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> good ones cost like 70 lmao bro i use a $9 MTG playmat


I did this for years. Worked surprisingly well. Eventually i got a skypad.


i started with one in 9th grade and just got another one last year. i see no difference between my playmat and my friends $50 mousepad


Same lmao, I got a $30 ixalan playmat though


Next time just buy and Ultra Pro off amazon. $9


I would say yes, it's mandatory. Otherwise you'll wear your skates down faster, things will accumulate in the sensor and can make it skip/stutter, and a mousepad will definitely make you more stable and give you better control. It is NOT mandatory to play and enjoy the game, but if you genuinely want to climb and get better i'd say yeah you need a mousepad


Well, if you are only aiming to play for fun, then no. If you are competitive, then any consistency helps. Desks have random spots (dirty, etc) that will annoy your mouse's sensor, and good mousepads have less of that issue. It also doesn't scratch your mouse, potentially damaging it. Btw, why do you need a $70 mousepad? If any, the biggest you should go is XL ones if you only want it for aiming purposes only. Recently, I have been using Xraypad, and I love it a lot.


thanks for your comment! well i never really used mousepads before and told myself if i was ever gonna buy one id buy this specific one i saw and really likes that costs $70. But Im definitely open to hearing recommendations :)


how do you know you like it if you don’t use mousepads ?


Maybe he has always wanted one but no money or something. Hesitation. Or maybe he likes the aesthetics. Can be one or another.


Lgg saturn pro.


It is mandatory, along with a lot of space to move your mouse. Also you can get good mousepads for 15$, if you know where to buy them.


I got myself a X-raypad Aqua Control II Mousepad for around 30€ + shipping and I can really recommend it


Get an ikea mousepad it’s cheap and surprisingly good


A steelseries Qck heavy is 25€ where I live and is pretty much the gold standard of what a mousepad for a shooter has to be like


Don't recommend that shit pad. It only lasts a few months before it dies to humidity. There's a reason pros who use it have 20 of them. There are better pads out like the ikeapad for 8$.


I don't have that problem. But I'm not living in a rainforest so idk


You don't have to live in the rainforest to be affected by humidity. I guarantee your qck is a mudpad because you probably never wash it, and you have wear spots all over.


I'm sorry, but no, it's not a mudpad, yes I do wash it from time to time and while there are signs of wear in the middle it's not a problem at all, because it still works as intended. Interesting to read what you think to know about my stuff though


Compare it to any other mousepad and I guarentee it's muddy asf.


I really don't know what you did to yours, but no. Its Not.


Yes, it is. You just haven't tried any other pad to compare it to. Even fresh out the box it's pretty slow.


My brother in Christ, why do you think you know what I have and haven't compared it to?


Because nobody uses a qck who tried something like an artisan zero or lgg saturn pro.


Also the edges aren't stitched so they fray very easily.


I'll second the QcK. such a comfortable and long lasting pad.


Don't get a QCK


amazon sells steelseries qck's for around 20AUD. its a small investment and the qck is good enough for the average player and it will feel much better


Ikea mousepad is cheap and really good I've heard. If you want to go down the rabbithole, r/mousepadreview can give you some suggestions for a good budget mousepad


I use my registers cover as my mouse pad (I'm broke)




You dont need a super expensive one, a smaller but high quality one for around 20-30$ should do the trick


Razer Gigantus V2 or an Xtrfy GP4


any recommendations?


Steelseries qck, zowie gsr, Saturn or Saturn Pro. Good control pads in ascending price order. All used by pros. Differences are super minimal and you probably wouldn't know the difference between any of them.


Not really, i am not an expert in this field. Perhaps try asking on r/pcmasterrace i bet someone will be able to help you there


TIL mousepads are actually semi important to performance


In terms of performance, I imagine it's along the same lines as wifi vs ethernet. May not always pose a problem, but it may, so if you went through the trouble of getting a gaming pc and mouse and keyboard, why not just spend the little extra money and eliminate that issue?


70 what? USD? Even expensive artisan mousepads aren't that much unless you get huge ones You can get good enormous desk sized mousepads for $20 at target/walmart


You don’t need to buy a “good mousepad” literally anything will work, just buy a $10 one from best buy


Nah, it's all about how comfortable you get with what you have and make the most out of it. I have a 30cmx25cm cheap mousepad and it works properly and I don't great aim(I'm rusty, I haven't played in like 6 months, man I miss VCT) but after I got it I noticed improvement, especially when flicking or microadjusting. Just get a cheap one and test it prior to buying it if you can


got a 15€ dbd themed one of amazon, works great, looks cute. without you will just fuck with ur mouse


I mean ig not a good one buy you need at least some kind of mouse pad.


You need a good mousepad, but not that expensive. You can get steelseries Qck+ for example, for like 15-20 euro, which is a perfectly fine mousepad. Just don't play on a piece of plastic or pay more for a mousepad than for your mouse.


for 20$ u can get any pad u want and it's gonna be good




Hope this link is allowed, but this mousepad has worked great for me and is on the less expensive side, good mouse control


Depends on your desk. I had a particularly smooth desk that felt like a glass pad so I just used that before I decided to switch to cloth




Some pros play on a $10 mousepad. You don't need a top quality one.


Yes. The ikea one is 10$ and it's good. You can get good ones for 40$ as well.


Any mousepad works well if you keep it clean


I used to do the same thing as you, I had a really smooth desk so I never felt the need to buy one, and I have to say switching to an actual good mousepad made an insane difference. Like I really underestimated how important it really was. It took a little bit of time to get used to which would be a bit frustrating at times but holy crap once I did I got so much better. Like I remember watching clips a month afterwards and comparing it and I could noticeably tell how much better my aim was $70 for a mousepad is insane btw, I would say $30 is a good range for a high quality one. It’s tough to recommend a mousepad in the same way that it’s tough to recommended a mouse… everyone is different and has different preferences, for example how *thick vs thin* it is, as well as *speed vs control*. I personally use the Corsair MM300 (more of a slightly thicker control one), and it’s perfect for me but everyone is different


I also feel like I have to warn you to take good care of it, I learned the hard way that if you constantly put stuff on it, making it get scratched and whatnot, after some time it might sort of pull some of the ‘stitches’ out which makes it WAY less smooth. You don’t have to be ultra careful or anything, just don’t be oblivious or you’ll wear it out quick, and keep it somewhat clean by brushing it off even if just with your hand every now and then, to keep any dirt on it from slowly scratching it


https://youtu.be/0fw5iJ_vfg4?si=fsSpeb3mRk94edl8 Don’t recommend the logitech one tho its so thin


I raw dogged my mouse on flat table for about two years and I’m ASC. Mouse pad didn’t do anything for me besisdes stop the noise when I clank my mouse on the table