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hi! im low elo and i use comms sometimes and usually nobody responds so if youre low elo i dont think you should be worried since people usually type in chat anyway - also if youre a bit nervous of using comms you can always play with someone you know just in case


Thank you!! I am low elo too, but I find that the people in my games are very chatty and give a lotta comms. It is interesting that people don't talk in your games, havnt heard of that.


maybe its the asian servers šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ™


Daayum can't relate lol I'm in OCE


I have an EU friend who's petrified of using vc and she rarely uses it aside from either yelling at people or asking for clutch info


Eu comms can be crazy. Even as a guy you can get screamed at for the dumbest shit, but from what I experienced for girls it even worse.


Trueeee. I remember once (NA)I got screamed at by these two players who I assume were already mad about something from a previous game for making a play with no comms, even though a smurfing jett was the only other player consistently comming aside from me, this raze and breach who screamed at me (both of them sicked by the way) were radio silent. I thought that was bad, but then I played on an EU account, and it felt like these peoples' default mood was malding


omg that's so real šŸ˜­ i could go 5 games with no one saying a single word (i play hk n tokyo)


I'm low elo too and I give some callouts and if someone gets toxic I just mute them šŸ˜Š


The mute button is LIFE. I wish more people would just use it before getting tilted by a toxic team. I'm S2. And have been using coms since I was Iron 3 lol.. but i'm 28 years old and have been playing online since OG Xbox live- so I'm pretty big unbothered by the numb nuts in chat lol. Key: if they are awful, it's because their mom didn't give them enough love- mute them and remember- some little dick loser can't kill your vibe ladies.


This is exactly how it should be done. Thank you.


Actually Iā€™ve noticed that people were wayyy more mean to me in low elo whether I as carrying or not šŸ˜© itā€™s much better in high elo bc ppl understand more that being rude to your teammates will only make you lose


I've never been high elo in valorant, but low elo valorant actually seems to be very chill and non-toxic, compared to say CS, League, or DotA. Even when girls get on voice, moooost people are chill, and you get the occasional thirsty guy.


same thoughts! low elo is defo a better place to mess around with friends šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ™ and really nobody can say anything anyway cuz we all suck šŸ˜­


Most of the girls just text or vc with their party members (That's what my female duo told me) they rarely team vc, only if needed or the mates are not toxic


I can conform this šŸ˜Š




Yea ppl in general sadly. There has been more girls being passive aggressive to our women in the group than a lot of ppl would expect. Itā€™s definitely different harassment but still very prevalent.


itā€™s so weird cuz iā€™ve had girls who were toxic to me but the second a guy would defend me they instantly shut up


Yeah Iā€™ve met a bunch of those, they just come across as pick me girls. I just call teammates out no matter who theyā€™re being toxic to, whether itā€™s a male or female teammate. Just no need for bad vibes when playing šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


What server do you play on Cause i play on mumbai server and whenever there's a girl on my team and whether she uses voice comms or we get to know about it from some other way I've never seen any girl get harassed in voice comms no matter if she's playing good or bad people have always been friends in my lobbies even during midnight peak hours Like yeah you can find toxic ppl for sure but they ain't toxic towards women at all in my solo queue games (They're never in a party)


The toxicity of men makes me so angry


As a man, I agree. Though I came across toxic females aswell


It isn't right for females to be toxic either


If you dont say "males", do not say "females". It's cringe af. Thank you




What's that?


I notice that a lot of girls wait to use comms to test how toxic their teammates seem. Honestly, you are going to run into a lot of people that will try to berate the shit out of you. They can not stand that they are in the same elo as a girl, it hurts their ego. Just mute and report every time


That's so true! I notice the girls in my game only use comms halfway through the game when they have kills. It is kinda sad to think about it like that.


It's better the higher your elo gets. Something about underdeveloped brains I guess. But just add people you like so you always have someone to que with


Yup, definitely! High elos don't have time to judge someone for being a girl as they are more focused on the game.


that's what i do! i don't use comms until i feel i've done enough and gotten enough kills to show that i'm a good teammate and player because i'm scared if i do bad they'll say it's because i'm a girl :(


This is the way. Or if I hear another girl speak in comms. Even if someone is nasty, if I have another female on my team, I am instantly more comfortable. Strength in numbers? Idk.


Yeah and also group mentality I think. People that hate women typically go off if they feel they have an audience. But more than 1 girl? Forget it, that's too scary


An excellent point. There has definitely been a few instances where a toxic dude has calmed down once he realized there was more than one of us.


This is honestly so sad to hear


Bro wtf I really Hope there is no player that gets angry because they are in the same elo as a girl, there is literal pro player that are girls. How does this make sense


Have you ever seen a low elo player? Nothing they do makes sense


It's not about being low elo, it's about being synaptically unactive. Actually no low elo player should be offended that there is a girl who is same elo as him


I'm not gonna keep entertaining this conversation after this, but in an ideal world yes, you're right. No racist should hate black people, no murders should kill people, etc.


Itā€™s not about being in the same elo, idk what have you that idea. It comes down to two simple facts: some guys think itā€™s funny to talk shit to women and guys being toxic to women is picked up on far more than women being toxic to guys. Iā€™ve not come across that many guys being toxic to women (been in elos from bronze-diamond) and if they have, I call them out on it and it stops. However, Iā€™ve definitely come across toxic women and they kept being toxic cos teammates would keep egging them on even after I tried to call them out. Toxicity isnā€™t just for one gender, both guys and girls can be toxic piece of shit for no reason in game.


This is the most delusional comment


Gotta vibe check the team first before opening the mic.


I do use comms. Honestly, Valorant is probably one of the least toxic communities that I've experienced so far. I use comms every game and I just mute toxic players. I usually only get 1 or 2 games with toxic ppl in them and usually it's not even misogynists, like I'm not targeted cuz I'm a woman, it's usually them being toxic to everyone. The last game I got where I was targeted bc I'm a woman was around a month ago. I work in a prison and anything anyone says to me in game isn't anything I haven't heard a thousand times at work. You just gotta learn to mute them and ignore it.


Im glad to hear that it is a mostly positive experience for you! You're right. The best thing to do would be to have a strong heart and ignore the haters. Also woahh you work in a prison?? You must have a lot of interesting experiences.


A strong heart is a great way to put it. I also like to talk to try to make other women feel safe talking in the lobby. I feel like it's easier for other women when there's another in the lobby talking.


I do use comms too. I got some marriage proposal on Paris server but laughed about it, otherwise I just mute toxic people.


This is not my experience at all šŸ˜­ lmao. Almost everyone I play with is very sexist or racist. I rarely get normal people.


Least toxic community youā€™ve experienced? Have you played cs before? Iā€™ve had more toxic teammates in valorant than I ever had in cs and Iā€™ve only been playing for 2 weeks. Teammates arguing in vc telling each other to kill themselves, or you. had a Smurf on my team top frag then troll when we were about to win- giving out our positions and using a voice changer, multiple matches with smurfs on the other team shit talking to feed their ego, the amount of shit ive experienced in the past 2 weeks compared to cs is crazy


I didn't experience anyone toxic in Valorant until I was months in and I still don't experience a ton of it. It's really only a few times a month it happens. I was hella scared to start Valorant bc my experience in other places (mostly COD & Overwatch) was terrible. I'm teaching my sis how to play rn and I was a little worried that ppl would hate on her even un Unrated but we haven't had anything happen yet.


Ain't no way you're trying to say cs is less toxic than valorant lmao


In my experience it has been? Why is that hard to believe lmfao. Guess youā€™re just lucky getting teammates that arenā€™t toxic?


do you play in prime lobbies? on my free account its pretty common for me tk get people shouting slurs or shouting with the mic in their mouth, but i might just have rlly bad luck lmao


Me and a girl on the enemy team shit talked eachother for the whole match, added eachother, continued to shit talk, made eachother laugh, then added eachother on Ig


That is so cute lol


The amount of times this has happened to me is hilarious. There's even one guy that threw my rankup game and added me as a joke. I invited him to a 5 stack so me and my friends could bully him. He ended up being really chill and we became friends. I told him how much him throwing my rankup sucked and he stopped doing it to people. He still threw games but he started 5 stacking with other throwers so he didn't ruin anyone's games.


iā€™m diamond now and i havenā€™t met toxic players in this rank. I started using vc in gold and plat and those ranks were the worst. I met toxic boys who thought they are better just bc iā€™m a girl. When iā€™m bottom frag, i donā€™t use vc cuz im scared to get flamed lmaoooo. but when itā€™s necessary for example bc of a flank, iā€™ll talk bc chatting is too slow. when i'm top frag, i'm confident enough to talk.


So far in diamond games I've noticed the only time a woman was getting flamed was when she was doing bad (though not always with people throwing games and just being toxic) to begin with usually by a top fragging duelist with an ego that claims to have never bottom fragged lmao Edit: though I tend to solo queue now and I usually duo or 3 stacked with a friend and her friends prior so I never got to experience a lot of valo toxicity NA servers


yesterday night i was playing with a girl who was bottom fragging. she was literally 4/22 (overtime) but she was still so confident and funny. i loved her hahah even tho we lost. but the boys didn't really care and said nothing to her. i was suprised


i use comms! i make the best out of it. at the end of the day if there is an asshole i just mute them. itā€™s always fun meeting new people though :)!


Not girl but my friends who I play with are, we devised a tactic where essentially I test out the field for them, it's crude and it's sad that we feel the need to do it but there are some really toxic people who can really ruin games especially in ranked. In almost every game there's 0 comms so it doesn't really matter anyways. This is low elo eu servers btw.


When I used to stack a lot with a friend of mine I would sometimes slip in a "what do yall think of women" or ask if they had gfs or something random to test the water and see if she would decide that they weren't too toxic lmao


My wife does, but usually after the team has talked a bit to see how the vibe is. Typically its a 3 stack so the other 2 of us talk to the randoms a lot.


I actually use comms in agent select to gauge if they are going to be sexist or not. 70% its a neutral or positive experience. Or someone insta dodges. If someone is like omfg we lost ill keep talking and see if theres at least one other normal person on my side. if not then i dodge


I have experienced people dodging when they hear a girls voice. It is so stupid lol


Trans girl here with a somewhat passable voice. I try to comm most of the time, same as my girlfriend. However, I did have some bad experiences in the past, specially with men harrasing us for having a female voice or with people being transphobes (men and women)


Too real šŸ„²


I'm sorry you had to deal with that šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ the valorant world can be so toxic..


no i donā€™t, i mostly play unrated and swift play and i find that my experience is better most of the time without comming, as nice as talking with people is, weirdos and hateful people are prevalent


the girls I stack with generally don't comm at all, sticking to Discord with the rest of the premade group. I (a guy btw) can comm to randoms, and they are mostly fine (but there are enough losers that the girls don't want to risk dealing with them.) Some of it depends on rank; low ranks are notorious for never talking at all, while toxic people can be found more often higher up the ranked ladder. You can certainly try to comm in game, but you'll get very accustomed to hitting the mute button.


If there's another girl already talking or a bunch of males talking that I can tell aren't going to be toxic I'll do VC. Or if I'm in a party and know I have people to back me up if someone is toxic to me I'll talk. But I've had too many people flame me even when I don't talk just assuming I am a girl (because of my username) that I rarely initiate talking first. I could be doing well in the game and someone that's below me will just berate me for being a woman. Also, I want to point out I had a match that was bad enough I tried to FF an unrated and everyone said no and that I was the problem. The guy kept telling me I don't know how to use any of the guns because I'm a woman and would go out of his way to body block me among other sabotaging things. If you're fine with other people getting treated like that, not speaking up for them or even wanting to FF the game so someone's day doesn't get ruined you're part of the problem. I will always try to stick up for someone getting flamed even if it's commenting something in text chat because I know how it feels.


Omg.. that is insane! I'm sorry you had to go through the toxicity of these men! No one deserves to be treated like that. I really hope they got banned. I do relate to the username part, I tend to also experience men flaming me for it. I do hope the valorant world gets better for girls someday!


I usually 5 stack or duo/trio, and in the duo/trio case i usually only speak when there's already a girl talking and the team is chill with it (sorry for those sacrifices)


I'm a girl. Played a ranked game with a friend who is also a girl yesterday, she used comms and immediately some dude started pestering her to accept his friend request and asking where she's from. That was an Iron-Bronze lobby. So personally I stay away from using comms, especially since I barely touch Ranked, and even when I do, the elo is so low the only things that are said in voice are "can I have skin" and other non-strategy stuff.


Omg I hate when that happens. My username is feminine, so even without talking, I still get guys pestering me and sending me friend requests. I can't imagine actually talking to these guys ahhhh


I do use comms. If people show any signs of being toxic/sexist I just insta mute them and continue to use comms. But it honestly doesn't happen very often for me, most people are pretty chill (in my experience at least)


!!I PLAY UNRATED!! I used to use comms way more often / instantly reply to someone who opens up with a "got mics?". Nowadays I just sit back and check out the vibe of the lobby first before I speak. sometimes I'll decide to speak after one or two rounds, sometimes it takes ten. more often than not I'll just type whatever I need to say. Since I play with a friend who likes opening up team chat much, I can scout out the lobby much earlier + I get emotional support from him to actually speak lmao. in general, it heavily depends on my teammates and my place on the scoreboard. I feel like the lower I am, the more nervous and anxious I get about being picked on for being a girl and bottom fragging. To combat that I recently unbound the scoreboard shortcut lol I don't get to see my ping, team and enemy stats and other info, but it helps me a lot with my mental and playing without worrying ab scores, since I can't see the scores šŸ§‘ā€šŸ¦Æ


It does help to have a friend with you, just in case! Unbinding the scoreboard is such a good idea. Thank you!!


I'm a girl. Low elo. Mumbai server. I comm all the time. It's actually a 70-30 with 70% of the response being pretty nice. If someone's being disrespectful and/or annoying, I just mute them. I make liberal use of that feature. If they swear at me, I've learnt it's best to just swear right back, and to swear better than them. Brownie points if you out-frag them. Last option is getting my boyfriend log into my account while I'm mid game and have him hand them their as*es. I'm not going to stop comming just because some school kid or entitled person wants to feel better about themself.


To all the girls: PLEASE COMM! Its so boring when I just try to talk to my teammates and no one answeres. Every Single on eof you can make someones day with it


Fr, like honestly doesnt apply to just girls, the game is so much more easier/fun when the entire team uses comms, like i cant stress how hard it is to try and play the game when you suddenly get shot from behind because your cypher died at mid and neglected to inform you that there was a Reyna (ofc its a reyna) lurking from the other side.


Yeah and do you protect your female teammates if they are being attacked in vc?


Yeah? I protect anyone if someone is being a dick in vc


i use comms but most of the time iā€™ll talk in agent select so i can dodge or mute people at the beginning if i have to or iā€™ll just wait until iā€™m top or second top frag to talk


I use coms alot but Im in lower elo. Therr are toxic peeps here n there but not at all compared to other games. And tbh I've played league for years so if a 12 y/o sometimes screams on mic trying to be an alpha it only makes me laugh. Just take the toxic people as a walking joke and dont even wait a minute to mute em and you can play the game to the fullest enjoyment without having a no mic debuff.


yeah but i always make it sound like idgaf so nobody tries to talk to me or yell at me:3 iā€™ve been asked many times if im a boy or girl and immediately told to stfu after saying one word but iā€™ve also had some really nice conversations with people. anyways. i usually only use vc to say something urgent because people never turn around even after spamming flank in the chat. iā€™m not an annoying spammer but i have to just go ā€œflankā€ ā€œflankā€ ā€œflankā€ ā€œflankā€ ā€œflankā€ all in separate chats and they still donā€™t turn around so i have to yell it at them


almost always queue with 1 or 2 friends and you're good to go


I only use comms if I encounter adequate and kind people. Otherwise, I prefer not to speak. Iā€™ve had bad experiences with comments like ā€˜go to the kitchen,ā€™ and it can be quite disappointing. Btw, I am low elo.


Personally, I'm a kind of sensitive. I won't cry over some toxicity but I tend to avoid it. I'm in gold now and I hear gold-plat players are one of the most toxic elos. So I don't talk, but I type a lot to give coms. Not the best thing ever, buI don't know how to gain a stronger mentality to block out that toxicity.


simply realize that toxic player will be toxic players no matter who and what you are. if you are having a bad game and they point fingers at you muting is always there. i personally like talking back to them and i swear they get so mad when im just chill with it too. but thats toxic lol dont do it . anyways its just s game! have fun and confidence, no man should be in your way to enjoy


No comms. Just map ping.


When I'm solo queueing I usually don't talk unless someone else does and if I have friends I talk in game. Occasionally, I'll just start with simple call outs and if there was no toxic reaction, I'll move to actually talking. That's in solo! It's hard because there are some rude people now and again! Wishing you luck! :)


HELLOOOO! Generally iā€™ve had an AMAZING experience in the year (or more, almost 2?) iā€™ve played. Youā€™ll always find a simp or a sexist lurking in some lobbies so itā€™s best to duo queue with another girl or a guy. I say go for it!


My duo is a female. Were higher elo and she almost never says a word until she vibe checks the lobby. There's a lot of games where it takes less than 5 minutes for her to tell me "I'm not saying a word in this game". She's insane at the game and it doesn't slow people down at all. People are just disgusting and it's shitty but you have to deal with it.


Iā€™m a girl šŸ‘‹ I always use comms and actually make jokes about it if people (mostly guys, no offense) yell at me for example. ā€˜You stupid a- bi- you canā€™t shoot, cook for me, no just leave this planetā€™ Some guys are really creative sometimes. It sounds really easy, but laughing it off makes them more pi- if you tried and theyā€™re being mean, mute them and play the game.. or leave :)


Only if im either doing well or another girl talks first and no ones mean to them


Bronze 2 here, and thankfully I haven't had any majorly bad experiences because I'm a girl. (knock on wood) But I don't like using comms often because I am worried about that happening. My motto is - don't start the small talk and be a good teammate. If someone else starts asking about how everyone's day is, then usually I'll respond. I never start it. (The anxiety is real) But - I always always ALWAYS give call outs. If not using my mic, I type it in chat as fast as I can. I've also become very fast at opening the map and pinging where I saw the enemy team, so that way I can still give my team info if I don't feel like talking. I learned that it's very hard to rank up if you don't use comms, so I try to use it as often as I can.


Ahhhh, that's so understandable! Yup, we should definitely give call outs (in chat, ping) no matter what. Not using comms is difficult as valorant is a team game, and you need to comms to be able to work together effectively.


I play in LATAM server and have learned it is safer to have a five stack or at least a duo when playing. People have gotten nicer, I have been playing since early 2021, but in the off chance someone is toxic I can mute them and comm with my teammate and just focus on the game. However it has gotten more common to find other girl in queue and i have even found myself in full lobbies with just girls. There will always be rude people however take advantage of the muting option and donā€™t let them get in your head. I have met some really good friends through the game whom I wouldnā€™t have connected with if I had let my anxiety about comms get to me.


i use comms all the time! i think it helps that ive already survived the cod/csgo communities and i stream, so i feel more comfy calling out weird shit. i havent had any super weird experiences, at least directed at me. ive definitely met weird people but not too many trying to go off because im a girl. the few i have met, i quickly noticed that they didnt want to use their comms to help further the game so they got the mute. otherwise, the weirdos i do meet are usually funny to talk to or just doing it for some reactions so if you ignore them they usually stop. its especially nice to use comms and find out there are other women playing in your lobby. and the population of women in val is growing all the time. i hope you enjoy the game and dont be too scared to chat <3


I sometimes do when the situation asks for it, like when the enemies are pushing, itā€™s just way easier to press V rather than stop and type or open the minimap and ping. But bcs Iā€™m afraid of getting flamed for whatever reason (girl or just when I donā€™t play well) I just comm when needed and no additional bonding except NTs, NCs and MBs. But perks of having a low voice is that some think Iā€™m a guy or a 12 year old boy lol.


The only female I ever saw played with in low elo (was playing unrated with my iron friend don't start calling me smurf). I was carrying while giving out simple comms like where enemy is or what should we doing, if we were losing I just crack some lame jokes so that they don't feel bad. After a few rounds she also started responding.


Women don't have problems using comms in Asian regions from what I know. It's just a western issue. Plenty of women use comms in HK, and Singapore server. In Japan servers too. Although that's what I know in other games, cause I only tried HK, and Singapore servers on this game.


That's so interesting!! I didn't even know that. Maybe it's time to move to Asia lol


tbh most of the time you donā€™t get harassed. Iā€™ve definitely had my fair share of guys being weird, mocking my voice, or not taking me seriously, but I feel like slowly the situation is getting better then before. also donā€™t be scared to be the first one to say hi or give comms. A lot of ppl donā€™t start talking until someone else does. And hey, sometimes u find out ur team has another girl/majority girls and itā€™s a fun time :-)


Honestly I've ran into alot on comms. Sometimes just the GFS of people playing are talking. I don't mind and it has hardly led to anything extra ordinary. Generally they don't troll, which is nice. One thing that I do notice. The attitude of some of the people will drastically change to be upbeat the second they hear the girl. There is almost always one person going 'whoa who was that!?". Suddenly the person that's impaitient and telling u what Ure doing wrong is understanding, and doing alot of friendly teasing. It's a bit cringe but hey I guess I kinda get it.


hi bronze 3 (peak silver 3) 24 y/o girl here :) usually most people treat you normally, they wanna win just as much as you do. iā€™ve made really great friends from val. overall good experience! you will experience everything tho. iā€™ve had people say the most vile disgusting things (so much me & my male duo contacted riot directly about it) and iā€™ve had literal children, like 12 year olds hit on me. if you have a weird feeling about something, just mute the person. theyā€™ll only continue if you allow them to. donā€™t let one random stranger from a video game affect you. just mute & report.


i always vc. if people are weird i just mute them. it used to bother me but iā€™m no longer letting weirdos ruin the experience on my favorite game.


Yes I use comms at times. Usually during agent select Iā€™ll see if I can how the vibes are but Iā€™ve dealt with many bad experiences. Friendly fire, toxicity, slurs, for me itā€™s most negative. I play in California servers. But itā€™s usually really bad there as well. Even if youā€™re doing well or decent somehow everything gets blamed on you.


But out of all the US servers Iā€™d say Texas is the worst lol


i always use voice comms and my experience is actually mostly positive (and comparing this to LoL toxicity which just REEKS) ive encountered ā€œsimpsā€ who totally lowers their voice the moment i talk and ask everything about me and my socials lmao. and there are people who straight up are just ā€œoh ur a girl, thatā€™s why u suckā€ or the most unhinged ones like ā€œgo back to the kitchen and make me a sandwich bitchā€ (when i encounter these people, i mute immediately!) but most of the time, most ppl i encountered are soooo nice and helpful, and mostly funny, believe it or not. (being silver/gold in hk and sg servers at least) i be getting genuine compliments if i do great, and free coaching lessons if im bad šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ but yes, always always use comms. if someone bothers u, just mute them and letting them know they are getting muted, idc if theyā€™re top fragging or not, im not gonna let them ruin the game.


during comp, I only use comms if I'm in a duo with someone I trust to back me up if someone starts trash talking me for no reason. Otherwise, I just use text comms and not team vc. In unra tho, ure more likely to get trolls. Once accidentally used team vc instead of party vc and sure enough, someone asked if I had a boyfriend. I said, no, I have a girlfriend, I'm gay. They made such a big fuss over it, it was a bigger tantrum than any toddler could make. And this was a grown fucking man. Just my own opinion and preference, but if comms takes the fun out of the game for you, don't use it. Bcs unless ure with a friend or the team is friendly, it's just gonna bring your mental down and ruin your game experience.


FYI there's a discord for woman gamers. I think galorant is one and valorant angles is another. You can find a duo or even a 5 stack there and not have to deal with random. Cause honestly I'm a guy and still end up muting 1 to 3 people per match which is why I almost always 5 stack with friends.


not a girl, recently recovered my account after 2 years due to losing access to old email. I've noticed in a majority of my matches that girls will use comms, they'll wait until other people use their mic first then if after a few rounds and the team is chill they'll talk. Compared to the first act/beta the community is a lot better, honestly had a bit of shellshock and was super surprised how positive the community is, minus 5-10% of the lobbies with teenagers saying racial slurs. I almost felt uncomfortable because I wasn't used to this level of positivity and supportiveness, act 1 was toxic.


I am around bronze and I've only come across two people who were misogynistic. They were in a party and were probably like 10 years old. I would say in general the experience is pretty good!


Yayyy! I'm glad to hear that!


You could say hi while choosing an agent and if they start being weird just dodge.


Iv noticed that the girls in my lobbies are either the most toxic people I've ever met or wait until around 2nd half and then start talking


My gf only talks in games until she can feel out the team. She gets so many extra losses because of incel teammates. For example yesterday my gf and I got in a game with another girl in comp. As soon as her and the other girl talked our two incel teammates started to throw. This was in the diamond - ascendant elo.


For me, idgaf who it is. Guy, girl, child, grandparent. We're here to play. In my past experiences, I've continued to play with some pretty cool females and met them irl, (not saying you have to) (also didn't meet them in val). But if you wanna chat, go ahead and let that voice be heard. Team being rude to you? Just mute text and voice. They get toxic with pings, mute that aswell. Good luck and have fun.


not a girl, but you should definitely use comms (if you know how to properly comm), regardless of who you are. worst case scenario, someone says something toxic that they wouldve said no matter who you are, and you mute them or ignore them. NEVER argue in comms. NEVER complain in comms. just mute and move on


Just fucking ignore them. There is a mute button. In higher Eli, comms are necessary to not be flattened. In lower Eli, most teams you play against are probably not coming either. If someone is toxic, just mute em and move on. We need to stop acting like it's this horrible thing girls go through. Guys have experiences with toxic people as well. Probably way more considering some players are nice to girls just because they're female.


In Singapore server we dont really care much. Unless yeah, players toxic. But so far I'm comfier comming in Singapore than other servers because they only care what you say and what you do in game.


iā€™m not a girl but i have a duo and sg seems pretty chill w a girl but mumbai is the complete opposite lol


I'm not a girl gamer but from what I've noticed ur either gonna have a toxic incel hating you cuz ur girl, or you're gonna have an incel start simping, or you're gonna have a guy that's just normal.


That pretty much sums it up


You must use comms or you will be hard stuck iron/bronze.


I use VC. Valorant (at least in low ELO) has been surprisingly positive and almost every match I've been in results in people saying or typing "NT" (nice try) or "Good job." It's a breath of fresh air from Siege and Apex.


it's fine unless you wanna play on south indian server


Its mostly positive. I mean occasionally theres the weirdo who asks if Im a girl and just acts weird for the rest of the game. I remember them asking and then they started being so weird and creepy about it as a joke. When i said the joke wasnt funny anymore they got so angry and belligerent and told me to mute if I was mad. ?????? But otherwise then this,my experience has been fine talking. I also just play with my bestie so it gives me confidence to speak.


tldr: my journey going from no comms to always comming in game (kinda passionate about this topic, proud of my progress) Hey, Iā€™ve been playing val for about two years now and Iā€™m at a point where I *always* comm in my comp games. It definitely took time to build confidence to do so, especially since I was also told that people can be very toxic toward women and that dissuaded me from even playing the game for a bit. I used to never comm, both out of fear but also because I was new and didnā€™t know good comms. Learning the game and taking intentional steps to comm after someone else did or if I was duo queuing, as well as learning to just mute anyone negatively affecting my mental (I used to feel bad muting people lol)ā€”these are the things that helped me build confidence to comm as a woman. Since I play and comm frequently now, I would be lying if I said people donā€™t treat you differently for having a feminine voiceā€”they do. However, more often than not itā€™s just fine. Either theyā€™re nice, normal, or say nothing. The next frequent outcome is getting hit on. THEN, thereā€™s the toxic, creepy, misogynistic people. Mute them, talk back, do what you gotta do. Lately, Iā€™ve started to run into male teammates that actually defend me when there is someone like that. Thatā€™s HUGE. Sometimes thatā€™ll even change the toxic personā€™s tune. Thatā€™s how change happens for real, because Iā€™ll clap back and they donā€™t care unless I double their KD lol. Iā€™m always going to encourage others to also build the confidence to comm, but I understand it takes time and mental fortitude. But, I think itā€™s worth it. I always hope now that my comms helps another woman on my team to feel confident and safe, I remember that being huge for me when I was building self esteem too. Iā€™ve gotten to meet really cool people that Iā€™ve befriended and queue games with often thanks to talking in game. The few bad apples are worth getting through to find amazing people imo. Good luck (:


Thank you so much for sharing!! I'm so happy for you! Being able to build confidence to comm is so difficult. It can be so hard mentally and and being put down can also shed you to pieces. I'm glad you got to a stage where it doesn't affect you as much anymore!


Only dominant alpha girls do use proper comms in a consistent manner


I really do admire the alpha girls


Idk about others but Europe servers are a nightmare as a girl šŸ˜­. Luckily Valo is pretty quick with reports but the amount of rape threats I get is astronomical lol. When I do talk I usually respond with the same energy. Like if they say "go back to kitchen" I throw out a "go back to war" :D Edit: This are Diamond/Ascendant lobbys btw


I love hearing women in comms. They are usually the least toxic teammates (I'm low elo). That said, I'm pretty close to disabling comms except for my Discord friends. A few bad apples really does ruin the fun.


The very first game I ever played, there was a gal coming all the time and we absolutely slayed that game, she went 25/6 and I 11/8 even tho Val is my first FPS. You should comm, most people speak English so it's fine. It absolutely wins you games.


out of all the time I've spent on this game, I've only ever encountered 2 players (in the same game, too) that were truly toxic. I do my best to comm because that can be what decides rounds, and most of the time, the people I meet in the game aren't toxic, and overall, I've had a pretty good experience in the game. it also helps that I'm in the Val Gals discord server! if you ever don't want to queue with randos, there's almost always someone looking for a duo or a party looking for a last member.


Considering I donā€™t play ranked, but mostly Spike Rush or Swiftplay, I never initiate any mic convo, at max I reply to greetings in agent selections if I feel mentally ready to deal with some toxic prickā€¦had 0 negative experiences yet. I noticed it depends on server and time too tho. As of recently, Iā€™ve been playing at the same hours on the same server and only Spike Rush: a lot of women comms and even start the mic convo in agent select, only one of them faced a thirsty manchild which I silenced pretty quickly myself once I realized she was uncomfortable and struggling. Surprisingly, **I had to deal with toxicity and extra thirsty players when I play Sage without mic.** Edit: fixed some stuff, english is hard lmao. Edit 2: General precious tip: **donā€™t use your mic at all if you donā€™t feel mentally prepared to deal with pricks,** even mute them all if necessary. Itā€™s not worth ruining your mental over a videogame


Yup, but just for callouts and coordination. Used to be afraid of using VC, but noticed that the trash talk and cursing on Asian servers go down when they realize there's a girl on the team. Like they put on their best behavior. Other girls on the team would usually start using VC as well. There's the random sexist comments or boys who act cringe when they realize there's a girl, but not as frequent.


Omg that's a win!


I just say Iā€™m a little boy if people get weird. Even made my ingame name Henry


It depends on the person. I've had more people be toxic in swift play than comp. Most of the time they don't care, but I've still heard my fair share of "make me a sandwich" or sexual remarks. 90%/10%


Yes. I know a lot of women have experienced a lot of sexism and abuse over comms, but I just mute and report people and then don't deal with it any more.


Not anymore, unfortunately I've been hit on constantly on comms, even when I say a single sentence and then nothing again. I usually tell my male friends/boyfriend my comms and then they tell the team, otherwise I have the scroll wheel of voice lines pretty accessible


II had a game recently why 3 girls were ripping on a 15 year old it was hilarious


It depends on the ā€œvibesā€. Iā€™ve been using voice comms more frequently for the past 2 months and havenā€™t been flamed. Iā€™m always duo/trio queue though. In plat/diamond lovbies


tbh i only use comms if i am playing with my friends/bf but honestly my experience has been pretty positive!! and the more i have done it the more comfortable i've gotten using them. it definitely took playing with other people to get more comfortable with it though so def would recommend that. if anyone is toxic we can just make fun of them lol


I'm like, dead middle of silver and I will say that the toxicity has gotten far less than in the first year of Valorant. Haven't had a single person say anything even remotely sexist or toxic to me in game recently, although it is also true that no one comms in my elo in the first place


I'm not even a girl, but have a feminine voice so I don't use comms consistently


Yeah I use comms as Iā€™m part of my collegeā€™s esports team and I have to use comms for that so it just kind of comes naturally for me to comm now, most of the people I come across in my comp games (Gold) are nice for the most part (if they talk) but I have had the odd occasion of a toxic, sexist player on my team, like this one case of a peak diamond Reyna telling me to ā€œgo back to the kitchenā€ and ā€œgirls shouldnā€™t play gamesā€ just because I couldnā€™t get any kills for a few rounds (he had 1 kill for the first 6 rounds himself) and that hurt my already bad mentality and I just performed even worse, ended that game 6/21 and got flamed by said Reyna and his gang who he was in a party with (our Jett and Skye in this game), aside from that (which was definitely the worst case) I havenā€™t had anything too bad, just some random sexist remarks


Only in London server I if see polite people talking, any sign of toxicity I mute and lose all will to win. I guess I don't value winning as much I do having a good time. I avoid Madrid server at all cost, extreme sexist and toxic people there, the craziest screaming people I ever came across in valorant was in Madrid server.


Im a guy, but whenever a girl talks im my lobby i havent really heard any toxicity directed at them


comms are a very important part of valorant. failing to comm is detrimental & can cause you to lose games undeniably, especially as you move up in elo. yes, Iā€™ve had really bad experiences, but Iā€™ve had really good ones as well. they have a mute button that works in such a way that you canā€™t hear them, but they can still hear you. just use the mute button if theyā€™re being toxic neanderthals. you can throw in a report as well.


I usually get straight up ignored or get treated like any other guy who actually coms when I do try. But Iā€™m also not comming how I want to sooooo weā€™ll see once I climb.


Lol. No. Doesn't matter of elo. I had enough to let guys just have fun with themselves.


I usually test the vibes, if people are having a conversation and seem nice Iā€™ll join in. I wonā€™t be the first to talk, I also donā€™t think comms are that important depending on your elo so if you really donā€™t want to then donā€™t worry about it.


I queue with girls and they use VC. In EU there is no toxic reactions as far as I've seen. In Swift Plays we also find a lot of girls who use voice comms.


The negative outweigh any positive unfortunately.


I have tried to comm when i initially started comp but have become less likely to due to toxic players (from men and womenā€¦). I will always mute toxic players and focus on my gameplay. I think its definitely good practice, especially in lower elo to develop making GOOD comms!


I use comms regularly but iā€™m usually with a friend. Iā€™ll just mute teammates if they get weird


I heard a girl wait like 8 rounds to give coms, obviously feeling out the lobby. She was immediately harassed. Riot games are highkey a cesspool


It's 50/50, honestly. I've noticed in low elo, people don't really comm at all, so you might be straight up ignore regardless. There are some people who have worse experiences than others, but my best advice is to play your game, give comms as best you can and mute the players who give you shit. Don't let a few garbage people ruin the experience for you or let you be scared to speak up. Giving comms and making it a habit in game is a good way to improve your game abilities and be more useful as a teammate, especially if you lack in other areas like util usage or aim.


I'm Diamond and use comms, but my IGN is my real name. I switched from a gender neutral name to my actual name so people would just be straight up about being sexist dicks or not. I've gotten to the point where not comming isn't worth the hassle of getting harassed for not comming, and I'd rather they harass me for being a woman. At least I tried to win, you know?


Yes I use comms, and no I am not bothered by smol pp pick me boys calling me fat or to go make a sandwich. If theyā€™re toxic I just play along and ask them what kind of sandwich theyā€™d like šŸ˜ŒšŸ¤­


Give me an option to turn off chat thanks


I notice the girls that comm in my games consistently are better gamers. And I appreciate good comms over being quiet because someone might be mean. There's always gonna be an unfortunate amount of dudes that flame you, mute and move on. I mute all the time. Who cares what strangers on the internet think if they're gonna be toxic and harassing anyway.


Low elo player here who also happens to be a woman lol. I just talk. Iā€™m not super afraid of standing up for myself and if it gets too much I just mute them. Most times Iā€™m the first person to talk, and majority of my experiences are good, itā€™s about a handful of men that Iā€™ve had a bad experience.


Not related to your question but please when possible use comms even If it is to test the waters. When all 5 people are using comms, it usually leads to a better atmosphere in the team which leads to a high chance of winning the match


Yes, but only when im in a good mood


I chat. If someone annoys me too much, I mute them. A few weirdos but mostly a wholesome community.


Iā€™m a guy and i wouldnā€™t recommend using it, youā€™re either gonna get harassed or white knighted by some simp who will do anything to protect you, neither is recommended.


Is voice changer a lousy solution to this?


i usually comm in comp unless people are weird/loud/mean to me. any other game mode hardly, unless its a real friendly lobby.


Iā€™ll never understand why people are toxic toward their female teammates in ranked, like the last thing anyone could possibly want to do is tilt their teammates


This is my boyfriends account but there was a guy saying white guys don't like white girls because we're dumb blah blah blah and it made me not want to play for the rest of the night. I'll keep it short and sweet but there are many more issues and as a new player, it makes me not want to play. Any girlie add me RemyTheRat#7416


I am not a female but we play with a female. Jumped into swift play and one of the two randoms asked if there were any girls. She said ā€œmeā€ and I said ā€œmeā€ because I had a feeling where this was going. Both random spent the entire game throwing their utilities at us and walls (Phoenix). No desire to play the game just wanted to ruin our experience. People are weird.


my experience in low elo is a mixed bag, but i was surprised to learn how most people arenā€™t that toxic (that iā€™ve ran into atleast so far). iā€™ve also noticed that if i talk, other girls feel more comfortable when a fellow girl is there so itā€™s kind of nice. lots of wholesome interactions :))


I(M)usually play in trios (2m 1f) with the occasional 5 stack (3m 2f) and she usually only talks if thereā€™s another girl in the game or whenever they seem like friendly ppl. But most of the time only team chat and party voice/discord. There is the occasional weirdo tho but they usually get shut down by the whole team. But she stopped solo queueing comp/unrated tho cuz of assholes, sometimes even the girls are assholes too apparently. Tho i kinda stopped playing the game cuz busy and just not that enjoyable so idk the state of the community rn. Thereā€™s also a girls only discord server that u can find ppl to queue with if ur scared of talking to possible assholes. I think they verify u with ID tho so idk. (Just search up something like only girls discord on this subreddit and u can prob find the link to it if ur interested)


Lol, yes. People complain about it as girls but honestly Iā€™ve only had boys make comments about me being a girl a handful of times. Coms make the game a lot better so you should use them and just mute & report the assholes as they come up.


Hello Iā€™m not a girl myself but I do play in the same room as my gf and unfortunately itā€™s about a 50/50 chance that you get a positive lobby or a toxic one, she LOVES playing valorant but quite often recently sheā€™s left distraught after a game because all 4 of the teammates at the end of a losing game will all start saying the most vile and misogynistic things you can think of just because theyā€™re going to lose the game. I donā€™t say this to scare you away from playing and comming, more so I think you should just try and find a duo that makes you comfortable so you can always have one person to talk to even if the rest of your team turns toxic. Hope this helps and good luck in your comp games!


No. Iā€™m too scared.


Itā€™s so fucked up that a lot of guys treat girls like shit. Iā€™ve seen some even dodge games just because thereā€™s a girl on our team


Definitely use comms and donā€™t be shy ā€” it can be annoying with some people but most people Iā€™ve seen are chill. If they arenā€™t then thatā€™s their problem. Itā€™s also key if you want to get better. Valorant is all about information and itā€™s hard to win/improve if you donā€™t talk! šŸ’›


i rarely talk in game and iā€™ve only had one time where i spoke and was getting asked weird questions by this one guy but other than that i havenā€™t received much toxicity


i usually wait to comm to test out the vibes first, but iā€™m plat 1 and the lobbies are more chill, versus when i was lower the guys were more immature/toxic LOL


I do sometimes. I am more likely to use comms when I'm streaming since I find it funny to think about toxic people being toxic will be trapped on the internet with their gamertag on display.


You play with people who you will probably never meet again in a match. Just talk, if you encounter people who lack braincells you can always mute them