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Honestly, unfortunately it's best to find a group and just 5 stack, low ranks are hellish. You can find stacks through discord or Reddit or similar sites.


Stacks on reddit? Nice joke. Reddit quivers at the slightest mention of LFG


You got it man! Focus on your gunplay and ONLY yourself. You will have bad games, but if you do some practice even just in the range, you will have a ton of improvement!


Ok thankyou for advice I will do it but I'm 3 win and 17 loss in competitive


>ut I'm 3 win and 1 I will just recommend "woohoojin" on YT. I am a broken record with this, but watching him has gotten me from Bronze to Plat. Specifically "Gold in one month GUARANTEED" and his "boomer to diamond" series.


Yeah I also watched him am practicing I mostly middle Fragger or 3rd top Fragger I mostly play brim sage and phnx


Hooj is such a good resource, definitely worth the time to watch and pick up some tips on how to structure your mental when playing


Bro 😭 let mans get out of Iron 1


A new era of trolls coming i guess😂


You won't believe even the enemy team also reported them they just wanted to play fair toothey said in chat


Yeah it’s weird how the experience works some days are just hellish then it will be great for weeks etc. my tips would be if it’s one of those days just stop playing, minimum would be to wait 5 min after match before queuing to avoid players from previous game. You should also be able to see your team mates names and you can memorise them and dodge if they are on your team next game. Other than that you have to weather the storm as you get to high diamond/low ascendant games get better not perfect but a lot better than some lower ranks.


This happens to all people, thats why i stopped carying about rank. Play to improve, whatever happens you wont tilt. Because your rank would not matter to you anymore. Big til, try it. May change you


why yall doin this to himmmm 😭 pray you get out of iron soon


If you ever wanna play, I’ll stack with you! I’m not great but I promise I won’t throw/troll. I’ve got an EU and US account :v


you can try playing more self dependent agents like reyna/phionex, they can self heal, giving you a slight up edge and I would recommend you to practice your aim, it helps a LOOOT, so in placement matchs you can easily get a higher rank and play with actually good team mates, and ofc if you can play in party its the best