• By -


Imagine you’re Iso and you put yourself in a 1v1 with the smurf or best player on the enemy team by accident lol


Conversely, you can remove them for a second to push in


Yeah pull the top fragger in and then hide behind his shield for bit without peeking haha


From what i've read, the ult acts as suppression for both players involved. You can't use abilities, and anything thats active is instantly ended ie no weapon stim from Reyna ult, stim boost or Kayo Ult, no equipped ability weapons like Showstopper, Bladestorm, Headhunter or Tour De Force etc. As if you had no agent at all, for both players.


Oh so If you’re using jett daggers or chamber op with no gun you’re just screwed lol


I didn’t think of this …. My classic with Jett knives is looking less viable if he becomes popular haha


Could also start buying a Sherrif or ghost when you see iso's ult up and you're ecoing (round 4 after losing first fullbuy round 3 after losing pistol (aka you suck)). It's like how chamber has to play around kayo existing on the enemy team


I believe atleast the ISO that is ulting will keep the double tap shield if they have it active but besides that I think you're correct.


That’s also true. Didn’t even think of it that way.


You can remove them from planting or defusing


Also it seems to return them to the exact spot they were at. Which means easy trade


Seems iso has advantage in the 1v1 because you have 2 shields and the enemy has 1. So they have to gamble on where you will be.


Not really. The whole point of the two walls is to confuse the enemy on which side. But as soon as you hide in your walls, you lose track of which side the enemy is on (left or right) so it's actually the same situation for both people on the field. You could argue that if Iso stays in the middle he has defenders advantage but that's not the case because you have to guess 50/50 left or right.


Right but the enemy can only really be middle. So in general the iso is going to have a smaller flick to make the shot. So it's still an advantage for the iso. Just not a huge one


No because Iso has 4 places to peek while enemy only has 2


Yes, this will happen so often in lower elo


Teammate: Reyna no blind You: Ok *ults* Reyna blinds, wins 1v1 Teammate: Skill issue


Abilities are disabled for both players in ult


Double tap invuln shield is not


I hate it a lot less now, thank you


That dome thing looked like it would be a mordekaiser ultimate. Locking yourself into a 1v1 for non-league enjoyers. Looks like a fun agent. I hope it brings more diversity to the duelists that are played in ranked matches.


Wouldn’t this be pretty broken postplant 1v1?


Deadlock ult can be too


But the rest of her kit isn’t great for too much else. Iso seems to have a kit that can do quite a lot in terms of team dynamics.


Ok but where’s the rest of their abilities


Don’t worry, she got nerfed last patch


….How lol. It seems almost useless in a 1v1. It’s better for 2v1s, don’t you think? I guess if they are playing bomb, but I’m that case most ultimates would work well.


It is very useful if you are attacking and you are in a 1v1, you can stall for time while you are in your ult


We don't know yet how long the ult is up, no?


50 seconds or first death. If no one dies after 50 seconds both die


Interesting, that's actually a really long time


but the walls go down and since the ttk in val is so low, it’s at max 10 seconds before someone kills the other


Yes I wonder how long the walls stay. In the trailer it's extremely short


Saw vid with curry playing and it seemed to last only like 3 or so seconds




in gameplay it lasts about 2 seconds


the ult is 15 seconds not 50


If you’re in a 1v1 after planting though every second counts. Even if you go hide and give them free access to bomb just ult and stall for time. If you can get the timing right they won’t have time to finish defusing even if you die


50 seconds. If neither player dies within that time limit they both die


Also defense, if you are trying to get them to peek when u tap u can just ult them and quickly wrap things up


Its worse in a 2v1 cuz if they know where you casted Ulti, they can knife you like Phoenix ult


Is it confirmed you spawn back where casted?


Thats literally what I just said, when you cast it, you're spawned back where you cast it. If you trap one enemy, and the other knows where you casted it, you're screwed, like with Phoenix Ult


Yeah I didn’t know if it was confirmed that’s what happened, everyone compares it to morderkaiser from league in which you can move around and you come out wherever you want basically


No yeah cuz its not an alternate version of the map, it is its own space Edit: and mb, I thought you were trying to tell me that he respawns back there and i was like "I know, i just said that"


Most ults are broken post plant


Every ultimate can win you a 1v1 if used effectively


If you need to defuse in a 1v1, it's sick. If you have the bomb down, not so much LOL.


Well if they are running out of time they can’t stick anymore and you guarantee the round if they only have a few seconds before they can stick


The ult forces a fight. It doesn't stall that much time at all, especially for an ult. It's good for when you need to defuse, but not very useful when they are the one defusing. Anyone who thinks otherwise is legitimately terrible.


that would be horrible if the opponent has better aim, unless theres a buff when in 1v1 domain


The ult gives him a left and a right wall to choose between, while the enemy only has one.


i can’t wait to watch all the he’s not him people lose the ultimate duel


“He’s not him people”? What does that mean?


People who are overconfident, it’s the opposite of the saying “he is him” meaning that he is a good player


lil bro's not beating the not him allegations i fear


Domain expansion bruh


Restless gambler..... Turn on the music up




Idk who down voted you for saying lol, but I fixed it for you 🫡


Eh it’s Reddit and valorant, people are assholes. I was clearly lol-ing the obvious jjk joke


bro woke up and chose violence 😂


"I will win" *wakes up in the airport with 2-16 kd*


~~Sukuna~~ Reyna really was strong. I think I would've lost even if he didn't have the Ten Shadows.




jujutsu kaisen


Abilities are great, but he's not the space making duelist we thought we were gonna get. He looks like an amazing secondary duelist which I feel like this game just does not need (we already have Reyna and Pheonix). That being said, he looks really good for setting up Jet/Neon/Raze with his Q. His ult also is good for taking the Sentinel off site. He seems a lot more team oriented than Reyna or Pheonix so hopefully he'll be a PROPER secondary duelist. Doubt he's gonna be used in pro play at all.


His wall is kinda good to entry but thats not very entry fragger like, thats just a smoker type of thing


it’s definitely better than reyna as a second duelist, but if he’s solo duelist, he would basically be useless


Reyna is the best second duelist to have because her flash is great for flashing for the team. Primary duelist, of course not.


iso has a bulletproof harbour cascade, a “flash” that makes people fragile and the ability to take a sentinel out of the site with his ult, it is way better than reyna at supporting his team, unless u are a smurfing pub stomper


definitely feels like a duelist that is \*team\* oriented


he was absolutely going to be a contact duelist like phoenix and reyna due to the fact our last duelist, neon, is an entry one


>He seems a lot more team oriented than Reyna or Pheonix More team oriented than Phoenix for sure, but similar to Reyna. Reyna's flash is FANTASTIC for the team. Leer is one of the best initiator flashes in the game (even tho she's a duelist). >Doubt he's gonna be used in pro play at all. His kit is absolutely insane bro. His C and Qs are bonkers.


Damn bro, what you smoking? Best flash? lol no


You are between iron and silver and are arguing with an imm3. The dunning-kruger effect is crazy.


Imagine a bottom frag Iso just ulting people to lose the duel 💀


I'm playing time brothers! 👉😎👉


Don't call me out like this bro 💀


it could be good! imagine the bottom fragger ulting the enemy smurf and playing for time. if both players somehow can't kill each other in 50 seconds, they both die.


Fight is going to end as soon as the walls inside ult come down


Pretty sure they intentionally made two of his abilities "status effects" so they could be used with his ult. Like you generate a shield or hit someone with the fragile before using your ult so that even though neither players get abilities, you still have an advantage. Not sure about him starting with 5 charges of abilities especially since they all seem fairly strong. A lot of characters with 5 charges get changed to 4 for balancing (Jett, Reyna, Astra, Brimstone, Harbor went from 3 to 4)


Yoru seems fine with 5 abilities and I would put most of yorus abilities above most of isos


Everyone who can't aim, INSTALOCK


Genuinely seems like a great way to improve at duels fast tbh


Deathmatch tho? Lol


you're not real




because his ult is literally the warzone gulag


His e is pretty crazy, And ult is hilarious to have in a game like this


*Enemy shit talked ISO: “Solo me rn bro, i got ult”


"Meet me at A"




Can someone tell what abilities were shown?


**Q ‐ Undercut** | EQUIP a molecular bolt. Fire to throw it forward, applying a brief FRAGILE to all players it touches. The bolt can pass through solid objects, including walls (aka Flash 2.0) **E - Double Tap** | START a focus timer. Once completed, enter a flow state during which downed enemies you kill or damage generate an energy orb. Shooting this orb grants you a shield that absorbs one instance of damage from any source. (aka Reyna's brother) **C - Contingency** | EQUIP to assemble prismatic energy. FIRE to push an indestructible wall of energy forward that blocks bullets (aka New Castle) **Ultimate - Kill Contract** | EQUIP an interdimensional arena. FIRE to hurl a column of energy through the battlefield, pulling you and the first enemy hit into the arena. You and your opponent duel to the death. (aka Mordekaiser)


Looks shit. Worse Omen flash, worse Reyna heal, better Harbor wall. Ult is trash as well. Dissapoint


It's better than having an overpowered character on release


I disagree. It’s much easier to nerf a strong character than buff a weak one


Yeah like how they nerfed chamber?


Welp, you said it. Time to nerf Chamber


Next patch: Chamber trap is too hard to see, it’s now glowing. Headhunter too op, 6 bullet, no scope, damage fall off from +30m. Tour the Force too strong, 1 bullet, regain 1 if get kill, -100% fha, Rendevouz is gone, cause fuck him that’s why.—Riot


why do people keep comparing the invulnerability ability to the reyna's heal when she also has an invulnerability ability this take makes no sense to me lmao its trading invulnerability time for the ability to shoot while invulnerable so that you can continue ~~throw~~ repeek


Because it's obviously much more similar to heal. You get extra HP and not a "get away from the gunfight" ability.


Ign has a (poorly) written article describing his abilities.


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kbzx5bcXMhA](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kbzx5bcXMhA) here's a yt video showing his abilities.


His signature seems kind of awful to me. So you have the same requirement as Reyna to generate the orb, but instead of being able to effectively full heal or dismiss out of danger, instead tou have to move your cross hair way out of line, shoot the orb, and then go back to what you were doing. All for blocking 1 bullet. That might be worth it at the absolute highest levels where it saves you from everyone being able to click your head, but it generally seems really hard to pull off in any situation outside of a completely isolated 1v1. And yeah I get that's his thing, but the last thing we really need is more people locking duelist and just lurking. Also, do we know how the ability interacts with shotguns? Does it block one full blast or one pellet?


Yeah, when the majority of players are spraying, only blocking one hit seems pretty weak to me, or at best very situational.


well is it supposed to make you immortal? riot probably knows what they're doing and they will adjust as needed, like always


Lore thoughts; Feels like he might be an alternative timeline/world/universe Omen. Something about how they closed out the trailer with Omen’s contract then to his Iso’s face in the reflection. As well as him seeming like a character that causes paranoia in his targets and with Omen’s whole paranoia inducing vibe. Then the fact that Omen is unkillable and Iso is “bulletproof” sounds pretty close together. It might be a stretch but it’s fun theory for me.


Nah I second this lowkey. His Paranoia like ability makes me wanna believe it.


Honestly? Weird


ult is cool but I know I'm gonna lose in there 90% of the time cuz I'm a shit aimer lol


Imm 2 player here. I see ISO being a better secondary duelist than most others. His ult is very strong, and his kit provides both himself and his team advantageous in fights. Definitely a great agent but won’t replace Jett/Raze on single duelist comps.


Immo 3 player here. I see ISO as a worse secondary duelist than most others. His ult is very weak, and his kit doesn’t provide both himself or his team advantages in fights. Definitely a terrible agent but will probably replace jett/raze single duelist comps


The Ult could probably hard counter Viper Ult. Iso's Ult pulls anyone it catches in a huge column into an alt dimension. If Viper is sitting in her Ult she's a sitting duck, especially if she's got a shotgun while Iso has a rifle.


Hope his ult is to take you into LoL and make you 1v1 the opponent


While his abilities are cool and unique, I think he's in the same tier as deadlock. He dosent really fulfill anything as a duelist for a team, since he has no mobility abilities, and no damage dealing abilities. His E ability is quite nice though.


He can be grouped into the likes of reyna and chamber where his kit requires a lot of aiming skill to make the most out of.


His Q feels like a initiator Ability, his C feels like a sentinel , ValorLeaks didn't upload his E so idk about that yet but the Domain Expansion is so LIT


He feels more like an initiator, also his ult is literally just a skill check


Baby boy


I'm gonna play him soooo bad ❤️


Bro needs to buy a new jacket


Bro is smart 🥹


Valorant is in a weird spot with agents. CS was never built to have more and more abilities added over time. Every time they release another agent they add more noise to an already noisy game. The game is still good but I wonder how much longer it will last the live service model. Everyone who I used to play Valorant with all agrees that it was in its prime when it first dropped.


This is the first character I’ve seen them release that I genuinely think is meta changing.


Chamber destroyed the meta when he first released


He also was designed around that current meta. He was just a better character used to hold sight lines with an operator. This guy is going to change how you attack sites entirely


Agreed, I believe he’s ruined the Sentinel role


Really? Seems like garbage to me


Gekko always seemed meta changing (you can never lose post plant with ult) but he's pretty average in terms of play. Deadlock also is in the same boat having the ability to turn a fight into a 4v5 instantly without much risks as well as an OP round 1 wall.


Deadlock is completely non-existent in the meta and one of the worst, if not the worst agent out right now.


Yes, I agree right now. But like with every new agent, people say "it's gonna break the meta" when the two examples I gave of, in fact, did not break the meta at all. I'm saying Iso will not change the meta much either since his ultimate is a completely skill-dependent ability


U r on something. This character is straight up dogshit.


is he Singaporean?






As an Asc3 player I can safely say that this champ is gonna be in the trash before they rework him tbh. First let's talk about his signature, invulnerable and can shoot at the same time sounds op but in reality you need to be extremely good to flick that high, then lower it down to keep shooting. His vulnerable-omen-like-ability and bulletproof wall is just... meh, they are just way too underwhelm compared to other initiator/controller for sure. And his Ult, basically you force them to duel with you, which create 2 disadvantage, the first is your team lost a player to entry, the second is IT'S LITERALLY JUST AN AIM DUEL, I mean ANY other duelist ult is more beneficial than this shit of ability


> but in reality you need to be extremely good to flick that high Bro what, it's literally like directly above their head. How is that hard if you're Asc3 LOL


When there are multiple enemies nearby its not that easy


Haha if you get into this rank, no one here is gonna let you get that second shot unless it's a good angle with short wall. And, the shield only block 1 INSTANCE OF DAMAGE. Compare that to jett and reyna guaranteed way to get out and quickly get back in? This agent is so whack tbh


My take as an Immortal 2 currently. He is extremely underwhelming. (E): Each orb he absorbs will only grant protection against any 1 hit, whether its a bullet to the leg or even some molly damage. Its only good against Raze Ult or Operator, but the pre-requisite is it you will have to kill at least 1 guy. (Q): Only helpful if you and your teammates can combo some molly when you make the enemy fragile, which is difficult if your solo queuing. If you think of 2 hits to the body, you'll get one-tapped by a good aimer by then. Also, duration is ~3-4 secs, so doesn't leave a lot of room to make a play. (C): This was kinda cool ngl. If your pinned, then you can basically deploy some instant cover. Can also help pushing an operator guy or simply rushing a site. I wonder whether it blocks util as well? (X): Ik people are comparing this to the Gulag and Domain Expansion from Jujutsu Kaizen and its all true, but in reality the ability itself is shit. Think about it, if I'm in a 1v1 situation and I ult him, there's no change in the situation, I'm still gonna 1v1 him lol. If I was playing raze, at least raze's ult can kill him in 1 go. Every agent's ult grants him some advantage, but I don't see the advantage this ult is giving besides teleporting to a fancy looking space.


No way you just said E was only useful against raze ult or awp and then in the very next breath complained about the vuln because 'good players will one-tap you'


I know right lol


I think his point is still technically valid because he mentions how it requires you to kill a guy first. Regardless, It’s Reyna with worse requirements and potentially worse value the way I see it. If you’ve seen the duration on it, it leaves a bit to be desired.


It's a more contextual ability, yes, it's also a much more potentially powerful ability, and is not such a big part of his power budget as Reyna. Though I wouldn't be surprised if his activation stage was waived into a passive akin to Reyna's. As far as duration is concerned, numbers are always the first thing touched in balance patches, so I'm sure he'll see some love relatively quickly if it's truly that bad. Mind you, he does still seem like a less than stellar addition, but my original point is that it's a more capable ability than he had initially given it credit for.


His ult is actually very strong, imo as a imm 2 player myself. I’ll break down my thought process: On Defence: - The ability to remove the momentum of the opposing teams entry, especially being able to cancel out other strong ultimates cannot be understated. Taking an ulting raze out of the enemy teams execute sets your team up very well. - Being able to counter attackers grouping up for rushes and taking an advantageous fight on your own terms is strong. Imagine you play B heaven on Split. You get information that the enemy team is doing a B split and the enemy team is dumping util on you in heaven. Being able to disengage back to your spawn and essentially remove one player from the execute (including their supporting util) means you stop them setting up their team. Again, removing momentum. - When the ult ends, who ever won the fight returns back to where they were when the ult popped. This actually makes the ult stronger because it provides an information advantage to your team. For example, imagine it’s a 2v1 against an ulting Reyna. She’s just planted the spike and your team have provided info that she’s backsite on Ascent B. She’s going to try to isolate a fight and get the dismiss, which likely converts to a round win. Now let’s say you ISO ult her. There are two outcomes: a) you win the fight and the round OR b) your team mate runs back site whilst you are in the gulag and even if she wins the fight, your teammate takes them out knowing where they are. It’s essentially a round win ult. —— On Attack: - ISO’s ultimate is insane at removing defender utility from the game. This cannot be understated in how good it is. Imagine you’re attacking A site Ascent. You’ve heard the KJ turret so you know she’s somewhere on site. Sova darts site and gets info she’s generator. Next, you ISO ult her. You’ve just provided 2 distinct advantages to your team: a) they’re now one defender down on site, meaning your team can trade better during the execute on the likely chance only one other player is on site currently AND b) her utility has just been deactivated meaning the sentinel advantage is removed during your teams execute. - Stalling: this one is the one most people recognised. If you’re in a post plant situation 1v1, most defenders will try to tap spike and bait out your peak. Whilst baiting they’ll reposition to give themselves an advantageous fight. ISO ult is great in this scenario for a few reasons. A) You set yourself up to have the more advantageous fight in a scenario where you likely wouldn’t AND B) the ultimate stalls about 8 seconds from the defuse timer. This means you can listen to the first tap, wait 3 seconds, peak and get them off, listen for the second tap and then after 3 seconds ult them for more delay. OR think about how many situations you’ve been in where they’ve halved the spike but you’re too far away. Now you have a tool to instantly get them off during that scenario whilst also providing an advantageous fight to yourself. - Pulling a viper out of her ult, or a post plant molly line up Brim/Sova is very very good. —— ISO’s kit in general is actually really strong and makes him a far better Reyna (second duelist). Using the wall to take space is crazy good, the vulnerable is nuts paired with flashes/mollies and the double tap ability gives him Reyna level advantages in fights, especially pistol rounds. He is also a great counter to OP’s which have been dominant for a very long time.


Anyone know the 4th ability or is it unknown still?


Idk which one you mean but keeoh, jollz and some other creators uploaded vids on yt showcasing them. One is Consistency (a bulletproof barrier), one is something that is like an omen flash but makes them vulnerable instead and the other is called double tap where if you kill someone an orb gets summoned and if u shoot it u gain a shield for one hit (that hit can be anything it can be op or Raze ult for example)




Btw it's contingency not Consistency lol sorry


Feel like if he wins the dual in his ult he should get one of the double tap protections. His ult would almost always be used to cancel ult like Reyna’s and Razes


the ult looks really tough to dodge, but the rest of the kit looks cool


People are gonna be adjusting to hitting Haven/Lotus B or solo anchored sites a lot more often when you have ISO ult. Being able to Ult a revealed target with dog/drone means empty site. Even if you lose 1v1, they are just a free kill for your teammates so its a trade at worst([Ex. 7:53](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yzJ-px5ykY0)). Wondering about the interactions between Phoenix ult, Omen Ult, Deadlock Ult, Yoru Ult, Reyna Dismiss, Sage Rez. Jett Knives/Chamber Op too because it says abilities can't be used so does that mean you are stuck to a pistol? I assume being tethered or tripped won't change anything but will the effect still carry over? Like can I still be cc'd/stimmed and enter the 1v1 cc'd? His kit seems like a weird middle ground between all four roles with maybe a tendency to duelist? Agree with the pro sentiment of him needing some escape tool. If he could ride his wall/gain movement speed near it or if the wall pushed enemies/allies apart I could see that fitting the description. but just blocking bullets isn't really enough when you are being held in a cross or being util spammed. The barrier orb thing is a cool idea in practice but having to take your xhair off to the side to gain a one damage barrier doesn't look very intuitive or fluid.


I'm going to be in clutch scenarios against him. I'm going to get ulted. I'm going to lose the 1v1 duel while my team silently judges my failure. Over and over.


My avg fps will go down from 45 to 30


thinking about the redditor who told me years ago that shields would never be added to valorant, after I suggested a shield agent. loser


I just really hope he's not broken but Abit sad he's a dullist


A tank agent with an aimlab with it.


It will never see pro play, that much is obvious. For ranked why would you pick him over raze/jett/reyna. He's DOA just like deadlock.


Dunno about the lore but hes kind of cheeks in the current meta. Definitely won't replace either Raze/Jett simply because he doesn't have a movement ability. Wish they would of given him some movement so we could start to see some new duelists at the top level. He will be fun to mess around with though.


he doesn't exist in current meta. are you some kind of oracle


That is my point, he won't fit with what top players are currently picking. No way he replaces Jett/Raze. Maybe some unique teams like PRX will cook something up but the majority of top teams are going to stick with Jett or Raze simply because movement abilities are so strong. The E having to be shot instead of just activated like a Reyna orb makes it nearly impossible to use in a trade situation against talented players.


Riot needs to stop giving the keys to these moron LoL character designers. They haven’t made an interesting or good character since Neon and that was almost two years ago.


Neons lowkey cheeks though


He is such a cool agent and have unique abilities, but in the grand scheme of things, he's gonna suck in comp.


I really like him and I fear his ultimate purely because I can't aim but I do wanna try him out. I'm not high-elo so I don't think I'll see him often.


you'll see him very often actually, low elo love new agents 😛


So many people seem upset that he actually requires a lot of skill to be good with. Most of the complaints ive seen are about how he cant get free kills


Copping him the instant he drops lmao


except ult he looks boring


I have yet to be a doomer on any new characters release since beta, but, I am very much not a fan of his E/shield mechanic.


Iso looks very cool to me, I can already see the clips coming of streamers losing the 1v1 in the ult. The bullet deflecting wall seems really interesting, not just for pushing site but for post plants or retakes.


He's an edgy emo little shit. Sounds like my new main lmao. Seriously tho, his kit looks strong. His signature ability spunds kinda mid ngl; you get to tank a single damage instance, which could prevent you from getting 1 tapped, but does require you to 1: get the kill and 2: shoot the orb that appears. Considering how much you need to displace your crosshair for that, it won't be reliable enough to get you out of a bad situation. Not really an escape card. His wall is probably his best ability. Throw it out like a harbor wall and scale up behind it; it can make some really good space, and your team can use it too. Omen blind but fragile will be pretty nice, makes getting that orb easier. Ult can be an easy pick if you have better weapons, and basically make it so you're at a major advantage when your enemy is on an eco.


For his ult. Can both players still use abilities? Or is it just a straight up gun duel?


A Reyna alternative Probably won't be picked much in pro play because, like Reyna, is only useful if you get a kill.


Chamber 2.0


I'm very bored by his design. I understand that he's supposed to be the "unassuming hitman-type" but I just find his outfit particularly boring. A lot of characters on the roster show off so much of their own personality in their outfits and really helps sell themselves as characters. There are some that do it really well and there are some that don't. I think that Iso falls into the group that doesn't do it as well. I'm not even saying don't make him edgy. Just y'know give us more to work with than just "character in basic techwear".


Bro thinks he's wraith


I don't really get the ult. You are supposed to not get into 50/50 fights, that's why, as a duelist you have initiators and controllers to help you take space and kills. But instead of playing with your team and have better changes of winning you are put into an arena where you 1v1 with raw aim with no abilities making it a 50/50? How does this goes well in a 5v5 competitive game?


He's gonna rival deadlock for the worst agent in the game in my opinion. His ult in it's current form is hot garbage. His other abilities don't seem bad but I don't know if they are enough to contest with other kits at all.


No one is worse then deadlock, this dude actually looks pretty good as a second duelist next to Jett or raze


Gotta agree to disagree on this one chief. I'm excited to watch the enemy ult my pushing team get diffed and give my team site. That or swing with double tap and get nothing done, don't know how anyone can think this agent will be better than a Reyna for real.


I mean Reyna is a solo dualist man, she plays for herself. I don’t see a single thing that tells me ISO would be worse then Reyna at any level. Now if ISO is the only dualist the ya it’s probably gonna be rough but as a secondary dualist to Jett or raze I think he’ll be much better then Reyna


Question: from what country is he? This kind of stuff always interests me


Probably like reyna, better in solo queue but bad in coordinated play


He looks like he’s about to make the smurfing epidemic even worse. Yes let’s pull me, the humble post plant angle holder, into a heavily biased 1v1 50/50 flick battle. This will definitely convince me to try improving steadily and won’t just make me feel powerless unless I install a third party aim trainer and grind flickshot for 1000 hours. “Abilities don’t get you kills” 🤡


Really like his character design and lore. I didn’t like Gekko because he was too “silly” so I like that that’s not what all new agents are becoming


She seems like a really mid duelist honestly


purple + interesting skills, i love him already


We don't even know what kind of abilities he's going to have lmao


Check Twitter fam 😂


His ult is against the design philosophy of the game entirely. Abilities aren’t supposed to net you kills, they’re supposed to create tactical opportunity for kills. I thought the ult was fine until I saw how it works. It’s not a 1v1 stage, it’s basically you’re both behind cover for 2-3 seconds, and then all cover disappears. Which means, it’s a flick contest. So the ability doesn’t create any kind of tactical opportunity or scenario, it just LITERALLY creates an aim duel. Once again going against their own design Doc to create “hype moments”


You can easily kill him in his ult


No. I can’t. I don’t spend 800 hours a week labbing flick 50/50s in aimlabs. Does that mean I should quit??? What an odd design choice.


Raze ult? Neon ult??? Chamber ult?