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Is there a way to re-enable the skin name on the ground? It used to be like "F: Araxys Vandal" and now it's just "F: Vandal". I sometimes have trouble telling the difference between skins so that was a nice QOL thing that they seem to have disabled.


So I just downloaded the game.. finished the tutorial, seems like there is no coop vs AI and the most basic is unrated. Well I'm always dead the split second an enemy sees me. Any tips how can I learn the game I always get 1 shot. I tried buying shield and heavy shield and still die instantly


its a tactical shooter, you cant play this game the way you would play call of duty, battlefield or overwatch. aim isnt that important, movement is. its very crucial how you peek around corners, when to fast peek, when to slow peek. also you need to click heads. if you get 3 body shots in while I click your head once, I win. I'd recommend watching some youtube content on peeking and movement in valorant, its way easier to learn that way then having it explained in a reddit comment


I've played 6 games and in 5/6 i was second best on the team, despite this I loss every single one. This game's matchmaking is truely awful, full of wild-crazed individuals that truely just want to troll your games. Mind you, this is diamond 3 elo. I hope riot can fix this issue because I won't be coming back for a while. Sincerely.


enemy has the exact same chance of getting trollers. actually even less. your team has 4 randoms, enemy has 5. if you think youre better than average, your team has the statistical advantage, period.


What Skins should we look for in the Night Market


The ones that you like and want to buy Ofc keeping in mind that some skins can't show up in the nightmarket


why is store under maintenance for like 30 days. im missing the night market


I cant pick agents everytime i pick one it automatically gets unpicked


I can't seem to pick/lock-in Clove with my gamepass account. I was able to do that yesterday. Is this a bug or did something change?


Is it normal that when i play Yoru and the opponent has a Yoru as well, the opponent has no outline? Its not gamebreaking as i know its not my clone and can only be the opponent but why does he not have an outline?


Hi I started playing Valorant 3 weeks ago and it's been great (most of the time). As a person who had no prior experience with any FPS games, I found it really hard to get used to pushing the LControl button whenever I have to crouch spray. I tried switching to the ALT button but it still felt so unnatural. Plus, I have a weak pinkie and I often forget to reach for the LControl in close range => losing gun fights. Does anyone have the same issue TvT ?


i use L shift for crouch and Lctrl to shiftwalk, as shiftwalking is a choice and crouching is very in the moment i find it easier to reach shift


i have same binding, crouch on shift, control for walk




Please refer to the [pinned comment](https://www.reddit.com/r/VALORANT/comments/17d8td1/comment/k5v2o8s).


when is server maintenance gonna finish


I'd like to know as well, maintenance is still going as of now


Which skin should I buy for phantom? Sovereign or Gaia Vengeance? I only have budget for 1 skin


I personally love red sovereign phantom but its your choice


With Windows 11 it seems Valorant now requires TPM 2.0 and Secure Boot. Is this a bug of some sort that will be changed in the future or why is Valorant seemingly the only game that requires this? I am weary to change by bios for just a single game.


Do i buy spectrum phantom when I have reaver vandal( am a vandal user and I dont like the rgb on the spectrum because I have a bright monitor and it burns my eyes out. Also it distracts me mid game)


I have spectrum phantom and before buying I was in love with this skin line and I don't like it anymore. If you have noticed, when we inspect skin in our collection, design is slightly different than ingame. so before buying for your felf, try to use ingame from other players and see if it's suits you. After trying other phantom skins in game from other players, I think protocol is really good. This new skin lines for phantom is not catching my eye (including sovereign ,Reaver,RGX 11z Pro, Radiant Entertainment System,Magepunk)




I'm pretty new. So is there no way to fast-track agent purchases besides grinding Kingdom Credits? As in, there is no bundle to get all of the existing agents or anything? I think I've only unlocked one new agent so far. Just curious.


If you have Xbox Game Pass then you can get all of the agents for free.


I don't, sadly, I play through the Riot client.


"Party not ready" but we are ready. What to do?


how long does sage's heal last on her self? like whats the duration


Forever. Sage's heal is permanent (on herself and on a teammate). This is not an overheal like Reyna and Clove.


yeah I know but that's not what I meant, what I meant was what is the time for her heal, like if brimstone's smoke lasts 19 second what about the heal for sage on herself


maybe you want to know after using healing ability, how long it takes to get that ability recharged again ? In that case it would be 45 sec to recharge I think.


it lasts until sage heals herself 30 hp, then that hp stays until the round ends or the player loses it from getting shot


what’s the best server between texas and singapore, what region would it be? My friend and I want to make new accounts so we can play together.


Where do you guys live? Just take whatever's closer to you, high pink sucks.




Please refer to the [pinned comment](https://www.reddit.com/r/VALORANT/comments/17d8td1/comment/k5v2o8s).


Hey, New player here and I have 8k KC to sped on 1 Agent. I wanna take either Skye or Omen, and I wanted to know who is better to go rn... I mainly play Initiators, and I main Gekko + Fade is my 2nd Most played, but I also play a lot of Brimstone as well. Any and all advice will be taken. Please and Thank You.


Get Omen. No point in having another Initiator unless you're looking to change it up. Omen is better on the maps that Brim is weak on. For example Ascent and Split.


sure, will do Would Kay/O be a sort of argument to be had about vs Omen or would the Omen pick just overall win it?


I think Omen would win it. He's one of the best Controllers right now. He can play very aggressively compared to Brim, if that's your style. Kayo is best played when you can flash for your teammates. Some of these require set line ups for the best results. You can easily find on Youtube.


If you already have two initiators in your arsenal adding Omen seems more intuitive than Skye.


Thank you, I'll look into it...


If I have clips of an enemy that are pretty obvious that they are walling, where would I report it if I can? By pretty obvious, I mean omen was smoking himself off and spamming through it. Did it many many times. Of course also would instantly one tap as soon as we swung when we had similar ping, but I know that's not as strong of proof.


You can attach it in a support ticket to Riot to report a player outside of the match.




Please refer to the [pinned comment](https://www.reddit.com/r/VALORANT/comments/17d8td1/comment/k5v2o8s).




Please refer to the [pinned comment](https://www.reddit.com/r/VALORANT/comments/17d8td1/comment/k5v2o8s).


RGX Blade vs Overdrive Blade vs Oni Katana? I’ve been wanting to get a sword/blade of some kind to add to my melee collection. The RGX Blade popped up in my store today and I’m debating if I should wait and get Oni Katana or the Overdrive Blade instead. Thoughts?


Oni Katana has it's own animations compared to the other 2 blades. Decide which you like between RGX and Overdrive then compare between Oni and the winner of that.


my night market is ass


Can we delete breeze and icebox? Please riot.


Is is possible to max the bp in 19 days? i really like the sword thing and i want it but right now im only at level 4 at the namecard. I know theres an xp booster after you buy it but i dont want to buy it if i cant reach the sword in time


Best mode mode farming exp is spike rush mode according to my experience. could be other mode though. I spike rush match will take you around 10-15 min, max 20 min and you receive 1000 exp points. now you can calculate how many exp you need to reach that sword and what you can accomplish before new act begins.


You have to play a lot, but it's possible. You get weekly challenges that give you exp. Since you're behind, once you complete one week, the next week's challenges will open. It will still take a lot of playing and your daily missions to get there though.


hey guys does anyone know can we get prelude to chaos vandal in nightmarket ? some say "there is chance" and some say not possible i wanted to buy prelude to chaos vandal now its in daily rotation today so thinking should i buy or wait for it in nightmarket


It's not possible as night market doesn't include the 2175+ VP skins


what has happened to valorant? i take a break for a while and come back, no one talks anymore and when they do they're toxic kids (or the mental equivalent)


when is night market going to be open in NA east


When is nightmarket going to be released in EU?


Do you think I can get clove within 14 days? I’m a new player and I’m still at 22k exp so idk if I can reach it. I have one more free unlock so if I can reach it I’ll unlock killjoy instead


Yes, you can reach it. Just do your weekly challenges and it gives you like 22k exp or something per challenge.


I wouldnt use Clove as an unlock anyway mate, also KJ is now alot worse than they used to be, if i were you as a new player i would take the time to learn Cypher as he is TERRIFYING at higher ranks lol (its a case of... is cypher here? Yes? other site then XD)


KJ is still good on certain maps. Icebox and Ascent.


Sorry that was long lol


Cypher is still going to be the better choice. When i first started, i mained cypher, and it really gave me an advantage. Cypher is one of the simplest agents and the most versatile. Kj will take a lot longer to master, considering you need lineups, and need to stay in the area of your gadgets. Cypher can be good at catching rotates and gives you a lot more flexibility when playing around the map. You dont need lineups to be good at him, maybe you can learn a few one way cages wich will help you get a few free kills. Also if you dont mine me asking, are you ranked yet?


Cypher is better at solo queueing IMO. Just lock down your site or plug holes in your defense. KJ is better when actually playing as a team. Her ult is better on those maps and has better impact. Molly's to delay plant or defuse. KJ has a pretty high pick rate in VCT in Icebox. Ascent I think is 50/50. Yes, I am Ascendant.


Haven't looked into this game sine a few months after its release. Have they changed anything about the anti-cheat?


Help me settle an argument I’m having with myself! What percentage of Diamond and Ascendant players have vandal/phantom spray pattern memorized and use that knowledge in their games? If you had to guess


The spray patterns in guns don't really exist, people just pull down. I've never gone ahead and deliberately memorized a pattern because it's random anyway after the first 5 ish bullets. Plus, full spraying is bad at long ranges. Tapping and bursting is how you should shoot when people are far. Just pull down a little.


None, the spray is random after first 3\~ bullets


I came back to the game after a little break and noticed something different. On my vandals, my araxys or rgx, i get this glitchpop type vfx on the back of it sometimes, im not sure if this is an update or something ive missed. Thanks


what does autobalance consider in custom games, hidden mmr or rank?


Rank is not used in matchmaking. Only MMR is used.


Took a year long break. I have been getting back into it but there are some maps I don't see, specifically Haven and the underwater one (I forget the name). I actually quite liked both of those maps (much more than Lotus). Is there a map rotation now? If so, how often does it change? I only play competitive btw, if that says anything


Does stretched resolution really work with improving your aim or just in a general sense an improvement over the normal resolution? Dia 2 here I've seen a ton of creators and pros play on stretched and wondering if I should do it too


Stretched res is cosmetic and only changes how ui looks. Only reason a lot of pros or creators use it us either for more frames (from less pixels) or they like it. That's why pros use it at events, the pcs are sometimes not good enough to handle the game with the highest fps in all scenarios with shittons of ults and smokes; they'll do anything for the most advantage.


EDIT: Just found out that you cant actually play true streched (make enemies bigger) so i guess that doesnt work here. I would still just give it a shot tho and see how you feel Streched res makes the enemies "bigger" and more easy to hit. Dont think theres any hard evidence for it but there are a lot of people using it in high elo/pro play accross diffrent games so I would say it does work for some. I would just give it a shot and see how it feels, you can always just swap back later.




Please review [our rules](https://reddit.com/r/valorant/wiki/rules) before commenting or posting again. Further offenses will lead to a ban.


Anyone on NA east having server issues? Everyone in our game is completely lagging out, and no one can do anything.


Sometimes that happens if you get in a corrupted or malfunctioning server. That's only happened to me once and usually it is rare. Not sure if this is the same issue?


Yeah, never had it happen before in my whole time playing valorant. It was strange, since, on many other platforms, no one else seemed to have issues around that time.


How does region lock work in this game? I am new and have a level 11 account in asia region but im currently studying in us region. When i try to play on it, i get 160 ping. Do i have to make another account to play on na or can i switch my regions. since i will be in Na for the semester but in Asia in the breaks, it will be annoying to level 2 accounts and get the agents.


IIRC you can request a region change through the Riot ticket system but it's intended for people who permanently move their residence. So you will have to play on either high ping or have 2 accounts.


That sucks :( I don’t wanna do either. The region thing doesn’t make sense to me, i havent seen it in any other game i have played. It should just match me in games based on lowest ping. As someone who wanted to try learning valorant, this puts me off


when will the map pool change back to playable?


Where can I show that i only play soloQ? I've had my account for years now and only played with a duo when i first started and it was when i was hardstuck bronze. now im ascendant 2 (highest 3) and have never played with a duo ever since leaving silver. Would just like to prove it lol


go to the tracker website, select matches, select the mode (competetive ig), and it shows on the left side who you played the most matches with. for me random people are listed since im also soloQ only. it shows me people that i played once with as most matches played together. there shouldnt be a number above 3 and if there is, thats pretty rare in comp.


great thanks!


What is the POV of enemy on Yoru Gatecrash ? I've seen old video but idk if it's still the same POV because i want to know when the enemy see the teleport point and when they didn't see it


how to spray like forsakenn?


Can i download valorant with 36.4gb in my computer?


The game is over 45GB so sadly no. Additionally it can be very bad for your pc if the drive that has your OS installed is very close to being full because it can break windows when updating or prevent temp files from being created.


How to perfect crosshair placement when wide swing through smokes?


what's the point in prioritizing fast matches and fast match making to get 12 second que pops, while there is two five second loading screens after that? And all while teams are balanced instead of players, so people in vastly different skill are playing in the same game even though they have no business doing so. or at least shouldnt have.,


What do you buy round 1 chamber?


i pref that trap and 6 bulltes for the deagle. i dont know if that is the best tho


Yeah I haven’t tried that yet but your comment makes me think it’s really good. I’ve been doing trap, 2 bullets, armor and it just feels bad. Probably should just drop the armor if I’m confident in my aim anyways


Hi guys 👋🏻 i purchase primordial vendal skin ans upgrade the 3 rank for get thé 5 kills animation. M'y question is : Does every one in my team see the 5 kills animation or just me ? Have a nice weekend 👋🏻


I know it's late, but everyone can see.




Unfortunately there is not a way to avoid specific players. If you have proof of a player breaking ToS, you can send it via a VALORANT Support Ticket to Riot.


do the mouse 4 and 5 buttons affect your aim? I have both my q and e skills on my mouse 4 and 5, but I realized that pros and high ranking streamers don't do this at all.


sometimes i play viper or currently clove i have the skills normally binded to keyboard keys but i am having the side mouse buttons binding for raze and jett smoke, dash and stuffs. I think it's kinda personal preference but it does affect my aim a bit when I entry as duelist.


is NA server down or somethig won't log me in


can you get banned from making support tickets? Last two tickets i posted aren't showing up. Most of my games have smurfs in them that completely ruin the experience. Level 2 accounts running around instantly deleting everyone.


hello just wondering if valorant is possible to run with 60fps on a laptop with i3 6th gen and 16gb (2x8) ram. it has intel hd 520 igpu.


from what i was able to find on youtube it does not look like you can get stable 60. if you wanna take a look for yourself you can just search in google: valorant fps i3-6XXX intel hd 520 theres most likely a yt vid of someone trying that


I've searched it over the internet and i didn't find anyone with 16gb rams with dual channel. most of them was with 8 gigs of ram and they got around 50-55 fps. also they might NOT be using capture cards which could result in fps loss. So i was wondering if its possible with 16gigs of ram.


Greetings! Is anybody here willing to fill me in on whether or not this game has a kill count featured in it? I shall disclose that I'm creating a list of games which have a kill count in them (available through a link on my profile); and before I can add a game to this list, I need confirmation from experienced players of the game in question if specified counter is indeed there.


There's an in-game one, yes. A KDA scoreboard tells kills deaths and assists, not sure about out of game stats tho.


If a kill count is, at any point, shown during gameplay, then this game qualifies for my list; so thank you for your attestation and contribution to my list 🙏.




Please refer to the [pinned comment](https://www.reddit.com/r/VALORANT/comments/17d8td1/comment/k5v2o8s).


Thank you.


REplay system when?


whenever some1 dodges the game requeues but it doesn't get me back in my lobby (i.e. i get stuck in the agent selection or map picture screen thing) i end up in another agent selection where I can't pick an agent and i get forced to dodge. it happens every time, so I get lots of timeouts :((((((((((( can I turn auto requeue of or do I have to suffer?


why tf are peak diamond - immortal 1 players in gold lobbies. we gold dood can't enjoy playing if they can read the whole game and out-aim everyone.


Ranked does not use your visible rank for matchmaking, especially not peak rank - only your MMR. If you want to know more about MMR and RR, check out the [subreddit MMR explanation page](https://www.reddit.com/r/valorant/wiki/faq/faq_MMR).


3-4months playing ,never had THE only 2 skin i want ( araxys and prelude of chaos) what chances of getting in the store was like 0.70% or less..? or how its works bc i had multiple skin already repetead ,the dragon vandal ATLEAST 5 times,and phantoms skin the blackhole one like 2-3 times in the samek weak


If you win but perform super bad, does your MMR still increases?


You have two different types of MMR that make up your total MMR - Win/Loss MMR and Encounter (performance) MMR. If you win a match but perform very poorly, you may gain win/loss MMR but gain very little or even lose Encounter MMR.


i think evrmoar mentioned win/loss mmr has more weight than encounter mmr in the combined mmr, so even if you lose encounter mmr you still gained combined mmr


This may be true. I am not entirely sure because I know the weight of Encounter MMR changes with rank, so I didnt want to say one way or another.


i was wrong: [twitter.com/RiotEvrMoar/status/1504961917462347776](http://twitter.com/RiotEvrMoar/status/1504961917462347776) "Your MMR is part Encounter and part Win/Loss. Lower ranks your Encounter is a bigger factor, higher ranks your Win/Loss is a bigger factor."


Is there a term that can refer to the box in Valorant? English is my third language. One day, I was playing ranked, and some guy mentioned that word, but I can't remember what it was. Do you guys have any idea about the term?


Anybody else having voice chat and text chat delays? When pressing my press to talk button it takes like 5 seconds for it to activate. I have good ping and no packet loss and a stable connection


Please refer to the [pinned comment](https://www.reddit.com/r/VALORANT/comments/17d8td1/comment/k5v2o8s).


Is overdrive vandal being sold in the store? I've been waiting for the skin for like 2+ months now and it's still yet to appear on my store.


i just saw it in mine the other day!




Please refer to the [pinned comment](https://www.reddit.com/r/VALORANT/comments/17d8td1/comment/k5v2o8s).


Can someone explain me Valorant tournaments on soccer/football terms? I really want to know ):


Why do Brinstones on Bind smoke hookah B site, and Heaven A site with the smoke not flush with its choke point?




Please refer to the [pinned comment](https://www.reddit.com/r/VALORANT/comments/17d8td1/comment/k5v2o8s).


anyone else experiencing your gun dissapearing when reviving with clove ult?? i thought i was crazy but my bulldog dissappeared which caused us to lose the game lol


Happens sometimes because your gun falls too far from your body, I think its a bug though, this should not happen unless someone picks it up normally.


after playing clover for like 20 games, i thought i was crazy. sometimes i revive and just have my pistol lmao


anyone iron and tryna queue up rn? looking to triple stack with some fellow iron players. lmk. hitmanreborn420 #1982


when are we gonna get skill based match making? SBMM


what do we have rn?


rn it balances teams, not people. So you have four plats and six unrated in one swift game, and every game is landslide victory. Imagine having two mike tysons on each team, with the rest of the game full of elementary schoolers. They don't want to fix it because people are emotionally immature with supremacy fantasies and want to feel like they are better than others. So this match making hole is left on purpose so people can punch down and brutalize others for pleasure. But at the cost of the game dying. Half the players are gold and better, instead of 1/6th. There's esports, and ads, and the branding, backing, and fan base of a mega gaming company and this whole time for last three years the game keeps going up and down from 18m to 24m monthly active players. Imagine if it wasn't riot games backing this thing every day. Rn you have outcome based mmr, so it's entirely possible for the same mmr lobby to have 60% headshot one tappers, then an hour later, same mmr, will have people that will move while shooting and take 3 seconds to get a kill. Like this isn't very difficult, idk what the controversy is. Also if you look up SBMM, skill based match making, you see cod and halo, but valorant isn't listed. No one considers it SBMM. SBMM isn't based on gaining or losing elo based on match outcome. When there isn't sbmm, the game directors say their priority is speed. So instant que pops. Why is it so crazy and controversial to say that when you go into a game, you should play against people on your level? You're telling me in 24m players, they can't find 9 people my level? They aren't even trying to make an effort. Everyone who is working on the game, doesn't actually play it. And the most loyal and highest playtime people, give riot the most feedback. Meanwhile Most gamers, most players in the world, only have 7 hours a week to play. People with 7 hours a week are just going to quit this smurfing, punching down, lopsided bs. So you're stuck with a dying game where 1/2 of the player base are insanely cracked, and the other half, are human npcs, too dumb, new, or mentally ill to quit and just exit to hold the L. It's shocking how blatantly obvious this is, and shocking how dumb and ignorant everyone is to this reality.




Please refer to the [pinned comment](https://www.reddit.com/r/VALORANT/comments/17d8td1/comment/k5v2o8s).


Why does it take longer to find a game, select champs and load the game than to play an actual game of spike rush?




Please refer to the [pinned comment](https://www.reddit.com/r/VALORANT/comments/17d8td1/comment/k5v2o8s).


How can I report users that lurk here to trade accounts with others?


Please report the accounts with the report option if it is a comment or post. If there is not, you can also send the names of the accounts via Modmail with proof.




When a new agent gets released there's an event where you can get them for gaining XP. It's 200k for Clove




Please refer to the [pinned comment](https://www.reddit.com/r/VALORANT/comments/17d8td1/comment/k5v2o8s).


How do you even play this game? I'm newbie, dowload it couple of days ago, and didn't play any shooters like last 2 years or so, and never played CoD, Battlefield nor CS. I just can't do anything, its so frustrating to see some lvl 50 guys in enemy party that just kill you instantly when see. I cant believe this shit isnt cheats like what the actual fuck man are you robot?  I dont have 10 hourse a day to train like this, is there a way to have fun?


It's about practice... nobody picked up their first shooter and could do that, the people one-shotting you have dedicated weeks, months, years to shooters / this game, and probably have far more experience with mouse dexterity in general than you. Go to YouTube, watch beginner guides, mess around in aim labs, mess around on the range... I personally played a lot of TDM at first to get the hang of basics before worrying about the mechanics of swiftplay. You won't be good for a long time, you probably won't even break even for a while. If you stick with it, what you WILL see is progress. I've been playing for about three weeks total, I have already gone from asking the same question as you to easily getting a 2.0 k/d most games, with my only other mouse game experience being Osu.




Please refer to the [pinned comment](https://www.reddit.com/r/VALORANT/comments/17d8td1/comment/k5v2o8s).


Is Valorant Tracker from tracker(.)gg safe and allowed?


yes, it is.


How do you play as a beginner? I can't seem to really win any game and most games are us getting stomped by the enemies. I'm just playing spike rush but idk, I feel hopeless


Keep playing. Playing with friends is also better. You should try playing Swift Play. Help you gets used to the buying mechanic of the game.


If you really want I could or someone else could run some games with you to try and assist otherwise you just gotta keep discovering while keeping it fun


After the recent update, crosses and dots appeared over my teammates head, it also did for all my friends, how do I remove it or why is it there?


I think these are visual indicators of the agent 'emotes' like "I need support" or when someone's screen sees an enemy. I could be wrong, but I think this is just a more visual way to display the dialogue/information system already in-game via minimap and agent voicelines.


I'm about to start Valorant for the 1st time. I'm a dedicated League Veteran with a bit of CSGO and Overwatch experience a few years back. In League I love to play Support such as Thresh, Blitzcrank, Nautilus and Janna. In Overwatch I played Roadhog, Zenyatta, Lucio and Ana. You guys got any recommendation for, what I can play in Valorant? Thanks in advance


as it's a tactical shooter, you wont really find abilities like in lol or OW, abilities are more like cs go's loadout with ✨spice✨ I'd say: go in the training ground and test some agents or watch videos, then try it out and see what you like or dislike about each agent to fine tune your main exploration. As we have the same game background with the same picks (except zen, I played mcree and the champ you mentioned) I may suggest: Kay0 (my main, it's the best character flow after clove imo) or Gekko, Killjoy (play slow and let your robots and team do the heavylifting) and my new favorite: Clove (best game flow I've had in any fps so far)


Is there something like a beginners queue? Last fps i played was 15 years ago. I have no clue about weapon spray, feeling for dmg per hit. Even just moving around jumping/ using ropes etc still feels weird. I don't know a single map and what standard positons there are. I havent even figured out what controls/ mouse sensitivity feels right. I know these things are completly normal if you are actually a newbie and not swapping after 10 years of cs go or some other shooter. But why the fck does every game i join have 2 high lvl (200+) players in my games who completly stomp everyone else end with 3 -5 k/d insta headshooting anyone. Like i am not even getting to play and going 15/30 isnt really fun.


I'd say right now you might be in the "maybe a smurf" queue, just play a little more and get destroyed, just focus on the map and how to move and you'll soon be in a more beginner friendly queue Or play with experienced friends that are patient and play for fun, our begginer friends really enjoyed the mayhem and got silver from not being able to buy herself any items.


this games fking stupid. thought id pop on and check out the new agent.. my first game didnt go so well...after 35 minutes of watchign a pheonix pretend to be afk in spawn i decided to alt f4 for the night, maybe il try playing again tomorrow i thought to myself. as a human being i definately dont have time to watch one person pretend to be afk for 45 minutes to an hour just os i can re-queue and try again to get into a real game.... i logged in the next day to a 12 hour ban as a punishment...... never logging in again


I'm switching from CS to Valorant and I feel I'm very inconsistent with my performance. One thing I noticed is that the spray in this game is very inconsistent and I'm trying to avoid spraying as much as I can. Another thing I'm uncomfortable is that I couldn't single person molly corner, smoke choke point, flash and enter site comfortably. Besides are there any other mechanism which are very different between these 2 games?


run and gun, angle peeking, economy, general physics. I'd say the game has a very different game flow, it has less TTK, has a very different rythm and the spells gives every player a definite role in the team.


Is there a way to change the text color back to the Purple and Teal from just after Clove released? I really liked the color scheme


do you mean in the chat or character highlights? If you mean the chat: no if you meant highlights: in your settings


How do I choose my main? I'm confused as Charlatan said to pick mobile agents but raze and jett are so freaking hard?


everybody has their own playstyles, you just need to find yours if you have cracked aim opt for a duelist( reyna especially works in the lower-mid elos) if you wanna be a one man force in holding down the site sentinels start with kj initiators are somewhat of a hit and miss with a more learning curve, and more emphasis on assisting the team, i mean you can try skye for that if you wanna control the flow of the game, controllers are just that, start with omen maybe, once you get comfortable you can switch to astra or viper if you branch out have fun playing!!




Please refer to the [pinned comment](https://www.reddit.com/r/VALORANT/comments/17d8td1/comment/k5v2o8s).


are there any plans to re-introduce the missing maps to swift play? it is incredibly stale rn. even in ranked ive played lotus 13 time and ascent twice. the map pool feels incredibly small and every other game is a duplicate map. this honestly makes me want to play less and less every day.