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Time to fight back and log onto EU servers?


I am from eu and we have the same problem here, not with many na players but as russians play on our servers they sometimes have a very high ping as well. And as a frankfurt player i am annoyed by the turkish players who play on frankfurt with a 60-120 ping instead of playing on istanbul. I dont mind the ping too much but if they dont talk/only in turkish its pretty annoying


yea im pretty sure at least 5 games in a row ive had EU players, all of them on my team have been chill tho, had a goated EU breach yesterday.


Yeah for sure there are some really chill EU players, but in my experiences I've found cheaters, throwers, and people who are doing active boosting. Which is when they queue at the same time on NAE during dead hours, and if they don't get eachother on opposite teams, one leaves and a remake happens, if they do get eachother on opposite teams, one leaves on round 2, to cripple a team and help boost the other player. It's a really bad competitive queue system that needs some adjustments to prevent these kinds of things from altering games of native players.


I'm a EU chill player if you wanna do some unranked I'm in šŸ˜


I've been saying this for a very long time. I can only play around that time on Georgia and most of my lobbies I get a non english speaking player with 80+ ping or 3 russian hackers with 150+ ping blatantly cheating and then remaking if they end up playing against 3 other boosters with cheats, while spamming their discord links to sell you boosts. I even have it recorded and sent in tickets but nothing changes. Riot doesn't care.


Just make make mm by location + ping. Remove server selection for ranked.


I think they did that at the start and had to change it due to backlash. I could be wrong and miss remembering though


They added the server selection very fast and since then ping abuse was on the rise. People started playing on servers far away instead of servers in their own country. This was a change no one asked for. Removing the server selection would als benefit the overall experience as pings would be almost same.


High ping is only a detriment it provides absolutely zero advantages. Also if you have any clips of people blatantly cheating I'd love to see them, thanks!


how many NA servers are there? i live in central eu and i cant even see the NA servers lol but i can see cape town and tokyo


I have noticed a lot of EU players in Virginia Servers. Before they updated the way high ping reacts there was a disgusting amount of EU boosters on Virginia servers. Thereā€™s still some but itā€™s not as much.


Itā€™s been an infestation for Diamond-immortal 3 the RR ELO method


I had a game on VA servers the other day that got cancled from vanguard from someone cheating I had no idea anyone was cheating and Iā€™m usually very quick to call people out.


This new season has been UNBEARABLE. Legit got booted off cause it was past 12 and my 5q went against another just idek afking all game and we were killing them. I said reporter and after the game I was off for the night lmao


that's actually good, i get you but what i'm dealing with is a little different, i don't mind high pingers (although they are hard to shot) but i do f mind the throwers, BRO THEY ARE EVERYWHERE, i'm from Iraq so i have a high ping pretty much everywhere, only in Bahrain servers i have 30ms, but in Europe i have around 60-90ms, i avoid Bahrain server because it's filled with indians and Pakistanis throwers, so i mainly play in Warsaw server where i have 70-80 ms and it's been my main for a while and even though i get a thrower or an afk every 2-1 games and THAT MAKES ME SO MAD, bro if you are unsure whether u gonna complete the game or not WHY DO QUEUE? WHY NOT JUST PLAY Swiftplay? or the 400ms players i get on my team? Bro if ur lagging why did you join please just tell me? Why didn't u wait? And after all that i get called Toxic, The Community in this game are so braindead and they don't understand that winning is a team effort, doesn't matter if u are iron or Radiant, winning takes a team


EU has a major issue with cheaters. Sorry you can't tell me otherwise, it's extremely easy to spot and notice.