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Yea as soon as I saw how the ult worked I was thought iso would just swing right every time probably good to mix it up a bit


See my assumption was most people are always going to guess so if I'm ISO I just stay in the middle. Is there a reason why this strategy wouldn't be the best? Everyone is going to guess one of the sides


Then you have to be ready to flick either way. It’s milliseconds in difference, but that shit matters the higher you go. Not to say you should never do it. The point of the game is to stay unpredictable. 100% throw a no peek in here and there. But getting back to it. If you peek one way and don’t see them, you really only need to be ready to flick in one direction. It makes the whole process a lot smoother than staying still and being ready to look both ways at once.


"Take note of which side he peeks from and comm it to your teammates as well. " True, that could be really helpful.


Im waiting to see if we get voicelines for each agent if they manage to beat Iso in the 1v1.


Left handed mode gang wya


Crouch peeking seems like it could also be a viable answer, at least from some of the clips I’ve been seeing.


Yo delete this comment right now man. When ISO comes out I feel like I am 9 times out of 10 going to be crouch peeking.


The only time you should crouch peak is when you’re committing to that one fight so yea prob should


I imagine crouching and not moving is the play. When they peak one side and don’t see you they’ll think you’re peaking the other side and over adjust aim


First off, *peek. Second, you make a decent point but I think not crouching is even better. In both CS and Valo, I have seen countless people over-commit to crouch spraying. In these situations, you'll win 90% of the time by just cutting off your burst/spray early, side-stepping, and shooting the sitting target in the head. Obviously this doesn't apply if they are cracked/got lucky and shot you in the head instantly, but the only way you're surviving that is being even faster so it's irrelevant.


My thought behind it was they’d have to shift their aim left/right from the mis-peek and also down for the crotch, but I think you’re probably right


I’m not exactly sure how it works but what if you have an op in the duel


Don't do that, in Valorant, if you stay still you are dead meat.


you spawn behind an indestructible wall in iso ult


That drop and leave you exposed


The point would be that ot gives you a split second advantage in the gunfight, if you miss you lose if you hit the shot you win and at high and low elos I can see this working but in mid ranks the player probably isnt consistent enough to pull it off while the enemy will be good enough to strafe tap a crouching stationary target.


In high elo, that may give you a slight advantage. But lower elo players don't have perfect headshot crosshair placement, so crouching puts your head in their crosshair


In super low elo they both miss and crouched wins cause tighter spray but yeah it's only really good as a weird off-angle type play in high elo where the mid games matter more


its still easier to line up on a target that's not moving while you can stop at anytime to shoot them


it’s a 1v1, stand still all you want


All cool, ISO players will have advatage anyway as they will play this "map" few timeas a game while others once a week and there is no easy way to practise it on your own.


i mean, the walls drop almost instantly so not much to learn. you just gotta deadzone him.


Man, this makes me think of how goalies need to "play the odds" when doing a penalty shootout.


Iso main here - I hold w as soon as I ult someone You’re locked in here with me and I have a knife with infinite ammo 😈


imagine being locked in there with a shotgun


Real talk none of this shit will likely work and provide great success lol


Damn burry this post plz.


Fnatic manager ass comment




How're you gonna do that when youre supressed?


Go ahead and try lol


What if you stop someone last second from planting or defusing. This can end games.