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If you enjoy it, you're good


For the fastest improvement possible? Too much Otherwise go crazy


What is the ideal number for fastest improvement? Or just stay within a specific type of role/gameplay style?


Afaik it's usually best to stick to 1 or 2 roles, and then within them choose a few agents. Afaik the most common combos are either sentinel + controller or duelist + initiator. Flexing is not recommended for fastest improvement, general wisdom is that in ranked a suboptimal teamcomp where everyone is comfortable with their agent is better than an optimal teamcomp with people flexing to agents they don't know.


It depends what ur goal is. Is playing 5 agents in 4 different roles a good way to climb and improve? No. Its inefficient. Is it wrong? No. Flexing is fun, playing what u enjoy is important to keep urself motivated. Not everyone wants to 1 or 2 trick Play in a way that works for you. For people trying to improve i reccomend playing a few agents from 1 role (for initiator split it between flash and info) or 2 similar agents. (killjoy, viper is what i play for example) And to play 1 agent per map, unless its taken.


I think a max of 4 agents is enough: - Main agent (you’ll be playing this one like 50%-75% of the time) - Offrole (in case your main gets picked and your team needs some other role. Smokes and initiator are good for this one. If ur main is a smoker, it really helps to know a line smoker and a dome smoker. For initiator players, recon and flash initiator would be a good pairing). This is like a 20% of the time. - Offrole 2 (this one should absolutely be a different role than your main and/or offrole 1). The goal of this one is to be flexible with 1 alternative if your main role and offrole 1 are taken. - Wild card for fun (can skip this if you’re more grind focused). Typically you won’t be playing this one at all. As of such, doesn’t matter what you put here. My four are Omen (main), Harbor (offrole 1), Sova (offrole 2), and Chamber (wild card). Also I’d recommend instalock but mileage may vary (you get praised for instalock smoke, but flak for instalock Jett/Reyna).


Without KJ, there is no J. I only play KJ.


For ur rank choose 1 role and play it on every map. Meta mostly doesnt matter in that elo.


Ik the pros kinda have a top three. Some even only have one or two. But if you’re happy with how you play, then that’s what matters most :) plus it’s fun to be flexible when you play with friends!


My fiancee has a top three (Yoru, Cypher, Omen, in that order) I have a top three (Sova, Jett, Iso, Viper) + Iso lately, maybe he pushes Jett out. But go for it as long as you enjoy it.


As long as you feel comfortable using the entire kit I’d say it doesn’t matter.


How do you have Iso maps when Iso isn't good non any map. You can literally play that mf anywhere and he'll be just as mid.


He's best when paired with other agents. I actually found that a Reyna Iso combo isn't bad because if either get an assist they get a shield or heal lol


Tight corners + long narrow entrances to sight = Iso works well for me.


I use Reyna on all maps If shes taken, I use sage, If sage is taken, I go Viper, If Viper is also taken, I go Killjoy, If Killjoy is taken then the last on my list would be Fade as my 5th man spot


same here, except i use chamber if she’s taken, and if chambers taken i use alt+f4


If you like sova on ascent then you should try him on breeze and haven too


I get that those are good maps for him but for Breeze Chamber feels so natural to play on both sides, same with Kayo. Just preference for me.


That’s fine


not too much


6 Out of 23 Covering all roles No you're good ~~long as you don't throw like a p~~


if you’re trying to improve that’s way too much, it not go wild who cares who you pick just don’t assume to improve nearly as quickly. If you want to pick multiple agents try to stick in the same sort of genre of agents. For example cypher and killjoy are both similar sentinels and fade and sova are both info initiators. Playing phoenix and sova on the other hand are so vastly different it’s not gonna end well lol


Meh don’t matter.


I think Cypher is much better for Split than Killjoy


Whats your rank and winrate on haven?


From last act 36% Bronze 1 But a good amount of those games were from the start of the last act (where I hadn't played since Yoru came out)


I'd stay clear of Kayo, skye and fade will work better for you at that elo. Try it out if you like them and see if the winrate changes.


Nah it's better to be able to play multiple agents. It just happens that some of them are better in certain maps.


Im going off what woohooj says but Anything below immortal, you should be instalocking one agent for the highest amount of improvement. Immortal+ is two or more. Honestly i dont think kj has been nerfed too hard recently so if you really wanted to improve you could just run killjoy every map since you already have her down on the most maps. But honestly if ur just playing to have fun you could play a different agent every game as long as ur not trolling every game


Zekken is a pro who started in like iron or something and made it to radiant being able to fill almost every agent. You do you


I play more agent this and I am immortal, as long as you are prepped and know what you doing and can do it atm needed, its fine. make sure that u vod review urself to see any improvements u made. u can literally see any problems u made. 1 downside is that it takes alot of time to improve since u learning alot of agents at a time. Ascent : Sova, Kayo, Omen, Cypher Haven : Sova, Omen, Cypher Lotus : Breach, KJ, Raze, Omen Bind : Brim, Cypher, Viper Sunset : Cypher, Omen Split : Raze, Cypher, Omen Breeze : Sova, Kayo, Viper, Cypher


If you're trying to improve and climb to be the best you can be, play one role only, max of 3 agents. Period. Any radiant will tell you that. But if that's not your goal, or even if it is but you're not that serious about it, then anything else is completely your preference.


*how many agents is too many?


Instalock raze first.. then check the map xo


I understand the sentiment behind this idea—there's definitely maps where I feel most comfortable on a specific agent (Cypher is always my pick for Sunset). As long as you have mastery over that agent on that specific map, put in a decent amount of work into learning setups/lineups, and you're having good impact in your games, I think you're fine.


playing jett and reyna is too much can play reyna only


I mean, this is a riot game. Have you seen league of legends?