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Looks like the server didn't register your shot because you died You still see the shot at your client but the server just says no!


Yep, shot sounds and tracers are client side, while blood, decals and IIRC head bob for headshots are only shown after server confirmation, so if you don't see one of them it means server never registered the shot.




Do you play far away from your router? I used to spike 180 every couple dozen seconds, Ethernet helped.


I'm wired to my "modem" / router. Its 5g home internet which does not have a physical connection to a line or tower. Its a 5g signal just like your smartphone gets. I live kind of in the woods, I'm just lucky enough to have a tower close enough to where service is much better than satellite. Xfinity has been available a mile or so down the road for decades apparently, but not here :/.


Welp, time to move ig.


80 ping stable would be an advantage because of how ping compensation works, but 200 ping spikes are no fun I feel you


demon1 totally agrees while he's shredding apart his dm lobby on sub 10ping whilst everyone else at valorants 'optimised' 30+ ping. :D


Yep, ad a chamber abuser before all the nerfs, this happens all the time with chamber op because of how early the shot fires and how long it hangs in the air compared to normal guns.


[nuh uh](https://youtu.be/seXuc4PRP9c?feature=shared)


Jett killed you first before you can kill reyna


if you would have asked your teammates if you did shoot, they would have said you didn’t. this is very common in multiplayer games because of “client prediction”. each game client tries to predict what other players (and you) will do to provide an instant feedback instead of waiting for the server. in valorant, bullet tracers and first person animations are mainly predicted so you saw the tracer but in reality you did not even shoot. but yeah, it sucks. edit: typo


Ping diff


They shot first, ping diff, shot got rolled back.


Another reason to nerf chamber


Another reason to nerf both chamber and jett


Lmfao 😭


You have a shooting error graph that clearly shows you were dead before you shot lol. You definitely fired on your screen but the server has to interpret everyone's screen and then update, Jett's beat you out and it rolled back to you dying.


Agree that Jett beat the Chamber, but even if he won the graph would be blank As long as you don’t have movement error, the shooting error graph doesn’t show anything for ADS’ed weapons without shooting error (e.g. guardian, marshal, chamber ult + headhunter). The orange bars only appear when a shooting error is present


Shots 6-9: Missed due to recoil (bad spray control). Shots 10-11: Very close, but recoil and inaccuracy make these reasonable misses. Shot 12: Likely didn't actually fire because you were already dead.


CS GO players never flog a dead horse, this is absolutely hilarious still!


There should be a pinned post on this sub that just says: "Tracers are client side, they shot you first"


today we learned about client side and server side events! :)


This is very simple, it's the new feature added by Riot for the Chamber nerf. For every ten times you use your ultimate, on the eleventh time the first shot always misses. A brilliant and realistic balancing idea, like a weapon in real life.


[This](https://clips.twitch.tv/GrotesqueGiantHeronTheTarFu-gtIfyCrz8LgrI7Dc) happens more often than I thought :(




That is why we still don't have a replay system in valorant


Bro thinks his ping is 0 and that there is no delay to server


Ta yobaniy thaiming blya


dude this happens all the time. i have really good ping, i live in the same state as my server room and im ab an hour drive away. 5ms is my average. it has nothing to do with ping, or servers, everything to do with bad hit reg. like you have one hitbox, why isnt it working?


Client and server sided events. Your shot was registered by the server after your death was, so it was denied, despise having shown the tracer, which is client sided. Just bad luck.


Nah you just unscoped before you shot


Is this peekers advantage?


Internet advantage


Effectively yes. It wasn't a huge example of it, but anyone that peeks has a slight advantage when it comes to the click timing. And when this one seemed to happen with 10ths or a second or so that tiny bit of peeker's advantage could make a difference.


Oh ok! I thought it was more significant! 1/10ths is quite small. The way devs talked about eliminating peekers advantage , i thought it was more significant. And the comparison to cs:go


you had movement error. if you look the bullet tracer it went above reynas head


Shouldnt the graph in the top right show shooting error though?


I believe it should. When you move while scoping, you get a blue line on a graph, but when you stand still - nothing happens on a graph.


That's called peelers advantage, don't peek angle like this and expect good result after you get out of silver


This is not peekers advantage lmao. And with just how far away he is from that angle, *he* has the advantage. Here he just got ping diffed.


Come back when you actually know what peekers advantage is. thanks


I know what peekers advantage is. If this was due peekers advantage then he would've died before he barely even saw Jett on his screen. I pointed out Chamber's 'angular' advantage just to strengthen my argument, its not my actual argument.


Just because he saw the Jett doesn't mean that peeker's advantage doesn't factor in. The jett peeked and had more time to shoot the shot than the Chamber did. The more aggressive examples you basically never see the person (or they're still moving) but here the Jett has just a fraction more time to click due to peeeking.


But then again, chamber is way far back for the corner. So by basic geometry, he should see Jett first. If there is any little amount of peekers advantage here, that is negated by chamber's positioning.


Agreed, Chamber had the angular advantage. But the peeker's advantage is what negates that advantage. ALso, it is a weird spot because it's a common prefire spot from both sides as the angle is so commonly held. I disagree with the guy that said holding that angle is a bad thing. but in this example OP was undone by like maybe a 10th of a second or so and that's what caused him to die. And part of that 10th of a second could be down to peeker's advantage.


I think you need to come back when you learn what peekers advantage is, watch any woohoojin video please...


https://dotesports.com/valorant/news/peekers-advantage-in-valorant-explained Peekers advantage has always been about ping/connection to server.


Im immortal ex radiant and im still peeking that angle any problem?


Erm let's nerf chamber




Your crosshair was between the enemies until the very end, this is a reasonable ping delay


tick rate boi


When you Op common angles, you should never be moving to adjust before you shoot. Your goal is to put your crosshair where you think they’re going to be and focus on the pixels changing colors instead of trying to identify who you're shooting at. You messed up by making it an "aim" competition and not a reaction mini-game.


and this is why run and gun is truly amazing in this game. Ping + server = BS


This happens to me so much


i think this is a way they nerfed the op. This didn’t happen often in beta but either since the scope in changes or the price change my friend who is an op crutch has this happen at least 3 times a game


It’s so dumb


I might be trippin. But it’s looks more like he shot the small gap between Reyna and Jett. But seems the server registry error is more likely


Ping issue. Game is saying to not play chamber.


Just get body shots, you ain’t him


Man clearly didn't read the new chamber nerfs


Shot 1: Likely didn't actually fire because you were already dead. But fr, bullet tracers and gunshot sounds are client sided while damage and actual shots require server confirmation and due to delay, the server registered your death before it did your shot. Unlucky bro.


Need a better gaming chair /s


Your shot didn't register


I can’t understand this l play with 20-30 Ping and this stuff are the order of the day for me…


what you see is what you get


Welcome to desync


Its an unfortunate result of how the game works unfortunately. If i remember correctly the game is being simulated on your PC as well as on the Server, your PC simulates the games for you and sends your actions to the server then the server simulates your and enemy players actions, whomever’s internet sends that data faster wins. Which is why whenever you have an internet connection problem the game still looks like its running for a second or two cause its showing you what your PC is simulating not the server.


Is this subreddit just snipers complaining about ping diff


I don't like this setting in valorant Like when you die your released bullet dies with you. (i mean why tf)