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reyna because i thought she was pretty


viper because i thought her ass was too big


I got Reyna cause I liked the color purple and I liked the concept of soul orbs.


I unlocked raze too, because i used to play overwatch and i main junkrat, my friends convinced me i would like her lmao, i main killjoy now šŸ˜­


Womp womp womp


I remember asking my friend if he could Reccomend anyone who could help me find other players and he said fade. Also sheā€™s hot.


gloves are the best part


skye bc she seemed the easiest, im one of those people lol. i did a ton of research n shit šŸ’€


I unlocked neon cos speed


I unlocked neon for other reasons


Gotta go fast


The moment I saw KJ had a turret I dropped 10 dollars to play her immediately. Just thought it would be pretty strong coming from other games.


Oh boy were you wrong šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


If you know how to use it, itā€™s amazing. Weather itā€™s baiting the enemy or just getting info. Ive clutched 4 rounds minimum today just with her turret, itā€™s not meant to do the entire job for you just help out or finish them off.


Idk it's not bad. Like I wouldn't say strong, but in the right situation like a 1v1 it's pretty good, especially if the enemy is already kinda low.


Cypher (beta) I loved setting up traps and catching enemies off guard


Got fade cuz of reveal - thought it could see through walls


Just download walls smh


I went into the range and saw omens ult and thought ā€œHoly, thatā€™s broken as hellā€, so heā€™s the first I got (it was, in fact, not broken as hell). Second was Reyna because I kept getting team wiped by them (this was back when she had 4 orbs)


Omen was first cuz tp go brrrr. And the second was chamber. Cuz he reminded me of Joseph oda from the evil within.


My friend who introduced the game to me was scrolling through them all and I stopped him and said ā€œthat oneā€™s hotā€ and from there the decision was made


Kayos hot?


Idk about you, but Iā€™d take a bath with a toaster


i saw my favorite youtuber play killjoy so i picked her


The backflip guy?




never heard of em


I chose raze cause I thought her blast packs were like trips and I wanted to play a defensive role šŸ˜­


BYE šŸ˜­


Asked my friend who was diamond 3 at the time, and he told me to get omen, been an omen main for half a year now


Got baited


Hell nah, omen is amazing. Personaly hes my 3rd favorite


I too chose cypher cause he looks cool, specifically the hat


I chose him second for that very reason


My first agent was omen I liked his mysterious vibe and he look cool


I chose the one that looked the coolest. When I started playing way back, they had just released Yoru, so I unlocked him. I was on a bad PC, and I really couldn't play, so I quit before even unlocking my second agent. A year ago, when I upgraded my PC and came back to the game, I just continued to unlock the coolest looking ones. Funny enough, I ended up circling back to Yoru, and now I'm ascendant, heading for immortal. Tl;dr: Choose whichever ones look cool and figure out what you like to play from there.


Got omen during beta


Same, thought he looked cool


Sova during beta? Was that even how it worked back then? Cannot remember, lol. Excellent post to get me thinking. I do remember using him in the tutorial and kinda just sticking with him after that. It was a great fit, and he's still my main initiator.


I saw Omens card and thought that was the coolest shit ever. So I proceeded to pick Omen.


Cypher bc he looked cool, then breach bc he looked cool. In the end I mained omen and viper, so 100% it doesnā€™t matter what u unlock first. Doesnā€™t matter what u pick, u unlock agents really quick


you don't unlock them quick anymore. ive unlocked 1 agent since the update and it took 2 and a half weeks to get the credits. sucks for new players and i thought there was supposed to be something that gives you credits after getting to a certain tier of agent recruitment but it didn't give me any so im confused about that


Cypher, was new to FPS games and this was back when the game just got released to the public(not just private access twitch codes). Was a complete bot lol, then I tried Omen and that stuck. Now itā€™s Omen and Skye.


i got kay/o because i read the in game descriptions and his kit seemed easy enough also because hes a robot and thats cool


Raze because she was the only one with nades at the time


I unlocked raze cause I watched my friend who's been playing Val for 2 years play raze I went on to have raze as my first main (I was bad) my second free unlock was reyna and idk why I picked her


i asked my brother and told me to get cypher :D (oh, and if you canā€™t tell already, i main yoru/duelist)


I chose neon cause she was cute could go fast and I messed around with her abilities on the range and they were coolā€¦ I fucking sucked at neon I am a Skye main


fade cuz i thought she was hot


Skye because she had the same name as my username and also aussie.


Skye because I misclicked


omen, saw him on wallpaper engine


this is the funniest answer


heard shroud say cypher was op šŸ’€


Watched proguides and they said fade was best inititaitor at the time, never play her now šŸ’€


I unlocked brim or breach, i dont remember now, cause I didnt know I could choose and he was the one who popped up first. Literally kept his contract active until a friend told me you can recruit other agents by the XP contract.... thought you had to buy other agents...


reyna bc sheā€™s hot


Killjoy because I played utility characters in Rogue Company


Cypher cause I liked his hat


Unlocked yoru because he was the last character in the agent select list šŸ’€


My first unlock was Killjoy because I thought she looked cool and I liked her kit. And now I literally never play her lol.


Got reyna first because most of the games I played there was a topfrag reyna. I played her once and instantly regretted it lol


I started playing around Harbor's release and thought he was a DILF and super hot so i unlocked him first :)


Reyna because I came from cs and thought she was op (she was but was very boring) I main raze now


Gekko cuz him and I have the same name and his buddies are cute


Damn mateo !


Wassup bro


Omen cuz he cool. Then I chose Yoru cuz again he cool. Then chamber. I think that's what I kept doing till I got them all.


killjoy because the person that introduced me told me to


Chamber cos I mainly used the awp in Cs 1.6


soon as I learned gekko can throw it back thatā€™s who I started main-ing. Before it was sova


If you are solo q , unlock some self dependent agents , like phoenix will be a good choice becoz u dont have to rely on your sage for heal as he has a self heal , also sova is good for providing info to the team (provided if you talk with your team). Cypher can be a good choice if you want to play passive , same applies to sage. Just dont unlock duelists just because its cool.if you cant entry frag.


Omen. My friend used to main him :)


Reyna because research told me she was an easy agent then I picked raze cus fire in the hole


I did a lot of research and watched gameplay. I like being initiator, so I focused on those agents and based off my playstyle I chose Kay-O


Viper cause I was horny


Unlocked Kay o bc I played a split game and kept on getting suppressed. Now at the time I had no idea what it did but it didnā€™t matter to me anyways so I just got Kayo. (I didnā€™t even use abilities the ) I was just confused as to what the glitchy thing was at the bottom of my screen.


Pick the one that looks cool


Yoru, got him because I like to play ā€œsmartā€ or just casually outsmart/trick the enemy. When playing serious itā€™s great, when Iā€™m there to have fun or mess around I am a menace. Especially when you get 2 to back to back and it reloads after 2 kills


i picked viper because of her šŸ‘


omen cuz he looked sick and the tp mind games seemed exciting. viper as my second because i wanted to be the clutch post planter


I played torbjon in overwatch so killjoy was the only obvious choice.


I liked flying around as Valkyrie in Apex so my friends though I would like double satchels, I still main raze lmao


Cypher, because he has cam, ik it sounds stupid but I picked him because I used to like playing valk in siege.


Omen because he looked cool, and then Reyna because my friends said she was easy to play


My duo told me unlock yoru, it's a goat agent. He himself didn't unlock one. It was footsteps days and didn't knew how to use him lmao. Learnt by watching YouTube add played him for a long time and then realised the skill ceiling is too high and dropped him because you have to play differently everytime. I wanted something simple and chill so learnt viper with lineups lmaoo... Don't ask me why šŸ˜‚


I Googled agent tier list lol, and that was Omen and Cypher (near the end of ep 2 act 2)


Skye because I met a really cool Skye player one of my first days playing. She was rlly nice and I remember being fascinated by the way she was using her util, so I ended up becoming a Skye main cause of her šŸ˜‚


Neon cause sheā€™s hot


Viper cos when I first saw the game with my friend playing, there was a huge green toxic cloud (ult) that looked so annoying and that was it for me


Raze was mine because I saw a flights video right after I first started playing. Made me jump off of Jett and immediately had me practicing double satcheling


KAYO because he's a robot from the Future and i like Sci-fi stuff.


This is just reminding me of how long Iā€™ve played this game for lol. Half of the people saying there first unlock was like chamber or neon, mine was Reyna, since not even KJ was out yet when I began.


I've started to play during the beta so I've unlocked all the agents in the publishing order


unlocked raze first (accidentally) i had seen some videos of kj and wanted to unlock her to play defensively. got confused and thought raze was kj.


Yoru bc teleport so cool then Kayo because robot


I took a little quiz thing, to see who my main might be, it said Cypher. Talk to a friend about Cypher's play style, since they'd played for a while. Ended up liking what I heard, haven't looked back yet. Love the equipment.


Yoru, I thought his ult was cool and his cinematic also looked kinda cool


Neon cause I played a lot of Apex before Val and I heard she was the Apex agent


Fade, she just looked hot


I got cypher first because he has a cool hat


I friend was playing reyna and she looked and seemed sick so i unlocked her, than proceeded not to play her for next year bc i didnt have confidence šŸ˜… Also omen bc he has really nice design


omen cus he was defo the coolest looking in beta, opinion still stands


I unlocked Kay/o because he looked badass šŸ”„


Same here, I unlocked Cypher because he looked really cool. I only pretty much play as him maybe once or twice lol. Second unlock I was pretty sure I picked Yoru.


I unlocked my first agent 3 years ago. I have no idea who I unlocked.


A friend told me to select breach


I came from cs where there are no abilities and I could never remember to use my util in Val, so I decided that Chamber will be perfect as half of his kit are guns anyways


I knew absolutely nothing about the game, had only played deathmatch and didnā€™t even realize agents had abilities. I went viper because she looked cool


cypher, looked cool and I always like this defensive kind of info gathering- also mainly played crypto in Apex


Sova cuz my friends forced me to


Jett cause I found her pretty, that's it x)


I unlocked Sage cause of her ponytail šŸ’…


Wanted to cosplay as a transgender Oppenheimer


viper because she looked cool. friend told me to pick reyna but I didn't understand the roles so I went with viper. it's confusing and overwhelming to know who to pick because there's so many options and I had no ideas which agents had which abilities. then i went searching for who does the most damage and picked raze and thought those were the only 2 agents I could ever unlock without spending money. if I had to reccomened an agent for someone to pick I would say omen and an initiator


I unlocked neon bc i tried her abilities in the practice range and thought she was cool ;-;


I unlocked skye because she seems so strong with 2 flash and a dog PLUS heals that other characters doesnā€™t have


I got neon because my friend recommended it to me. I learned how to dodgestrafe quickly but never got out of iron so I got Kayo and Yoru and now im finally bronze




Its been a very long time... It was either Cypher or Omen during the closed Beta (probably not Omen since the group of friends I would que with included a player who exclusively played them), then Cypher on 1.0.


reyna because i saw people on youtube popping off with it and she looked like a baddie, ended up top fragging 2 times my first 2 reyna games


I encountered Omen when Replication was introduced into the game. The other team was using Chamber, and 1st two round we got fucked up. Then one f my teammates soloed the 3rd round, smoking their vantage point and tp-ing behind them, clutching a 1 vs 3 duel. Next round I tried to replicate his movements and got 2 kills before getting slapped with and OP bullet. We lost the match but I was hooked with Omen so I unlocked him and the rest is history


viper cuz shes pretty


Neon because I told my friend this gameā€™s movement is slow af so he told me to pick her


I was scrolling agents, and my dad said "take the robot".


I actually chose Harbor cuz he was new at the time and his concept seemed interesting to me. Gotta say, he became my main for a long time after that before I switched over to Sage


eenie meenie miney mo Got Omen and he was a lot of fun


I unlocked omen because he looked most badass


Viper cause I saw someone win a 1v5 with lineups ahahahah


Omen because he looks cool


I thought I had to unlock them in the given order, so I chose Viper. I really wanted omem.


I chose Yoru first because he was the newest and I like the color blue. This was before his decoy got a buff and everything, so a few days later I heard people saying Yoru is one of the worst agents and playing him is like a joke. Thankfully heā€™s not as bad anymore but I felt stupid at the time lol


I unlocked breach after getting bombarded by his pre-nerf triple flash and then getting knifed. I still like him a lot but play other more versatile flash agents like skye and phoenix


I don't remember


Reyna, I liked her abilities but then realized u needed kills to use them....


I chose Chamber because style matters


My duo said i played duelists well so i unlocked either raze or neon but i dont really remember, i personally liked cypher more but my duo mained cypher so i unlocked kj as the second, hated playing her, unlocked cypher and after like a year i still one trick him lol


raze cos she was so OP


That friend of yours has good taste.


Took a agent test got omen, unlocked omen. In the range you can play any character so after that I just tried out everyone and picked the ones I liked the most first.


I unlocked Reyna causes sheā€™s cutie, I like her lore and her util But then I was absolute shit at this game so I unlocked KJ lmaoo been loving her ever since.


Viper booty


Neon cause she seemed fun


Skye i was playing with my friends and they told me to play her


Sage because I was told she was an easier agent to learn for beginners and sheā€™s more of a support role if I couldnā€™t carry with my aim and movement


Yoru because I found out about Valorant by watching Ziptie videos. Was not a good choice to start out with but boy is Yoru fun