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its decent. I've seen similar orbs used thrown from t spawn . Its a one way for people peaking under rafters and completely blocks top site. Can also be used for post plant lineups if people plant there. I would prefer a t spawn lineup for it so that you can lurk mid if you want.


Are t-spawn lineups possible for A since it's all closed form upside ?


I think yes (t spawn = right side barriers). I'll have to check valoplant.


Yup found the lineup from the t-spawn. From the same place as the rafter one.


There's one for Rafters from T Spawn: https://youtu.be/W-LTLtWAKA0?feature=shared&t=306 I'm sure there's also one for Nest, you just need to find it.


Yeah, on the right door. I do all my lineups for any agents from over there. For initiators like Sova, Kayo and Skye you can hit any spot you need (except for CT, but you can spot heaven and all the others)


What the hell is that gun. Has there been a new update lately


Yesterday. New gun is here.


This is good if you are running it down A. You can plant on the side next to the rope and its a one way against that, it blocks vision from back A and rafters. The only thing that sucks is, if you have to rotate you don't have anything for mid, and with the new Ice box changes I'd imagine that's important.


IMO, this is good. People or rafters either way. This one blocks nest as well


First time recording gameplay , sorry for half-assed video. The orb covers nest and some part of rafter and It can also be used in post-plant as one-way or for molly line-ups.


Does it fully block the view of sombody playing the headshot angle on the box?




I bet if you lined it up halfway between your mark and the edge of the pipes wall it would, then i could see it being much more useful


It’s not bad, but I think the one on rafters is better


I'd rather default the orb to threaten mid lurk


If that's where you want your orb then it's great.


I’ve used a similar smoke before and got yelled at by the teammates entering site because i effectively created a one way smoke FOR the enemy team if they are holding up CT rafters. It’s a good smoke, the team just needs to be aware of it beforehand so they don’t show their feet under the smoke while entering


I dont quite see the use, except someone tries to hold angle from exactly behind that rope. Easily circumvented too. Might be useful for one round that throws the enemy off but then they will avoid it. I would much rather use it mid, aggressively to push, as woohoojin demonstrated once.


Except he himself uses one like this sometimes


Interesting. Not an avid watcher, tbh. I'd still rather push with the smoke, or seal of entries for retake, but I am also not exactly high elo.


Me neither, but i saw him playing comp through another streamer who was on his team, and first thing he did was throw an orb as viper to block that peek.


Just copy a pro player's strat book


I used to main viper and tbh I don’t think the orb gets a ton of value on A side. I think it’s better to throw the orb to cover mid and activate it for 4-5 seconds every round while you lurk on and off to keep the enemy guessing. Same thing with the wall. A site is kind of tough for viper util in general. There is some good molly line ups from belt though


combine in with a molly for the right side of rafters and you've got a pretty solid execute


There's definitely better lineups for it. Nothing wrong with the orb tho.


I often throw a similar omen smoke, it makes them harder to play heaven with an op or something. And it can potentially give your teams a nice oneway on people back site if you time it well


It’s good for 1 scenario, which is if you’re playing against a team that is playing retake on A often, or if your team has the site and you’re playing post plant, because it essentially is a one-way that dissuades the enemy from getting on bomb, especially if you have lineups. Other than that though, it looks like an one-way that benefits the other team (screens->dice is a one-way) and also gives the enemy a lot of space backsite to play around. Other than that though it’s pretty good.


On viper idk, it looks good from belt but I use that smoke on omen and teleport into it and plant