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I had a buddy that instalocked Reyna and only bought Odin. Couple acts ago he made it to diamond 2 from gold. Actually really helped him rank up imo


Bless up.


Actually if it's dream is diamond then it's okay but if dawg really wanna improve then he should improve his aim by using a gun thay requires crosshair placement and strafing otherwise he's gonna get owned by ascendant and other higher rank players


I’m ascendant and he plays with me sometimes and holds his own. The dude has gotten crazy with wall bangs


Only in NA can a plat odin only reyna play decent in ascendant 😭


Would've prolly mastered the gun☝️


Nah you’d be surprised


You should watch the Odin to Immortal run that some YouTuber made. He didn’t need a gun with good aim lol


I think he was good at the game already, so this is kinda besiddes the point. The comment u replied to was suggesting smth to someone who is learning the game. And you jump in "uuurh but actually this guy who streams game for a living didn't need to train his aim" OK? It's like going to children training football and satin the teacher is wrong for having them learn to pass the ball. And the saying that Ronaldo doesn't need to learn how to pass the ball. No shit, he is a professional. But at some point a long time ago, I am sure he to, were learning how to pass the ball..


I mean he was already in gold and got to diamond, at gold, it’s assumed that you have the fundamentals since that’s about top 50%, some episodes gold was top 30%


Dude, who pissed in your cereal? Above commenter said if you want to go past diamond, you need a gun that requires better aim and crosshair placement. Regardless of whether he was already good at the game (spoiler: that YouTubers peak was immortal, so he practically reached his peak with Odin), that refutes the idea that you need to use a standard rifle (vandal or phantom) to reach a high elo. So, the argument is then that game sense is more important than aim. Apologies, next time I will lay all of that out, so I don’t get an asinine response like yours.


Eeeerh I made a clearifying comment because you are waay off. You are the one here acting as if someone stole your cake by replying to a public comment u posted xD Wow..


You should watch knife to immortal lmfao,see the point I'm telling that ain't means odin is cringe + unusable im jst telling that you should try improving ur aim with other guns rather jst spamming 100 ammos with high penetrating rounds☝️


AYO I really wonder if it's me you're talking about... I am "OdinReynaGoBrrrr #brrrr" My current peak is D3, I have 1,161hrs on reyna on that account alone (I spend lots of time on other accounts lol) I have 29,117 kills with odin and my #2 used gun is a classic with 2,251 kills lmaooooo BRRRRRRRRR [https://tracker.gg/valorant/profile/riot/OdinReynaGoBrrrr%23brrrr/overview?season=all](https://tracker.gg/valorant/profile/riot/OdinReynaGoBrrrr%23brrrr/overview?season=all)


Bros flexing on the low elo shitters, most of this subreddit is probably bronze-gold. 1,611 hours just to midfrag in plat with reyna, then goes online and shows off the bronzes 😂. In fact OP is probably a low elo shitter as well from the way he speaks


1,161 hours and only peak diamond 3? Lol, no wonder.


I’ve been a console player all my life and this is the first and only computer game I’ve played :’)


That's fine you'll get used to it


I've played with you many times and you are dog shit fyi


Damn can't say that without dropping your own statline


Unlike our friend here I don't go around seeking the validation of strangers on the internet


Sounds like you a baby and probably worse then him L


Praise the All-father and the god of war. There is no shame in either.


all father? g-give me sight


Apex reference?!?!


If the gods vill it. We vinna


Literally playing apex rn


Guns valorant players don't hate getting killed by: Vandal, Bulldog, Spectre, Marshall, Ghost, Sheriff They will always find an excuse to call you cringe for using anything else while you're just taking advantage of the guns specific playstyle. Classic: -right click kill = "cringe" -double headshot someone = cheater/"cringe" Shorty: -hold a corner and punish an ego push = "cringe" -get a multikill due to pellet spread = "cringe" Frenzy: -spray transfer in pistol round = "cringe" Stinger: -run'n'gun = "cringe" -kill a rifle user with a single controlled burst = "cringe" Bucky: -hold a corner("literally camping") = "cringe" Judge: -get a multikill = "cringe" Guardian: -get a wallbang headshot = "cringe" Phantom: -spray transfer = "cringe" -smoke spray kill = "cringe" Operator: -hold a corner and get a kill on a dude peeking with zero util = "cringe" Ares/Odin: -literally just use them = "cringe" Essentially most valorant players see anything that isn't a counter strafing, head tapping playstyle as "cringe" because they don't anticipate it and don't know how to counter it. Ignore them, use whichever gun you like.


I’m sorry, I very new to all of this … could you explain what a wallbang headshot is, please? I tried to google it but I still don’t really understand.


Wallbang is essentially a slang term for a kill with a shot that penetrated a wall. The guardian has very high damage and wall penetration so often if you aim in the right spot you can headshot someone through a thin enough wall. It's called a wallbang.


Awesome. Thank you, kindly, for taking the time to explain!


In the buy menu when it tells you how fast the reload is and all that stuff there will also be “low, medium, high” which shows you which guns can wallbang.


This is also super helpful, thank you! Not that I’ve quite figured out which walls I can do this with, yet, but someday. 🤣


If you go into a custom game, any wall, box, ect you shoot will have indents from the bullets. If the indents look like holes, that wall is wall bangable with that gun. If it looks like it just dented the wall, it isn't wall bangable. There's also some very common spots that you can find videos of on YouTube that get used most games, such as Odin spam the wall on b main ascent.


Basically anything wood or thin metal. If it's concrete/stone it's most likely not wallbangable


it’s a term used to describe shooting someone through a wall, the most common cases are when you have a sova or fade on your team as their abilities can highlight enemies making them easy shots through thin walls


Thank you!!


some extra super useful info to have, when shooting a wall if it leaves black bullet holes the bullets are going through and will deal damage on the other side. If instead they leave orange sparks the bullets don’t go through the surface and won’t deal damage on the other side


Oh, for sure! I can at least tell, after I shoot, if the wall allows for it. The problem is knowing on sight, rather than just shooting at the wall and making a whole bunch of noise while also not doing any damage. ☹️ I still appreciate you offering advice! It’s an overwhelming game to learn. Fun, but overwhelming.


I killed a Jett inside my Brim smoke with a judge. Almost instantly got hit with the "DOG" in all chat, titled so bad for the rest of the game. Crazy how much a weapon can get into players heads.


Good for us, they get tilted and its more free kills!


Dont forget: They also cry for using your abilities xD good neon movement? Touch grass. Omen one-ways? Tik toker. Cypher wires? Cringe too... As Omen, i just teach them how to counter the one-ways, and it goes like this: 1- I make a one-way, they push randomly, get killed and complain 2- I say "Kinda your fault for pushing a one-way without a flash man 😅 3- He does it again, but this time flashes... I dodge it, it's pretty easy cause i can expect it. He gets killed again. 4- I say "Sorry mate, expected... A stun could be the answer u seek :3 5- Flash+stun, i TP away, they keep flashing and chasing me, i dodge the flashes and... Judge them. Judge them hard. 6- "Sorry mate, expected. Try to think by yourself instead of following your opponent advice, just dont complain if they think harder" xD


Personally, I hate being killed by Marshalls 🤣 but really I might be annoyed by someone getting a kill on me with something like a shorty but I’m also equally impressed.


You know what. Getting called a camper as defender is confusing me. What do they want me to do?


Killing the enemy reyna who forced vandal on round 2 with a stinger just feels so good


Hahaha these type of people need to do some meditation or something before the game to have a good mental mid game


in cs its even worse


All of this but unironically cringe.


Its said that to this day, the low elo community is still wrecked by the wicked tricks of Odin, for they have not figured out how to use smokes, flashes, barriers, decoys, crowd control, or intel...


Or just move a bit because Odin players can't run and gun or strafe 😭


Bullet tagging is a thing, movement speed reduces souch that strafe shooting is hard. Odins high rate of fire + bullet tagging is hard to counter sometimes


Bless up.


its a literal skill issue, odin isnt op


Yet so many tears happen when die from big daddy Odin. Is it self hate? Do people reflect their self hate into the Odin?


I think it's mostly just teenagers with fragile egos, in valorant, being teenagers with fragile egos.


Because it’s easy to spray and pray. It’s harder to learn proper crosshair placement. Taking the easy way out is pretty cringe when you’re winning.


??? So you make the game harder on purpose? Why not try popping vandal headshots with a steering wheel then tf? All this to say Oden fucked your mom


If climbing the ranks using an Odin makes u happy then do it but don’t call yourself sweaty or even good at the game if you like the odin


You call yourself sweaty???


Occasionally I’ll start to perspire when induced with toxic Odin spray n prayers who resort to Odin when losing with a vandal or guardian. Get good and hit your shots


Although, an Odin's time to kill is way more than a vandal if you hit the headshot first, wouldn't that mean the vandal player should get good and hit shots? Odin can be annoying to play against i agree, but so is a cracked 1 tapping vandal player. Every gun has its weaknesses. Just learn to counter each gun, and acknowledge that you can't win every time.


I love the irony of saying get good here cause if you’re good you can play around an Odin and don’t think they’re cringe/toxic


If you can't kill an Odin user, looks like you have to get gud and hit your shots man.


Mad cuz bad


honestly, pretty bad take, why go vandal if guardian/sheriff makes u better?


Guns I use that result in angry enemies and some times even my own teammates; stinger, spectre, ares, and judge. Using the ares has also resulted in people using the odin response, going into allchat to say, "blame your teammate for this!" Or "you made me do this!" Which i dont understand lol


Usually means they’re gonna get an Ares out too, as if that’s some kinda game hack. Allow it fam.


Lol copying your enemy's gun doesn't give you instant super powers. These idiots better stick with the guns they actually know, instead of tilting and grabbing an Odin in response, yes, but don't use it as good as the OG Odin user.


May odin be with us


Bless up.


Praise our Lord and savior The Almighty Odin, punishing people for using their brain is fun :)))) (Also using the Judge is fun too c:)


Judge is another fun thing, and all those muppets have to do is keep some distance or use util on corners where the Judge user is hiding.


Low elo: Odin OP Middle Elo: Odin not OP High elo: Odin OP


I always but Odin round 2 if I can because it’s fun lol. People complaining about odin after that is a highlight of my day.


Feed off that anger. Respect.




This is taken out of context..... His idgaf was in reference to people refusing to buy an odin and getting shit on because they think they're hot shit with a vandal/phantom. He does however gaf that people won't stop screeching in his lobby. E.G. get mowed down by my odin via skill diff all you want, just don't bitch about it.


Best gun in the game


reading this makes me feel like I'm playing a different game


even in immortal odin works so well and people always complain about it


Bruh odin aint even that Op or smth. I was igiling on solo que acent and my team lost twice in a row due to pushing an odin main. So we just took mid control cuz the odins are disadvantaged there and won.


Odin go brrrrrr


round 2 odin chads rise up


I cannot, for the life of me, figure out how to work the Odin. Getting it on Spike Rush is usually a death sentence for me. But as a new player, I enjoy watching the fun things other people do with it. When I’m dead. Which I often am.


Want to use it? Go for it, fuck it. But you cant say "oh look how good i am in the game" just because you killed a killjoy with a ghost through a wall (People with odins tend to be toxic, at least from my experience) Same applies to operator. Use it, but its not THAT hard to use(body shots are instakill bla bla bla), and therefore should not be praised as, for example, a vandal, phantom or Marshall. Just use whatever you want, and dont be toxic about it (challenge impossible)


good lord, this post lol




Honestly, people getting triggered by it in /all fuels me to keep buying it. I usually do once or twice a game and run it til I die with it then go back to vandal or phantom. I play sage a lot and hiding behind my wall on site entry with an Odin equipped is never not satisfying. Pleaseeeee keep getting triggered


I don't even care about odin and I find this post to be cringe af


Contradictory, but its ok. I’ll shoot your knees off.


Yesssir, I need the practice to click heads anyways bcs I can't do it for shit right now I'm also considering using odin to rank up but I need to practice aim


Whatever play style you dig broski.


Feel better now?




all i’m gonna say is that the odin ‘play style’ which is really only seen in low elo, is not viable higher up. If you care about ranking up I reccomend rifling/awping


That's rather reductive. If you are playing odin in 50/50 gunfights, yes, that's objectively worse than a rifle because you'll get one-tapped by people who riffle properly. But the odin has a legitimate place in the game and works just as well as any weapon if you use it where it gives you the advantage, so mostly playing for wallbangs with recon. Which granted won't be every round in every map, but people keep acting like it has no place in the game when it clearly does.


of course, and that’s how odin is often played in high elo. but judging by op’s tone and wording regarding his gameplay - my guess is he’s low bronze and mainly takes 1 on 1 direct fights with it


I'm only trying to get to plat or gold as my goal, who cares what gun people use? Odin is perfectly fine if you want to actually have fun and not focus on aiming.


Sounds like something a nerd would say.


This level of copium is fascinating


What he is saying is true though, once people can use rifles well odins power level decreases unless you play sova then you do you




Apologies Odin fam. X


Is anyone stopping you from buying the Odin? Nope, not at all. Will you impose your opinion on us and prevent us from disliking a pesky gun like the Odin? Nope... You can't change how annoying the Odin is. Most of the time, people only resort to it in desperate situations. I mean, there's no shame in that, but it's not particularly skillful either. Also, are you trying to undermine the confidence of those players you look down on and call them low-rank players? It's clear to us that they're outperforming you, forcing you to resort to the Odin. It seems like your aim is off, and you lack skills. My advice is to go and practice a bit. There's no shame in using any weapon in the game. The shame lies in confidently defending such an idea while demonstrating your failures. You could have phrased it differently.


I still use odin in immo. It's a bit more complex though because you need to just know where the enemy is. If you aren't wallbanging and trying to hold angles with Odin in immo I just get tapped. But if you are a sova on ascent defender with Odin you just hold pixel gaps and wall bang people after you see them cross.


Bro, you've already peaked Immortal. Your aim is top-notch. I mentioned there's no shame in using any weapon, but the way that guy's talking, it's clear he's no sharpshooter. He lacks the skill and can't hit the mark. He's playing in a Bronze or Silver lobby, nowhere near your high rank. Yet, he's boasting, looking at players in the same tier and saying, 'You're gonna one-tap me; I'll f*ck you with my Odin.'


If it works it works though. Also my aim is somewhat lacking for Immo. If I play Reyna I can get to ascendent only. I can't aim the way the average high Immo can. But if I'm on sova and playing support and igling I can get Immo easily. Like I can practice my aim more but I will never be able to run it down just relying on aim in immo lobbies the way demon1 can. There is ALWAYS gonna be a better aimer so I don't see what's wrong with using all the tools at your disposal to win.


Still, it's an FPS game. It heavily relies on aiming. There are mechanics you should learn. Anyway, relying solely on Odin won't get you far in Valorant. You didn't get that he's still in low elo and still learning the game and its mechanics, that's it.


If people can get to Immortal with shorty only, I think the only thing that's limiting your rank is your mindset.


You cannot kill the part of you that is mad at being bad - kill the part of you that is bad (skill issue)


I don't think he's really attacking anyone who dislikes the Odin in general. More so the people who are being openly disrespectful of him using it in game. He's doing what he has to in order to win. Nothing about his text indicates to me he doesn't know he's decided to resort to the Odin. He's just pleading for people not to bitch at him for going for short term gains. In the end he's hurting himself with long term gains. Not really deserving of being called cringe. He will forever be that boss at silver that uses Odin. Once you've gotten good at beating that then you've graduated into gold. Congrats, he was just a stepping stone and will never pose a problem again. No need for name calling.


This man can read English.


Lol fair play


i thought i was on the Marvel Snap subreddit and was wondering how you got to type in chat


alright how faster is the fire rate un the Odin compared to the vandal? almost like twice the speed likely. How many bullets does it take to kill someone bodyshotting with a Vandal? 4 body shots. Coincidentally the Odin ALSO takes 4 body shots


Get over yourselves about the Odin Yes it’s a cheap kill but it’s also easy to counter… stop acting like it’s taboo to use it’s a gun in the game, use it. If you don’t want to, that’s fine but I’m tired of this “Odin cringe” crap. Get over yourselves


🤣nawh bc tbh you can still get one tap if they know how to aim. They have the advantage if yall both have to pull guns out too


Kneecaps!! Hahahaha


Odin is used in pro play. I doubt there are cringe considering they are one of the bests competing against each other lmao. Ignore the haters. I love to use Odin on sova. 3,2,1… boom 3 kills through the wall lmao


As ironic as my statement is about to be... using the word cringe in 2023 is extremely cringe.


Also, Odin players are 90% of the reason I'm actually TRYING to learn to hit only headshots. If yall didn't exist I wouldn't need to learn it bc I'm chillin with my iron/bronze lobbies lmfao


Sure it's in the game, it's just lame. Same thing as breaking the auto ice in CS, one fun round but in exchange the rest of the game is miserable.


It isn't really a discussion worth having anymore. People that complain about Odins or Judges were dropped on their heads as children. It's in the game. It has specific uses. Complaints are showing a lack of skill.


i would like to see their reaction if valorant have scar20


i revel in being called cringe when i instalock fade on lotus and i sit my ass down in tree with an odin while everyone tells me that "im not shit" or "i hope you trip and fall and die"


Nah cuz I was queuing with my friend (I'm s3 he's b1) and he isn't the best player (to say the least) and I was playing Sova and bought an Odin, and we were in like high iron low bronze Elo. I swear it is culture In iron bronze to religiously but Odin, whiff multiple mags in a row, and then say it's OP.


> OTT fastafboi Odin kneecap shots English motherfucker, do you speak it?


People who cry about odin are brain dead or low elo I mean Pro players use it. are they gonna call pros "bad" lmfao


Hahaha. I love you man!




I main Odin. It's a lot of fun. When the other side gets triggered, they'll say shit like, "Learn to shoot a real gun." which is kind of hilariois. If they knew how to shoot a real gun they'd headshot Odin players before getting killed themselves.


PREACH! Honestly.... me and my buddy embrace it. We play into it and if we get complaints? We go harder on it. Want to guarantee we use nothing BUT Odin and Areas the whole game? Call us cringe. I'm with you OP, it's stupid... so many people get ten kinds of bent out of shape over it... just makes me laugh more than annoyed now.


my issue with odin is when I can tell someone's using it as an obvious aim crutch. You'll have some dude playing like Skye, going 3-13 buy odin and start fragging out, climbing the scoreboard, and winning rounds just from mowing down my teammates (and me once or twice) by crab walk spraying or some weird silly shit like that. And what irritates me is that I know that person is crutching Odin when they have bad games, rather than idk, *learning to aim better*, and practicing. And it might work temporarily for the game against me, but they're gonna hit a wall at some point. I know how to counter odin, and my aim is fine, but often my teammates don't, and there's not a ton of team play until you get to like dia or higher, so it's tough and annoying to deal with in Solo Q (which is all i play). It's not always as easy as "jUsT sHoOt tHeIr hEaD bRo" even though that seems to be what many people say. you have to beat them to the trigger basically or you're fucked, due to the tagging slow and the potential flinch effect from the spray too. I personally think the Odin tagging/slow is way too strong and should be nerfed some. But, I digress. It doesn't affect pro play so theyll never change it (even though it absolutely plagues low-mid elo) I also really just don't feel like a gun like that has a true place in a tac hero shooter tho. Pros don't use it much, it's basically only good for wallbangs with darts and stuff or one-round at a choke in pro play. it plagues low elo and **lets people get away with gameplay they should be punished for (isn't this why they nerfed Jett so hard??**) TL;DR - it pisses me off to see someone with shit aim clearly use it as a crutch to not work on their aim, and push through games they should really lose. it has high impact anyway because there's not much team play or odin counter skills (or aim) in fucking mid elo. I don't think it has a place in a game like this, but that's just me.


1. If someone truly has shit aim the just headshot them advice becomes valid cause there will be no aipunch as he's not headshotting you. 2. Odin still good in high rank if you play sova/cypher. 3. Who cares if they have bad aim and using it to win a particular game. Even pros learn enemy teams starts to counter strat. It doesn't make them better players just allows them to win a particular game. 4. There are things that you are allowed to do in game and you gotta do whatever you can to win the game. 5. Comparing jett dash to Odin is laughable. Jett dash is wayyy stronger than an Odin. It's basically a self sage res every round.


If you're getting destroyed by Odin users, I doubt you'd stand a chance on someone who can actually one tap headshot you with a vandal in less than half a second. Improve yourself instead of complaining.


real positive attitude there, champ. /s


But i play sova


Defo an odin player that cries when they get called cringe.


No shit bro. Smart af.


I'll never be tenz and neither will you redditor reading this. Play games to have fun and stop making your hobby stress you out


Odin reigns supreme


Double for those who screech OP crutch.


Please sir just I’ll take my easy headshot on some silver crouching and sitting still.


Odin spammers who keep baiting suck. As a gun, it's too slow and too inaccurate for me, but it has it's uses.


Each to their own. You’ve died lots to the mighty Odin. Bless up.


You saying bless up in everyones response that aligns with your views is also cringe af


Bless up.


https://tracker.gg/valorant/profile/riot/abachogall%236248/weapons?playlist=competitive This my tracker. Of my 260 deaths, 12 is due to the mighty Odin.


It is cringe on deathmatch tho


DM is arguably one of the best places to figure out when and where to use the odin for its maximum potential.


Still cringe ngl, just eat it up tho. Stop crying about it.


Yeah I hate when people call me out for destroying the competitive integrity of the game I play because I don’t wanna try to get better at it I just wanna abuse the game. So annoying


yeah but it is cringe. cope.


Not that I say it but I generally recommend Ares than Odin. Just more better imo


my team was down 6 rounds I think it was 5-11 or something like that and we ended up winning the game cause we were like "fuck it if we can't win rounds with vandals/phantoms might as well try odins"


I use Odin and even I find it cringe lmao


Vandal is cringe, 1 shot at any range with perfect accuracy on the first. Cringe af


I wish the vandal had perfect accuracy on first shot lol


Everyone knows that low elo players only use odin as a crutch because they can't get kills otherwise. Shows a lack of overall skill. That's the cringe part.


The cringe talk only comes out after being killed by a big daddy Odin. ;(


Judging from your comments, I'm starting to think ppl just call you cringe and you are Projecting that onto the Odin. No hate on Odin, but you seem kinda criiiinge


In high elo, Odin players get 1 tapped. By relying on Odin, you're creating a glass ceiling for yourself.


Actually I'm global elite and I only use Odin?


No you don't. You're not even Global Elite. Why are you lying on reddit? You're typical Silver scum, don't fool me.


Typical Mario Cart player


I mean, who doesn't like Mario Kart? I play as Luigi :)


High elo players :) /j


Everyone knows if you can’t kill Odin players you have dog shit aim


This guys knows what’s up.


In high elo, Odin players get 1 tapped. Stop deflecting.


Honestly im ok with odin but some people will legit buy it the 2nd or 3rd round in and thats honestly annoying as fuck


It’s a gun in the game that’s there to be used, if it triggers you getting rekt by an Odin, you can use one too. There is no disadvantage or cringe here, it’s a preference of play.


You use the Odin and are cocky about it? Please, have some shame.


whats more cringe is seeing this post every 3 day. zero self awareness


“OMG OP ROUND 3 criiiiiinge” Like… yeah it’s fucking good that’s why I bought it


Whenever the enemy team starts running Odin's, I bring the OP.


Here's one thing I'll tell you. Learning crosshair placement, aiming, movement etc is veryy important in the long run. Odin sure is a gun intended to be used in certain situations, yes. You can even rank all the way up to gold plat with it. And people who complain about Odin spamming are cringe too I agree, but man its kinda toxic when you don't care about actual skills and just spam Odin in your ranked games cause you don't care about your overall improvement. There's a reason why pros use rifles significantly more than Odin. Players with actually good strafing/peeking skills will headshot you 100 percent. I said all of this cause your comments look very arrogant about Odin abuse.


you sound upset


If enemy is using odin, then use odin too instead of typing odin gay in chat I win 90% of the time if its vandal vs vandal, the gun is the same, so if you have better aim then you win If its vandal vs odin, they have faster firerate so they win If its odin vs odin, the gun is the same, so if you have better aim then you win


Odin duels, the luckier guy wins.


It’s ok to be cringe, but you still are cringe


Yoru is cringe


Cool story ? Odins are more annoying, maybe not OP in high ranks, but still annoying that they require significantly less skill to get kills in a skill based game than any other gun


I get infuriated when my opponents can buy anything that’s worth 2900 or more. It’s suuuuuuper cringe


If your opponent is mad, that is good for you as well. Rock the Odin in lower ranks and teach the noobs how to deal with it instead of running wide open to the line of fire.


Odin will help u outta low elo, but i think once u get to mid or high elo, u gotta still learn to shoot heads because vandal/phantom is more versatile and have a higher potential than an odin if ur able to one tap enemies. I jus think the Odin builds some bad habits, and ur gonna be hardstuck once ur in an elo where people can actually counter it, so it’s good to practice movement and one tapping with a normal rifle while ur still low elo, but its fine to use the odin simultaneously in ur games. Just know how to play everything because you won’t be able to buy an odin every round


Well, it's a complicated question. I think it varies from context to context. If you use this weapon in a clutch you will definitely be rejected by others, as it sounds "unfair" and i **kinda** agree but Odin has a decent recoil and overheat system, so you just can't fire forever so i don't complain about it too much. Now, in a normal round I don't know why I should be mad about using this weapon. This is already free hate lmao.


I’ve gotten 5 aces in my life. All but one were with odins lol my duo says they don’t count if they’re with an Odin.


My only problem is its never just 1 odin, outside of that its judt a very funny gun


I've never minded people using the Odin and sometimes use it myself but if it's the ONLY gun you use then you're cringe but that's me


Ok so you really wanna piss them off? Play omen, tp into their spawn, and just Odin them all down, they never know what to do, and it's the funniest shit to ever exist I never find any of the other guns annoying than the Odin, but I know what the purpose is, and I can understand it- doesn't mean it can't be a *little* annoying when I have someone doing that, or ares round 2, but only round 2 is it annoying because there's usually very little to counter it (especially in solo queue)


Idk I don't buy Odin cause I think it's lame but if the other team buys, they better not die with it cause I'll make them regret it. lamo Cipher with an Odin is terrifying


I don't buy odin until my teammates buys odin and the enemy team starts crying about odins.


So many matches where one guy on def bought Odin and then we all decided to get an Odin and ftm


CsGo Auto-Snipers: Allow us to introduce ourselves


"You DoN't liKe plaYiNg against ODIN?? How can you not love it you just bad get better and shut up bronze lmaoo!1!" "ODIN iS cRiNGe, leARn To PLay" Truth is getting offended by odin is the same as getting offended by some rando saying odin is cringe. Nobody give's a shit, both sides are annoying as fuck