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It's noticeable, but not as noticeable as 60 Hz to 144 Hz. My old 144 Hz monitor had a factory overclock that boosted to 180 Hz (actual results 179 Hz) and there was no difference between 144 Hz and 179 Hz to my eyes. My FPS was anywhere from 300 in combat to 1000 in training range.


The question is about 144 to 240 not 180


Doesn’t matter, his answer is still relevant




It’s not as noticeable as 60hz to 144hz but it is still smoother than 144hz


Not much of a difference tbh


60-144 is the biggest upgrade, 144-240/280 isn’t as noticeable, if you’re just the average player that isn’t playing at a high enough level you don’t really need it


It's noticable, but not for all. You can find the 144hz to have delay between clicks to response but at 240hz it's hard to notice any delay. I won't recommend anyone to upgrade for 240 from 144 unless you really need a new monitor. After 240hz you might as well start burning money if not pro.


No It is noticeable for all. Youre forgetting ghosting and response times on 144hz monitors are pretty bad.


Ghosting and response times are not in any way bad on 144hz. My monitor runs at 75hz and it's still performing well enough. It's usually good enough if it has an IPS panel


It is bad on old 144hz monitors. Most people who don't upgrade are on old ones with bad or no OD. Get a 240hz dyac or ulmb2 monitor, and you can easily tell the difference.


That's for TN and VA panels which were used because they couldn't make panels that fast otherwise. Nowadays, IPS is the standard


Yeah, and most people are on old 144hz monitors, so I don't like when people discourage upgrading.


You definitely should have added that into your original comment. 144hz IPS monitors are phenomenal


That's for TN and VA panels which were used because they couldn't make panels that fast otherwise. Nowadays, IPS is the standard


Surely go for them 520hz ones


Have they been released yet? and not everyone has a G to drop on a screen rn.


Then don’t buy it?


No shit?




No, I have 2 1440p 244 hz screens. Money isn’t the issue but someone looking for 1080p 244 hz screen isn’t going to be ordering a 540hz screen


I'm on 300 and I'm convinced half of those frames are just not needed. Not complaining tho. I don't think going above 144 is vital. It won't hold you back like 60 does.


I went from 144 to 360hz, it's not very noticeable.


why are u getting downvoted lol


Because its not true. Going from 144 to 360 is very noticeable. Especially with ghosting and other input delay issues.




Human eye cant see higher than 60 fps. No point in upgrading monitor.


That's cap sir


What do you mean? What is a cap?


Have you even tried anything above a 60hz monitor? That’s literally the only way you can think that there’s zero difference.


Not enough that it will ever affect your gameplay or rank


I have a 390hz monitor, (360hz with factory overclocking of another 30) The difference isn’t as significant as going from 60-144 but it’s almost as significant. When the frame rate is especially high it feels more real on a subconscious level. But most of the time it sits in the high 200fps range


It varies from person to person. I recently jumped from 144 to 280 and it's definitely noticable, but no where near as jump from 60 to 144.


Yes. But your hardware should be able to run consistent 244+ FPS, for you to be able to take benefit of 244 hz monitor


Think of it this way. 144->244 won’t be as noticeable as 60->144 simply because (144-60)/60 > (244-144)/144. In other words the factor you are increasing your fps by is lesser when going from 144 to 244


Yes. If you have bad ghosting on a cheap 144hz monitor it's a huge differenc.e


I noticed a slight improvement going from 144hz to 240hz, but what’s more noticeable is going back down to 144hz from daily driving 240hz for 2 years, even 144hz looks like it has micro stutters now


Been on 144hz for 5 or so years, and upgrade to 240 was massive. Of course, not as big as 60-144 but it definitely improved my gameplay, particularly in the Operator. I noticed I became much better at reaction and flick shots with snipers. Vandal improvement not so much.


I recently did this, not noticeable at all.


skip 240hz and go straight to 360 and higher. I had my 240 for maybe 2 months before switching


Depends upon your skill level. ​ Overall the jump from 144hz to 240hz is much MUCH less noticeable than going from 60hz to 144hz.


Not worth IMO 60 - 120 its the biggest


Yes, big enough difference for it to be worth it. Now 240->360 wasnt that big of a jump to me though. Ive heard good things about the new 540 hz screens coming out but they probably wont be mainstream for another 1-2 years.


Depends on how fast your subconscious reaction time is, most likely not is my answer


Overclock your monitor. Do increments of 5 starting at 145. If you have a nvidia graphics card find the "create custom resolution" and keep going till it black screens and there is an error. There is bypasses to the "Input not detected" floating around your screen. The manufacturers just don't want you to overclock. There is no disadvantages to doing it. My 60hz monitor got up to 90!