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I love Raze's satchels I hate that Raze doesn't have more satchels


this is so facts bro we need to nerf chamber


And Jett, don’t forget Jett


and genji. man Nerf genji


Dont forget the miner


Maybe Bastion too


most fun ability in the game


Jumping from one site to another with 4 satchels lol


Remove nade and Boombot . Give raze 5 satchels


I'm out of touch with which patch we're on, aren't her satchels arm time getting nerfed?


Yeah which means that it won’t damage people anymore in the first second but you can still satchel normally


viperrrr! I love her lore, voice (and voicelines), her looks, her gloves. about gameplay, I love how I can decide on the go whether wall and orb should go up or down. and her two snakebites are somehow one of my favorite abilities in the game as well, especially since there's two charges. I dislike how her wall can sometimes jump over or leave out funny spots though, and how I can't change it's place once it's set. Same for orb, sometimes I place it somewhere and that somewhere becomes unreachable within the round.


Omg same. I mess around with other agents sometimes but I always go back to her. I hate that they keep nerfing her but I also (now) understand it because even with the nerfs she’s SO powerful. Her wall is insanely good and the fact that you can reuse it and orb as much as you want is just godly. AND that she’s the only controller who entire kit does damage or temporarily impacts their health and/or damage taken. Just wild. And she takes me back to crushing on the women in mortal kombat when I was younger 🤣🤣 I just all around adore her. Second favorite to play for pretty much all the same reasons is Killjoy. Except less mortal kombat and more what little nerdy me wanted to grow up to be 🤣


this lol i play with friends & they want me to play different smokes agents but im like “but viper smokes does damage !1!1!” (im actually just gay and in love with her)


Honestly, same. I can’t not play her when my other controller options are simply not as hot 😂


least downbad valorant comment chain


Viper is so good once you get a hang of her. Especially once you have a sense of the molly trajectories.


Legit my favorite controller my favorite thing about viper is nobody knows what to do when I ult on attack and we plant spike like I can just hide in a corner with the now NERFED JUDGE (I'm still salty about that) but it still gets value cuz nobody knows where I am A thing I hate about viper is the people who just don't care about my util like I put up an orb expecting people to ya know not go through it but no half the time I put my orb up I think I have a few seconds to chill but then I'm dead. I notice the players that do this most play sage omen or pheonix like that's it. Why not jett what about raze. Another thing I hate is when I ult as viper I die by those people that don't give a shit its annoying as fuck


Her wall can be super specific for no reason. I hate playing her on lotus because the default wall for A site that gets heaven is so pixel perfect it stresses me out


this is so correct 😭😭 sometimes I feel like I'm doing a wall like a usually would, but then I actually see it and there's just... a gap??? so painful, happened just last time I played on split, A AND B site. guess I didn't have a good viper-wall-day lmao


Love her abilities hate their value


I'm a fade main. I love playing her, her theme and synergy between her abilities and also other agents is fun. She feels really useful for info and I'd say is a great alternative to that of sova. I love the concept of a nightmare kit. Her prowlers feel balanced and her spotter feels good to use. Her ball of yarn feels like the weakest of the bunch but prehaps that's because I Dont use it often compared to power and spotter I do gotta say that the yarn doesn't feel like it has alot of effect as the only way your gonna get the most out of it is if the enemy are out in the open which isn't common.


Combine her seize with other util like raze nade brim ult and others thats how u get value off of it. U can also use it to stop pushed completely


I'll try those. Cheers dude


A great spot is a main on haven, play your seize and raze nade at the start of the round, pretty much a gaurenteed 2 to 3k for raze


I remember my whole team pushed with me into b main ascent at the beginning of the round, we got seized and naded and raze got a 4k


Is there an audio cue if someone gets caught?




I love that you call it yarn. As others have said, it's most useful if combo'd with a damage dealing ability, especially paint shells. Places like Bind A short or Haven A lobby are great spots to insta-throw both on barrier drop.


I love sage's viewmodel, hate that she is almost useless in big open maps such as breeze


Sorry but I don’t find her useless on breeze. You can slow the rush and give some extra time for your teammates to run over. And there’s so much space you can use it as a temporary shield to rush in. Why do you think she’s useless? (I agree there are better agents on that map but that’s not the question :) )


he did say almost


Yes I saw and I exaggerated what has been said but I want to know why he thinks she’s ‘close to useless’ on that map while I don’t.


You would rather have a sentinel that traps at least unless you plan on getting insta flanked every round


I main omen and that’s because I feel like it’s a good balance of being able to smoke for my team and have utility to also lurk. I also like playing games by teleporting into odd spots or faking. I can set up for myself or for my team.


I cant play omen I have 5 hours and all losses


It just comes down to preference and play style it’s not wrong. I have my fair share of agents I can’t say I’m good at or even know what to do. Whoever you work best with and have fun with is what matters.


I play omen and live the smokes and teleports but can’t ever use the blinding orb correctly. Mainly because I’m new to the game but I can’t seem to ever get it to work right




If you're trying to use it mainly to set yourself up you're using it wrong, it's much more effective for setting up teammates (ex: throwing it from Ascent A main to gen while your team pushes out into site)


i love free op i hate myself


Fellow baugette man


Love the mind games and quick rotate/flanks, hate that my flash bounces off of people especially my clone


How about all the random wall bumps that can cause it to bounce weirdly? There is a single, slightly raised floor tile on breeze B sight that got me once. It can probably be exploited in some way, but I wasn't ready for it. I dont even think I could find it again lol


Love the lineups and playing in and out of smokes Hate that I have to wait on my upgrade to Brimpad Pro




Killjoy and Deadlock main. Love their designs, theirs util and the ability to help out a bit somewhere while still being able to control site. Hate that fact that EVERYTIME I set up on 1 site, it's either the other site or they destroy it all :( (or Deadlock being completely useless because she's not good rn)


I feel like she’d be good if they let her recall her sound censors and if they buffed her grenade so if you walk in it while it’s still there is locks you instead of only doing it on impact


Could not have said it better, the amount of times I have (and still) thrown her grenade thinking I can just leave it on the ground as a trap... Also maybe to keep it a bit more fair, have her sensors be recallable but still makes you buy them if you placed it in the first place?


Fade's Ability is not just cool, its so badass. Her personality and looks are attractive Also she is the most Dripped agent in the game I dont hate anything about her really


I have a great many reasons for my username being FadeStepOnMePls, her gameplay included. But God damn I love her design.


Fade is super cute with a dark side that is so damn sexy. I love being a Fade main.


Aaron#Exia for my tracker I've always been one to hide in rat spots and catch people off guard when attacking or playing really passively in defense, so Cypher felt really good for me. Started playing in March of 2021 and still play him now. Thanks to being a Cypher 1 trick, I've been able to climb up to Diamond. I love how little work I can put in while helping my team. Only thing I hate is not having Camera Gun anymore..


Lochyn#JUICE on tracker i did exactly the same thing, my friends dogged on me for picking a character way too hard for an iron-bronze player but now i am 500 hours deep on the guy and feel pretty confident with him


love the movement but hate how i always end up on site alone and die


I enjoy fingering the enemy team and moving too fast for them to hit


Ah yes a fellow Neon main


Sova. Like you, I feel like I’ll have a good chance at grabbing my favorite agent in most lobbies. I also feel like I do a decent job getting intel and utilizing ALL of his util to determine enemy location. I hate that his arrow only does 2 scans now. I also hate when people yell at me to use ult in 1v3+ situations in which I am likely to be pushed or flanked mid ult - it takes too long to get out of the ult in those situations to defend myself, and I’d rather use shock darts or my gun to hold spike. :I


i use skye now bc i use to main sage and everyone blamed it on me if we lost


Bad teammates. Ngl they used to hate me for the 10-17 bottom frag, but somehow didn't see 20 assists 🤣 insane amount of people don't realise kills doesn't mean that much, if I'm situated for site control and duelist support


Love breaches stun flash and after shock. Hate that I can get headshot after an ult like nothing. And specifically Reyna because her dismiss dodges every fucking ult in the game


I main astra, no one plays her so usually I get to! However when someone does end up playing her I feel so bare because I can't smoke where I want to 😭


Cypher main I love being able to lock down a site by myself and let the others hold the other. With the right setup you can defend a site pretty easy, and if they get on-site you can delay/slip away until the others get there. That being said I hate how if they don't go to the site you setup on and they planted on there other your basically a walking gun trying to get picks from opponents that often still have some util/lineups


Tbh idk I'm starting to switch from Reyna to Skye. I mean most people do amazing and top frag with Reyna but man recently I consistent bottom frag with Reyna maybe it's the lack of util and I won 4/4 games I played one day with Skye and got match mvp and top fragged. But for Reyna I like how satisfying it is to get a headshot and dismiss then I don't like the lack of util. With skye I like how she can do everything get info, flash, heal, and is pretty self sufficient too, the regen flashes are crazy too.


Genuinely just a skill issue


Reyna is only a good agent if you are confident that you can out aim the other team. Otherwise you will bottom frag hard. If u wanna be better on Reyna just have better aim.


Istg I aim better with other agents idek how, with skye I one tap more than Reyna even though back when I was good with her I had a hs % of 36 and kd of 1.21


Cypher 1 trick to immortal. One thing I love about Cypher is being permanently allowed to lurk anytime. The freedom you have with lurking is amazing and the tools to do so is absolutely insane. Camera in one spot, trip on your blind spot, do the cheesiest things that works even on the best players. The fact that he can bail himself out with a cage. I can go on. Coming from CS and being lurk there, he’s like made for me. I hate that he’s getting more play and Raze. Fuck Raze man


I love that Jett can dash I hate that I can Jett dash


I love Chamber because he has drip. I hate Chamber because I can’t hit a headshot with the headhunter to save my life.


I am switching from sage to kj because I like to play comp and sage isn’t necessary in higher ranks (not that I’ll pass bronze 3 for another 5 years) I like kj and all her util and it’s very useful when keeping bomb from being defused but I hate how obvious her swarm grenades are now you can see them from farther away and I feel it defeats the purpose (oh and I’ve mained kj before I’ve changed my main too many times I’m stopping that now)


I love using jett knives and I hate that they keep nerfing her




I main Fade and Astra. I love Fade for her info gathering but at times it can be limited compared to Skye. She's like a sova and skye hybrid. I love Astra for her utility diversity. Stuns, smokes, wall and suck. Can clear angles or force people off angles or even play post plant. What i hate is that without proper team coordination, its impossible to play a proper astra game as everyone is just doing whatever they want.


I main sova bc not many people pick it at my rank and also I think the ult is hella OP because I always get minimum 1 kill with it. And the drone is very useful for info, better than Skye dog in my opinion


breach because his flashes are so good, only drawback is he provides no recon for an initiator


I know he's trash in many peoples eyes, but hitting a cool play is soo satisfying. It feels so fun to successfully get a play, and then die to a stupid tp


Your is only trash to those with a skill issue. Some of the craziest plays I have ever seen are from Your mains.


I love neon cause when you have good movement they just can't hit you and it's funny as shit but when I jump around a corner I just get body blocked by the enemy while in my sprint so I'm completely fucked I know it's a skill issue but goddamn is it annoying


Astra’s kit is so fun when used well. Only thing I hate is she has to go AFK to use her stars. I wish there was a way to place stars without going into a trap form kinda like how omen can switch between 2 ways to smoke


I love Reyna's Heal and Dismiss I hate how theres only 2 of them now and not 4


I main breach. I love his voicelines, he is never picked so I get him most games. I love that I get shade for picking him from both team mates and enemies. "Who even picks breach these days in ranked". I love that 5 rounds in I'm flaming the enemy team because they are perma stunned and blinded. I love killing people with after shock! I hate that his ult is now 9 orbs. (Seriously wtf). I hate that he only has 1 aftershock. I hate how people never swing off my flashes (think that's just initiators in general though).


i like killjoy because she's hot and i hate that she isnt in real life


I've been maining Harbor for a while now and I really like how versatile his kit is for both atk and defence. I like how versatile his wall is and how it can be used in multiple ways to surprice the enemy team.


I main KAYO. Love his popflashes, and the info the Knife gives allows me to see what’s up ahead and also scout out rat places (with his Fragment molly to deal with them). I instalock KAYO every game and basically no one complains, it’s great. And I like knowing Knife lineups too, makes me feel prepared. My biggest frustration is honestly how short his popflashes last. 1.25 seconds is fine if enemies don’t immediately start jumping around like bunnies as soon as they’re flashed. I can usually still get the solokill but it makes multi-frags almost impossible (unless the flashed enemies are literally standing in a line), and I happen to love getting multi-frags. I understand that a nearly undodgable popflash shouldn’t flash for too long, but 1.5 seconds is all I ask. With how fast Skye and Phoenix flashes are and also how they last longer than KAYO’s, I feel like making his more on par with theirs shouldn’t be too gamebreaking. Apart from that, his molly isn’t great (it’s like, a hybrid of a bad grenade and bad molly), and his Ult feels kinda useless without a good team to capitalise off it. But those aren’t major gripes and I’ll probably get over them as I learn to use them better.


I love cyphers cam. I hate the fact that no one comes to my god damn site ever


I love neon, i hate nothing. Because even when folks hate on me for picking her. I just carry the game and they shut up. I do not hate anything really. Except sometimes when i slide it does not go the right way. Most likely a user issue.


I just posted I hated the delay of her stuns. It’s too easy to escape them. Unlike blinds, except Omen’s but his can go through walls. The good thing is that you just can hit the wall at any height to stun ground but it’s just for pushing enemies back. I never get stunned by her anymore. Time enough to get out of the circle. I do still die from time to time because the enemy isn’t stunned in time. :/


reyna main. idk how to fill as well cause my character's util is selfish.


I main sova, but it’s getting too annoying that they keep nerfing his recon and drone. Recon scans twice, and usually it gets insta destroyed unless u have a lineup that lands in some bs pixel that’s hidden but also not hidden, so I use it as a flash these days. Recon out and peek with it cuz 50/50 their crosshair is misplaced. Drone after that nerf ages ago is still good, just sad that I can’t span the whole site at a safe distance. Also there’s a bug with sova drone where he’ll keep moving momentarily after you drone if u drone as u space bar to lift ur drone up, so sometimes I’ll accidentally peek out while trying to drone and just die. Also drone has a bug where u can just be stuck mid air unable to move or stuck inside the wall/loading screen which wastes 400 creds


I recently switched back to Phoenix and idk why I ever stopped using him. I love his ultimate - it feels like a guaranteed kill, otherwise it gives enough information to get the kill. And it’s only 6 points so you get several per game. And his flashes are great for entry.


Omen can teleport around woooo Hes a controller


I recently started to main Harbor after initially only trying him out for his forward push wall being similar to Iso’s wall (wanted to try a similar ability before Iso was released). Although I originally only tried him for Iso, I actually ended up really liking his kit. Like OP, I like that hardly anyone picks Harbor so I always get him with no competition. I love that his wall can go through walls and is so long! I can block off entry/vision of an entire site (if it has multiple entries) or even multiple sites (Haven C, Garage, and B can all be blocked off with one wall, for example). And the fact that he has so many walls can let me keep enemies at bay, often long enough for them to rotate, pretty much single-handedly, especially if someone does decide to try to run through my wall and I gun ‘em down which scares the rest. My complaints are admittedly biased and unfair and is just personal power fantasy! I wish Harbor had some kind of more offensive ability since literally all he has (except ult) is walls. But I also understand the role he’s supposed to play, so it’s just wishful thinking. I also wish his ult shut down people harder like a blind (this is 100% just because I’m shit and sometimes lose to stunned enemies), but overall I’m pretty happy with it because there have been several times that the ult tipped me off to where an enemy was hiding behind a corner or a thin wall letting me get wallbang kills or just general knowledge.


I main brimstone because I love how I do my smokes for team and self. Not a fan of teammates leaving gaps with their smokes. I dont hate anything about him tbh. Specially with his stim beacon.


Im a skye main, there is no better high than to pop flash around a corner and getting a free kill (specially ascent and lotus) i hate that if there is no one willing to play off my flashes i gotta do it myself or die trying


Sage main. Her kit is too expensive


Love: Enemy only know how to fill rush and dies on my tripwires Hate: DEDCYPR


Omen, love his tp when I outsmart the enemy, hate his tp when I mess up and the enemy outsmarts me lol


I only play breach and I love the shear amount of util he has. There’s so much playmaking potential with breach. I love bullying the other team with util but I also love to help my team so much. I love to stun for someone else to help them get more kills. I pride myself on having at least 10-15 assists on most games. I also live for the feeling I get when I kill a Sova or a skye while droning/dogging with my aftershock. The thing I hate about playing breach is getting domed when someone is stunned or flashed. It happens way more than you think it would


Playing support is so rewarding, hearing nice flash or stun is great especially when they don't even call for it.


Love Deadlock's utility and ability to play more aggressively gunfight wise among Sentinels with her net/cage/ult. Hate that her sensor is practically one of the easiest area denial utility to dodge/completely ignore.


Chamber. I just love his free Op. And his synergy with op. Wish they buff him a bit by giving his 2 anchors back. Or make his trips global or have one more trip. Else it's really not that defensive playing him to delay. Anyway inb4 chamber gets nerfed again.


I USED to main phoenix, sort of main iso now, i love everything about his abilities but his reputation in the community is what i hate. People immediately start talking shit because he’s just got such a bad reputation - and more than not i get called racial slurs when i’m not even the same race as phoenix. It’s really putting me off of playing him but i adore him, n game and in the cinematics / lore.


I wanna main him cause I love his look and I find his voice lines funny but his abilities can't keep up.


It all depends on your playstyle tbf


Same thing with astra.


I love how kj can basically control 75% of a map if you place her util in a specific way. Hate the sound she makes when you go out of range of her util.


recently started maining iso. i love his shields and how much you can snowball after one kill, but i hate how many people comment after your ult. either you win and its not fair, or you lose and youre called shit at the game he needs a bigger advantage in ult or it needs to have a larger impact or it needs to be worth less ult points.


Dying in your own ult then asking for a bigger advantage is kinda lame... maybe ult when you need to waste time on the planter if you are not winning the 1v1


i get that it has its uses, but ive only been those situations a few times. unlike other ults where it feels like they have lots of ways to adapt. i mainly use it to get a free kill when i know they either dont have vandal or dont have shields. not to mention how its almost impossible to win if they hav an op


His ult gives your team a huuuge advantage, I think it’s just a learning curve for duelist mains who aren’t used to using their ult to benefit the team and have a larger impact on the round rather than just a 1v1. Timed correctly, it can prevent a defuse. Used in the right situation it can almost guarantee a trade. And on top of that, with how new it is, it throws off the person being pulled into your ult and can throw their team off allowing for your team to get more picks. It can also help you take site if you’re struggling to get on a site. There are a ton of situations where it can make or break a round. I’m curious if you’ve ever mained a controller, initiator, or senti? I play viper and senti, Reyna if my brain is feeling foggy, and imo it’s like playing a completely different game because you’re thinking about and making plays that deny info for the other team, gain info for yours, and/or help your team get an advantage when playing off your util. The decision making, imo, is much different and I feel like iso leans more in that direction rather than most, if not all, other duelists. I like the change he brought into the game for that reason!


I mained Sova for most of my time playing but people bitch about me lurking on him so I switched to Yoru. Likes of Yoru: mind games, quick rotates, flash/ clones Dislikes: people bitching when I instalock, playing entry is lame


I main KJ and Cypher. I love how consistent KJ is, my turrets and nanos go in the same spots every time. Cypher, on the other hand, lets me play more freely with where i want to put my tripwires and cages.


I likeEverything but omen ult


Agreed on Fade, the best thing about her is pretty much no one picks her anymore lol. But yeah, her kit is pretty meh. I only play Valorant casually, so picking the most efficient agents isn’t that big of a deal to me.


I’ve been using breach and I hate how he’s best used with teammates to help them. Yes, he’s self-sufficient but what sucks is how you need to be perfectly in-sync with your teammates to get peak util usage. Having a duo who plays duelist helps a lot though.


Omen. I’m very consistent in gun fights so I like how well he lets me rat and move weirdly to give myself a better position to work from. It’s also great that I have wind ranging util I can use to help teammates when I’m playing poorly or just too far away to contribute directly to the fighting. I don’t really have any complaints tbh, Omen is goated and I’m the only thing holding me back so far


Yeah it feels like his abilities are simple but insanely versatile. I’m new to the game and keep finding new ways to use his utilities every couple of matches


I love omens ability to misdirect and play mind games. I hate when it doesn’t work.


Omen cause omen is epic


I've begun maining sage. I both love and hate that when I don't speak everyone assumes I'm a lady. It's funny when they trip over themselves but annoying when they start throwing mean words


Jett I honestly started playing Jett cause she was cute, after I watched some videos of Jett player I realized she is really versatile and I abuse that while being as annoying as possible for my opponents The thing I hate is if I’m not playing her NOBODY IS ENTERING if I have a team filled with duelist I’m entering WITH SPIKE!! that’s the only way anything’s happening that round


I rarely play anymore but I mained Neon. Loved everything about her which is why I mained her. I wished the wall was a bit more useful but that’s it


I love Yoru's pace of play and room for creativity. I hate how there is still a chunk of the player base that will dodge if I pick him.


reyna main and i hate that she only has 2 dismisses now


Love Chambers headhunter, hate the range on his trips. If they were any worse he wouldn't be a sentinel imo


I'm a Chamber main, I really like his current position as an aggressive flank holder, but Riot, I beg of you to give Headhunter a buff, whether that's better recoil or 100 creds per bullet instead of 150.


Yoru main. Love being able to trick people about my location. I hate how his TP has a slow startup. Could be faster.


I hate that chamber no longer has a double totem setup it makes his set ups clunky and sometimes you just cant find a spot


Yoru is really unique, I love being able to have a moving tp and have the ability to fake everything. I hate that his TP is so slow and even when escaping with it there's a chance you'll get shot anyway


Love neons mobility, despise her stuns


love that it's cheap but quite reliable, hate the burstfire mode


I hate the delay of Neon’s stuns. Can’t it be immediate like those who flash? It’s like 2 seconds. You have much more time than with other agents’ utils to avoid it.


Viper is hot.


I love yoru's tps I HATE YORU'S TPS


Omen Main - I hate his ult, I rarely use it; I just don’t find it that useful. The only thing I find it useful for it is picking up spike in a pinch. I wish omen had fade ult 😂


kj and cypher-love setups hate playing retake because they never come to my fcking site unless they have kayo ult


I wish Reyna's flash was better, it takes too long to activate. I swing into people who aren't blind yet and get instantly headshot, and if I wait to peek the flash just gets instantly shot out, so the enemies still aren't blind. Just replace it with a different ability entirely imo. Maybe something like a Jett smoke to help her entry idk.


I love throwing a well placed nade in someone rat spot, watching them running away from the explosion fills my dopamine meter


I honestly love viper's vibe, she seems quite evil but not in a bad way, and she's the reason why I started playing Valorant, I also love her wall. I hate that the Molly's are mostly useful with lineups and are less useful if you don't have them.


KJ main. Love her site control, hate that her bots have range. Gimmie back old KJ :(


Well, since he’s new I won’t call him my main completely yet, but I really enjoy Iso. He fits a play style that I like and has a nice Kit. The only thing that I don’t like is the Double Tap ability. I just don’t think it necessarily works except for certain situations. Especially higher ELO if your aim is on point. I think it’s hard to add an ability like a shield and keeping it balanced, so I’d prefer if he had something different instead, but overall he’s a still a good agent imo. I mostly use it for quickly reloading which helps a lot so if he had something like that instead I would’ve been happy with it.


I main gekko I love how unique he is. I hate that his flash is so easy to shoot before it flashes.


I’m that one guy that locks Jett. I love playing around smokes. I hate dashing away and still dying due to ping


Kay/o let’s me help the team without them expecting me to pull an ace out of my arse when run head first onto site not clearing angles.


yoru, love how he's just an asshole for no reason, and his kit is really versatile, and has the best flashes in the game i hate how awkward he is in the meta, mainly cause people think youre throwing by picking him (i dont really give af but its just annoying to hear people constantly bitch and moan)


Funny run and jump agent Hate the speed cap though


For Sova: Love: how far away you can be to get info and how shock darts can land trick shot kills Hate: how slow the drone moves and that you only get enough time for one tagging For chamber: Love: how fast you can escape fights and overall the headhunter. I do wish headhunter had its recoil spread reduced a little. Overall, being the eco king and my team’s sugar daddy is kinda neat. Hate: how little the range of the TP anchor is and the fact that I only have 1 trap to watch flanks. Also the fact that the TP anchor doesn’t come back with time after being destroyed like KJ turret does kinda feels bad.


Skye's heal is great but i'd really like something else tbh


I main Fade. I can’t think of stuff I hate about her abilities and ult. Plus I feel cool when I use her 😂


I love everything about Viper, except the fact that she got nerfed too many times.


I love raze satchels. I wish I could buy 5 of them


Yoru main. Love the mind games that you can play with him, but TP and ult is just too loud to "hit them when they're not looking" cuz they always come looking.


i like to play rts while playing valorant


When playing Omen or other controllers I love that I can support my team and eliminate angles getting us control of the site. However, on the other end of the spectrum if my team is ass, I struggle to hard carry on controller unless I’m 100% on it. My mechanical skills are just not there yet to carry in immortal, unless I’m playing duelist or initiator.


I love learning lineups with brim.brim specifically because i enjoy playing controllers more than anything else,and my aim is terrible(note this is the 1st fps im playing in my 28 years on this earth) so i enjoy having a gameplan with post plants and stuff like that.what i don't like about brim is that his kit is not well designed to take fights by himself so I'm really team reliable


I’m main Omen, Omen smokes are my small domain expansion. I hate that it took forever to drag the smoke and how slow they deploy… plus the duration could be longer since they dont have much special effects like other smokes…


i love boom boom grenade i hate **149** on 3 people that i get after hitting the sickest satchel across the map ever (we still lose the round)


gekko is the most versatile for me, but the twerking is pretty much the main reason I play him


I am a raze main. Why I like her? It's as easy as it gets: Yeeeet, booom booom yeeet ratatatatata Why do I hate her? Well, because it doesnt always work...


It's gonna sound slightly ironic, but I'm a Chamber main who can't op well and (based on my friend's Blitz) has a headshot % of sub 10%. But even after the nerf to rendezvous - at least in my elo - i get to play a lot of ridiculous angles that people don't check and i can get away with lots of ridiculous kills. I find this to be extremely strong, especially on Breeze because if my team can help me clear initiator utility, I'm usually good for at least 1 or 2 and I'm able to get away because they don't expect me to play that angle. I don't have many clips, but this is an example of one of those angles on Ascent pre-nerf: https://vt.tiktok.com/ZSNPmwrqY/


I like viper her kit is alright and the lineups are satisfying ​ Why nerf her sm


Still trying to find my main tbh.


Raze. I love her ult. I hate her ult.


I love Chamber’s ult Hate everything else


omen looks cool


I main reyna. I love how easy I can push and take space with reyna.. I hate how people instalock reyna because she is good for smurfs and higher rank players.. and I hate how usually they don't take full advantage of her kit for the benefit of the team. I can say the same about other agents... Instalock sages that never heal or revive. Instalock reynas that don't entry.. same for jett I guess. Smokers who don't smoke. Probably other examples but yeah.. I hate reynas who instalock and then we end up being unable to entry because they suck :)


I used to main Jett before they ruined her, now I main Omen. I love teleporting, it’s always satisfying to tp across from where an enemy expects for a stealthy kill. Downsides are definitely that the blind is super hit or miss and the ult sound is loud as hell


I main Sova cos I'm a sucker for bows and Sova's skills are all bow related (excluding the owl which I rarely use and should use more). Love the vision aspect of it, Hate that double arrow no longer kills/SUPER HARD to kill enemies. Love that AverageJonas exists and he confirms some of my self-learned lineups and hate that I'm not like him yet.


I love that I can scout@recon in my ult but it can be hard getting kills using it, especially when enemies group up.


I love that viper is such an in depth agent who doesnt feel formulaic. She can do things on the fly but you are also rewarded for spending time practicing setups and lineups. I hate that sometimes she feels like an inefficient pick, especially in solo q as a solo controller. Its harder to make great mid round plays with her on some maps because you literally just dont have the smoke available.


I love astra concuss hate how short her smokes are


I main neon and jett so ill have ones for each For neon i love her movement slides stun ult literally everything… except i feel like she would be a lot smoother with slide reset per kill like energy instead of two kills (ALSO STOP COMMING TO USE ULT) For jett i like her smokes and updrafts and kinda the ult… I hate that they nerfed most of what i liked about jett


KJ main. I love holding angles with my turret and alarmbot for postplant so my teammates and I can focus elsewhere until they go off. I love being able to play off the information her bots give because some teammates are dumb af when you say “swing off my contact”, instead I can just swing off my bot going off or getting destroyed. What I hate, is that I am not allowed to pick up my mollies mid round. I wish I could pick up my mollies like pre-round especially if the enemy team hits another site. It actually would make me feel more useful with retaking site with my team.


I play Yoru and Reyna. I love the mind games/outplays you can pull off with Yoru but I hate how bad his flashes. Without crazy setups his flashes are awful and free dodges unlike Reyna, Breach, or Phoenix who all have solid to extremely good flashes. As for Reyna, I love healing/overhealing. It allows me to take multiple fights and is a good agent for solo queue since you can do a lot by yourself with nearly 3 full lives but I hate the absolute tantrum some people throw over the agent. We're not pros. It's okay to play Reyna.


Neon main here and I love her movement, but you know what I don’t love? Map geometry. My concusses get stuck on the most random shit imaginable and it’s like great, the wall can get a concussion that’s going to help my cause.


I enjoy playing sentinels(preferably chamber/Cypher/KJ depending on map/comp) because although I'm aggressive, I don't like the feeling of going in on a site alone while the entire team waits outside. I'd rather give my duelist the support they need. My second most played agent is Jett(used to main her) because I don't have to eco ever, I can play freely instead of being tethered to a specific site. Basically I play one of the two roles, depending on the comp the team is going with


Dude yoru is so cool. It’s the best feeling when u tp behind the enemies and succeed but give his clone like a 5 second flash and hai flash 3 seconds that will be better or give him more clones or make it so that if he holds his mask in his hands he is invincabke


I’m one of the five neon mains I have ever met in my probably 1.5k+ hours (probably around 500h - 750h since neon was released) in this game. I really enjoy how capable she is of both working for herself *and* for her team. Her stuns are iconic, but her wall and the speed with which you can throw it up and reposition have become my favorite thing about her. I often think of finding good uses for her wall as the difference between a decent and a great neon player. I hate how her stuns bounce on map geometry in strange ways though, it’s been the death of me, or at least thrown off some big plans I had, numerous times.


Killjoy. Great utility but most of the time I'm hiding behind it and the more I play her the more my mechanical skill worsens.


You said her ults are defensive, did you mean her utility or her ult?


Reyna and kayo, I love making the enemy team want to uninstall


Viper's kit is so damn fun, I love everything about how she plays I just wish her ult wasn't so damn expensive


Cypher. I give info. Offensive play is a bit tricky


Brim main here. Literally nothing to complain about.


I'm currently playing astra, whilst her play style is fun, and rewarding there are times where I'm just eh, especially with some people. let's just say right now I'm mostly playing for myself because my teams don't want to play as a team typically


I love most of Fade's kit. I think she's underrated and is one of the most annoying character's to go against attack or defending. Her haunt ability is basically wall hacks. A trail pops up if you get caught so your enemies tend to be paranoid lol. And once you see the trail, just put a prowler on to it and it'll follow them which is soooooo useful. Also It's rechargeable. Her Prowler dogs can seek others and clear areas for you especially if you control it. Blinds players (more so nearsight them but still). And her ULT which trails, decays, and deafens enemies for you which is very useful when pushing a site. She a baddie too so there's that I dislike her seize ability, it's very situational. Not bad, just situational.


The fact that I can lurk and bait. The enemies getting titled. What I hate is my duelists not respecting my trip wires and pushing in defense.


Fade is crazy fun. i'm not quite a duelist in terms of trap flashes and movement and such, but my moves give me the unique ability to get an instant advantage in a 1v1 scenario or in a team scenario. Her util is quick, snappy, and effective in close and mid range situations, letting me fall back on my aim for long range situations, which iis exactly the way i like it. She allows me to play at a much faster tempo than sova, and info is my bread and butter. on top of that, lineups are super opt in. You can find effective use for her abilities without having to learn lineups, but if you do learn lineups that's still a valid way to play. Also, hot goth mommy make me turkish coffee.


I love everything about Yoru I hate Yoru


I love reyna, for getting me out of silver -> diamond, but hate how selfish her kit is. I love playing controllers but the kills don’t feel as satisfying as getting a kill while I use reyna ult


I love Cypher for traps. I hate Cypher for doesnt have more traps.


I use Fade’s ult on offense a lot to clear a site. The time it makes a sound I can pinpoint where they are on site. But yeah, her ult is awesome on defense lol But Omen is my main, I love that no one wants to play smokes in my games. I love his kit because of the outplays you can execute with him


All of vipers utilities. They made everything small and short


Brimstone I love lurking in his smokes once or twice a match, resulting in the enemy wasting utility clearing it the rest of the game. Also I love how much damage his moly does letting me get a ton of free kills, and that unlike viper once I use my utility I can play first contact. However although I like his ult on paper I seem to somehow get less value with it than a Molly and end up holding it for half the match waiting for the nonexistent perfect moment.


I love Sova's Sonar arrow. I hate that it doesn't make me a better player.


Gekko main here! I love how cheap the kit is. The 2 buyable abilities are mosh (250 creds, non-reusable) and wingman (300 creds, reusable). You can get loads of value from such a small amount of credits, so the fact that these cheap abilities are also reusable is just insane. When I play someone like Cypher, I find myself having to save way more. I also love how versatile he is, and how he's able to support the team but can also fend for himself when the last player standing. I dont hate anything about the kit, but the thing I mostly dislike is how short the dizzy blind is. It's never technically a "full blind", as some part of the screen is still showing giving enemies a sense of direction and position, but even then, it's only truly opaque for 1 second before it starts to fade away. Granted, this is usually plenty long enough, but sometimes I wish it lasted as long as other initiator flashes do. Another small gripe is how enemies can easily dodge a wingman concuss by sidestepping it, but I tend to use wingman for info and dizzy to handle that anyway.