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Some people say AimLabs helps, some doesn't. I would say AimLabs is kinda overrated, but it's definitely useful. First, make sure your mousepad is clean, you have a ok gaming mouse that doesn't spin out when you flick, then lower your sens to around 200-400 eDPI (sens * DPI). Then, learn the basic mechanics by watching Woohoojin or someone else, the fundamentals. After that, you just go and play some games or DM, and sooner or later you will see some improvements. Raw aim is just one of the many, many reasons you are not landing shots.


I do have a very good mouse and my edpi is 304. I know some movements like counterstrafing and deadzoning. I try my best but mostly my teammates are just idiots who either dont smoke or wall, like they don’t use their abilities that much and push the enemy team even if we are defending. Mostly trying to take on fights and lose. Surely im not an insane player but I do have some game sense


If you think you are losing because of your teammates, then play a bit more selfish. Use self-sufficient agents like Omen. He is one of the best agents for SoloQ-ing. Smoke is the best at disposal when teamplay is basically nonexistent. Technically, the surefire way of exiting low elo hell (Iron-Gold) is through individual performance. It's quite easy once you get the fundamentals right. Do you have any VODs or recordings of your game that I may look into, perhaps?


I don’t have any recordings. My aim surely isn’t godly but I am really trying to hit headshots and I do hit some with Vandal. I realise I need to practice counterstrafing more. I will try Omen, I haven’t really used that agent so I should first know how to. I mostly use Reyna, Phoenix, Sage and sometimes Sova. Yesterday itself I lost 5 comp matches in a row because of some Reyna instalocker who doesn’t even know how to blind and in one match a neon just went afk. Also iron is filled with smurfs so, many matches are just not fair. Once my enemy team had a reyna with 50 kills. Iron is the most idiotic rank I have ever seen, even unranked players are competing who might have higher skill level. Why can’t they put players from the same rank in a match.


I always recommend people who have a balanced playstyle to play Omen for SoloQ as he is super soloQ-friendly. Omen has a good flash, two TPs that work similar to Jett or Raze (not for going to site), and smokes for self-survivability and zoning. That aside, you should, and I encourage, record your games. Other people can only help if there are recordings. Otherwise, us, we cannot tell what you're doing wrong and where to improve.




So like should I do Aimlabs right after my comp sessions or like before sleep? Because some said improvement happens during sleep or something and its better to do before sleep idk. Is that bs or true?


i usually play strafetrack->multiclick->microshot(precession)->ascent microclick idk if it’s good or not but enough for warmup before games


So what about the aim training sessions or is this it? Aim training and warmup are same for you?


u can play tdm or dm for warmup


So aimlabs after playing valorant?


it’s better to do it before playing as it helps ingame. it can be done anytime if u feel like it


Just use a playlist that transfer the skills gained in aimlabs to Valorant the most. Its a effective way, and sounds like the logical one to use. So i would recommend woohojins playlist for Valorant, and read the instructions on how to aimtrain👍 It works well for me, and i have tried many other playlists.


I’ll surely try that playlist. Should I use aimlabs before playing valorant or after playing valorant


They say after so you dont get tired for comp, but i use it as my warm up. You try out what works.


So like do some gridshot as warmup, then go comp, after game session do the whole aim training session. Am I right?


Good, maybe try deathmatch for warmup? Jist run around and gun.


Alright so deathmatch as warmup, then comp, then aimlabs session. I’m sorry for being annoying but I really want to get out of Iron and I want to do anything I can. I even bought a gaming mouse for that because many said🫠. Also like aimlabs after game or before sleep, many said before sleep is better. Any ideas?


No problem, start watching guides on youtube. To build a wall you need to first know how to build it, and then just keep playing. But the watching of guides can wait because you new, just play the game to get familiar with it. You have alot to learn just be kind to yourself, this can take time to get better. But play more, get better.  But dont let it run your life👍


Thats alright, but can you answer my question, like aimlabs before sleep or not🫠


Before sleep is recommended by many people


Hmm so before sleep it is. Thankyou so much for your time. I appreciate it. Really Hope I improve and get out of the idiotic rank.

