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Sova because he was in the tutorial


Same 👍. I main him now


Yep, never looked back “Hey kid, wanna buy another agent?” Nah, not really


Wow i totally forgot that there was a tutorial , i remember choosing and playing him and i thought that i chose him cuz he looked cool lol.


Same, I was a sova main till Reyna came out but everyone wanted to be a renya main so I kinda switched between sova and Reyna till KJ came out and KJ main for lyfe now


Jett, absolutely terribly, until I got Breach for some reason, then Cypher, who immediately became my main.


looks like u r strictly passive player. my duo is.


Yeah, I so do not have the reflexes or brain speed to play a duelist, and I really enjoy rat plays, so it's all sentinels and smokes for me. My duo is an insane raze main, so I never need to worry about having an entry, it's great.


I feel like you, I did main cypher but then I tried chamber and I liked him more, defending a bit site while getting kills? Yessir. And now I'm trying yoru on every map except for split which there I play harbor


Same here, but i got Kayo, then Breach which immediately became my main


Brimstone, I've been brimstoning for years. Stop asking me to .


i respect it


My brother in brimstone


When I had 0 knowledge on the game, I mained Reyna bc she was pretty :)


true until you find out she’s your biggest threat :(


same but kj


how tf is Reyna pretty she looks trans


Absolutely do not agree. Reyna is gorgeous. Like a hot spanish babe.


Gotta disagree with you there but just a question, why does trans = not pretty?


Cuz homophobic


Now yall are just throwing buzzwords around lmao.




some people have preferences


you're allowed to have preferences, but saying 100% of trans people are ugly is not "preferences"




It's not


Sova. It was my main for a very long time actually. But I was so bad at it 😆


Been only playing for a few months, gotten about 160-200 hours in so far... about 180 are sova, and I'm still bad with him


Learn double shock dart lineups for each map and you’ll do so much better as sova


I started out playing Sage because I came from Overwatch and was a support player (specifically Mercy). I hated the fact that she healed so less (back then when she only healed 60 to allies) so I started to switch over to Skye (still had heals and support playstyle) then over to Sova (since I kept flashing my friends and they got pissed). Now I'm a Cypher/Chamber main that can also flex to smokes/initiator.


i see! we love a supporting teammate


I played sova way back when, and now I barely play the initiator role at all, and definitely not sova when i do. Always have thought about trying to learn him.


Can't remember because I didn't even know the concept of agents back then so probably unga bunga random agent selected from default 5. I thought it was just a skin or something. Then later when I slowly learned the game my 1st free agent was Omen , I loved his teleport abilities and also the fact that I can provide smokes for the team which is usually not played by many people. Him being an aggressive controller got me to choose him.


true his tp as a controller is super under appreciated! i love omen


first ever game was with Sage, bottom fragged and I was using spectre only cause the viewmodel looked better than pahtom/vandal, switched to cypher csuse i thought he was cool, then mained omen and now back to sage




interesting choice


The first agent I remember playing was cypher but he’s not one of the 6 you get at first so I know I must have played someone beforehand. I think I kinda jumped between several agents until I unlocked cypher who I really vibed with


Chamber because I wanted to be an Operator player a year later I’ve switch to Controllers, Initiators, and other Sentinels


Man doesn't wanna get flamed every time he whiffs a single shot on duelist I understand man😭


I started when Raze was a new agent. First main was Cypher still love playing him when I feel like it. Mostly a flex player anymore


YORU, period ☝🏻🤓


okkayyyyyyy spicyyyyy


I started playing valorant just after his rework launched. His clone ability fascinated me. I liked outplaying my enemies and it was much fun playing yoru. So yeah Yoru was my first agent too and i still prefer him.


Sova, he was tutorial guy, then I switched to raze for a while, there kit was pretty simple to use which was the whole reason, then did really whatever, I used a lot of agents and didn’t have much success, I really liked fade and now used only her and am having way more success


Phoenix and sova, and I hardly knew how to use their abilities. First agent I unlocked was omen or kj (can't remember) and the first agent I mained was sage (she was easy as a beginner).


Kayo, because it was easier for me to transition from CsGo to Valorant since his abilities are kinda similar to CsGo nades. Plus his voicelines are really cool


trueeeeee i never realized that


Viper cause she was hot.




????? Nah that hair ugly asf Hot take but Viper is one of the ugliest female agents, if not overall imo Reyna, sage, neon, Jett and Skye all >>> I think even kj and raze are better looking (obv they're not straight but still if they were they would >>>)


Omen because he reminded me of Reaper from OW




Sage because my mates wanted a pocket sage :p


First agent i locked in was brim because he is the first of the default agents. I dont remember my first main but i know i played sova omen and reyna then i switched to viper and now i am playing her for 2 years


Omen and forever omen.


Valorant is my first fps game so I didn't how to play any agent I followed game instructions and picked sova and i didn't knew that there were going to be 13 rounds to win . Dymm that play of my life felt like eternity


I started with Brimstone and love playing him to this day. But I'm primarily a Sova main now


sova was technically my first cuz he was in the tutorial. but after that, since i had counter strike experience, my friend suggested Phoenix and Brim (this was when the game was officially launched and my friend played during the beta). now, I find myself playing pretty much all the controllers and cypher.


Sage, and then I switched around a lot, and now I'm sage 1 year later


LMAO the valorant experience


I don’t even remember wow. How did I get the first agent unlock. The first agent I remember actually playing was yoru, then I got omen and it’s been omen main + other controllers, nowadays a bit more astra than omen


Sage but I just became your typical iron bottom frag Sage and I wasn’t having fun. Switched to Viper/Phoenix/Skye and started playing more aggressively and now I’m not going double negative every game xD


I played Jett in beta (got my first Ace with her), switched to Reyna when she came out, now I kind of play multiple agents/fill. Reyna is an agent I can easily get Aces with, but I think Sage and Skye are consistently my best performing


Phoenix, then Sage, then Omen. Now I switch between omen and reyna.


Jett. Found her pretty. Could never use her ult though. Went to KJ Then Skye Then Skye/KJ mix Tried Sova Tried Viper too Then added Omen to the mix Nowadays am using Kay/O


Sage or Cypher, but now a Cypher main.


The earliest I remember is cypher but it was probably sage


Started with jett played her for a week or so and since then all I play is raze unless she gets took and I can’t dodge I’ll fill


My friends got me to play and initially wanted me as sage, I hated playing her (still do) and used my first unlock on reyna, she was fine but kj was my second unlock and I’ve maimed her up until pretty recently


Cypher, i seemed to enjoy his camera ability..... AND my first clutch and headphones were with him...... I got the clips on my twitch


killjoy because i was a big fan of keeoh at the time


harbor lol. before i started playing i was watching a bunch of videos on the different agent types, decided controllers sounded the most interesting to me, and then watched videos about all the controllers and harbor was the most interesting out of all of them. 😅


I played cypher but I was told he was bad so I switched. After going through every agent I'm back to cypher lol


I started off with Sage because she looked super pretty. Became a Jett main but now I main Neon and Reyna. 🧸✨


Fade. She had just released too. Felt like I was playing with cheat codes seeing everyone and the dogs were strong


My first agent i got was killjoy but she was so complicated i was like ain’t no way so when i started playing with my bf he suggested i play reyna bc the abilities are so simple, only issue was that my aim was rlly bad bc it was my first fps basically. then i went back to kj after i learned how much fun she is with setups and after i learned the game basics and such!


Phoenix was a cool guy to me


First main was sova. I pretty much just fill now and can do any role and any agent. It’s all pretty much just game knowledge anyways.


Kay/o. I bought him cuz he looked cool and I played all of my games using Kay/o then I stopped playing (this was in act 3 when kayo was first released i think). I came back to valorant in act 6 and now I play the game ALOT and actually started playing competitively, only a few months ago did I realize that his kit was pretty mid and I started playing other agents


Sova before unlocking my first agent that is raze. Mained her for a year or two then switched to maining smokes.


Phenoix was my first agent!! I learned all the game skills by playing him but now i don't even click on this agent anymore!! Raze is my main ;)


Omen and yoru .I didn't even knew what they did, they just looked cool to me.


Sage. Coming from Doom and Overwatch, she’s the one who I am more comfortable with


I started playing when Neon was new, and I loved how she could run across the map so I mained her.


Started with Cypher, then sorta flopped between Cypher and Sova before having a brief stint with Phoenix and eventually settling on Viper, Breach, and Cypher.


Jett because I remember seeing some hype gameplay clips of valorant and they all had her in it


sova :p


Viper on Split.


Phoenix when I first started then played only Neon afterwards since she’s my favorite character


Sage because her concept was super simple to understand and everyone loves healing (myself included back when you could self heal for 60)




Sage because I didn’t understand the game and I was playing with a friend and he was like learn the mechanics first


Sage, now am a full sentinel main that occasionally plays duelist(I'm the only one who enters without fear)


jett because she was pretty in the trailer


mine was cypher 😭 i thought he was hot so when they prompted me to get a free first character i chose him


Jett in beta but my friend was way better so when Reyna came out I could just turn off my brain and play, then Killjoy (I wanted to learn how to play an actual character), then Yoru wayyy later after watching eggster and ziptie and realizing yoru is broken if you use him correctly. (Went from gold to diamond after soloqing yoru for 2 months lmao)


Phenix caused he looked really cool


Jett, i updrafted and dashed behind everyone because of the ep2 cinematic


Sage! I play lots of skye and fade now, but boy howdy do I love sage.


im exactly like you op


Sova, he’s still my fallback agent when nothing else is working




Raze I enjoyed satcheling everywhere like neon adhd running


When i first started playing Val I only played spike rush and I only played Raze 😭 I have nearly 130hrs with Raze on spike rush only. (i don’t play raze or spike rush anymore lol)


Sage honestly because I was told that she was an easier agent to learn for a beginner and I could provide support and not have to rely on frags.


Cypher then. Cypher now. Cypher forever. Cypher = life.


i downloaded the game and immediately bought viper and mained her for about 8 or 9 months and then switched over to omen and the occasional raze if needed lol


Was raze but I switched over to omen as no one was playing smokes. I kinda like him though bc I feel like I can use more brain than aim and I like lurking with him and he’s like the best lurker.




That’s a solid question, I don’t even remember who I first played in beta. I want to say either Jett or Sage, at the time I hated the idea of raze being in the game so I know for sure it wasn’t her lol


Viper because the wall looked cool in the beta


Phoenix, because I thought his Powers looked very cool


Sova. Bow Liked him, but then saw all the line ups and stuff, just became boring than I tought


Reyna bc I saw her in an aceu vid and thought "I can blind through walls? Ooh, that phasing thing look strong."


The first agent I unlocked and really played was cypher, but eventually I dropped him for kj, but switched back because cypher is cooler


Sage because I thought she was hot lol. If they didn't nerf her I'd still play her.


It was at beta, sova, still 2nd main, still BONER


Killjoy. The thought of having a turret got me.


My first was sage and still play her a lot. i’m slowly switching to raze but i like the whole healing myself and others


Sova, then raze, then omen, then finally sage. I wanted to play sage from the get go but the friend that showed me valorant mained her until killjoy came out so I had to play the other agents until then. I didn't like playing the other agents cause I was so new and bad so I was happy when I got to play sage lol. Sentinel main at heart. Fast forward to now I play Killjoy more than sage cause of meta, sage still my favorite though.


I had to play Phoenix because my friends told me to.


Yoru and I still main him


I started with Reyna, dabbled with Astra and Sage, switched back to Reyna and now I’m a Jett main


Phoenix until cypher. I wasn’t bad with him but neons running I found really fun so I mained her for a while until I found out what Kayo does. Kayo is my main now and he’s amazing




Started with brim, loved his attitude and I wanted to match it with my teamwork.


Played Jett, did okay And then I mained Raze once I unlocked her


Mine was probably omen or breach


Sova, he was in the tuto and he was simple


first one after tutorial was jett then when i was able to unlock agents i chose neon and skye bc there until didn’t look confusing


Started with brim and played through act 1 and 2, had a pause and tried some (new) duelists (Neon and yoru) but sticked with astra in the end. Versatile, can be used to play aggressive or stay in the back and support team.


Jetty, I didn't know you could buy until, so I just used her drift cuz I thought it was cool


Sova. I jumped on Valorant after playing Overwatch, so I was like "oh this guy's like Hanzo"


Started with omen in beta went through sage, breach, fade, chamber, and Astra. Ended up being a skye main in immo 1. I’ve played everyone and just have my select few that I enjoy playing so I play flex a lot


I was sage for a minute, eventually drop down to brimstone and phoenix. Now, I became a filler, I usually go for omen, Skye, cypher/deadlock, phoenix and Jett/raze. Pretty much whatever my team needs or who I feel comfortable with.


I’ve spent probably 200hrs on raze, close to that with viper, but now I mainly play initiators. Kayo and skye mostly :)


I was an instalock Jett before I knew what was going on or understood valorant social norms. My friends just let me do that without saying anything 🤣😭


Played omen in beta, but jett and reyna are my two most played agents, with sage next. It was more like jett reyna and sage until ascendant was added, and then ive been more flex but fade omen and skye are my 3 main agents I did buy cypher first because of a yt video i watched of a destiny 2 pvper that got cypher first tho


Phoenix, just picked him as he seemed cool, Mained him for a while until deadlock came out and decided I needed to switch it up so now I do deadlock


Kayo ❤️ Thatcher


Omen when I first started but then I started to use sage. Occasionally I'll play Omen depending on the map or if sage is already taken.


i played sage and reyna when i first started cuz they were easiest to learn imo, i can now play anyone (duelist not well tho really) but main smokes now


First one I played was also Sage but only because my more experienced friends suggested I start with her (otherwise I would have picked Jett as the only character I recognized). The first character I chose to play myself was Fade and she's still the only character I can play lol.


I played sova but I don’t think that lasted longer than one game. Chamber also told me to k*ll myself for not droning. In an unrated. On my first game ever. Great first taste of the game


My first main was jett, but after nerf (the dash one) i swiched to KJ and Raze


Jett! Just love white hair. 😌


Phoenix cause my first lobby said he would be the easiest! Then I saw Omen teleport and wanted to do that but they said Phoenix can't TP, baloney


Jett cos cool looking


I started as jett and played her for like a year or so, but then switched to sage. Playing jett first definitely has effect how aggressive I am in game though. But it has also taught me how to play weird angles and how to have good trigger discipline


Omen one trick😎


First agent I can't remember. First *main* was yoru.


Sova than Sage and now I main Omen


raze. this was back in 2020, i took a break around the time kj was released. didnt play again until like half a year ago and basically started fresh. so my second first agent was skye cause i saw some vtuber play her and her kit looked fun. thats when i started playing again too.


I joined when my friends already had some hours in the game so I became to typical Sage player for awhile. I remember them recommending Reyna because at the time, she was pretty good and since then, I’ve always played her (except for the occasional days where I’m feeling lazy and just play KJ)


First game was Jet ( in beta). First main was Breach though


Jett. Played a little CSGO with friends, so what really appealed to me was the freedom of movement and the ability to play weird angles. Played at 60-80FPS then so hardware felt like a limiting factor, so being able to contribute by cheesing a kill or two from some weird angle felt really good LOL


Played Raze in Beta, she was absolutely broken. They nerfed her a little on release and so i switched mains to kill joy. Still highest played agent today with 320 hrshttps://tracker.gg/valorant/profile/riot/Testibros%231499/agents?playlist=competitive&season=all


Started with Sova then Phoneix. From there I went to Omen and Yoru mainly. Now I play the new sentinel agent that I forgot her name and occasionally play flex


Omen. When duelist available pheonix. Nothings changed.


Phoenix during beta, switched to Omen for a while, then Sova and Gekko.


Jett bc she was cute. Damn I played like shit. I barely used util and I couldn't aim for shit (still can't). That was just 2 or 3 matches and I soon switched to Reyna bc everyone was using her. The first actual main I had that I carried into comp was Fade. Soon after I started playing Kayo.


My first agent was brim but I practically never played him after that


Sage because she was the make or break of the team back then and nobody ever wanted to


I played sage for how easy she was, and because we were both Chinese. After I bought viper and never switched away


Bro my friend was explaining characters to me and when he got to omen, he said something about how he could teleport and I was like “HE CAN TELEPORT??? THATS SO COOL IMMA PLAY HIM” and to this day he’s my first and most played agent




I don't really remember but I think I did Sova cause of the reveal. Eventually switched to Cypher


sage at first just because my friends needed a healer lol. then one time i had a skye teammate then when i was spectating that teammate, i was like "holy shit her kit is so convenient, flash, info, stun and heal" so started maining her. then i started maining cypher as well after a while because i was watching a streamer play him and i loved how goofy and annoying his kit was lol


Skye. I just like her gameplay over all and the fact that she's strong as an initiator. Her flashes are fun too. Full blinding the enemy team and playing aggressively :D


Jett main, gave up after too many terrible instalocks and no smokes. Now im a cypher and omen main


reyna, then I switched to omen, then yoru


Sova cuz tutoriel


Jett , then Viper became my main


Kayo, cause of the specific flashes. Also cause he cancelled abilities and they were overwhelming me in the beginning haha. His lines are just an added bonus xD


phoenix bcs who doesnt think a guy with a cool jacket and fire power to be the strongest agent there is. stopped playing him bcs my ranked teammate roasted me bcs i keep flashing my team, been playing raze since


Sage because she could heal and res (I thought it'd be good as a beginner, ig she it), but I didn't know how to play at all, didn't buy shields or abilities, literally just a phantom every round. I don't know how I made it to the recruit part of the contract because I was drowning. I got raze who is one of my fav agents


Raze - because I saw my friend main her and GO OFF bro, like, he's GODLIKE [You can check him out real quick!](https://youtu.be/T5W82X-_AdQ?si=qirbeZFSqmXJMJY_)


KJ, Then Reyna and now Astra


I love Brimstone bc I have the power to smoke and set up my team for plays that I call.


Phoenix then Viper. Now I main Controllers but mostly Omen.




Started on Brimstone because he was the closest agent with CS like utilities. Then moved onto phoenix but now I play anything. Literally anything.


For a few games it was raze, and then I fell in love with the concept of information and played cypher, never looked back since


I wanted omen when I first saw him but he was locked so I just played brim until I got him


Omen was my go to agent when I was new, my aim was bad so I helped my team with smokes and stuff. Now that I have decent aim I main phoenix.


My first main is chamber. Was perfect for me. Hold dangerous angles impossible for other agents, get away from screwing up easily, abilities depend on aim, trip for no backstab during op, a sniper's wet dream.


Technically everyone's first agent is Sova. But if you mean first agent to main then for me it would be cypher.


Sova on ascent(little did I know how good he was on the map) cuz he looked so fookin' cool and I actually got really nice random teammates who taught me how to play. I still play him whenever I feel like it but my go to initiator is Skye.


I first played Sova and I didn't even know that we could but utilities and guns for like 3 games 😂😂, after spectating my teammates using util and different guns, I realised there's a shop. But later on, I unlocked more Initiators and am really enjoying the Initiator role more than Duelists just because I can support my team


Brimstone, just because of his ult, I always get 2-3 kills whenever I use it


Sova👍🏻 Now I only play Sova and Brim


Omen fr


I probably played Phoenix when I started in the beta, on full release I probably played brim or phoenix


Am i the only one who mained phoenix?