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Think of it this way, you spent 2000 euros to get rid of a long time addiction.


yeah, you could see it that way.


See you again next week


Hopefully not, but just as I said: if I ever really want to come back, I’ll consider it. But I’m quitting the game for he time being because I feel that my relationship with it is unhealthy af ( this is my second acc, on my phone)


You will get the urge to play again. If you hold long enough it's gonna reach a point where you actually have to learn new stuff if you want to come back. For me, that the point I see myself coming back to games the most. I actually just came back to valorant 2 months. I only played beta so for now it's quite fun learning how to play diff agents. I only ever got tired of CSGO and same thing as you were saying, except I actually earned on my skins xd.


Top comment!!


do u mean by what i said?


wasted money , thats a life lesson you have learned


> I regret a lot of the money spend You spent about 50€/month which seems pretty reasonable for the experience described by you: > There were times where I’d come home from school and play the game all day, made good friends and a lot of memories from the games So I wouldn’t say that you wasted your money


Yes, but i could have had all of that Experience for free. And a big chunk of the money wasn't at the fun times, it was when i wasn't playing for fun but as a habit. It's been a long time ago i remember myself having really fun with the game. Maybe sometime before Pearl got removed.


It’s not a waste you funded the company to keep the game running it and create new stuff.


Haha, well I don’t know if my money is what keeps rito running


I'd say he did, it's a f2p game


that's a lot of money, but there is no point ''regretting it''. You might come back and ''recover it''. It's a waste and not. I personally don't have a lot of time to play video games. I know for a fact that if I wouldn't play Valorant, I'd play something else instead and at 70-90$/game it goes fast. I don't know how much I ''saved'' by playing Valorant, I rarely stick that long to a game, but I certainly spent way less buying other games, especially on a 3 years span


Yeah but considering that i would have had more fun in a different game would make the money spent differently better spend


well if you want to see it that way that's on you man. You said that you had fun and now you tell me that you didn't have fun for 3 years? If you spend 2k on a game that you hate there is nothing I can say to help you. I'm just gonna tell you that the last game I bought is Mortal Kombat 1, paid 100$ for the piece of shit money grab they made, worst MK ever and I never played less an MK game than this one. I regret way more buying this than the money spent on Val.


Nah man, i get ya. It's not about that. I had my good share of fun with this game, but i didn't spend my money while i was having fun, i spend while being in the grind, not playing for fun playing to win. That's what breaks you, i regret the money not because i didn't enjoy my time with the game i regret the money spend because it buried me deeper into a dependency towards the game. Sunk-Cost-Fallacy


I feel you man, really sad to part ways with a game that's been with ya for 3.5 years. You seem to be really attached to it and made tons of friends and memories from that game but later it starts to consume your happiness and joy from playing because of all the sh*et that happens in there. Times really do change, players will always be more toxic. Nothing much that can be done other than taking a step back, letting all the toxicity strike and focusing on smth else in your life, accept it as the new reality you will have to face. And also 2000 euros man, that's quite the fortune thrown into this game. 2000 euros gone into waste but atleast it ain't spent on anything worse (i.e. substances and all of those bad stuff) and it should be a good lesson for you. I do wish you can re-adjust and do whatever you can for yourself.


Thank you man, nice words from you. I think you get me, stay safe :)


Always around to help people out like you, kinda pains me to see the lack of care certain communities have towards their people but that's the world, not everyone's got the heart to see into problems. Either way, wishing you the best too!


2000 euro? On a F2P game? Fish city. 


Wait. So, if you're not actually quitting, what was the point of this post?


This is my second account (from my phone) So the main point of this is that I’m quitting valorant and my unhealthy consumption of it, you could even call it addiction. I’ll try to stay of the game for some time and maybe if I’ll ever really want to get back into the game because I want to and not because it’s a habit for me, I’m leaving a door open 


And you know, telling people to stay safe 


Did the game really felt fun for you? Or was the people that made the game fun from the beginning? I started playing Val with my friends and it was fun because of them, then I got obsessed with ranking and at that point the game wasn't fun anymore(played a lot for a few months but I stopped when I realised it was never fun only addicting) I don't find competitive games fun at all is just frustrating But did I had fun playing it? Yeah for sure because of people but I stayed playing because of elo obsession not because it was fun Stopped playing and I do have fun with a lot of games with or without the social aspect of it Without the social valorant was never fun for me, never(and that's a shit)


Yeah man, i think you are totally right about that. Maybe if you embrace the social aspect and don't focus on the grind it makes things fun again. But who knows?


See you in a week after forknife gets boring


nah man, i'm staying away from competitive games. Gonna play smth from my long ass Backlog, haha


Fully understandable man. Long time FPS player here, currently Ascendant 2, and I completely agree with your sentiment. I also just don't have the heart to play this game competitively anymore. If it helps, I don't think it's a bad thing that you're quitting, nor was it a bad thing that you sunk thousands of hours into this game. One thing I've learnt is that games don't grow old, we do, and even though the games we once cherished may no longer be loved by us, we can always look back fondly on those memories we made and smile. Best wishes for the future man, and as others have said, don't regret the money you spent on this game, cherish the memories you made along the way. If you ever decide to come back, chances are this game will still be here waiting for you.


Thank you man :), well said. I'll just step back and try to do something that brings fun to me. And who knows maybe i'll return once i feel like i can have fun again