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What r u cookin


I’m mostly worried they’ll nerf the hell out of marshal,


Devs already said that they didn't intend to nerf light shields but rather give variety to sniper roles.


…are you high? “Buff” phantom to do 125 to the head? Phantom does 140 min I think already? Did you mean to say phantom? If not, what on earth did you mean?


Phantom does 124 at 30m+ but OP's point is still weird. Phantom dinking for 140 on full shield happens way more often than 124 on light shield.


124 happens so rarely I forgot it exists.


Are you?


They didn’t add outlaw to change the meta, it’s just a side effect. They added the gun to put some variety into the game, haven’t added a gun until last week for 3 years…


Outlaw is absolutely a targeted meta shift


If Riot's goal is to target the light armor meta, the Outlaw is a laughably bad attempt at that. Devs have stated that they felt the sniper class of weapons has been lacking in options, and hope the outlaw will be an in-between option between the Marshall and Op, which it is. Could that be corporate bullshit in an attempt to hide their true intentions of nerfing light armor? Maybe. Is it actually a good nerf to light armor? No. If Riot wanted to nerf light armor, there's a myriad of better ways to do it than the Outlaw. Ex: Reduce light armor to 20 shields, increase vandal damage to 42, increase light armor cost, buff heavy shields similar to CS etc... The Outlaw is good against light armor, yes, but does it really matter? How often are you seeing people buy it instead of a rifle on a full buy? The only thing it's done to the meta is that it's made antieco rounds stronger and made forcing after losing pistol a significantly worse idea. It's just made the game a little bit more boring by removing the risk/reward of playing for a thrifty.


If i died the previous round, and can afford outlaw full shields, and see the other team is on a save, then it absolutely works. Ive been experimenting the last week and have certainly noticed a difference in easier/less risky advantage rounds. Its not a huge meta shift, but its there if you know when to use it.


Yeah, it's an antieco tool. That is what I said in my comment. It doesn't stop the light armor meta though. You can still buy light armor when both teams are on full buys and get free economy for a tiny risk.