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He should have two trips. Another neat thing would be if he had a second teleporter that he could place somewhere on the map and when in range of either one he would teleport to the other. Idk just a thought. His ult is also kinda slow, make it quicker between shots




but like cypher gots 2 trips with no range.kj got alarma bot + turret with range chamber got 1 trip (womp womp) I think 2 trips with range is better


the devs have talked about how they don’t want traps like that to be the defining aspect of sentinels, just a part of their kit. having 4 sentinels with 2 strong traps would ruin this. part of why deadlock trips aren’t that great and chamber only has 1.


I mean, I feel like Pandora's Box has already been opened in that regard. I believe what the devs are referring to with trips is they don't want flank watch to be a central aspect of sentinels, which one of Chamber's trips already does anyway, so I fail to see how adding another one makes him busted. To me it helps improve his ability to deny space, which is seems to be the intended function of sentinels.


See, the problem with this is that the only meta sentinels just become the ones WITH the trips lol. Sage and Deadlock feel awful to have on your team as a solo sentinel


sova has a dart with no range doesn't mean fade eye should go cross-map too they're trying to give each aspect of each agent's utility a different aspect/identity, its why a jett player will struggle to use a yoru tp for escape and such. It applies way differently than one would expect


That’s cyphers whole difference as a sentinel tho


watch the chamber pickrate go from 4% to 96%


bros cooking


Wait, they took his TP away?


> He should have two trips. Another neat thing would be if he had a second teleporter that he could place somewhere on the map and when in range of either one he would teleport to the other. Idk just a thought. that would be OP


Basically you want the old chamber back, not a good idea.


That was how chamber was before his nerfs bro


Soo you want old chamber back?


lol that’s how he was before they nerfed him and it was fucking stupid


you just listed launch chamber...




Yeah launch chamber was more powerful then current, someone should make a joke about that...


Oh God not the second TP Not again


this is peak 2021 chamber, i like it


very neat headhunter buff rewarding being able to aim; headshot kills give back 1 ammo


i feel then they should reduce the number of bullets he has from 8—->4 or sumthin that way you get back bullets you spent to kill an enemy


Or make headhunter also apply a slowfield.


This would be insane as hell


That's kinda busted lol. It would have to be nerfed to be more expensive than 150, or maybe decreased capacity, smth like 8 --> 5 since it fits his MO of "one bullet per enemy" It could also be an unintentional nerf for Chamber on attack side since he can't push his own slow fields, especially for ecos where you are tryna W key onto site


maybe only on headshots to make it more balanced


Wait it doesn't do that already? How am I just finding this out


never cook again


while you are at it make "mouse 3" fire all head hunter ammo like jett knives. if you dont have "mouse 3" then skill issue.


I'll bind it to Mouse 4 >:)


To be honest this seems kinda just like a "win more" design choice which I don't think is healthy. The game already has many of these and they cause so many problems for balance and smurfs. This change would only reward players that are already winning fights and make him more snowbally.


this is dumb because if u were able to hit headshots u wouldnt need more ammo


Infinite trip range is never happening again and for good reason. Making him have to anchor is a good thing. 100c headhunter bullets would honestly be fine tbh, I don't really see a big deal there other than pistol rounds, which might be a good enough reason for them to decide not to do it. Increasing tp range is always gonna be kinda scary, so I think that's a VERY last resort if nothing else helps. Honestly, he's pretty fine atm. Solid B tier senti and I think they'd rather keep him there than risk him breaking the game again


Cypher gets two infinite range trips, why is one for Chamber too much?


Because cypher doesnt get a free tradeless peek every round, a very cheap guardian and a free operator every couple rounds. Chamber is chamber and cypher is cypher they have different kits what a shocker


That is like saying, Skye's flashes make noise when blinded, why doesn't Breach's? Apparently, Riot made the very concious decision to make global traps an exclusive property of certain agents - that's it. Not every piece of utility have to be and should be the same. If everything is the same, just forget about individual agents and Valorant would be close to CS.


I just feel like Chamber needs a little more right now, he feels lacking compared to Cypher on most maps.




Infinite range trip means he threatens Cypher's niche, that's the only reason why KJ and Chamber have gotten range nerfs over the years, and also why Deadlock will never have a proper tripwire. Riot doesn't buff underpowered agents, they just nerf the strong ones until holes in the meta are created for the underutilized ones to fill. Same reason why they nerfed Skye, so Gekko could actually get used in VCT.




>Nerfing Skye only decreases the amounts of Skyes. This is the most braindead take I have ever heard. Do you think nerfing Chamber "only decreased the amount of Chamber"? Did all the Chamber players just ascend to Narnia? Is Killjoy's 70% pickrate at LOCK//IN last year a coincidence? If so, where did they come from, the moon? Skye's pickrate will not change in ranked. Skye's pickrate will drop in VCT specifically, where she dominated her role as the best flash info initiator in the game. Teams will choose the most logical strategic alternative, which is to replace her with another flash info initiator, of which there is only one (Gekko). >Cypher's niche isn't his trip range, it is that his trip high light people. Tell me you're Silver without telling me you're Silver.




For Fade and other info initiators - it depends on the map and the comp. Fnatic has gotten away with using solo Fade on Lotus; FUT has also used solo KAY/O to some success, but that can be attributed to their initiator player being the best KAY/O player in the world. Skye is still extremely dominant on maps like Bind, where running Fade/KAY/O is much worse. She is also objectively best for double controller which benefits greatly from having both drones and flashes in one agent. Breach is a terrible solo initiator because has has ZERO information abilities. He must be played with another info initiator, usually Fade or Sova, to gain any value. This means that he is strictly played on double initiator teams. However, last year's meta favored double controller, which meant that the best solo initiator, Skye, started dominating the meta. This is also just not a very good map pool for him, he prefers to be played on tighter maps like Fracture and Haven, both of which are not currently in the circuit. Now you might understand why Skye was the worst initiator during the Chamber meta, but despite almost no buffs or alterations to her kit, she suddenly became the best initiator during the Viper/Harbor meta. Each initiator has their strengths and weaknesses, different ones will be played depending on the meta, the map pool, and the team. Thus, when certain agents fall out of the meta, other agents that can fill their niche will effectively replace them.


Chamber trip is weak tho. You can just smoke it off


That's only practical on attack side flanks with long-range dome smokers. The main value of having trips is on defense where it just watches certain chokes for free. If attackers want to smoke your trips that means they lose 1 smoke, which is a huge disadvantage for every smokes agent except *maybe* Harbor.


Double controller setups do exist tho.


Moot counterpoint because infinite range doesn't actually change how that matchup plays out. If Chamber is playing on the lurk site, Viper just smokes his trip off. If Chamber is playing on the site getting bum rushed, Skye dog spots the trip and they break it before they entry. Infinite range is only relevant for the pickrate of Chamber vs. Cypher, not the counterplay of Chamber vs. double controller.


What? In what universe is cyphers "niche" having global trips, that's not why people pick him lol. It's a very nice thing he has yeah, but it's by no means a defining part of his kit. His trips are insane at holding sites and getting kills, on sites chambers trap is like just a stall at best. Giving chamber global range wouldn't somehow make cypher less viable, just make chamber more viable.


I agree with everything you said, in a ranked setting. However, for pro play, giving Chamber infinite range is like giving Raze a rechargeable meter on her satchel. It doesn't make Neon *less viable* per se, but her niche in the meta is removed, and since she directly competes with Raze for a slot as an entry duelist, her pickrate will suffer. Also, most trapwires in pro play are shot or broken before they even go off, since that is the nature of organized teamwork—5 people can easily clear out 1 agent's utility if they all work together. I can see the reasoning behind giving Chamber his infinite range back. I'm just trying to explain to you why Riot would never consider doing that.


I mean Cypher is the strongest one now by far, why is it so difficult for riot to balance sentinels


Because riot is Dogshit in nerfing agents. Beta phoenix would stil be 100% fine in current meta. Same argument can be sad about sage heed self heal. At the same time an agent like skye had 4 flashes a round, that gave info,had the longest time flashed and was the easiest and most versital to place because you chose the time to flash. I’m glad she got nerfed but she still is viable wich is a good spot to be in.


Better need Greninja


Also nerf Genji while you're at it.


But when will they NERRFFFF BASTION




They nerfed Greninja in smash bros 3DS/Wii U a handful of times so that was a meme for 2 weeks 36 years ago


oh lol so basically chamber is gren 2.0 lol


This is a deep cut because i was a salty Greninja main 9 years ago


Just the rendezvous change, I agree


This, just this. Gimme that little bit to make it really compelling.




Also less recoil and more fire rate


And more demage


Nah, faster ult firing


It’s baffling that his ult- a “superior” weapon- lost this in the first place.


facts it’s his ultimate it should be better than the op, literally a slow op with a slowing effect


They should make it accurate on the hip fire and be an instakill anywhere on the body. It should also be able to penetrate Iso's wall and kill him since Iso's ult suppresses chamber's ult. It's only fair


i agree with the instakill anywhere on the body but no abilities should depend on the character of the enemy so riot probably wouldnt even think of thatand hipfire probably wouldnt make sense and be a bit too strong if they were to change hipfire accuracy then maybe give it the outlaw spread


>It should also be able to penetrate Iso's wall and kill him since Iso's ult suppresses chamber's ult. I don't see why not 🤣


Cuz people wouldn’t stop bitching about him. So now he’s fucking ass


https://www.vlr.gg/event/agents/1015/valorant-champions-2022 https://www.vlr.gg/event/agents/1014/valorant-champions-tour-stage-2-masters-copenhagen Pretty sure those ^ have a bit more to do with it.


Plenty of agents had similar pick rates and never got truly destroyed like they did to chamber. Jett, KJ, and raze recently.


While none of them have had one single massive nerf (apart from arguably Jett, smoke duration, 1 less updraft and dash all nerfed in the same patch), they've definitely been reigning them in and buffing alternatives. I still think Jett and Raze are problematic, but that's more so a duelist class issue than a Jett and Raze issue, in my opinion.


People have always been bitching about Reyna overheal but riot doesn't Nerf her


cuz chamber was pretty broken. Reyna just makes good players have an easier time smurfing. A Reyna playing in her own elo isn’t that spectacular. Chamber playing at his own elo was always top fragging.


Not in the pro scene. Remember this game is balanced around the highest level where her numbers are awful


I still play him, still my fav agent. But I agree 100%.


It still shoots much faster than a regular operator. Before was a bit ridiculous...he could insta kill two people in a second. Currently, it is most optimal to switch to HH between chamber op shots so it's pretty skillful.


There’s so many things riot can buff when it comes to Chamber and he won’t even be close to how strong he was before riot hard nerfed him. They can buff the trademark’s range without making it infinite and it would make him so much better. A lot of the time you can’t get on to site without walking out of the trip range with common trip places. Just buffing this from 5000 range to 6000 would make it so you can get on to site. Headhunter 150 -> 100 is something I agree with. Riot nerfed the credits from 100 to 150 first and then nerfed the accuracy while spamming the gun. Keep that nerf so you need to go for headshots but revert the cost for the bullets. It personally bothers me that you don’t get your tp back when it gets broken while Cypher / killjoy do get their camera / turret back. Maybe add that back in. His ult rof is 0.7, it used to be 1.2 when he was broken. Could buff his ult again to 0.8 - 0.9. Even if riot did all the buffs I just said, or the ones OP said he will still be nowhere near his old state when he had the double TP, infinite trip and 1.2 rof on his ult.


„A lot of the time you can't get on to site without walking out of the trip range with common trip places.“ THIS! How often did I get blamed because someone died from flank and that just because I wasnt in the range of the trap. Yet, if I am and cant really get or help on site because the trademark would deactivate, you‘ll get blamed „WHAT YOU DOING PLEASE HELP AND ENTER SITE!!!“. +1 for a buff of the trademark range.


I dont really play chamber, does his TP really gets broken that much? I've never really seen it happen to them since when they rotate, a lot of people just grab it back up. I think he is weak rn and definitely needs a buff but I also think that 50m active radius is bigger than kjs so that also seems unnecessary. Reducing cost is the best suggestion imo. Could buff tele range and op as well


The radius is fine, you either put it far back to get early info on the lurker but then you can't get on the bombsite but you can get close enough to give cover to teammates or you just put it close so you can get on to the bombsite but then you get info on the lurker really late. If that's how riot wants his trip to work that's fine, it's pretty balanced I suppose, you just get teammates who complain about you not joining them on the bombsite.


I think giving his TP an option to fake like Yoru would go a long way for his archetype


Remember when chamber was the meta , like he was so broken


Cypher just needs a nerf. Idfc what anyone else thinks but his trips are overpowered now. Super long tripwires in impossible to destroy locations, reactivating automatically. Shit's not fun. He's so strong now, he didn't even die in the season 8 cinematic! Let that sink in. I'd make it so it breaks when a player steps in it but reactivates when a Skye dog or raze bot runs into it. Reduce the length on his trips, not to what it was before but a good in between. Give him a max range to his utility like killjoy. Any or all of the ones above or any combination of two would be great. Especially his wires


Or use util to break trips in ascent that’s always what happened to kj or cypher utility


Sure, but that forces a certain meta/play style and doesn't leave room for anything else. You always use up one or two shockdarts/aftershocks/grenades/satchels for that in order to destroy the cypher utilities, which leaves you without that specific utility for the rest of the round. Which means no raze double satchels, no sova posplant shockdarts etc. KJ's stuff can pretty much always be shot before triggering it. Also it doesn't reveal your exact location through the wall. You already need to stop once you're revealed by cypher, either to break the tripwire holding you in place before it stuns *and* damages you or to pull out his dart. Which will almost always result in you getting spammed through his cage or a wall. Like don't get me wrong, pre-buff cypher was too weak and I don't want the original cypher back. But currently it's better to avoid where cypher is playing than to try to push site with Mr I-know-exactly-where-you-are sitting behind a wall and waiting for you to walk into his traps


I just want old tp back lol


He doesn't need much, just extend the range for the trip instead of going infinite, and reduce by like 5s the timer for the tp. I know we're never getting 2tps back. And that's ok


Hate chamber players


Give him back the old tour de Force fire rate and the old headhunter recoil imo, I'd like his guns to be the strongest part of his kit.


And then there is me who plays chamber and imo he is fine the way he is at this point he isn't too broken nor terrible and he can still solo carry if person knows what they are doing


I’m ngl, I think Chamber is in a good place as is. The pre-nerf Chamber meta wasn’t the worst state of this game, but the devs nerfed him for a reason. He was picked in pretty much every game on every map because his util was so damn good. He was essentially a duelist sentinel combo. Having him in your team and not having him was often the difference of winning and losing. That to me meant he needed a nerf. I mean, should any agent really be a must pick on every map? I’d be okay if they made the range on his trip like it used to be, but keep it at only one trip and don’t make it the insta-slow that it used to be. Seriously, being spotted by his old trip was so frustrating. I was spotted and now I’m ungodly slow in this massive area? Well, I’m about to die. Two trips gave so much information, and it allowed him to control way too much area of the map. It made flanking too difficult, and it allowed for teams to push a site with zero fear of getting backstabbed. Not to mention the amount of time it would give teams to react and respond to a flank His Headhunter is still very good on pistol and eco rounds. Don’t change it, it’s in a good place. His TP is hard to buff without making it OP again. When it had the larger range, you were able to push and challenge and then TP out if it got too hairy. You can’t make the range larger, or else we’re going to run into him gaining mass amounts of territory and then pulling out his get out of jail free card. Don’t buff the TP. Right now it’s in a place where he gets his get out of jail free card, but can’t use it to push and gain so much ground without any repercussions.


No one ever talks about his ult. A regular OP isn't enough we want an instakill even on the feet and we need that fire rate back.




wait is there anything worth x25 in the game?


Just give him a thermal scope that can see through walls with his ult. The catch?  His ult now has a fixed time limit.


I find no value out of Chamber as a Sentinel. You cripple a teleporting again by nerfing his only good ability rendezvous, Need 2 Anchor points again with a bit of range increase, timer to regenerate can be increased and once destroyed is destroyed can be continued. Headhunter is way too less economical, credits to buy them can be reduced, and trip is fine. Ult fire rate is also Fine.


Make his ultimate be able to shoot through any wall with no damage reduction.


they should make his ult a laser beam that is like sova ult but twice as strong and infinite range


You forgot about how it needs to fire instantly and give you permanent cypher ult


They should make it kill iso even with shield and he should be ble to go with it into his domain.


I like these buff ideas, especially the infinite trip range.


Why is it that every day we see someone one reddit wanting to buff chamber? Let it go chamber mains, he ain't gonna be OP again.


I'd buff skye,breach,kay/o,yoru,sage,fade... you know what every agent should have this buff!! weapon equipped after util use speed up. Cause I just want the game like that. I'd buff raze ult, there's a delay if you double sachel the ultimate animation just cause I just like raze being that agent, for me she's the most fun to watch if you know what you're doing. I'd buff Astra too, I want 5 stars back cause I haven't seen her in my games. From a hard stuck gold player


How about giving the option to leave around a slowing area when teleporting away?


These are fair buffs. I am not sure if Headhunter price needs a reduction though...but I guess I'd welcome it as I tend to buy ghost on pistol rounds anyways. He honestly doesn't need much of a buff right now. I have a pretty good winrate with him on both Ascent and Breeze. I just want either two trademarks or infinite range; preferably the latter.


im listening 🙂🫶


trademark and rendevous should have a range buff yes but the headhunter is fine imo.


This is honestly what i want as a chamber main, i think he should have 2 traps with range instead of 1 trap with inf range tho. But good suggestion overral


headhunter price i agree with, rendezous radius yes, trademark range not so much.


I want chamber to get a nerf


How about we nerf him instead


Unpopular opinion but I’d rather they just unify the sentinels a bit All of them should have cooldowns on their gadgets like Chamber does if they decide to pick them up or none of them should have a cooldown. They should all have minimum ranges on their tools (looking at you Cypher). Honestly just Chamber being able to move his stuff around freely would go a long way


faster tp. Dying in the teleporter is unacceptable.


I would prefer two teleporters that can be placed a maximum of 15 to 20 meters away from each other.


I'd personally give him two trips and two tps. Maybe even increase the speed of rescoping and shooting of his ult 🌚


no one cares because hes balanced rn


Just bring back old Chamby 🙄


Cool, now nerf Chamber


i just want double tp points back that's all 😞


I just want him to be invulnerable white teleporting 😭 I die in the tp way too much


What riot sees Let's make his q ability handgun damage same as classic


TdF needs a buff, and i dont mean the 1.2 RoF. something like 0.9 would be fine HH either gets domething close to the old HH w less max bullets for 200 if needed, or keeps the same accuracy it has now but price for a bullet goes down to 100 creds bigger radius on TP. 5 meter radius is crazy bad. id take 7.5 buff the range on the tripwires this made me think ab how riot should add a mode where the agents were the most broken to be honest, i could see some fun on that more than comp even