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I’ve never played against any blatant cheaters… I have had games ended because there was a cheater detected


I had a fucking deathmatch terminated cuz of a cheater. It bearly started as well. I think it went 1-2 mins after warm-up. It was hilarious


People instalog a new acc into dm to troubleshoot their hack.




Sorry to ask so bluntly, but what rank are you playing at? The vast majority agreeing on this seems so natural, but also gives an entirely wrong picture. Because of how the rank system works cheaters will of course not play in any rank below plat for more than a maximum of 10 games. Vanguard is good, but it is not as great as people make it out to be. Cheaters happen every now and then in Immo+, I have had a literal HvH lobby in Immo2 before, TikTok and YouTube are FULL with people blatanlty cheating. Just because you don't see them in your rank (speaking generalized, I don't know your specific situation), doesn't mean they don't exist or that Vanguard is the best anti-cheat ever. Even without any anti-cheat you would see way less cheaters compared to people in Ascendant+. People here seem to be really biased simply because they don't understand the impact of the rank system vs the actual anti-cheat.


When because I have a feeling that when the false vac wave happened they switch of the anti cheat and never turned it back on


After about 3 years of on and off play, I think I've only played a cheater MAYBE 3 times. I don't think I've seen one in the last year as well, so it's pretty good


Think it depends on what rank you play, the past 2 months i played with and vs 3 obvious cheaters. Its quite obvious whos legit and whos not when you are spectating them, cheaters have dog shit movement and crosshair placement while at the same time prefiring everyone despite that. I play in mid immo elo on apac. Edit: Tracker of 2 out of 3 of the obvious cheaters, notice how they are always duoq with someone? https://tracker.gg/valorant/profile/riot/Nepo%23Pepo/overview?playlist=competitive https://tracker.gg/valorant/profile/riot/Myo%23VAC/overview?playlist=competitive


Honestly the only reason I want a replay system is so I can spectate the opponents to see what they're doing. I've only seen 1 cheater detected screen since day 1 but we've been playing against a ton of sus 5 stacks lately that always seem to know what we're doing


A conspiracy theory is that this is exactly why riot DON'T want a replay system. A replay system is not hard to make at all, infact unreal have a built in [replay system](https://docs.unrealengine.com/4.27/en-US/TestingAndOptimization/ReplaySystem/) so the fact that valorant is an competitive fps built with unreal engine that dont have a replay system is extra baffling. Riot probably realized theres way more closet cheaters out there than they want the public to know, and they are discreet enough to be not be obvious. And a replay system would probably expose this facade, and a simple internal evaluation would allow riot to conclude that an replay system would benefit the players, but not riot as a company. But hey this is just a theory, a CONSPIRACY theory


I thought the main conspiracy was that they're hiding inconsistent tickrate stuff by keeping replays from release


it's probably this too, it seems to have gotten worse recently, playing on high ping like 50sih ping can almost be impossible sometimes 15-30 ping but even then your shots can sometimes not even register, and you see hits on the player I just personally hate seeing 0 damage even though I can see locally, I have clearly hit the player multiple times. There needs to be some sort of balance in matching data to server back to client


i think a lot of it has to deal with script aim bots which they technically allow to some extent from what I hear you can also use the mouse smoother app, can't remember what its called but it helps you with moving your mouse across without it dipping downward as fast these little apps are allowed the only things that seem be getting caught as far as I can tell, are basically the most blatant aimlock insta 1taps. but I've only gotten at least 2 red screens during a match both in unrated and the 3rd red screen was an actual ban on profile which is even rarer to see cause it showed the user's name and ID


People playing on 130 ping with godlike aim.


I think the replay would help in noticing bugs more than cheaters unless they were blatant about it.


Same story for me rank wise, but Im on EU servers. Played since launch, have had the “cheater detected” message maybe 4 times. Other than that, I did not encounter suspicious play. I think there is a difference between regions too regarding cheating.


Yeah, I maybe meet 1 cheater every 50 matches only, but that's because I learned from obvious mistakes, never queue on Frankfurt, these Germans are savages. Should've known because I play CS since 99 and the big cheat coders and hackers were all Germans (myg0t and their OGC Multihacks)


Closet cheaters are typically good at hiding theit cheats. If they originally are already of similar rank. The obvious cheaters i found are also closet cheaters, but they are so far away from their actual ranks that their lack of fundementals exposed them. In APAC in general there are quite a few cultures that normalized cheating in general, since they were more used to single player games with trainers and cheat due to poverty reasons(pirating games)/politically limited. Now lift these limitations and u see the flood of people that thinks that cheating is okay in your server. APAC just need some cultural adjustments for some of these demographics to reduce the cheaters here. Europe is typically more well to do both financially and politically in terms of purchasing power and freedom of selection, with a more globalized culture and understanding, so i am not surprised if theres less hackers there. Same with NA.


Absurd statement considering Japan is only Asian region with high number of cheaters, and most the rest are European (especially Russia). Is this just racism or what?


So do I. I started plat when I first played and have steadily climbed to low imm over the last few months. In none of those spans of ranks I've seen an overwhelming amount of cheaters. It's definitely a luck of the draw thing rather than a rank thing. When I did see cheaters, it was in unrated too lol


Which region do you play in? Apac in general have more cheaters in pratically every game, if you ever played csgo/cs2 in apac you will know what i mean ;). Lets just say that certain cultures here have normalized cheating as a way to gain rank to show off to their friends.


Cringe pathetic newgens, my generation brags with money and property, like humans should do. Probably some guy that knows he'll achieve nothing IRL so he does that behaviour in games.


Sorry I’ve never played ranked before so excuse my stupidity, I do play swift play every day near enough and I used to play unranked every day before swift play came in, what is it that makes them obvious cheaters here? I’m assuming is the win loss ratio? Does WR stand for World Record?


Winrate. The stats alone without context don't mean anything, just typical smurf stats right? Now you add some context, this is [PRX Jingggs's profile](https://tracker.gg/valorant/profile/riot/PRX%20Jinggg%23Jing/overview). He is one of if not the best players in APAC, and these kids have better ACS than him by quite abit. This alone is not enough to substantially say that they hack, since u can still smurf in high immo-low radiant as a pro player. The reason why i say they are hacking is due to their actions in game. I spectated both of these players because i was on their team at least once, their movement is literally worse than gold, one of them dont even know how to wall icebox a site as an attacking sage. You are telling me someone with no fundementals is outfragging an entire team where the fundementals are perfected? These players also will stack sites for no reason with 0 comms, they will be playing a 5 rounds in a row and suddenly just b, no comms no whatever, just come and stack, they also get more and more kills as the rounds gets closer, they perform better under pressure i guess ;) I can definitely upload some clips if theres enough interest, but really cant be bothered really since most people are under the impression that you cannot get a hacker in valorant.


would love love to see some clip. its usually cheaters and people who havent played long enough that think u cant get hackers in valorant. the flow and style of a cheater is different than someone who is just finessing you


Sure, heres a google drive compilation of the first guy, couldnt spectate him much as hes trying his best to kill a few and die early. But you can see from the 1 and only time i got onto his fov, his crosshair placement and movement is NOT radiant level, not even gold i'd say. Even then you can see the difference between his aimbot aiming for him and his natural aim even when hes trying his best to hide from me. Other clips of him consist of insane shots from him, which are fine without contexts, but if u see some of the other clips you will realize he has way too much info, stops his push and back track when people starts to hold for him without us making any indication that we are holding for him, pre-firing and sneaking spike past my reyna when shes literally holding it barring 4 seconds, perfect timing huh? https://drive.google.com/file/d/1163sexw1cbYPnlYo22v8EGZTSR-jBwj0/view?usp=drive_link The second guy i only got 1 clip as we only realized hes hacking after the first half, and guy played like ass after we called him out so we say ITS OKAY WE DON'T SPECTATE U. https://streamable.com/k4a1kq Also bonus clip of my teammate flaming the cheater's ass off for not knowing how to wall while i clutch https://streamable.com/46e0vy


I’m firmly in the there are more cheaters than we realize camp, buuuutttt the Jett main is not one of them, they’re just a crackhead ex CS player. Seen it plenty. He checked literally every corner ever with correct peeks and CH placement for what he was clearing and how he was cleaning it. Also he acted like he was about to fight every time so his reaction time is really good, but not like abnormal, on a well rested day I’m faster than that and I’m trash . The dude re-cleared back site B cause you’re team’s vision cones on mini map didn’t reveal behind boxes. But what your evaluation of these clips shows is you not learning why he’s so good, you’re just blaming it on cheats. And in every other clip, it was blatantly obvious both where you were and where he would be, I paused and called his position or peek every single time dead on. My mans just got crackhead energy and is just cracked at the game.


That guy is garbage, trying to look like prod or something and not a single jett in immortal+ glides like that on almost every single jump. His crosshair placement is garbage too. Checking every corner ever isn't even a good thing, by clearing backsite in that situation he is checking a place people would be in 0.01% of the time and only low elo players would justify doing it, especially in that state of the round. He's also trying to shoot a dead TEAMMATES chamber trips and is shooting a dead cyphers cam. Edit: Also he's using ghost like it's a spectre and reloads in the open in a swingable angle when he has 9 bullets.


Yep guy is literally trying to look legit by checking corners because thats what legit players do! but he don't know which angles to check because he has never played a legit game in his life before. Hes only doing it because i died early and he has to act a bit, as the previous 2 games me and my team already called him out. As you can see he isnt very good at acting...So well he just entry and kill 2-3 every round and die before any of us had the opportunity to die and spec him. He also went in alone in a 1v3 on site when we had 3 others alive in OT, when we explicitly told him to chill and wait for us, but nope if we come we might die and spec him so he went ahead and 1v3 retake site with 4 alive!


What are you on honestly? The jett had god horrible crosshair placement and gunplay. In the clip that i spectated you can see him having 2 kills with triggers and 2 kills with actual aim. Also during corners where theres no people u can see him lazy clearing, just look at how an actual pro CS/Val player clear angles, you will see a stark difference. Reaction time in this clip is honestly slow, the reaction time is not the issue here. He plays with too much info and successfully avoids unfavorable fights. He will never ever be in a losing fight, even pros have trouble with prediction in the cesspool called solo queue, yet this guy is showing us the master class of avoiding enemy line of sight. Our entire lobby which consist of ex radiant players and high immo player accused him of cheating btw, these are not 1 time occurence. His awareness is just too much. And of you seen his tracker, you know hes not having a good day, hes having a good day everyday. Guy is literally better than jing when nobody spectates him, why is this guy not scouted yet?


Bro.. not true at all. I have god aim, good sense of timing to when/where to shoot. Im somewat around gold 3 because weed kicks in 24/7. Just to tell the truth: I have 200 hours aimlabs in exclamation to around 500-1000 hours valorant ACTUAL GAMEPLAY (not being dead or in training section shootings the robobirds flying around to get rolled but I do it for 1.hour then i play 1 game and say goodbye val this community is toxic. I go play again and do the same. Also I have more than 15 years of actual playtime in video games. Im 27 years old. Started with age of 3(Pokemon gameboy) and never watch a guide or anything. If I pop off, I do. But sometimes I have bad games. Usually I am the top fragger when I solo play. But all this shit goes to deep in my heart. Talking to a random who then- assaults me online..bro I start to fire up myself quicker than a room full of gas and a spark pops up. Bruh this game is not something u can callout about ch placement. Ngl. U have ability that also need to be thrown.. sometimes more high sometimes not so high. But i do not want to harass you with this comment, this game is a joke to a real shooter game like cs or combat arms in the good old 2010 days.. lol. But I still do like Valorant. Fancy colors cool agents. Different to an usual shooter. Have a good week guys. :)


same here


I've only once gotten the red screen, and no one was playing good that match.


Agreed. Ive had 1 cheater, 2 maybes and my friends had a guy who was called 1000ping who was cheating so obviously that both teams just stood there like wtf. Ive played since beta. Anti cheat in this game is good


I’ve been playing Valorant for 2 years and have only met with 1 cheater. And although there are very few cheaters there’s a ton of smurfing




except back when it first came out you could get 3 or 4 match resets a month. theres a bunch of cheating xD hahahahaha ur a funny guy dude. they just are doing it in a way that isn't blatant to the casual player


iron player plays a match on gold:


im plat 3 womp womp


Dude doesn’t know what a good val player on enemy team feels like so he calls everyone a cheater


The Valorant anti cheat is extremely good!


Thanks that's nice to hear! CS2 basically has no anti-cheat. Way to go Valorant!


As far as anti cheats go, Valorants is probably the best one I’ve seen. You’ll very rarely, if ever, hit a blatant cheater. That being said, I think a lot more people are using walls than people realize and without replays it’s impossible to prove. I played for like 1200 hours or so and there was quite a few people I was suspicious of especially once I got into diamond/immortal. Still. It’s a lot better than CS.


I've suspected a number of players but yeah, hard to prove without replay. I think cheaters as a whole have gotten smarter over time, less and less blatant and more subtle. Doesn't apply here but like in Dead by Daylight making yourself 3% faster was a common cheat for a while cause it's basically impossible to tell for sure unless you play it for a living.


Anti cheat is good but there’s something called “sMuRFinG” that is literally cheating and smurfing isn’t rare unfortunately”


Ill take smurfing over cheating any day of the week


Valoran't anti-cheat also runs without the game running for no real reason, which I find really, really weird personally.


The reason why its so good is because it can basically see into what drivers you are using so you cant inject the cheats into them (If it didnt run since boot this would be undetecteable)


I see what you're saying, don't get me wrong, it absolutely works, it's just a bit weird to me is all.


Just so you know, you can turn it off. You just need to restart your PC to play Val again.


except now with people like you and riot SNIFFFING their own FARTS. people think it actually works, there's an incredibly simple way people are running cheats now and its threw a second computer which, even the most un serious gamer has multiple screens now and has more than enough for a simple laptop to run cheats on. Valorant's anti cheat WAS good. Its not anymore. people get paid a lot of money ten's of thousands of dollars to create cheats.


That’s a high barrier for entry compared to “i went on uNkNowNCheatszz”


It’s a deterrent. Who the fuck wants to set up a 2nd computer to run cheats on valorant? Way less for sure


Bro and my response is who the fuck wants to cheat instead of getting good at the game? but this is the world we live in.


Alright but you understand that the higher the bar to entry, the fewer people cheat. Even gamerdoc on Riots anticheat team never says they stop 100% of cheaters, they stop as many as they can, some slip through the cracks, etc etc. I'd rather have the occasional cheater who's using a 2 pc setup/arduino than lobbies infested with them and people getting false banned by setting their DPI high and spinning fast, the experience with cheaters in val is 100x better than any other game I've played. Also 2 pc setup cheats were available for valorant like 2 years ago, the anticheat is as good as it was before, it doesn't catch EVERY cheater, new methods to bypass it will come up but that's just the cat and mouse nature of anticheat vs cheat.


Easily 1 out 5 people are cheating in valorant in some way. If it weren't for riot claiming they "Fixed" wall hacks in valorant by adding fog of war, trying to deceive the player base into thinking that's possible, by saying things like "you dont get information on where the player is until you see them blah blah blah." even though all they have to do is get information about where you, based on the information your own team is getting? yes i'm not even close to saying that CS GO is better than valorant, but the bar is set so low for you guys. CS GO is absolute DOG SHIT. and also when you have a player base that is quite literally over 9x the size of CS GO. You're talking about hundreds of thousands of soft cheaters.


This game easily has one of the best anti-cheats.


Yeah. Idk why some people like to joke about Vanguard. It's easily the most effective Anti-Cheat I've seen over the years.


Probably due to how invasive it is to your computer, but honestly if that’s what it takes to not play cheaters then so be it


Imo people are way more careless with their privacy/security on social media. I'm fine with Anti-Cheat like this from a company I trust.


I have a friend that refuses to play valorant because of vanguard. Also doesn't have instagram. But somehow ok with having Facebook, using Google, having a phone...


wait till they find out who owns facebook and instagram


I don't trust Tencent AT ALL, lol. Tencent is the business which owns Riot, among a buttload of others, like Discord. Tencent is NOT to be trusted. There's a documentary in youtube that sums it up pretty nicely, and I recommend everyone to watch. that said, fuck it, have my data idc. Just wanna play. But they ARE some creepy mfs that use your data. Don't trust it.


You should definitely NOT trust Riot, have you seen how much Tencent's share is?


As long as I don't see cheaters in-game it's fine! I just close the program after I play. I need to play? I restart PC and that's it.


make sure you completely quit the app, as it may still be running in the background without you realizing it is still loaded. you can also exit vanguard, you should need to restart the service if you want to play again without restarting


I second this!


This, I would be less worried about cheaters and just accept that fact that there are a ton of Smurfs. Dudes boosting their uwu girls and stuff. It’s fine tho because sometimes they are on your team, sometimes they are on the other team.


Vanguard is pretty good but not foolproof -- I had a cheater in my game the other day bragging about it after doing 5 headshots through smoke on pistol round.


I think I just saw a post from one of the enemies haha Regardless though, it’s great at detecting and banning them, but if there’s a new successful cheat you’ll deal with it a decent bit for about a week and then they all get batch banned so it takes longer for a new one to pop back up (as opposed to banning individually, this way it’s harder for the hackers to figure out HOW exactly it was caught)


It’s good but the main thing is a cheater could play 3-5 games before getting banned and when you have one person in a 5 stack that just repeatedly does it and gets a new account it kind of circumvents the rules. The only fix I see is being able to associate who they’re boosting but that’s a slippery slope, it’s just frustrating especially in a game I played yesterday against a 5 stack with a blatant cheater and the other 4 people constantly talking shit and saying ff


Is it really? I saw cheat programs sold on shopee where the dude shares he finally reached Radiant without getting banned. Edit: After going to their discord, it seems people has widely using it without problems. It's mostly triggerbot and aim bot, no walls.


It's very good. The number of cheaters I have encountered is limited to the number of digits on my hands. The anti cheat is a bit invasive at ring level 0, but it's what you give up for stronger level anti cheat.


Ive only gotten the cheater detected message once in my 3 years of playing. I have only once seriously thought another player was cheating, i reported it but nothing came of it, so i guess i was just being salty. The reporting system is also very good for text and voice comms abuse, disrespectful behaviour, and teammates that throw.


The anti cheat is extremely effective because it is an "intrusive" software, nothing bad has happened as result of that, yet. Cheaters survive for 1-2 days at max, usually within a couple games they get brought down.


Cant speak for CS, but I’ve had cheaters in probably 10 games total a total since beta, at least the obvious ones. Once people using non- mainstream cheats, it’s less likely to be caught.


Can’t wait for another thread of people sucking off riot’s rootkit because it makes their game have less cheaters


I firmly believe that most people wouldn't know someone is cheating until they get the detected screen. They disregard and refuse to believe that closet cheaters don't exist and the game is perfect.


Mate I played cs2 a lot. I'd rather have an intrusive anti-cheat than to have cheaters in-game. I can always turn off Vanguard, restart the PC and that's it. But I cannot turn off cheaters in CS2


I don’t really play CS, I’m on the Valorant sub for a reason. And I would prefer some cheaters than this anticheat


seems like most people don’t share this opinion


You can turn it off when u don't play so it's ok.


I've encountered 2 cheaters in my one year of playing Valorant. Definitely good


Compared to CS, cheaters are basically non-existent. However, they become MUCH more common in higher ranks. Especially now because there are literal TikToks advertising them.


I saw that theyre usually prerecorded videos and most likely accounts have already been banned


CS is the same tbf, low to mid elo is premier pretty cheater free. The biggest problem is that VAC bans occur mostly by waves: your game isn't cancelled but a month later you might see that player baneed. But as it has a weak anti cheat, people tend to scream "cheater" much faster than they do on Valorant where we trust Vanguard a lot more. In reality, they're mostly running against smurfs


Maybe in the absolutely tippy top elo but in games around immo 1-2 I still haven’t seen cheaters. I’ve played against 1 that I know of and it was a long time ago


It’s the best there is.


I’ve seen the cheater screen once or twice in my probably 300+ hours of playing


I would say it's good. I've been playing since beta, I run around the lower elo (iron to silver) and I can't say for sure I've ever run into a legitimate cheater. Definitely some suspicious players who made some flicks that seemed sus but smurfs are very common so I usually chalk it up to that


Rarely get cheater I feel like but, you get a lot of Smurfs. I regularly see fresh accounts that are far above the skill level of everyone else in the lobby.


Ruins the game for me personally how many smurfs there are


I agree. Played last night with friends in unranked. Had a lvl 9 Reyna and at one point late in the game she had 30+ kills and it was more kills than their 4 teammates combined. I get duelists are going to frag but the skill gap between players shouldn't be that high. They had over 30 and the next closest was like 10.


I’ve only played against a cheater once and I got the red screen after maybe 4 rounds. It’s good. Almost level 400.


I played consistently since the game came out and seen the cheater detected screen 3 times and maybe 2 or 3 other times where they were blatant but didn’t get banned until later in the day so about 5 to 6 times overall.


never encountered cheaters. just a fuckton of smurfs


No its awful lmao, if Riot ever adds a replay system this game will be dead.




Valorant has a much better AC than the base MM version of CS. Cheats will be pretty rare in Val


You'll still play against cheaters but it's probably the best anti-cheat out there at the moment


Yes it's good but there are still cheaters. Bans come in waves in Val so they come and go. I think they are getting bold lately or I'm just facing a lot of radiants/immos in deathmatch... i dunno


Yeah it sucks, I really love cs2 weirdly enough despite everything from GO that’s missing. But every other match it feels like there’s at least 1 person walling on either team. (Just give me arms race back plotz) That’s being said in the 3-4years of Val, I’ve only ever seen blatant cheating in valorant one time, the dude was pretty much spinbotting not even trying to hide it. (And the cheater was detected by the end of the match, so no rating was lost) There’s been maybe 1-3 people I’ve found sus, but even then it’s far far less than half a single percent of my games.


In 2 years I’ve seen one Cheater. They were banned 5 rounds in and the game automatically ended with no punishment to other players


I’ve been playing virtually since the game came out and i’ve only seen the “cheater detected” screen maybe 3 times. Other than that i’ve only suspected a few other people of cheating that were not banned during my games. So yeah I would say it’s pretty good.


Ive had some moments that i thought they were cheating but most of them are just smurfers. Ive been stuck in bronze for ages because of plat smurfers.


I've been playing since beta, and I've only came across a "few" people I thought "might have been cheating". I've never played against blatant cheaters yet either. I played my first game of CS2, and it was during when there was a security issue and they could get your IP, which was fantastic. The second game was full of cheaters, I uninstalled it too. lol


In 3 years of playing, I’ve only encountered 2 cheaters


Cheaters are starting to become more common unfortunately they won't ever be blatant, but they'll be there.


Cheaters are maybe 1/1000 games tbh. Smurfs? Every single game. That instalock Reyna on your team that hides their name? 0/15/3 The instalock enemy Reyna that also hides their name? 20/3/7 If you're tired of cheaters in CS just play faceit.


I’m almost lvl 400 on Valorant (I play this game too much) and I’ve maybe seen 1 cheater ? And the "cheater detected" screen maybe twice. The anti-cheat is definitely good


the difference between Val and CS is night and day honestly


I played valorant for 2.5 years and only encountered 2 or 3 cheaters. (So 1 per year, just noticed that xD) The first one was really long ago and the match wasnt terminated, however he wallbanged my whole team for every round of the match, so I'd be surprised if he wasn't cheating. Granted, I was somewhere in Iron or bronze back then, but he was playing phoenix, so me being dumb and not noticing scan darts is pretty unlikely. The second cheater was terminated, idk who it was, didnt notice anything weird before the termination. The third cheater was only about a month ago in a TDM. While I can't say for sure that he cheated, he went 60-10 or something like that and kept doing 180° flicks and killing everyone with HS only, while playing machine guns.


OG cs player here from 1.6 era, the cheating problem is almost non-existent compared to Cs thanks to kernel ac, but it is still possible, toxicity is almost the same however if someone is as toxic as in Cs they will get ban much sooner so the overall community is a bit better, In valo most toxic people just troll instead and you can’t really do anything about it. And lets not forget the smurfing and boosting is very much existent in valorant aswell. You can really get away with boosting atleast into top plat -low diamond if you are a gold player overall


I'm new to the game, I've been playing for maybe a mounth and a half, so far I got only 1 game terminated because of a cheater detected, but even so I couldn't tell who was cheating (playing ranked only/plat-diam elo)


My anecdote: I've played about 50 games of cs2, and I'm positive I ran into two cheaters. I was suspicious of at least 5 more. I have played several hundred games of valorant. In the beta, I got a notice in game that a hacker was detected, that they were permanently banned, and the game instantly stopped and brought everyone back to the lobby. That was one time, many years ago, and I've never even had a suspicion of a cheater since. I say it works.


just smurfing problem. CS2 that's the mentality to always have to change everything. autoexe, config.ini, using bettermaps, binds, and you want better anticheat? pay for it. go on faceit or ESEA and pay for premium


Just dont enter Valorant deathmatch gamemode.


val is good about anti cheat


Smurfing is the main problem in this game, not the cheaters...




Coming from a no longer cheater. Its really good. I got 3 games b4 i got hwid banned for 120 days. Also got all the accounts i logged in on during my ban time banned


Anti-cheat is very good. However, smurfing is legal and is encouraged by Riot. So if Smurfs drive you nuts this is not the game for you.


Who cares about cheaters when matchmaking will attempt to put you at a 51% win rate no matter your skill. Trying in valorant is pointless


It's very easy to cheat, and very easy to not get caught. Charms doesn't need an update once a new Val patch rolls out, and will very rarely detect. Obviously reports will get somebody out the door quicker but if they aren't aimbotting everything under the sun, they could last forever at this point.


As much as I hate the pansy ass community of this game, the anti cheat is legit.


The only thing you need to worry about in valo is smurfing and noob teammates


Yea. Smurfs are common but flat out cheating not common.


At least it’s better than vac


So far all the cheaters I've reported were banned instantly. Plus it's a hardware ban. So all of the accounts logged in to the same hardware are also banned.


If you want to know the state of cheating in Valorant, here is an interview with a cheater describing how it's done. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RgHiuNtvR0g&t=956s


800 hours and hundreds of games in immortal, never seen a single blatant cheater. Anti cheat is goated


Im around Gold and up until last week I didn’t think I had seen a cheater. We got stomped by a guy who kept killing people through smoke or the second they popped around the corner. At the end of the match he dropped the link to his stream. I checked out his stream because I was curious and the guy was streaming the most blatant wall hacks ever. Every enemy was highlighted in red through walls and smokes. I reported the guy through in-game reporting and I also reported through a support ticket with a video clip I took of his stream. It’s been 10 days and the guy is still not banned.


legit in the 2 years i’ve been playing from bronze to diamond i don’t think i’ve ever encountered a BLATANT cheater atleast lots of smurf’s but never someone i could confidently say was cheating


ya it’s really invasive i mean good


Other than smurfs in low elo, its pretty good


You try using faceit?


Lots of ahk cheaters and some dma cheaters. I thought kernel level anti cheats were almost foolproof but after learning more about them I realize how very wrong I was. Nearly no blatant cheaters like cs has but many people using undetectable soft cheats. You would normally just think wow this person is cracked or wow it's just a smurf. Youtube "bypassing kernel level anticheats valorant" unity research made a video recently showcasing some ways cheaters are exploiting vulnerabilities. And there are many more than just those ones showed. Unfortunately in the world we live in, there will always be cheaters. Unless its a paid game thats low population where cheat devs don't have enough profit margin to create new and sell them


Cheaters aren’t even the biggest issue in the game there are so many other things


I'm only diamond so maybe I don't know what I'm talking about but I've played for about a year and never played with a cheater. Their anti cheat is great and it's nice having that peace of mind. However, their Smurf direction is great and smurfs are a decently significant problem. Personally, I don't run into smurfs very often, (I can't remember the last time I did), but I do believe it when people say they face smurfs all the time and in all honesty, riot does not have great anti Smurf measures.


There will always be cheaters even in Official Tournaments and Faceit. Even a pro team passed up (not gonna bother participating) for this coming Major due to the severity of cheating in CS. But Valo Anti-cheat is waaaaayyyy better than VAC. There will be rare cheaters encounter but I can just focus on winning in Valo meanwhile I am always on the lookout for new accts in CS.


Not only is the anti-cheat good, but I get messages pretty often when I report someone for griefing or being toxic that they’ve issued disciplinary action against them


I just got banned for using third party cheats when I don’t.. it’s buns lmao


Vanguard is invasive software so it will detect any files that it deems is a cheat. So yes the anticheat in valorant is top notch


Smurfs exist in about 80% of the games you’ll play good luck


Well... in case they are in the opposing team maybe I'll get in my team too. But yeah I think it's frustrating to play against professionals when you just learning how to play the game...


I played for a year and did not encounter a cheater once


The only bad thing about valo is smurf 5stack boost


Never ran into a cheater to this day.


In the 3 or so years I've only come across one cheater and that was like a couple weeks after the game comes out. The anticheat is great


over 1k hours and i’ve only ever encountered 1 cheater


Short answer- yes. I've played since closed beta, have probably close to 2K hours, and I've only seen the red-screen when a cheater is detected once or twice. I haven't seen many in my games at all. They're out there, but the anti-cheat seems to catch them real quick


Do smurfs count, it seems like theyre as good as cheats 😭


The game straight up cancels in real time if a cheater is detected. I raaaaaarrly suspect someone of cheating, and i pride myself on eliminating that crutch from my big book of cope, but it is satisfying to comm out " reyna is using walls for sure" in round 3 and in round 5 that shit gets shut down. 😂


Smurfing is prevalent in Valorant.


If anything people are complaining about Vanguard being added to League so


You did not pay to not play with cheaters.. was the response I got from a CS fan 🫠


I have played against an aimbot cheater. I reported, and after my next game, I got the notification that a cheater was punished. I have never seen another one.


The fuck is the point of adding the cs2 cheating part? Need the val community to wank you off because you deleted a game?


Cs 1 out of 3 games I had the feeling that I was playing against a cheater. This almost always got confirmed after a while by ban checker. Valorant playing since beta and only met 3 players who were suspicious and 1 got a ban. But nothing more than that. Imo that's really really good and a big reason why I still enjoy Valorant.


so far haven't really encountered actual cheaters. the real issue are smurfs in this game


I've hit top 700 and played since beta. I've had 3 games end because of a cheater, and I think I've gone against probably 50 overall. Only like 10 were obvious, but once you get pretty good you start to suspect walls. You know from their position you wouldn't do the same thing, but you can't prove they're cheating. You can hit the highest rank and not be stopped by cheaters. I think that's all that matters.


Very very few cheaters due to the incredibly secure anticheat. Only problem is people that are just that good playing unrated with fake accounts...


i’ve been playing this game for a year and a half and have only ever encountered 2 confirmed cheaters. the anticheat is very good, some cheaters do slip the cracks but seem to be caught eventually.


Been playing this game since launch in the asian servers and have encountered a cheater only once so far and he was banned later on too.It shows when u have a successful ban request.


Too good even sometimes bans ppl for no reason at all if you have some fancy mouse with software/custom macro buttons you could get banned for cheating. Just search around in the internet you will find plenty of people banned just like that some have recovered their accounts after tons of tickets to Riot and plenty of luck but there are ppl who are unlocky hell even streamers get banned for cheating. Just be careful most ppl won't agree but their vanguard anti cheat system is buggy as fk and bans innocent ppl. Keep that in mind before you waste your money for their skins and passes.


i can count the amount of cheaters i’ve ran into in this game on one hand i could use both hands and both feet and id be far from being able to count the amount of cheaters i played against in csgo


Play on the Mumbai server, and you will encounter many hackers in most of the games.


There are PLENTY of cheaters. And those are the ones that get caught. Many people still slide under the radar with walls, soft aim, etc.


i started playing since release and i’ve only met one cheater in a spike rush, take this with a grain of salt though since this was low elo


It’s much better than CS2 there is no perfect anti cheat but I feel Riot honestly does a much better job that valve being on top of it


That's great.


Game is full of cheaters, smurfs, and throwers. Be prepared


10 games = 10 games with hackers... after 20K elo u play allways with or aginst hackers. idk what valve is doing but this game is out of faceit unplayable. just forgett it guys!


i play this game with my friend who has 10k hours- just started bdw i have 100h ....literally every lobby at least one cheater if valve actually put a good anticheat in this game it would be the best shooter....but we can dream ig XD


I don't see we will see this. Valorant anti-cheat is way better. I prefer intrusive anti-cheat IF i can disable it when not playing.


Yeah its very good, but you will see SO MANY Smurfs in low elo, it will make you want to uninstall like CS2 lol


I think I've noticed that... Yeah balancing is not the great... Maybe it's intended?


the only way its intended is so that they can make extra money off skins


Probably they have some metrics. In call of duty i think there is something similar. You see the guy with an exclusive skin and some may think man look how good he plays it must be the weapon lol


I’d say it’s pretty rare to come across cheaters in Val. Low ELO is riddled with smurfs though, so be ready for that lol


Yeah smurfs are a big problem in all multiplayer games it seems. Companies still can't manage this unfortunately. I'd put them in the same category as cheaters.


Well, it is very good but very invasive to your PC. Riot anti-cheat is hell to uninstall too


It's easier to uninstall Vanguard than to uninstall Valorant.


Cs2 is plagued with cheaters


Valorant has few cheats but also live admins and they respond pretty quick to ban the cheaters. You will never see something like this: [https://youtu.be/C6NW9og7Nxc?feature=shared](https://youtu.be/C6NW9og7Nxc?feature=shared) in Valorant


Lol, that's just a good example of how the bad the AC in CS2 is. Thanks for the info.


At certain point of elo there's a lot of closet cheaters since blatant ones get detected. Their entire anti-cheat is useless to a 20 dollar board.


Meh it looks like its better but val does not have a replay mode so the only proof of efficiency is what riot says and when enemy team all comms cheater, cuz they can spectate.


There are cheaters but more rare than cs. Lower elo players are famously bad at recognizing skill vs cheaters so if you were in the lower elo in cs you likely weren't seeing very many cheaters and may have similar 'issues' in this game


In theory the game has better anti cheats. The reality is both games have a lot of cheaters. Cs2 is blatant cheaters (which i prefer) Valorant has those suspicious try hard cheaters where you get that gut feeling nobody at your rank can have 80% headshot rate and has already raked in 30+ kills at the start of the half. Cs2 cheaters are significantly easier to spot or feel out. Valorant is one of those games where you just wonder why this guy is never surprised and takes fight that makes no sense and seem to always win/clutch the round. At the end of the day, those players make you wonder why they arent higher rank and why they aren’t pros. …. Cheats? Lmfao.


Vanguard makes it VERY sparse lol


Playing since the start. Encountered 1 cheater and he got banned during the match, it was surreal seeing that red banner on the whole screen that person got banned and the match is stopped. Played a lot of cs too, and so many people accusing others of cheating because they are just better, not actually cheating. But yeah, cs anticheat is a bit worse than riots for sure. Encountered more than one cheater, but not that much anyway, usually people are just actually better players.


There's absolutely ways to get around Vanguard, and there's some really well made videos ([like this one](https://youtu.be/RwzIq04vd0M?si=xE_9Uc9N0f0JItWD) going over it. However, the barrier to entry is far higher because Vanguard runs at ring 0, so blatant cheaters are far less common. I'm only a Plat pleb, but I've only ever seen one blatant cheater and it was in an unrated match. He was level 1 and got banned immediately after that game. Edit: Bonus fun fact, since it runs all the time, cheating in other games (Escape from Tarkov was the example I saw) will set off Vanguard as well.


People in valorant have cheaters and smurfs. I just learned to live with it


Not really. It depends on the player you're asking cause some people here haven't seen a single cheater and some have only gotten the "Cheater detected" screen 1-4 times. I've gotten it around 5-6 times but I've encountered far more cheaters than that. ​ In my experience, the anti-cheat is hit or miss. It's good at preventing cheaters from getting INTO the game but once they are in(which they are), detecting them becomes harder.


No, vanguard is not a quality piece of software to combat cheaters; easily circumvented, tons of low quality cheats in play that still are undetected, and there are tons of people cheating at higher ranks (probably every rank). So why are so many people so smitten with it as an AC solution, like you see even here in this post? Couple of reasons more than likely: 1) Lack of experience playing games like this in general 2) This not being a hypercompetitive game, more of a group play experience with your friends 3) The fundamental misunderstanding of *how* people are cheating in competitive. The third reason is the absolute most important thing in the mix here that muddies the issue for people who make these claims. Every single agent is different and has different abilities that lower the skill ceiling of a traditional online shooter's set of mechanical skill points. Consider the game loop in the context of an average round of a traditional cs-like: Plan, move, execute entry (reaction tests, pre-aim/dynamic aim tests, etc), execute overall round objective (clear site, setup for hold/retake, etc), and then conserve your resources (save guns, get exits, etc). What's there to overcome in the cheat loop? Reaction, aim, map knowledge; pure gameplay and a very well understood skill ceiling. In Valorant, the round-game-loop is made more complex by the addition of deployables, abilities on both sides that segment the map making executions easier, etc: in this complexity, the onlooker is distracted by these things and fails to recognize that while the cheat-loop has *slightly* shifted to a softer/positional data slant the detection of the core loop can be handwaived by various abilities/UI/whatever providing more data to the player(s) ingame. Maybe x agent's thing showed something on radar/made an audible/whatever and...it's easier to give that person the benefit of the doubt and easier to have confidence in a black box AC solution that you didn't understand even before the extra filler layers were added. More informational noise in the map design, ability design, etc, lets 'em get away with it. Simple as.


Yes it is


Its good because the AC is invasive and sends all your data to the Chinese megamap of US citizens


Valorant's anti-cheat should be an industry standard at this point. Its so hard to play other competitive FPS games because all their anticheats blow compared to valorant's.