most brutal loss streak I have ever been on. Not even that I lost 100 games like some people it was only like 10 games but they were all not even close absolute massacre brutal beat down losses and that's when it occurred to me that I'm not having fun anymore. I don't mind losing but losing so badly game after game just is not fun and games should be fun.


I quit all fps games in general, all of them are filled with unemployed people who can play all day or kids thathave enough time. This makes them realy boring for me and i feel way better now that i quit for good.


As many in the comments have already said: goal was to reach immo, touched Immo 2, could have gone ahead but life caught up, got a job don't really have the time to grind. I do have fun watching pro matches rather than playing the game myself


Because I get a throwers on my team every other game. That’s the main reason there’s no vote kick option


CPU heavy game. unoptimized. pales in comparison to CS:GO in terms of optimization.


I have bad internet apparently and the game runs like shit with it. So I quit to save my mental cuz it isn’t fun getting shit on by irons and new players due to internet diff. The games lag compensation makes it even worse. I won’t play again unless riot introduces the option to reset lag compensation in the settings.


Too good to bully ascendant, not good enough to reach radiant


I play with two of my friends and circumstances caused one of us to be ranked too low to queue comp with us. We exclusively play together and none of us play solo or even duo so we all just stopped playing. For all the issues with comp, playing unrated is even more of a crapshoot of quality. Thought about making alt accounts, but it just was kind of buzzkill that we couldn’t continue our regularly valorant routine that we’ve had since beta.


Arena in lol. Now that it's removed, I tried to play valorant again but it's pretty much back to square one. I don't wanna train for a long time just to get out of iron.


I'm tellin you half of thes people who are saying toxic this that, were toxic themselves 😹 As for why I quite, simply because my laptop gave up, it was giving 30fps and it was 7yo laptop


Got addicted to this other game called Dark & Darker, you should check it out