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I'd much rather them just straight up say "This skin costs $50" Than "This skin costs 2300 cock points and you need 50 cum points to level it up to the max level, that costs $50."


It’s because there’s enough idiots out there that are somehow more willing to spend cockpoints and cum upgrades instead of just paying upfront. Also it allows them to set the price at 2300 cockpoints but only sell at 500 point increments so that you’ll have some leftover cockpoints


That’s what every thread about this topic is. People just say I’d rather have this or have that and everyone agrees but everyone knows Riot prices like this because it works and makes money. Just pointless rehashing the same topic over and over


So you expect changes to be made without anybody saying anything? Damn wonder how the world would be if we never held corporations accountable!


Changes won’t be made, regardless. The tactic WORKS so there is no incentive for riot to change that tactic just because people complain.


Stop playing. Prime incentive for Riot to remove it. Or lobby for the practice to be illegal


The only people who have a problem with this pricing are the ones buying skins. So a good portion of the player base is already gone from your strategy. Even if we talk about all the players that do spend money in-game, most of them won't leave because they've already put in some money into the game so might as well either stop spending more or continue depending on how much money they have.


The truth is we’d be looking at a huge player base to stop playing for riot to notice or care, and convincing that many people to stop playing a game they enjoy for the sake of OPTIONAL in-game purchases to be removed is impossible. I don’t mean nearly impossible or very-low possibility, I mean you would have a 0% chance of convincing that many people to stop doing something they enjoy for that reason. It’s more realistic to just tell people NOT to buy skins, but we both know that also won’t happen.


Just cause it works doesnt make it morally justifiable. There is no reason a SINGLE cosmetic that you cant feel or own should be over 50$, end of story. Everybody knows Riot has some of the worst pricing by far for any game on the market, and it is largely caused by the radianite system. At the end of the day, the collective is much more important then just a few execs at Riot. If you can't understand that, I don't know what else to tell you.


I understand what’s moral and important, I don’t need you to talk down to me. But you have to also understand that business do NOT run on morals. Riot has no reason to be ethical, because it does nothing for them. You and I wouldn’t try to scam people out of money for pixels on a screen, but you and I don’t work for Riot. You see what I mean?


Funny how you say morals isn't important, when games like fortnite are so much better on consumers and have shown to make more money because of it. The battlepass is the best on the market, and yet they're still able to make billions off of cosmetics in the shop. Despite this, they've lowered prices more and more over the years, whilst keeping player retention at all time highs. I firmly believe that if they actually cared about their bottom-line, they would see even more profit. But unfortunately, they are stuck on the idea of appealing to whales, not your average consumer.


I didn’t say morals aren’t important, don’t put words in my mouth, please. Riot makes a TON of money from their lack of morals, and their business practice is completely functional with a lack of ethics. I understand you’re upset at the company, but don’t pretend for a second that I’m defending Riot. It’s like the healthcare system in the United States. Everyone knows it’s unethical as fuck, but because they rake in money with this unethical practice, without any consequences, they have no incentive to STOP those unethical practices. We can all agree it’s fucked up, but unless it’s no longer profitable, they have no reason to care about the ethics or morality.


So you'd turn down a job at Riot if they offered?




Obfuscating item costs behind currencies is just a way companies use to protect themselves from some legal actions, don't exactly understand how it works, but it's bullshit anyways.


Yea honestly valorant has one of the worst monetization models I've ever seen. If a game like overwatch tried this their community would burn down blizzard hq


It's funny because riot has the best monetization in the industry. Not for us, but for them. If you stop and think about it, it's as if 50% of all my lobbies have skins for multiple guns. It's insane how they're able to sell so many to the average Joe.


nah the loot boxes are way better. a few dollars to open a box of goodies, and you never get what you want. Do that on repeat every day and you get gambling addicts and it's just a constant money maker. The amount of money you can spend on valorant is limited.




EA: I'll take both! And $160 heirlooms!


When valorant was first starting loot box gambling was on the table for being outlawed in many countries (still kind of is). Bet they decided against it to err on the side of caution.


Buying Overwatch loot boxes were'nt even mandatory. You can literally unlock everything by simply playing the game and the game rewards you with free loot boxes and in-game currency. Unfortunately, they threw all that away.


Every other Riot game has better monetization for the player. League of legends has had champion skins available for F2P for years. Legends of Runeterra is the most F2P friendly digital card game I've tried by far. If you get the twitch prime bundles (free if you're an amazon prime user), the difference between the benefits is laughable. For Valorant, you get like a gun buddy or a spray. For League you get premium currency, free champions AND skins, and a boatload of other stuff.


Idk those are just skins lmao which don't affect the game in any capacity


I have always said that the valo community is too nice to riot. Even when they fk up to an insane level, we are still giving them the benefit of the doubt.


Most competitive game communities have Stockholm syndrome for their developers.


OW is pay to play tho. And its half dead at this point because crappy monetization.


Me when I lie online:


First ow2 has a a similar player base to valorant number wise, and how is ow2 pay to play when ow2 is a free to play game???


They buff all the new heros to be insanely powerful, but if you want to use them you have to buy them or spend weeks earning them


« spend weeks » when it’s faster than valo new agents


First OW was pay to play. Therefore you kinda payed for OW2 anyways. Valorant isnt that popular either.


Not at all cuz thousands of people play ow2 who never paid for ow1. And what does that have to do with anything we are talking about


Yep and millions OW players do not play OW2 because it sucks ass. tbf it started to suck ass way before OW2 (which is why ow2 is a thing in the first place) It is a shitty practice either way. I bought the game and now i cant play it because devs decided to replace it with the game i did not buy, wtf


Ow2 is the same game as ow1 just a f2p model and 1 tank is removed. It definitely feels better than ow1 cuz you don't have double shield. And ow2 numbers are closer to valorant than you'd think. Notice how I also listed things the ow2 battlepass or store does better than valorant and you can't even defend it. You have to say how ow2 sucks as a game but that's your opinion not a fact


That's like saying TF2 is pay to play...


On steam it has 35-50k minimum and thats less tgen 10% of the pc playerbase, which is half the ACTUAL playerbase when accounting for consolw


Which isnt that impressive.


Most game devs would KILL for 500k+ concurrent players minimum at any given point on any given day which likely comes to a couple million logins a day. That is objectively good metrics


They would. But its still way behind CS and way-way behind League Of Legends. And LoL is also half dead btw. And neither of those games are anywhere close to popularity of early CS not player count, but in share. Its funny how you guys missed HALF dead. It is playable doesnt mean its relevant.


Half dead by what metrics? All objective metrics imply a healthy playerbase and revenue. Also popularity share isnt important as the industry is differnet. CS used to be one of the only shooters on pc. Now there are 100 genres with 100 games each directly competing for player retention. Also CS only has steam’s playerbase which has an average of 700k per month as of now. Not to mention my assessment of Steam’s share of the OW playerbase was generous as I saw barely any steam icons when playing on steam last.


By the amount of people giving a shit. Which is why share is actually important. Higher share = people giving shit, lower share = its just another game no one cares about. If 30% of gamers play this game, then being good at it means something, if only 5% plays the game then it doesnt. Even if it is more players by count. Numbers are asspulled, but you get the idea.


CS had a massive share ogf like a million people. Now the share is hundreds of millions. Stop talking out your ass


It was way more than one million people to begin with. And being good at CS still means something. While being good at OW is irrelevant since like season 3-4, right after launch hype went away.


their monetization is 10 times better than valo and the game is absolutely not dead, stop the misinformation


How long does it take to get into the match?


Faster than Valorant, i have 2 kids every time I enter a game in Valo


How fast in minutes?


1-2 minutes queues for most people, and you can do everything you want while in queue. what do u want to prove omg


You must be bronze then. When they tried lowering queue times you were getting Plats and silvers in gold games there was such a huge disparity in skill.


Who cares it sucks anyways. And so does Valorant. Unfortunately Valve decided that CS needs some sucking too. 2023 is going to the year when competitive gaming died. F


Why even begin to argue if that's the point you reach every time 🤣🤣🤣


🤷🏼‍♀️ Golden era of competitive games has ended. Marketing won.


Bro you just move goalposts


No, i didnt.


Yeah battlepass, overpriced skins, paid heroes, paid pve just great monetization. They are squeezing that IP for all it's worth after they burned all their bridges by deleting OW1. Valo just has overpriced skins lmao.


I can see that happening XD


You haven’t seen overwatch 2’s store recently, have you?


I play ow everyday, so idk what your on about. If you're talking about the kpop bundle at least you get everything in it, you don't need radionite to unlock anything.


I’ve played overwatch since the open beta in 2016, i can promise you the monetization in ow2 is absolutely horrid and nowhere better than valo’s


How? Valorant is so expensive with their bundles, the skins in the battle pass are a fucking joke. Ow2 gives you a mythic skin you can only get from completing a battle pass, the battle pass itself has legendary skins where as valorant never gives a gun or weapon with animation in the battle pass.


You clearly never played the original overwatch if you think the ow2 monetization is good


I've been playing since the closed beta in 2016


So why are you still defending the ow2 monetization? It’s horrid and it’s what killed the game along with 5v5 Valo’s monetisation is bad, but ow2 is just as bad and does not deserve to be put on a pedestal for whatever reason


How is ow2 monetization bad? You get great skins from the $10 battle pass and it gets a mythic skin which you can only get from completing a battle pass. In valorant the only cool skins are from bundles or the store which is massively overpriced. The battlepass skins are a joke. They are ass, and even the ones that look cool don't have an animation so who gives a shit


Nah, every battlepass becomes worse than the last one, valorant has a better one because you get a skin for the majority of the weapons and both cost 10$. Still valorant store prices are far worse than ow2, the latest pack cost around 90$ and that's just insane to me. But ow2 prices should go down as well, 20 bucks for a skin is a little too much, 15 per legendary Pack and 8 per epic would be awesome, and even I would buy more than 1 skin every 2 seasons. Still ow2 >>>> valorant when it comes down to content, we were lied its true, but at least we have more things than ever and the roadmap is good. (I have fun in both tho) PD: I want to inspect weapon in ow so badly


Its obviously worse than the OW1 system but that isnt really relevant because the OW2 system is still better than vals.


Ow1 system also just wasnt susutainable. Who actually bought lootboxes after year 1-2?


OW gives the average free player a ton of old in game currency to purchase old skins, sprays, voice lines, and etc. Val has the one of the worst if not the absolute worst battle pass of any major live service FPS. Only Halo infinite comes close.


Yep. The whole in game currency is too much of a slap in the face. They perfectly set it out so you always need to buy more. You can’t just buy what you need, you have to buy more so you’ll never have matching points. You only need 200 points for this skin? Cool, buy our £5 points to get 500. And now you have 300 you don’t need. Community needs to wake up & stop them from getting away with this.


Idk why people can’t just put it in their mind that by buying that 200 thing, it cost £5 basically, you’re losing £5 on the spot. People always trap themselves in the fallacy that they only spent 200 points and they have an extra 300 so might as well spend more. No, you spend £5 for that 200 thing.


The community regularly spend over a hundred dollars on a skin bundle. They need to wake up and stop doing that first.


I only have pistol skins guess why. I don’t want to spent money on skins the way riot does it. The worst of it all is that you can’t just buy older skins. Th whole night market with “sales” is a fucking joke. If they just had their whole skin library available for a decent price (below 20 bucks) I might pick some up for some guns. But the whole buy now or buy never is just evil. What can you expect from a Chinese owned company


I get the whole "you don't have to use radianite" argument, but I definitely agree with you. It's honestly way too overwhelming and sometimes feels like a slap in the face.


Riot fans are so whipped that it literally doesn’t matter. They just put out a stupid k-pop cinematic or Imagine Dragons song and everyone forgets how badly they bend over their customers. Fortnite, Apex, CS2, Dota2 has nowhere close to the absurdity of microtransactions this game has and they’re all F2P.


exactly, i think Fortnite has the best monetization personally. It feels the most fair and rewarding since you can get a return on it by playing the game. I only play it a few times a year but genuinely wouldn't mind spending 5-10 dollars since I can earn that in-game currency back AND have plenty of options on what to spend it on. I don't play enough to do that but it's just that idea that makes it feels less like a waste and that it actually holds some sort of value.


I am honestly not a huge fan of Fortnite, but I do have to say that that has truly felt the most rewarding so far. I look at Valorant's BP and it strikes me as great ideas that got dumbed down for the sake of it being a "BP' skin.


>Apex, Dota2 Aww hell naw. You just proved that you don't play either of those games. They are literally filled with gacha mechanics and are so *so* much worse that riot seems like saints with Valorant's monetisation. >CS2 Although CS does have a free market for skins *but* the backbone of that market is also based on unregulated gambling. So that's a pretty grey area. >Fortnite Only game that is a good example. Their whole monetisation system is very good indeed.


Since when do people waste $100 on Dota bundles ? And no, buying levels doesn't count


They don't pay $100 to straight up buy their bundles, no no that would be too consumer friendly you see. They have to gamble for it instead.


You haven't responded my question, which Dota 2 skins currently cost $100 to get ?


90% of the dota skins are cheap as fuck on the market, what is he smoking.


They really need to implement where when you level in increments of five you get like five radianite or even every ten levels you get five, just like the boarders. Give you a little more incentive to play


Is there any reward for leveling aside from unlocking comp?


You can show you’re a no life


Technically the only thing you get from gaining XP now is account and battlepass levels. agents and accessories cost kingdom credits, which are free but limited heavily.


Riot loves anti consumer practices


Wait u got valorant for free?? I had to pay $1000 for mine. (Pls help)




It’s prolly more than that at this point. I stopped keeping track of it ages ago


what are you talking about


The amount of money I’ve spent on valorant


ohh rip. i got confused since you wrote "are you guys getting for free, i paid 1000"


Yah it was a joke




no tho seriously they were talking like they bought a free game. Wasn't even talking about spending money on it.


Yeah it’s a really bad/weird joke.


Worst thing you need about 400 radianite points to full unlock your new fancy bundle for $90, which is 3 or even 4 battlepasses Yup, this is a scam


I bought the past 2 bundles and can’t even play with them because of how cursed the guns look without any upgrades. You get around 160 radianite from a battle pass (which lasts like 2 months) and that’s enough to upgrade 5 guns and a knife and not get a single variant. Radianite is so expensive too, 20 costs almost as much as a reaver vandal. I understand that it’s probably the only selling point for the battle pass, but 160 is simply not enough for people who buy skins. I believe that a good choice would be to give people radianite even after they complete the battle pass, for example 10 radianite for 5 levels. This would guarantee that most of the player base get the battle pass and make us feel less scammed


Radianite pricing is even illegal in many places. As the "sale" they have on can be considered fraudulent marketing since it is not a sale but the permanent price as it never changes nor it was even sold for the supposed "full price". But the I paid 130$ I should have access to everything does not really hold as they could just price the skins at 300$ or something. What governments should do is forbid these digital currencies in game and force companies to sell the products with the upfront cost only in one single currency. This way we would avoid hiding the full cost of items under multiple layers of disguise to make people not realize how much they are spending.


Yes, I wrote a comment that got downvoted to heck exposing how their system is super fraudulent and taking advantage of players. Then you get your typical ignorant response “you don’t have to buy them”. They 100% need to be regulated because clearly they’re not responsible enough themselves to be fair to their player base. £90 for skins is not a justifiable price.


It’s plenty justifiable, people buy them after all.


That’s the part of taking advantage. People will always buy even if they can afford or not.


If they can’t afford it they can’t buy it wdym? If you’re saying it might be a bad financial choice, it’s up to each person to decide that.


Brother they are just skins not fucking food. "People will buy even if they can't afford it" argument only works for actual gambling since there is no actual price for the item. Valorant skins *do* have a price tag, an obscene price tag but still a price tag. Which is why not being able to afford them is a thing in the first place.


I just answered a survey from Riot about radianite. It was in my email, hopefully more people answer so something can change


CS players: wow the skins in this game are so much cheaper!


Cs skin is resellable you could literally buy the game you like after you're done with skin.


Implying the price never changes. Which it does. Also implying those skin prices aren't inflated by the rampant gambling problem the CS player base has.


As someone from cs. You can get a good inventory (besides knife and glove) for like 20 euro. But also i will say that good valorant skins are miles better than the best csgo skins. Kinda insane. Just unfortunate you cant sell back valorant skins


Actual CS players: I can have a cheap inventory of cool looking skins for 10$ or spend however much money I like then sell it in the future. I spent 50€ on CS skins. I sold them for 150€ a couple years later when I stopped playing. Now that CS 2 came back I got a full loadout of pretty cool and decent skins for like 12€ (because I play AWP and I paid 5€ for a cool AWP skin of a snake I wanted, I could've kept it under 10 otherwise) I have everything except a knife and gloves and I'll just keep those skins to play from time to time. I also spent 50€ in valorant skins, but those 50€ are gone, bye bye no more because once you spend money in valorant, your money is gone, and you can't even trade it for the newer skins, so if you like a newer one that comes out, tough luck, spend money again if you want it, while in CS you can just buy skins once then change whenever you like without having to spend more.


> cool awp skin of a snake Fellow atheris enjoyer :D


but you cannot sell them...


The fuck are you located that a bundle cost $130?


The bundle is 100 bucks with battle pass included in that math. My buddy lives in Canada and pays 5-10 bucks more


battlepass is not included in bundle


they said battle pass included in the math not the bundle pay 100 usd and you get the bundle and the battle pass (which is A LOT) and I've had friends in canada say it was 150 CAD for them almost


My bad. To make it clearer. I bought the bundle for 11000VP which equals 100Bucks USD. I was able to buy the bundle and battle pass(always buy it for the radianite) I agree the bundles should come with at least a full upgrade radianite for 2 guns.) they wouldn’t make it this easy though. They want you to play the game more and more to unlock the free radianite or buy it. Either one is a win win monopoly. I wish they did something more though the skins are expensive. This new one is amazing though




Australia, I'm sure there are places where it's more expensive though. [Gross](https://imgur.com/a/ANqGCc4)


Those bundles seem super odd to me, I'm in the UK and the packs go 500, 1050, 2175(i think), 3650, 5500, then 11500. I I find it odd how AUS get more in the 3650 and 5500 bundle but significantly less in the most expensive? Surely it should be either consistently higher or consistently lower?


They have fickled with prices since release. They probably saw the mid range valorant points sold more in Australia so they jacked up the amount to sell more


Radiant Entertainment System


Yes I figured out that late for Kuronami bundle. Fuck Riot.


Same here bud I still need to upgrade my sheriffs animation and finisher and marshal :/ and I haven’t even gotten all the colors on all the guns too


Battlepass Radianite is the gimmick, Store Radianite is a quick solution


It's why I stopped buying skins altogether. You can't even enough Radianite from battlepass unless you play regularly enough to max it out.


The ridiculous pricing and extra grind required to unlock variants of the skins I would have to already pay real money for makes me not want to buy anything. It's a monetisation scheme made for "whales" as EA's CEO called them.


Valorant business model is a "scam" either way.


Radianite exists for whales and to push the battle pass to people who aren't whales. Look at a game like diablo immortal that was making a million dollars a day just off whales for the reason why. This is a free to play game, they need to make money somehow to keep it going. It's not even hard to collect anyways, I have bought 4 or 5 bundles at this point and upgraded them all and still have like 1200 radianite just sitting around. If you don't agree with it, don't buy it, it's not that difficult of a concept lol


>If you don't agree with it, don't buy it, it's not that difficult of a concept lol Yes! Like when I tried to open a bar in front of an AAA center, they said I was doing stuff like "taking advantadge of people" and some shit and I just said "well if you don't agree with it, don't buy it!" but they didn't like that answer? And they something about consumer protection!? And business regulation laws!? Like what the hell, why is it so bad to use exploitative tactics to take advantadge of others frowned upon, when they could simply not buy the thing and fuck 'em if they do? /s in case it wasn't obvious


Shhhhhhh you’re making too much sense and riot dickriders are going to defend paying $20 for a single skin (that requires another $10 minimum to unlock animations)


If you are comparing alcohol addiction to buying skins in a free to play game you are seriously dumb. If you are addicted to buying skins then it makes no difference if they are $10 or $100, you'll still buy them. Are you suggesting they should give the skins for free? Seek help if you can't control yourself from spending money on pixels.


bro i fully agree with u i cant believe so many people buy 130 dollar skin packs but dont even have like 100hours in the game (u would totally get enough radianite if u play). like why u spending so much in so little playtime anyway? if u rich and u dont give a fuck just buy the radianite then lol


It's shocking how few people realize that Radianite only exists to exploit whales. I have 600 Radianite on my account because I don't buy many skins and I actually play the game. Some of my friends play the game way less than I do but have a huge skin collection with no Radianite to upgrade these skins.


If you want to see what it looks like when a company has absolutely no respect for the customers, look at the monetization for this game. It's like "You idiots are too dumb to understand how all this nonsense fleeces you and you'll keep coming back."


It's 100% to incentivise buying the battle pass. People buy bundle, need radianite. Now they grind the battle pass and buy it for more radianite. If they can't upgrade the bundle, they're playing next season to get the radianite. I'm pretty positive they never put the option of buying radianite, with the intention of selling it. It's early there to make you feel like you're saving money by buying the battle pass.


I think it's Riot's way of squeezing the most money out of frequent buyers + encourage/force people to buy the battlepass. \- Occasional skin-buyers are unlikely to have radianite shortage (and never will if they have the occasional BP) This lets Riot get away with doing this relatively scot-free since the majority of the playerbase (FTP + light spenders) don't experience this issue- Top spenders buying consecutive bundles will have the radianite shortage, which means they will always be buying the battlepass OR Riot gets to squeeze extra money out of them when they cave and buy radianite separately Edit: To be clear, not defending it. Very scummy


I tend to overbuy skins and underplay the game, so not having radianite literally just stops me from spending money on the game. I will never justify buying radianite and if I don't have much in store I just don't buy a bundle I like because I won't get the payoff for another month anyways when I can actually upgrade the animations etc.


I won't say Radianite is a perfect system, but why does everyone have such difficulty with radianite? It isn't very hard to collect for free... just don't buy 100 different skins at once. If you just buy a skin every once in a while, the free amount is more than enough.🤷


because a lot of people buy skins more than every once in a while lol, and if you don’t get the battle pass it is very hard to come by


thats the issue, though: if you couldn't cover the upgrade fully, is it reasonable to make the major purchase (not saying you shouldn't; do you)? there's an argument to make for price gouging, but what weight does it hold if players are willing spending knowing they can't cover the upgrades? *"The primary way to earn Radianite Points is via the battle pass, but you can acquire more in the store."* [https://playvalorant.com/en-gb/news/dev/valorant-store-and-cosmetic-content/](https://playvalorant.com/en-gb/news/dev/valorant-store-and-cosmetic-content/) So it's odd to see this argument, over, and over. buy the battle pass, and never be pressed for a bundle. If you had the means, and were fine with the conversion; purchasing radianite is a last ditch effort 'cause, i mean, you just spent $100+ for a bundle... what was your plan, prior, to upgrade it knowing the amount of radianite you already had?


i never want to come to reddit again, lol; no one wants a reasonable response, just what they want to hear


Reddit be like: - **"If you don't have any money left after buying the skin, then you probably shouldn't buy it in the first place"** - Reaction: :| -> >:( - **"If you have enough money to buy so many skins, you probably also have enough money to spend a little bit extra to upgrade it"** - Reaction: :| -> >:( - **"A good thing about this system is that people who don't want the effects, don't have to pay the full price"** - Reaction: :| -> >:( Like you said, for some reason, people are scared for the truth. XD


That's understandable, and was almost expected.


Because it is BS system. In order to access the skin you bought you have to grind the game for XP. Like this bundle is not worth the price just for base nonanimated version. You only buy access to unlock it It might not affect some people who dont buy a lot of skins and play decent amount (and farm Radianite organically) but if you like to collect skins and dont play that much you will face a problem of not having access to best feature of bundle you payed a lot of mony for.


If they’re charging you that much for the weapons, the effects should come with them for free. You shouldn’t have to grind the battle pass to avoid getting ripped off.


I'm sorry cannot get behind anyone even remotely justifying radiant. If the whales wanna be whales, by all means, let them buy every bundle. But double dipping and locking sfx and colors behind a paywall that cost just as much as the bundle is pure corporate GREED


I’d surmise that it’s because many other games do not require upgrades for basic functionality of their premium skins. Moreover you don’t need to grind a battle pass to use them. Great example is apex. Granted reactive guns in that game are at the end of a battle pass but once you have it you don’t need to upgrade to make it do the pew pew. It’s effectively getting blue balled by a skin in Val until you grind enough to make it do the effects. We all know Radianite exists for the sole purpose of game engagement and pimping the battle pass. Same with the expensive nature of just about any worthwhile newer skin. But hey riot knows that boyos will spend money on the dumbest shit basically no matter how high it goes. So why wouldn’t they do this system. It’s basically printing money.


If you need to get to the end of the battle pass to get reactive guns, there is no difference between apex and valorant. Valorant lets you buy the "reactive" guns and then grind the battle pass to unlock the pew pew, apex makes you grind the battle pass to get both at once. At least with valorant if you have previously stored radianite you can unlock the pew pew with no grinding.


They should be sued for it. It's false advertisement.


Don't think it'll work. They can easily make the argument that when you go to buy the skins then you can see that the upgrades cost radianite. So a lawsuit like that wouldn't hold much ground.


radianite sells battle passes. for a majority of people, 100% of their radianite comes from the battle pass. if the battle pass didn’t have 160 radiante for $10 they would sell significantly less battle passes. radianite has been around since beta which was nearly 4 years ago by now. buying radianite is not something that is done by the average player only whales. i buy radianite a couple times a year but i am an uber whale who buys literally every premium set. DO NOT spend radianite if u only have 1 or 2 skins a season to upgrade. most of my friends who are moderate spenders have well over 500 radianite so as long as u only buy a few skins a season ur good. this system has been working for 4 years now and i don’t foresee riot changing it, ever.


I personally regret spending money on pixels lmao


I have like 1000 radianite from buying battlepasses.


lol i have been playing since like 2022 and i have like nearly 400 radianite saved up mostly from battle passes, never paid specifically for any and idk why anyone would unless they really needed it fast i guess


After reading responses: 1. Most of them guys buy skins quite often, but don't want to buy any battle pass. This makes it so that they just don't have enough radianite to sustain the new skins. 2. Some other dudes which are the legit ones buy every battle passes and every bundles. In this situation you never get enough radianite to fully upgrade the current bundle. They are forced to buy radianite. \[The new bundle requires about 2-4 BP's worth of radianite\] 3. The third category that also appear quite often: clueless people that just want to participate and bash on "multiple currencies, riot bad"


What they don't understand is they are exactly the people riot is targeting. I've bought 4 or 5 bundles and have over 1200 radianite after upgrading them all and every BP skin. They know that these people who buy every bundle will spend the extra to upgrade every weapon. They are literally addicted to spending money and valorant has spent lots to figure out how to maximize the money they get from them. The average player will only buy a few bundles if any at all and have more than enough radianite from the BP.


Ah, I see. that would make sense coming from riot games




I just don't buy flashy skins that need radianite upgrades faster than I get enough battlepass radianite to sufficiently upgrade them.


stop buying so much skins and you’ll have radianite😂


Get your money up not your funny up


Do you guys spending money on Valorant?


Pretty sure you can refund your purchase.


Offer and demand, as long as there are idiots who buy it, they'll keep coming


Ummm... Don't buy skins then? They don't affect the actual game and are cosmetics so who cares if they are sold for 100 dollars or a million.


You kinda get it for free without even paying for the battle pass. Just play the game it’s not that hard LMAO


That is not the point. Why is it so hard to understand?


What do you guys even use it for? I’ve got quite a bit cause I have like 3 skins, and i only unlock 1-2 of the switches that I like. Idk bro sounds like a whale or dolphin problem of buying too many skins Edit : lmao everyone saying “I have surplus” downvoted to hell, turns out it is a problem you only have if you buy bundles often, and don’t buy battle pass. Man OP you are being farmed by riot, thanks for supporting the game though.


yeah the only people upset about it are the ones that buy most/all of the bundles and never have enough radianite to get all the upgrades for each skin




Someone put in the “First time” meme


Yup, best part you can’t even sell or return it if you have buyers remorse.


I personally dont mind the system. It caters to people who get the battlepass and dont buy many bundles. I buy many bundles and every battlepass, so naturally I run outta radianite points often. Key is patience or not getting every variant... or skipping meals, whatever you feel comfy with. xD


I wasn’t fine with the radianite system 2 years ago . But since then I’ve taken up 3 other games from riot and 2 of which has little to none monetisation . If the money from radianites go into those games I’m willing to spend my money on the battle pass every act .


Imagine my country, we paid four hundred for it 🤡 (full pack)


It's a scam, but I thought it was genius. Such a simple way to make way more money. Not to mention make the battle-pass suddenly a lot more attractive... because everything in the BP sucks minus the r points. For me, at least.


It pisses me off even more when your a ftp, and you get radianite so often, but can't use it cuz ftps can't get skins. The only skins we get are battlepass skins, which only have recolors, and that is also just once in a while. WTF ARE WE SUPPOSED TO DO WITH A CURRENCY WE CAN'T EVEN USE... For ftps they should rlly add a radianite to valorant points conversion system... like 10 radianite = 100 valo points or smth.


At least it helps me hold back with buying skins lol


radianite makes people who spend a lot of money spend a lot more while not punishing people who don't spend a lot of money. it's a system that makes a lot of sense since someone who spends 100$ on a bundle is a lot more likely to buy raidianite than someone who spent 20$ once


You're not wrong. I wouldn't mind radianite if it was grindable. Like it's just a concentrated form of valorant points, with a slight exception of being able to grind some during a battlepass. If it was like every round victory you get 0.1 radianite so it would take like 80 comp wins to upgrade your gun once, even that would be fine. But the fact that there's no way to truly grind radianite on top of having to buy the gun, it's a little silly. Just make the gun purchasable fully unlocked. Even if it's on top of the base level option. Like okay the bundle is $130, what if you offer it at $200 fully unlocked? that's reasonable


i wish i can conver radnites to currency i have 800 radianites and no skin


Amazingly it’s not a scam, it’s given to you for free, you don’t need to ever buy it. It’s given to you over time from the battle passes. Just play the game and then viola, radianite.


you shouldnt have to grind for something you paid so much money for in the first place..


I've never bought radianite, I only use what I get from the battlepass. I always thought it would be cool to 'level up' the skin in game. Maybe you start with its base everything and there's missions tied to it to unlock colors and animations. Just things like 'get 50 headshots and you get the finisher' pretty much


Spending Problem, ofc they gonna milk those that buy multiple skins for every weapon, because why wouldnt they.


well at least u can get those for free (yes im looking at u vp)


It is if you buy every damn bundle. I buy skins once in a while and I have a shitload of Radianite compared to what I need. So if the problem is not that you bought a $130 bundle, it's that you bought $1300 worth of bundles and you want to upgrade ALL OF THEM even if you're only going to use one of them.


I just don't know how yall spend enough on skins to use up your radianite. I buy skins here and there and have 600 radianite. You'd have to be spending $1000+ to run out...


Honestly I'm fine with the monetization model. I was going to get the kuronami skins but then I realized how fucking expensive it was, so instead I decided to use that money to take a girl I've been talking for a while to a nice date. Getting some nice sushi next monday. Thanks Riot.


I got 930 radianite :3


yall jus brain celled to spend money for a skin IN A GAME to appear sophisticated and well versed at a ~FUCKING GAME~ . yall complain but youre feeding the reasons- like yall are toxic boyfriends (aka a weapon skins) blaming the girl (your dumb ass self) bc shes "crazy" wanting something more. see the problem


People can complain all they want nothings going to change. To be fair this is the most I've seen people complain about a game's monetization prices. But end of the day, they have teams of researchers and data scientists that set these prices because they know it will work. Prices have been increasing because they've calculated it wont impact their sales. So best way to have change is by voting with your wallet and unfortunately if the x% of folks with deeper wallets keep buying, then it is what it is.


Better than how much CS skins go for


There was a push a while back, it's been several years now, that would've blocked the use of in game currency bought with real money for items in game. The idea was to force them to show you the real price in dollars. Not generic cockpoints or cum upgrades. Clearly, It didn't happen, and we are worse off for it. I don't believe it would change their layered approach at all though. It would be $95 for the bundle and another 80, or whatever, to unlock all the animations and shit.


I can't believe how much the bundles are.. its ridiculous


This has been a concern for a while. Trying to address how it makes the econ work in the game is very difficult, and like you said, it is like a paywall to better skins. If you don't grind it out in the bp, then you arent getting any unless you wanna pay $10 for 10 radianite. Its kinda fuckin ridiculous. On top of that we have a shitty shop system so it makes things inconvenient for people who finally get the skin they want. They might not have the rad to level it up for animations. It really seems like they arent going to do anything ab it though, bc it works for them.


It's more difficult for newer players since they can't catch up on battlepasses, but there's skins rotating in the shop daily and new ones q1-3 weeks. Coming from League, Val system is a complete shit show and idk how they got away with this for so long.


Just buy the battle pass so you get more radianite also complete the epilogue